‹ Prequel: Maybe Memories

Don't Forget

Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes

Dear Estelle,

It's nice to finally be able to write to you. There were many times when I was in Azkaban and I wanted to, but I couldn't. I think about you always and wish that we were able to see one another. It's hard to believe that you never gave up on me. I'm glad that you didn't. It brightens my outlook to know that.

I can't help but wonder what happened in twelve years... Maybe it's best that some things are kept in the past.

Our daughter is beautiful and bright. Maybe it's a good thing that you raised her to be smart. If it would've been up to me, she'd likely be more mischievous than intelligent. But it seems she got that mischief, even without me, being out of the school after dark. Hard to believe with a mother as a Professor she'd be getting away with that. I'm teasing. But it's lucky she's close with Harry. I would've seen to that, had I been around.

There is so much that's still unsaid. So much I wish I could apologize for. I always loved you and I miss you very much. I'll see you when I can.


Estelle had tears in her eyes. Her new life was so close, she could've touched it. In one instance, it was ripped away. Again. It was easy to blame Remus for transforming. Easier to blame Snape for not giving him the potion.

The worst part was, now Andi was so disgusted with her that she'd left for the summer. She resented what happened, the tension in the house. Perhaps it was all her own fault. She let herself give Remus the wrong idea, while she knew she didn't love him. Not like that.

She shut the letter inside her side-drawer. Then she went to the kitchen. She stopped to stare out the window; through the trees to the clear blue sky.

Footsteps came into the kitchen behind her. She didn't turn to look at Remus.

"Estelle," he said, "I know we should probably talk.... I can't. I'm not going to get angry. I'm trying not to hold a grudge, but I've got to leave."

"I'll leave," she said. "This is your house."

"No, it's not. It's our house," he said. "It's better for me to walk away for awhile."

"I'm sorry, Remus..."

"Yes," he said. "I am too."

When she faced him, he met her gaze. He tried to read what she was really thinking. But she went past and made her way to the empty room that began as hers and ended as hers too.


Dear Dad,

I don't want you to apologize anymore. Nothing is your fault. I spent too long thinking about what to write about regarding the fact that we've only met once, but...there's nothing to do but just accept it and hope for a better future, right?

My summer hasn't been anything special until a few days ago. I've been staying at the Weasley's, which I do quite often. I suppose you knew Molly and Arthur Weasley, because Mum has been friends with them since before I could remember. Well, they've invited me to go to the Quidditch World Cup with them.

Ginny is their youngest, she's in my year and we're practically sisters. Ron is only one year older, and he's best friends with Harry. That's sort of ironic, I suppose. I've never really thought about it until I just saw it written on paper. Anyway, then there's Fred and George. They're twins. They provide most of the entertainment. Yesterday, Fred told Ron told try a sweet, when it was actually something the twins call Fever Fudge. They've been inventing sweets that make you ill. Ron was covered in boils all day. Mrs. Weasley wasn't pleased when she found out though. Percy just finished school and now, he's working for the Ministry. He's been shut up in his room all summer writing about cauldron malfunctions... Charlie works in Romania with dragons, Bill in Egypt for Gringotts. I haven't seen them in years, but they're coming in for the Cup.

Any ounce of noise and Percy yells for us to shut up. Ginny and I have been tyring to practice Quidditch. It's sort of hard to do when all Fred and George do is tease us. It's not that we're bad, it's just that they're better. They're Beaters on the Gryffindor team. That's what I've been dealing with.

Tomorrow, Hermione is supposed to come and sometime later this week, Harry is as well. Harry comes here a lot during the summer too. I don't blame him. He lives wit his Aunt and Uncle, the worst pair of muggles I've ever heard of.

I thought I would write a lot, considering you probably don't have much to do hiding out. Ron told me to tell you thank you for the owl. Ginny named it Pigwidgeon, but Ron just calls him Pig. We would send him, but he...gets a little distracted.


Caves made for a nice place to hide out, especially with a Hippogryph. Sirius and Buckbeak were on a cliff side, over-looking the sea. He read the letter over and over, just to absorb some of his daughters life, in hope that it would make him know her better.

The sun had begun to set; an orange, pink and purple hung over the ocean. This meant it was time to begin traveling again. Maybe back north, maybe further west.


The sun was blazing outside in the Weasley yard. Andi used to back of her hand to remove the sweat from her forehead. Maybe now she was regretting blowing up that vase in the kitchen. At least in doing this, her mother was still allowing her to go to the Cup.

Another gnome scurried past her ankles. She groaned and sat down on the ground.

"No one told you to stop," Fred called.

Andi didn't even feel like replying.

"No pouting either," Fred said, now standing next to her. He and George were also being punished for leaving a Ton-Tongue Toffee, one of their inventions, to where the cat could get it.

She looked up at him and glared, "How can you possibly be in a good mood after all the work we've been doing?"

Fred shrugged.

"I'm grumpy and tired now, so..."

"Well, George is ahead of you," Ferd said glancing over his shoulder. His twin was lying on his back next to the bushes.

