‹ Prequel: Maybe Memories

Don't Forget

The Triwizard Tournament

Dear Andi,

I was informed of what happened at the Quidditch World Cup. I hope you're alright... I also received a letter from Harry about his scar hurting. It is very, very bothersome that these things are happening within such a short distance of one another.

Hogwarts will be safe between Dumbledore and Mad-Eye Moody. Moody is paranoid, sure, but that can be a good thing. He'll detect a dark wizard miles away.

But it doesn't really matter how much protection you have, I'm coming back north. If something happens, and I'm not there... I can't imagine the guilt. Besides, Buckbeak and I are getting bored with warm weather.

Your Father

"Did he say he was coming back north?" Harry asked.

Andi nodded.

"I told him not to," Harry said.

"I doubt that will stop him. This is a terrible idea," Andi said.

"Are we talking about Sir--"

Andi, Harry and Hermione all shushed Ron.

"Okay, gees," Ron muttered.

Andi looked out the window at the rolling green hills through the bits of fog. They would be getting to Hogwarts soon. Rain came down more steadily the farther north they traveled. She thought of her father...finding somewhere to stay in the rain.

Neville Longbottom came into the compartment at some point, and Ron was telling him about the Quidditch World Cup. "We were in the Top Box--"

"First and last time in your life, Weasley," Draco Malfoy was standing in the doorway. Evidently, he had been listening through the crack in the compartment door from Neville's entrance.

"Don't remember asking you to join us, Malfoy," Harry said coolly.

"So, are you going to enter, Weasley?" Malfoy asked, ignoring Harry. "Going to try and bring some glory to the family name? There's money involved, you know."

"What are you talking about?" Ron snapped.

"Are you going to enter?" Malfoy asked. "I'm sure you will, Potter. Never miss a chance to show off, do you?"

"Either explain or shut up," Andi spat.

Malfoy smiled gleefully, "Oh, you don't know?"

"Get out," Hermione said.

Laughing, Malfoy turned to leave.

"I hate how he always pretends to know everything," Ron said, rising and slamming the compartment door so hard that the glass shattered. Hermione quickly repaired it.


The train pulled up to Hogsmeade station and it was storming worse than ever.

"Lovely weather," Andi said sarcastically. "It's always conveniently raining when when we have to get off the train."

"At least we don't have to cross the lake," Kendra said.

Andi made a face at the thought.

Slipping and sliding on the wet floor, they made their way into the Great Hall. She took he usual seat next to Fred and Kendra. Anthony Hopkins was diagonal from her. "Hi, Andi," Anthony said.

"Hello," she said, "Have a nice summer?"

"Yeah, I saw you at the Quidditch World Cup," Anthony said.

"Did you?" Andi said. "Well you should have said hi."

"Didn't get the chance," he said.

"Or he didn't care to until he could see through your wet shirt," Fred whispered.

She glared at him and pulled her robes tight around her.

"I hope they hurry up with the sorting," Ron said, "I'm starving."

Andi rolled her eyes. "Is food all you think about?"

"I'm hungry," Ron replied.

Colin Creevey was telling Harry excitedly about his younger brother coming to Hogwarts this year. The first years finally filed in all sopping wet. They looked a bit pathetic all wet and terrified.

One boy was wearing Hagrid's moleskin coat, still shivering. He caught Colin's eye and mouthed I feel in.

Andi was hardly surprised.

The sorting ceremony began, and soon, Dennis Creevey had joined them at the Gryffindor table. She was happy for the brothers and gave the smaller a smile when he took his seat.

"Now that we're all settled in a sorted," Dumbledore began, "Mr. Filch would like me to remind you the objects forbidden inside the castle are extended to include Screaming Yo-Yos, Fanged Frisbee and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. The full list includes 437 items and can be viewed in Mr. Filch's office."

Fred rolled his eyes.

"It is also my painful duty to inform you the Inner-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this year."

"What?" Harry gasped.

"Rubbish!" Fred exclaimed.

"This is due to an event that will start in October, and continue through the school year. I am pleased to inform you--"

At that moment, thunder rumbled loudly inside the Great Hall. The doors burst open and a man, unlike any other, entered. He walked with a loud clunk every other step. When Andi saw his face, she couldn't help gasp-- it looked like someone (who had a very bad idea of what a human face looked like) had carved his face from wood. A large, round, electric blue eye replaced his left.

"I would like to introduce, Professor Moody, your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," Dumbledore said, after shaking Moody's hand.

Moody took a look around and then removed a flask from his waist band. He took a large gulp and took his seat at the staff table.

"What's that he's drinking do you suppose?" Seamus Finnegan asked.

"I dunno," Harry replied. "But I don't think it's pumpkin juice."

Andi had her own theory as well.

"As I was saying," Dumbledore went on, "we are to have the great honor of hosting a glorious event that has not taken place in over a century; The Triwizard Cup!"

"You're JOKING!" Fred said loudly.

Nearly everyone laughed. Even Dumbledore chuckled, "I am not joking, Mr. Weasley. The Triwizard Tournament is a legendary event. For those of you who do not know, we compete against two schools; Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute. A student from each of the three schools shall be selected to compete."

Ron had forgotten all about eating at this point.

"More on that later," Dumbledore smiled, "Right now, I'd like to introduce the students Beauxbatons Academy and their Headmistress, Madame Maxime."

Andi turned her head to see a better view of the opening doors. A flood of boys and girls in blue, silk uniforms seemed to glide into the Great Hall. Most of the girls were very, very pretty and the boys handsome as well. But the real sight was their Headmistress, Madame Maxime. She was larger than Hagrid.

