‹ Prequel: Maybe Memories

Don't Forget


A year passed since the awful night when James and Lily died and Estelle saw Sirius for the last time. For a whole year, she managed to hold herself together without breaking down. She rarely spoke of it-- of how much she missed James' jokes and playful grin, of how she missed Lily's lectures and warm, loving smile, of how badly she wanted to see Harry, who was 2 years old now, and about how much her daughter looked like Sirius.

That morning, when she woke, she automatically knew what day it was. She looked over at Remus (she found comfort over the year in sleeping next to someone-- it was nothing more that that) who was still sleeping. She got out of bed and started making tea in the kitchen. Even Andi wasn't up yet.

It was the perfect opportunity to cry. She crossed her arms and gazed out at the rising sun while tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Estelle?" Remus said.

She turned quickly, startled.

He knew what day it was too, because he didn't say anything else, just hugged her tight.

Then, it was two years since that terrible night. Estelle found herself curled up in a blanket on the couch next to Remus. Andi had been put to bed, finally. Andi been reluctant to go to bed. It wasn't just Sirius' looks she was inheriting. She had his strong will as well...

Estelle was think about Harry again, like she often did. She wondered if he was happy. She wanted to see him.

She looked at Remus, who seemed very content at the moment. She smiled and decided not to bother him with her thoughts. She moved close to him and rested her head on his arm.

Wasn't this how it was supposed to be? Remus had always secretly dreamed of this life. They even had a daughter-- not his biological daughter, which was probably for the better because he didn't know if his condition would pass. He tried to forget that it was Sirius Black's daughter, but that was becoming harder as time passed. She looked quite like him.

Three years had passed since Sirius had been taken to Azkaban. Estelle was in the kitchen fixing dinner. Remus and Andi were in the living room, reading a book. Well, Andi was trying to tell Remus what was actually going on in the book, when she definitely wasn't able to read it herself.

Remus had been keeping that promised he'd made to Sirius because he still knew that, in reality, Estelle wasn't okay without him. It wasn't exactly a 'normal' family, but that's how they called it. The three of them sat at the table and had dinner--as if they were a family.

Andi knew that Remus wasn't her father. She called him Moony. An assumption would be that he was, but the fact of the matter was, though Estelle lived with Remus, and they often slept in the same bed (it was really out of comfort) they were still strictly friends.

Now, Estelle was able to work too. She had a job at the Astronomy supply store on Diagon Alley. She had a routine going nicely with baby-sitting, she and Mrs. Weasley had a trade-off deal and Estelle's father and step-mother watched Andi most of the time.

Andi seemed to be very happy, no matter what everyone else was feeling. Estelle spent as much time as she could with her, as did Remus. She liked going to her grand-dad's house, although she preferred going to the Weasley's.

Every night, she was tucked in by her mother, and tonight was no different.

The following day, Estelle rode the bus from The Leakey Cauldron to her father's house to get Andi. Her father liked Remus a lot. Her step mother did too, but had a hard time not staring at the scars on his face.

They went home by Floo Powder.

"I'd rather just stay at the Weasley's," Andi said.

Estelle knew that it was probably more fun for her there, with Molly's 5 children (the other two were at Hogwarts) but she couldn't expect Molly to watch Andi too, all the time.

"You'll be happy to know, then," Estelle replied, "that tomorrow, I have a day off and I'll be spending it baby-sitting there while Molly takes Bill and Charlie to get school supplies."

Andi brightened up immediately knowing this.

"Good to see you, dears," Molly smiled, "Thank you for coming. It makes things much easier for me."

Estelle sat Andi down. "We love it."

Percy came skulking into the room, "Mum, can I please, please, please just go, this one time?" He was wearing glasses that were almost too big for his face. He had short red hair that was noticeably curly. Behind his glasses, his green eyes were wide with hope.

"I'm sorry, but no," Molly said.

"You don't want to stay and help me watch the younger ones?" Estelle questioned.

"Well, I do, but..." he sighed, "Oh, alright..."

"Now that that's settled," Molly smiled. "Kids!"

The pitter- patter of 6 pairs of feet came from the stair cases. Bill, the oldest at fourteen, was hold Ginny's hand. His red hair was shagging in his eyes. He was sporting ripped jeans with grass stains. Charlie was next in height, and age. The twelve-year-old had more freckles than the others and also had shaggy red hair. Little Ginny stood between them, the youngest (same age as Andi) and the only female. Her red hair was pulled back. Ron was only a year older than she was. He was lanky and little with messy red hair and freckles on his face. The twins Fred and George were in the back, six years old, and almost as tall as Percy. They were identical down to every last freckle.

