Something Keeps Pulling Me Back

Sex,drugs, and alcohol

The Present

I feel my lungs inflate, air so toxic.
I shudder as I feel his hands snake up my back.
“Mmm Jacob.” I moan
“Its good shit aye?” he whispers in my ear.
“Baby, its fucking almost as good as you.” I smirk as I feel him biting at my neck
“Mm Frankie baby you taste so good.”
I giggle at Jacobs comment as I drag in more toxic air.
I stand myself up off his bed.
“I'm just a notch, don’t call me baby!” Suddenly I'm fuelled by anger
“Frank, don’t say that shit!” He replies angrily.
“Or what? Are you gonna fucking hit me too?” I retort.
He simply pulls me close, and begins cradling me like a baby; and as he strokes my hair he softly sooths.
“I’m not him, I’m not Gerard, you may want me to be but I’m not and I will never, ever hit you; ever.” And he kisses my for head so sweetly end his words.
My head replays “you may want me to be”... Is that my queue?
“Jacob, I’d never want you to be Gerard.” I lie, and it’s so well done, I almost convince myself.
He just smiles. I know that smile, it’s the smile were they think they have you convinced they love you.
I know that smile oh so well, but for tonight I shall ignore it.
As I decide this I take another swig of Toohy’s and pull another cone.
As I’m about to exhale Jacob gently places his mouth over mine catching my smoke.
What sex appeal.
I grab his shirt and pull him on top of me, and begin attacking his lips vigorously but yet so gently, he lets out a small moan.
“Off!” I demand as I tug at his shirt.
Our kiss break’s momentarily, but as soon as ends resumes except now with our bare torso’s against each others.
And somewhere between all the kissing he begins making his way down, down, down below my abdominal area and to the buckle on my pants.
“Wow, someone wants Jacob.” He smirks.
As true as it is, I don’t want him too, not right now... not this high, nor drunk.
Especially not this tired, I pull him back up to me and shake my head.
He just smiles sympathetically knowing everything, he’d never pressure me, he really does care just not as much as I wish.
I gently kiss him and pull him down so his body is all weight on me, and there we just lay and eventually drift off, at ease