Something Keeps Pulling Me Back

Gerard In the beggining

“Were the fuck are you going!? Get the fuck back here runt!”
I ignore him and keep my head down, walking as fast as possible.
“Frank, baby please, come on; come back.”
“But, Gee, you’re scaring me.” I mutter.
“Why? I Didn’t do shit wrong?” He says and then does his evil smile.
I shutter and then turn to face my friends.
Maddison and Chris are being held back by everyone as they try and fight there way to Gerard.
If he didn’t do anything wrong why they both have hatred in there eyes when they are looking at him now, and everyone else is looking at me sympathetically.
“Bullshit!” Chris screams out. “You just fucking punched him dead in the fucking face, how could you do that? He’s only 13! And he’s the size of a fucking little girl! Your meant to fucking love him! You’re fucking worthless!”
“Hey!” I snap.
I look up and notice Chris has gotten out of peoples grip and is running at Gerard with Her bottle.
I stand forward and ‘Smack!’ I slap her down.
“Don’t you hurt my angel!” I yell.
“Frank he’s not an angel, look at your beautiful face!” She cries.
I touch my face, I fell blood dripping from it.
“Gee...” I plea confused.
“Baby, baby it’ll be okay! I’ll make everything better I promise. Just let me get you back to my house okay?”
“Urh...ok” I agree hesitantly.
As we near his house he pipes up.
“You shouldn’t have miss behaved.” He says sternly and smacks me across the face.
“I know, I’m sorry...”
“You fucking should be!”
“What can I do to make it up to you?” I beg.
He just looks at me and then looks down.
I know my que. I get down on my knees unzip his pants and take him inside my mouth.
Most people would be upset by this but I wasn’t.
I loved being able to please Gerard.
♠ ♠ ♠
Its so hard to make gerard do bad things D: