Status: one shot

Date or Dash

One of One

She walked into the casual restaurant with her best friend not even sure if either of them should be there. “Britt, I don’t know if this is such a good idea.” Angel said sounding nervous.

“Oh come on Ang, it isn’t like speed dating is going to kill you.” Britt said pulling her friends arm along. They sat down at adjoining tables; the host of the speed dating was some older man who looked like he had no life. “Alright ladies, tonight is a special night. Each man will sit down at their assigned tables and you both will have five minuets to talk amongst yourselves. When you here this bell goes off the men will get up and go to the next table. I hope there is a little romance for everyone tonight! Let’s Begin!” he explained.

Looking at the options of men then back to Britt; both of the girls found none of these men that attractive. Angel sat up straight as the first guy sat down, “Hi I’m Angel.” She said extending her hand. The man’s name sticker said Ronald, and he looked like a Ronald. He started to talk about his career and all she did was stare at the spit developing at the corners of his mouth. Not only did his saliva glands work in overtime but he had hair on his ears, a semi-bald head and glasses bigger than the ones soldiers wear in the army. Just as she snapped out of her stare the bell had rung.

Twenty minuets and four men later, Angel had had enough. None of these men interested her at all; some of them were even pigs. “I can’t take this anymore.” She sighed has the fifth bell had rung. Jumping from her seat she told Brittney she was leaving. Angel grabbed her coat and decided to head back to her condo.

As she got onto her floor she noticed boxes piled outside of what use to be vacant condo. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her as she headed towards the door, the young man around her age grabbed the biggest box he could a lugged it in. Deciding against going any further towards him Angel retrieved back to her apartment. Opening the door she turned her head and noticed that he was looking at her. She smiled a ‘hello’ and walked into her apartment.

It has been a week since the young man’s arrival. She had found out his name is T.J and just got signed to the St. Louis Blue jackets. Although Angel only watched international hockey she had a feeling this T.J. Oshie was going to do wonders for the city’s home team. On her way home from work she grabbed a few bags of groceries she needed for her dinner tonight.

As she arrived at her door she set the groceries down looking for her now missing cell phone. “Oh come on…” Angel complained. “AH HA, found it.” She yelled as she finally had a hold of her phone. Checking her voicemail at the same time as opening the door had seemed to be too hard of a task. Pushing the door open she fell into her own apartment, landing face first. “Ow…” Angel mumbled and rubbed in between her grey eyes. Setting her keys on the coffee table she went back out to get her grocery bags. Looking down at the fallen bags; not only were they everywhere but the bags themselves had ripped. Squatting down she rubbed her temples and sighed out of frustration. Today wasn’t a good day; Angel was late to her first class then ended up late to work and now all her groceries were everywhere.

“Need some help?” asked a voice. Angel looked up and smiled greatly. As they finished bringing the groceries inside he had finally had the courage to introduce himself to his bombshell of a neighbor. “I’m T.J. by the way.” He stated.

“Angel.” She responded shaking his hand. “Thank you so much for helping me. It has not only been a rough day but a rough week.” Angel sighed. Turning on the oven for the chicken she would be cooking she heard TJ ask, “Why has it been rough?”

She looked at him as if he was crazy, “If you’re really interested I guess I could tell you.”

“Come on please? I want to hear this.” He said with that adorable smile and mysterious eyes.
Angel sighed, afraid he would laugh about the dilemma she is having, “Alright so my best friend and I…”

TJ wouldn’t stop laughing, holding his stomach from her story being different but comical. “Excuse me but I left before Ronald and his friends even got my member!” a smile crept on her face as she watched him laugh. “It isn’t my fault my best friend thought giving him my number was a good idea. He keeps begging for a date, it is so frustrating” She said sipping the wine she poured both of them.

After TJ had calmed down they both felt hungry enough to eat the meal Angel cooked. TJ kept stealing glances at her. She was the most beautiful girl he has seen, he started to think of what he would do to her if she became vulnerable. All he could picture was her lips on his.

Gathering up both their dishes Angel placed them in the sink waiting to be cleaned. She turned not noticing TJ was right behind her. She slapped his arm lightly, “Don’t scare me!” she said he just laughed. TJ grabbed her hips gently and pushed her against her fridge. “I really think I’m going to like St. Louis.” He stated leaning down with each word.

Angel’s breathing got heavy, “Why is that Mr. Oshie?” she asked.

“Why, because I have a gorgeous neighbor who will be joining me for dinner Saturday night.” He stated. TJ looked at her studying her features; her blonde hair was pulled back neatly in a ponytail while her black eyeliner made her grey eyes pop. He smiled at her and she smiled in return. They didn’t meet face to face TJ had a good two inches on her five foot eight height. Angel couldn’t wait any longer; she crashed her lips against his and started to kiss with a passionate neither of them knew they had. He pulled from her only for a second, “How about that dinner Saturday?” he asked out of breath.

“I’d love to join you.” She replied.
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Hope you like it!!!