Andi cracked a smile.

"There we go," Fred said. "Anyway, Bill should be here soon."

"Is it really that late?" Andi sighed.

"Six o'clock," Fred said.

"I can't move."

"Yeah, right," Fred pushed himself up, then offered his hands to Andi. She took them both and let him pull her up.

"Thanks," she said, letting her hand linger in his for just an extra moment.

CRACK-- the sound of someone Aparating echoed through Weasley yard.

"That'll be Bill," Fred said. He, George and Andi walked around to the front of the house. Bill was walking through the yard, towards the house, long red hair pulled back. With his ripped plaid pants and dragon-hide boots, he looked more like he'd just come from a rock concert than like he'd been working for a bank.

"Hello!" Bill said. "Fred, George and..."

"Andi," she smiled.

"God, you've gotten old," Bill laughed.

The four of them went inside where Bill got flooded with hugs and hellos.


The following morning, Charlie came too. Andi had always enjoyed listening to Charlie's stories about dragons. It made for a more interesting breakfast between dragon scars and mummy curse stories.

Later in the day, Mr. Weasley, Ron and Ginny went via Floo Powder to get Hermione. The next day, Harry was due the same way.

Although, Fred and George also decided to go with Ron and Mr. Weasley to retrieve Harry. Andi had a feeling they were going for a different reason than just to make sure Harry got to the Burrow.

Ginny was looking at herself in the mirror.

"What are you trying to look nice for?" Andi asked.

Ginny glared at her.

"Don't tell me you still have a crush!" Andi exclaimed.

"Will you be quiet?" Ginny said.

"You do?" Andi groaned. "Well, you look just as pretty as ever so get up."

"Thanks. I'll be down in a minute," Ginny said.

Andi went down the stairs just in time to see Fred and George come back through green flames with Harry's trunk. The look on their faces said they'd done something Mrs. Weasley would not approve of.

She looked expectantly at Fred, as Ron entered.

He grinned at her. After putting down Harry's trunk, he leaned close to her and whispered, "I dropped a Ton Tongue Toffee for Harry's cousin to find."

She grinned back at him.

Seconds later, Harry emerged from the green flames.

"Did he eat it?" Fred asked.

"Yeah," Harry said, dusting some ash from his shirt. "What was it?"

"Ton Tongue Toffee," Fred said. "George and I have been trying to find someone to test those on..."

"Aside from the cat," George said from the table, "but that was an accident."

The room burst into laughter. Harry and Andi hugged, then Harry was introduced to Bill and Charlie. Mr. Weasley soon appeared looking angrier than Andi had ever seen him.

"That was not funny, Fred!" he shouted. "You knew he was on a diet--"

"How big did his tongue get?" George asked.

"Four feet before I was able to shrink it."

Everyone at least snickered.

"It's not funny!" Mr. Weasley said. "That sort of behavior seriously undermines wizard-muggle relations! I spent half my life campaigning against the mistreatment of Muggles and my own sons--"

"We didn't give it to him because he's a muggle!" Fred exclaimed.

"We gave it to him because he's a bullying git," George said.

"It's true," Harry added.

"That's not the point!" Mr. Weasley continued, "Wait until I tell your mother--"

"Tell me what?" came the voice of Mrs. Weasley. "Oh, hello, Harry dear."

Mr. Weasley hesitated. Andi knew, as mad as Fred and George had made him, he had no intentions of telling Mrs. Weasley what had happened.

Ginny and Hermione appeared in the doorway.

"Tell me what, Arthur?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Well, Fred and George just-- I had words with them--"

"If it has anything to do with Weasley Wizarding Wheezes..." Mrs. Weasley began.

"Let's go take Harry's trunk up," Hermione said.

"...Oh, right," Ron said.

"We'll come too," George said.

"Stay right where you are," Mrs. Weasley growled.

Andi inched past the fuming Mrs. Weasley and followed behind Harry up the stairs.

"What are Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes?" Harry asked.

"Fred and George's inventions," Ginny laughed.

"They've been making these sweets that make you ill," Ron said.

"Fever Fudge, Ron knows all about that one," Andi said.

Ron made a face.

"They've said something about Puking Pastilles and Nosebleed Nougats," Andi said. "So, I wouldn't eat anything they offer."

"We've been hearing explosions out of their room for ages, but we never thought they were actually making things," Ginny said, "we thought they just liked the noise."


Dinner was served at a long table out in the garden due to the large number of people. Percy was talking about work to anyone who would listen. Charlie was talking about the Quidditch league to Fred and George. Mrs. Weasley was fussing at Bill over his long hair and fanged earring and Ginny was backing Bill up. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were whispering amongst themselves.

Andi tried to focus on at least one of the conversations. She, however, had much more on her mind than she could speak of. The sky was turning shades of dark blue and purple; stars appeared. The constellation Leo was dull, but able to be made out. As much as she looked forward to the Quidditch World Cup, she felt bad that she'd left her mother all summer. On the other hand, maybe her mother needed to do some thinking.