"Bill and Charlie, be ready in five minutes. Ron is coming with us," Molly said, "I'll be straight back."

Percy crossed his arms and sank into a chair as she left the room.

"How's Hogwarts going, boys?" Estelle asked the tallest two.

"Really excellent," Bill replied.

"That's great," Estelle said. "Your mother has told me about you being top of your class."

Bill rolled his eyes, "Yeah..."

"I think this year will go better than my first," Charlie said.

"Why wasn't your first year okay?" Estelle asked.

"Its just...well, to be honest I'd like to play Quidditch and there's a free spot now--"

"Second years don't make the team very often," Bill cut in.

"Well, it's worth a shot!" Charlie said, turning as red as his hair.

"Alright, lets go. Come on," Molly said, returning to the room. Soon, she, Bill, Charlie and Ron were gone.

"Let's make this an outside day, alright?" Estelle said.

The four redheads, along with her own daughter, ran ahead past her. Percy crossed his arms and sat by the pond. Ginny was telling Andi something about fairies and they were off to a bright, flowery bush. Fred and George raced to the shed.

"Stay where I can see you!" Estelle called, but Fred and George were already inside it. She decided to let it be for awhile, until of course, she heard a bang. She sighed and went towards the shed, glancing over her shoulder at Andi and Ginny, who were very preoccupied with the bush full of fairies. Percy was still sitting still. She opened the shed. "Just what do you two think you're doing?"

"Nothing," Fred said quickly. George moved into view covered partly in dust.

"Come on," she said nodding out of the shed.

They sighed simultaneously and reluctantly came out.

Estelle looked back over the yard. "Well, boys, tell me something you've learned lately."

"I can spell my name," Fred said.

"Me too," George said.

"Let's hear it then?"



"Nice try," she said smiling, "How about your own names?"

They grinned.

The next weekend, Estelle decided to pay a visit to Privet Drive. She knew showing up on the spot was probably rather rude, but she didn't want to be ignored, like the last time she tried to see Harry. She'd written a letter and never gotten a response.

She stood on the spot she'd been standing nearly four years ago, when Harry had just been a baby, and took a deep breath. Then, she knocked on the door.

A very large, beefy man with beady eyes answered the door. "Yes?" he asked, eyeing Estelle up and down.

"Hello, I'm terribly sorry to bother you Mr. Dursley--"

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Estelle Grant, I wrote to you before--"

"Oh, you're one of those people. Should've known," he made a face.

"I was just wondering if I could maybe make an arrangement to see Harry--"

"He's fine."

Mr. Dursley slammed the door in Estelle's face.

Before Estelle knew it, her daughter had reached five years old. The daily routine hadn't changed much. Estelle went to work by train, came home by train, where Remus joined her at the edge of London, then they went to her parents to pick Andi up. But, due to the previous night being a full moon, Estelle was on her way straight home to Andi and Remus. Usually, she fussed at Remus for taking on Andi the next day, being so tired, but going a day without seeing her step-mother would be a nice change.

Snow had barely started melting from the sidewalks in her neighborhood outside London. When she reached her home, Andi rushed at her with a hug.

Estelle hugged her daughter close and kissed her head, "How was your day?" She straightened up and looked at Remus smiling.

"Wonderful!" Andi exclaimed, "Moony and I read two books today and then I even read him one. Then, we played in the snow left in the yard and we had hot chocolate."

Estelle looked at Remus, who was smiling, with tired eyes. Flecks of grey were already in his hair and he hadn't even reached 30.

She tried to imagine, for just a moment what life would be like without Remus, but it was impossible.

Soon, the snow melted and it was March 12th. Andi was celebrating her 6th birthday. Mrs. Weasley made a cake, she and Arthur came and brought over Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. Estelle was glad to be back in contact with her Muggle best friend (who knew all about the wizarding world from the day Estelle got her Hogwarts letter), and was pleased that Jane had decided to come along with her father and step mother.

Estelle's father, Arnold, was fairly amused by the company, where her step-mother didn't know if she should be shocked or turn her nose up. Mr. Weasley was very interested to speak to Estelle's family because he was fascinated by Muggles.

Before the day was over, Estelle's step-mother had taken to Percy, who wouldn't leave the kitchen after something Fred and George had said or done, Mr. Weasley had asked Estelle's father so many questions he nearly ran out, and Fred and George had taught Andi to yo-yo properly (with a screaming yo-yo that Bill and Charlie had sent from Zonko's Joke Shop in Hogsmeade to give her).

