Something Keeps Pulling Me Back

Can't Think Of A Title.

I sit in his bath, playing with my toys and laughing to myself about my immaturity.
I brush my hands along my legs.
How typical it is of someone like me to have so many scars loitered everywhere.
I rub over them and giggle.
“They feel cool” I whisper to myself.
“You’re a freak!” I hear a common voice as the door opens.
I laugh. “So are you!” I retort and poke my tongue out.
“Aren’t you meant to be cooking me my dinner?” I say as I frown and cross my arms.
“Well I was but then I heard you giggle and I knew I’d see you doing something hilarious and just couldn’t resist seeing you make a fool of yourself when you think no one’s watching.” He does his trademark Gerard smirk.
“I love you Gee” Bursts from my lips as does a smile and a tear.
“Why are you crying baby?” He says with a look of concern.
“Cause I miss you, our so far away... Why are you so far away?” I begin uncontrollably crying.
Gerard bolts to my side.
“Baby, you know how you don’t like taking your medication, and you think it makes you worse?”
I nod with tears streaming from my cheeks.
“Well could you do us a favour and look into that mirror?” He says pointing and lifting me up.
I look; my face is covered by tears.
“You were smiling just seconds ago. You weren’t crying, you were giggling that beautiful giggle of yours.”
I sniffle and giggle at myself. “I’m a mess.” And laugh uncontrollably.
Gerard laughs too. “Why yes, yes you are!” and he wipes my face.
He walks over to the cupboard, and then holds his hand out in front of me, two tiny white pills sit there.
“C’mon. Just take them, you need them babes.” He smiles reassuringly.
Without arguing I take them from him and gulp them down my throat, as I do Gerard grabs a glass of water.
“Drink up” He encourages.
I glug the water down.
“Thank you.” He Says and grabs my hand rubbing his thumb over the tops of each of my fingers.
“I’ve got to get back to dinner now , I won’t be far, just out the door if you need me you know just to call out ok.”
He reassures as he gets up to leave, I grab him and pull him into a kiss.
He pulls back. “You cutie” He says as he walks out swinging his hips, Gerard style.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am not really happy with this chapter.