Rising in another part of the sky was the golden moon, nearly full. Tomorrow night, Remus would be suffering and she would be having fun. But he would want her to have fun, right?

She wondered where her father was. Was he traveling by night? He seemed stable enough to think straight, to know that was better. Buckbeak was either extremely helpful or terribly difficult in hiding.

Fred elbowed her, clearly on purpose.

She couldn't help smiling at him.

Soon, Mrs. Weasley pointed out how late it was and the table was cleared and put back away.

On her way up to bed, she met Fred in the hallway.

"Did your mum take everything you made?" Andi asked, followed by a yawn.

"Of course not," Fred said. "We've got loads hidden in our room."

"Wonderful," she said in a sarcastic tone.

"Goodnight," Fred grinned.

"Night," she smiled.

Fred opened the door to Ron's room, where he and George were staying while Bill and Charlie were in. She watched him until he shut the door, still smiling. He always made her smile...

She went into Ginny's bedroom where she and Hermione were staying.

"...Of course, being yourself is always the right way to go about anything," Hermione's voice was humming quietly in the corner of the room.

"What's going on?" Andi asked.

"Nothing," Ginny said quickly.

"Oh, don't tell me you two are in here gossiping," Andi said.

"No," Ginny said. "Hermione was just...giving me advice."


Ginny sighed, "How to act around Harry."

"And I was just telling her to be herself, come out of her shell a bit," Hermione said.

"She's right," Andi said.

"Maybe I should just give up all together," Ginny said.

"Don't be negative," Andi said.

"Just because I said it doesn't mean I meant it," Ginny replied.

"Don't give up," Hermione said, "but don't hesitate to date other people."

"You're right," Ginny looked at the floor.

"Well, I have a letter to write," Andi announced.

Dear Moony,

I hope you're doing all right. I've been staying with the Weasleys this summer. I think it's best to let the air clear for now, right? I haven't talked to mum much about anything.

I've just been thinking about you. I miss you.



Andi felt like she'd just fallen asleep when Fred decided it would be fun for him to come and wake her. He opened the door and jumped on Andi's blankets.

She blinked her eyes opened and said, "Bugger off."

"It's time to get up," Fred said, yawning himself, "Mum just woke us."

"Get out!" Ginny shouted.

Hermione rubbed her eyes.

"Calm down," George said from the doorway, "We don't want to be up this early e-e-either." He yawned largely.

Andi sat up, "Well, mission accomplished, we're up. Now leave."

Everyone sat around the table looking very pale and sleepy.

"Why do we have to be up this early?" Ginny asked.

"We've got some walking to do," Mr. Weasley replied, buttering his toast.

"We're going to walk there?" Harry asked.

"Oh, no," Mr. Weasley smiled, "Just to the Portkey. We've got to be careful how we travel/ It's hard for a large number of--"

"George!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, making them all jump.

"What...?" George said in an innocent tone, mouth half full.

"What is that in your pocket?"


"Don't you lie to me!" she pulled out her want. "Accio!"

Multi-colored sweets flew out of George's pockets, as well as Fred's into Mrs. Weasley's hands. She threw all of them away.

"It took us six months to develop those!" Fred exclaimed.

"No wonder you didn't receive more O.W.L.s!"

The departure was some-what unfriendly. Mrs. Weasley was still glaring in the twins direction as they left.

"I still don't see why we couldn't Apparate with Bill, Charlie, and Percy," George mumbled. M. Weasley seemed to be ignoring all complaints.

It was still very dark outside and the stars above shone brightly. Only a pink line on the horizon suggested it was nearing morning. The walked down roads, cold morning air hitting their cheeks. The trip still wasn't bad. Until, of course, they reached the hill. It included many rabbit holes and slick patches of dark, difficult to navigate through in the semi-darkness.

Andi actually fell down once. Fred helped her up. She found herself to be happy that Fred was looking after her.

At the top of the hill, they met Cedric Diggory and his father, Amos Diggory. Cedric was the handsome Hufflepuff seeker. Andi had seen him around, but never met him until now. He seemed to have the heart of a Hufflepuff, coming off as a really nice guy.

"Your mum teaches Astronomy, right?" Cedric asked.

"Yeah," Andi said. hat was what people usually said to her.

"Cool, she's really nice."

Unsure of what to say next, Andi just nodded and smiled.

"That's the git who caught the Snitch after Harry fell off his broom last year," Fred whispered to Andi after Cedric turned away.

"I know who he is," Andi hissed.

"Alright, kids," Arthur said. "It's time to grab the Portkey. One... Two... Three!"

Andi had a hold of the manky old boot, and Fred's arm just for safe measure. It was a different sensation, much different from Floo Powder. It was more like being sucked through a tube and compacted against several people. Then, they landed with a thud.

They walked just a little further until they came upon a cottage. Arthur went inside to find out where their camp site was located. They were to camp like 'real muggles'. Andi didn't like the sound of that.
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I hope you enjoyed!