That night, Jane stayed late, and after Andi had been put to bed and Remus had gone to bed too, they talked like they were teenagers again. Jane couldn't help questioning everything that had happened in the past ten years. Explaining in a letter wasn't possible.

Estelle tried her best to explain that she was afraid to contact Jane because of Voldemort. She tried to explain James and Lily's death. She tried to explain Harry living with his terrible Aunt and Uncle.

"But...what happened to you and Sirius?" Jane asked.

Of course, she was a Muggle and she had absolutely no idea...

"Its hard to explain..."

"No harder than what you've been trying to explain for the past hour and a half. And to think, I wanted to be a witch because I thought it would be fun..."

"Sirius...got himself locked up in wizard prison for something I don't believe he did," Estelle replied. "The day after James and Lily died, I don't know what happened. Reports said that... he killed thirteen people, including our friend Peter..." Estelle said in a thick voice, "I just... I don't believe it."

"Sorry I asked," Jane muttered, "This sounds like a really, really stupid question...but does that mean that Andi--"

"Is Sirius' daughter, yes," Estelle spat out.

"I'm sorry," Jane said as a tear slipped down Estelle's cheek. "I just--"

"No, it's okay," Estelle said. "I understand. If I was in your position, I wouldn't even be talking to me anymore. I know you're curious. I know you want to know what's going on in my life. You're my best friend."

"And I thought my life was hard," Jane said.

Estelle smiled a little, "Its hard, yes. But I'm as happy as I can be. Remus is happy. And above all, Andi couldn't be happier."

"She's really wonderful," Jane said.

"Thanks," Estelle said, blocking out all the thoughts that had finally been re-surfaced.

"How much of that are you planning on telling her?"

"All of it. Some day."

Summer had come and at the end of July Harry would be seven years old. It was impossible. How could she have gone six years without laying eyes on him? In her mind, she tried to visualize Harry, laughing and smiling, completely unknown to the world in which he belonged-- the world in which he was famous.

So another trip to Number 4 Privet Drive happened. She felt like the nervous little girl she was the first time she got onto the Hogwarts Express, knocking on the door again. This time, it was different.

A small boy answered the door; he was very thin, or maybe it was the over-sized clothes he was wearing that made him look so thin, and was wearing round, wire glasses. His dark hair was messy and he didn't look very happy. He looked up at Estelle with bright, green eyes. Lily's eyes. On this forehead, a thin scar shaped like a lightening bolt peaked out between his bangs.

"H-Harry Potter..." she whispered.

The small boy looked shocked that she'd known his name. He nodded, "Yes..."

Tears blurred her vision. It was really Harry. "I can't believe--"

"Who's at the door?" Mr. Dursley's voice boomed, "Oh, it's you again, is it? Go upstairs, boy."

"Upstairs? But whe--"

"Just go!"

"Mr. Dursley," Estelle said, "I just want to take Harry to lunch..."

Mr. Dursley's beady eyes turned to slits, "What's your name again?"

"Estelle Grant," she replied, straightening up.

"I'll let him go with you, on one condition," Mr. Dursley was clearly straining himself to agree to this. "No. Talk. About.....magic."


Mr. Dursley started to shut the door.

"Alright! Alright! No talk of ma--"

"Good," Mr. Dursley said. He still didn't invite Estelle in, but left her at the doorway.

If it weren't for Dumbledore telling her not to, and all his reasoning behind it, she would've just taken Harry with her home and told him everything about magic there was to tell.

Mr. Dursley opened the door, gave Harry a little shove and said, "Here." Then, slammed the door shut behind them.

Harry looked at Estelle with wide eyes, "What's going on?"

"I sort of...baby-sitting you, I suppose," Estelle said.

"Oh," Harry said, "What's your name? You already know mine."

"I'm Estelle Grant," she said smiling. She held out her hand and he shook it, smiling too. "I was a friend of your mother and father's."

Harry looked taken aback. With wonder in his eyes, he said, "You knew my parents?"

"Yes," Estelle replied. "What to go for a walk? Maybe take the train and have lunch?"

"I--sure," Harry replied. They started off down the street. "Are you going to watch me from now on?" Harry asked after a moment.

"I'm afraid not," Estelle said. "Your uncle...don't like me much."


Estelle's vision of Harry wasn't very far off at all, really. Except he didn't look nearly as happy as she hoped he would be. She wondered why he wasn't asking her anything about his parents. Maybe he was afraid of her.

"Well, Harry, are you in school yet?" she asked.

He nodded.

"Do you like it?"

"Sometimes..." he replied.

They reached the train, waited, then boarded. Harry sat very close to her on his seat.