The Beauxbatons students took a seat at the Ravenclaw table. Madame Maxime took a seat at the staff table. It reminded Andi that her mother sat up there, having know about the event and not told. She couldn't really blame her, however. Andi hadn't been around most of the summer and hadn't acted like much of a daughter.

"Now," Dumbledore spoke, "I am pleased to welcome the proud sons and daughters of Durmstrang, and their Headmaster, Igor Karkaroff."

The time, the door opened and the students marched in, dressed in brown suits and parka. They all looks stout and almost military-like. In the back, near the Headmaster, Andi recognized--

"Blimey it's him! Viktor Krum!" Ron exclaimed.

"Oh, honestly, Ron," Hermione said. "He's just a Quidditch player."

Ron was looking hopefully toward the students, but they took a seat at the Slytherin table.

Estelle was very unamused at the sight of Igor Karkaroff. He had been a Death Eater and damn good at hiding out in the days of the war. She was certain that Mad-Eye felt the same, if not, angrier to see him, whether he had changed or not. Especially as a Headmaster. Durmstrang had always been known for dark magic.

"Alright, welcome, welcome!" Dumbledore clapped his hands together. "The tournament will officially be open after the feast."


There was a large Goblet with blue flames that sat inside the Great Hall for the week that followed. The rules had been set; no one under the age of seventeen would be allowed to participate. Fred and George found this to be very unfair.

The school term began as usual, only a large carriage sat near Hagrid's Hut and a boat in the Great Lake permanently. Andi had Care of Magical Creatures this term and Hagrid as her Professor. The only problem with this was, the Slytherins. Queenie Grey looked as up on her high hippogryph as ever, with her blond hair pulled into a tight pony-tail that hung to her lower back. She sent Andi a nasty look.

She was disappointed that she didn't have Defense Against the Dark Arts until the following day. Charms was next, with Hufflepuffs. She and Lindsay Smith spoke for awhile, mostly about the Tournament. That was the topic of conversation among everyone.

Fred and George were impressed with Moody's lesson. He was apparently 'as mad as a hatter' but you could tell he'd really been there.

Finally, after double potions, the day of school was at an end. The first week was always the most exhausting, next to exam week, of course.

After dinner, Andi went to speak with her mother. She knocked on the door and waited. Her mother opened, smiling, "I'm glad you came to see me."

"Of course, Mum," Andi said. "Are you ready for your class?"

"Just another hour," Estelle said. "How was your day, dear?"

"Just wonderful," Andi said sarcastically. "I have Care of Magical Creatures first, which would be fine, but the Slytherins are there."

"You know that's not fair," her mother said.

"Well, it's true! They're all just mean," Andi said. Estelle sighed. "Anyway," Andi said, before her mother could further correct her, "I have Charms with Hufflepuffs. Double potions...with the Slytherins AGAIN. Professor Snape is bad enough on his own. He called on me today on purpose, knowing it was something we hadn't learned, just to embarrass me."

"I'm sorry," Estelle said.

Andi crossed her arms, hardly satisfied with that reply. "So, why didn't you tell me about the Tournament?"

"I wasn't supposed to," Estelle replied.

"Fair enough," Andi sighed. "My last letter from dad said he was coming back here. SO did Harry's."

"Mine did too," Estelle said.

"I don't think it's a good idea," Andi said.

"It's not," Estelle shrugged. "But he won't listen to reason. Never would. Still won't."

"I know he worries about us and Harry, but," Andi exhaled loudly, "It's just, well, not a good idea."

"Well, I don't think there's anything we can do," Estelle said sadly.

"Mum, I love you," Andi said.

"I love you too," Estelle smiled. She let tears fill her eyes as her daughter exited the office.

Andi continued down flights of stairs until she reached the Great Hall. It had become popular to watch the Cup and see who would be putting their name in.

Misty, Kendra and Ginny were in the corner giggling girlishly. It made Andi cringe to think that they were gossiping about boys.

"Hi, Andi," Colin said.

"Oh, hey," Andi said.

"Would you enter if you could?" he asked.

"I don't know," Andi said, honestly. She hadn't really thought about it.

"You'd be good," Colin said. "You're brave."

"Sure," Andi said.

"Talking to your boyfriend, Grant?" Queenie Grey bumped her as she walked past.

"Shut up," Andi said and rolled her eyes.

"Queenie, you're so immature," another Slytherin boy said, as they continued past.

Andi was shocked-- another Slytherin being reasonable. Maybe they weren't all bad after all.

"I'll stop talking to you, if you'd like," Colin said.

"No," Andi said. "Don't worry about that."

Fred and George waltzed in looking satisfied with themselves. A round of applause followed their announcement of having an aging potion. Hermione tried to argue with them that it wouldn't work. They wouldn't hear it, of course. After crossing taking a drink and crossing the age line, they were tossed back out with long, white beards.

Laughing, Andi said, "You should keep it," as Fred passed, looking quite unamused.

"I know all Weasley share one room," the familiar voice of Malfoy came from behind her, "but do they all share one pitiful brain too?"

Andi whipped around, "You..."

"Nice to see you again, Grant," Malfoy sneered sarcastically. "Seems that you're popping up in my path far too often."

"You think you're just so clever, don't you?" Andi growled. "You're such a git."

"Keep defending blood traitors and hanging out with Mudbloods," Malfoy said, gesturing toward Colin, "you'll end up in trouble. Mark my words."

Andi rolled her eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
FINALLY, I updated! I've been...sort of on a writers block on the point that I'm at. I know what I want to do in the future, just not what to do exactly next. Does that make sense?
I hope you guys enjoy. Comments are always nice.