"We'll be in London in fifteen minutes," Estelle said smiling.

"I've never been to London before."

They sat silently the rest of the train ride. It was all Estelle could do to keep herself from telling him about magic, about his parents, about her being his godmother! But he was so quiet and didn't ask any questions. It worried her more than relieved her.

On the crowded streets, Harry walked close to her, keeping up very well, despite looking around mesmerized. She lead him to a small place for lunch.

While they ate, Harry still didn't say much. Then again, he was very intent on eating, like he'd never seen a proper meal in his life...

No, he was fine. Just fine. Shy, but fine... Although, it was hard to imagine that Lily and James' son was quiet.

They walked around for just a little while, then found a bench.

"So, what's your room like?" she asked, trying to get him to speak.

"Um, my room?" he looked at his hands, "Small."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Estele said quietly. You could come and live with me, Harry, in a larger room. Remus certainly won't mind me moving into his room permanently. Its practically every night any way. But no, Dumbledore had been clear about Harry staying with his Aunt and Uncle...

"Dudley's room is a lot bigger," Harry murmured.

"Well, I guess sometimes things aren't the way we'd like them to be," Estelle said, putting her hand on his shoulder, "Is Dudley older than you?"

"No, well...by a few weeks, " Harry said. "Its actually his birthday today. That's probably why my uncle was so eager to get rid of me..."

"You didn't want to be at your cousin's party?" Estelle asked.

"No," Harry replied. "But it's alright, no one wanted me to be there either."

"Well, you must be excited for your birthday," Estelle said.

"I guess," Harry murmured.

"You guess? Its not every day you turn 7," she said.

He didn't look amused. "Dudley always gets so many presents. The best thing I got last year was one of his old shirts..."

Estelle didn't know what to say.

"Can I...ask you something?" Harry said quietly.

"Of course you can," Estelle said.

"What were my parents names?" Harry asked.

Estelle felt her heart drop. He didn't know anything about them. "James and Lily."

"What were they like?" he said, looking up desperately at Estelle, ready to soak in every bit of information.

"Well, James was very funny. He liked to...play jokes. His hair was the same color as yours. In fact, you look a lot like your father. Except, your father had hazel eyes... You have your mother's eyes. Your mother was very, very nice. But she wouldn't hesitate to put you in your place," Estelle smiled a little. "She had a beautiful smile. Long, dark red hair past her shoulders." She began to choke up. "They were wonderful, Harry."

He smiled a sad sort of smile.

She brushed the hair out of his face, "They loved you very, very much."

Estelle came back home after dark. She made it clear to the Dursley's she'd done no hard. To her surprise, they agreed she could come back and see him every few months.

She told Remus all about Harry and tried to explain to Andi why she couldn't meet him right away.

"Mum! Its Harry Potter!" Andi said. Yes, even Andi had been brought up knowing he was famous. Every child in the wizardng world had been. Although, Estelle wasn't sure Andi was old enough to properly understand it all.

"And that's exactly why you can't meet him yet," Estelle said. "He doesn't know he's famous. It would overwhelm him if you acted like he was some sort of celebrity."

Andi sighed, "What if I promise to act normal?"

Estelle smiled, "We'll just have to see what's going to happen."

Andi nodded. "And let me guess, as usual, I can't say anything about him being my god-brother?"

"I'd prefer you not to."

After Andi was put to bed, Estelle told Remus about how unhappy Harry seemed to be. "They hadn't even told him his parents names, Remus. He's wearing his cousin's old clothes and--"

"What can we do?" Remus asked.

"Nothing much..." Estelle said sadly.

Without warning, Estelle started crying. Everything being resurfaced was just too much.

"Don't cry," Remus said softly.

"I can't imagine what I would do without you," Estelle said quietly. She hugged him.

He pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, "You..."

"What?" she adked, honestly lost. Her mind was hardly on the present.

"You're beautiful."

"So are you," she said, then ran her finger along his cheek.

"I've almost started to believe you after all these years," he chuckled.

She smiled.

Then, something happened. Somehow, their lips met and they kissed.

"I've been wanting to do that for ten years," Remus said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Originally, the Epilogue for Maybe Memories and the Prologue for this story was going to be the same thing, but I don't know. Something happened there. haha

Basically, here I'm just telling you what's happened since Andi was born and all that good stuff. This story is probably going to be mostly from Andi's point of view, but I've got a little surprise in how Estelle is going to be able to still have a major part.

I hope you enjoy! I'm not sure of how soon I'll be updating. I've got loads and loads of ideas, I'm just waiting to write some of them before I post up chapters! <3