Sequel: As the World Burns
Status: Complete! There is a sequel! Enjoy zombie fans!

89.4 Zombie Radio

Impatiently Waiting (Jessie)

The banging from outside the door was so loud we had to shout at each other when trying to communicate. I hoped this Bob guy was on his way, and that one day was an exaggeration. I didn't mind being cooped up in a room with these guys, but it wasn't exactly my favorite thing to do either. I started to text him, every hour, on the hour, just to make sure he was still on his way, and nothing had happened.

"How far are you now?" I asked him. It took seemingly forever for him to reply, "Not sure, hopefully not too far."

"Do you even know where you're going? You have the right college, right?" I sent him. Again, it took probably fifteen minutes for him to respond, "Was there a crashed Lincoln on the way there?"

"Yes there was, okay you do know where you're going. GET HERE QUICK!" I replied. I counted seven minutes before I got the response, "okay," from him.

"You suck at texting! Give the phone to someone else! Let me talk to them." I sent him back. A few minutes passed and finally I got a text from a girl named Layla. Her and I went back and forth, she was a much better texter than Bob was. It was also nice to talk to another girl since I had been stuck with four guys for two days.

The guys were busy making sure nothing was going to get through our barrier that we didn't want getting through. They were coming up with plans to get the attention of our rescuers, and how they could help them out when they got there. It was keeping them entertained. Dalton was busy on his computer, I couldn't tell what he was doing. He was so cute though, and funny, every time he looked at me I couldn't help but smile. He got bored with whatever he was doing and came to sit next to me on the floor.

"What are you up to?" he asked.

"Oh, just texting some girl named Layla who's on her way to rescue us," I told him.

"Sounds awesome," he replied. "I thought some dude named Bob was on his way though?"

"I was texting him, but apparently he's about thirty years behind when it comes to technology, so I made him give the phone to somebody else," I replied. He laughed and started reading the texts with me. Nimel went and sat in his lap. I always found that funny about Nimel, he's a big dog, but sometimes he thinks he's a chihuahua. It wasn't too long before Nimel was pulling his puppy act and rolling over onto his back so Dalton would rub his belly. Nimel was always very predictable, especially if he liked somebody. He was such a baby.

"Hey, you don't happen to have any food do you?" Dalton asked me.

"I have a bag of chips in my back pack you can have. I picked up the wrong kind on accident. So you can have them," I told him. He took the bag of chips and started eating like a man possessed.

"How long has it been since you've eaten?" I asked him.

"I think its been like two days, I've been afraid to leave this room for a while. I was looking out the window, waiting for something to happen, and that's when you guys pulled up. So I decided I'd try my best to help you all out," he answered.

"Well thanks Dalton, that's very sweet of you. Oh, and is Dalton your first or last name?" I asked him.

"I like to leave that a mystery my dear. I like to think of myself as simply Dalton," he responded. I couldn't help but laugh. I wasn't sure if he was being serious or just joking. He always had the same tone to what he said, so it was hard telling.

In the meantime, Layla was giving me the description of everyone she was with. They had a lot of people, in a little van, from what she was telling me. ­­­Bob was very nice and the person she considered the leader. Then there was a girl named Roxy, who had tattoos and cussed a lot. Kwame, a black guy who never shut up. Riley, a rich girl who she described as annoying and self centered. When she described her, I immediately thought of Dean, and told her about him. Then there was Lucas, who she described as a very nice, funny, mega nerd. I couldn't help but laugh at the description.

The others, she told me she didn't know that well. There was a doctor, a redneck named Randle, a little goth girl who never said anything, and another guy named Trevor. Trevor she said, she was getting to know a little bit better, and he wasn't so bad. I was happy that there were so many people coming to help us. After she was done, I told her about the rest of the people I was with. About Jack, Brock, Carter, Dalton and of course, Nimel.

"Nimel?" she asked. "That's a weird name for somebody."

"Nimel's my dog," I told her.

"Oh, that explains it," she replied. I sent her a picture of Dalton rubbing Nimel's belly, and she sent me a picture of everyone crammed in the van.

"My picture is a lot cuter," I told her.

"Yes it is," she sent back. After that, she had to go, Bob's phone was on the verge of dying and they were looking for a place to stay the night at. I said goodbye, and told her how I was not going to sleep, because I had a horde of zombies outside pounding on the door. I hoped that wasn't true though. I hoped somehow I could manage to get to sleep, because if I didn't, I was not going to be a pleasant person to be around in the morning.

Dalton offered me ear plugs and a few blankets he had laying around. I would have used his roommate's bed, if it the guys didn't get the bright idea to put it up against the door too. So I was stuck on the cold, hard floor of Dalton's dorm. It was uncomfortable to say the least, but after a while I fell asleep.

I slept like total crap. Through the guys shouting at each other and joking around, to the occasional loud bang on the wall, I woke up probably fifty times. Eventually I just said the heck with it and got up. I grabbed my phone, which had been charging, and texted Bob again. I needed to know how much longer it would be. It didn't take very long before I got a response, only this time it was from a different number.

"This is Layla. Bob's phone died because he doesn't have a charger. We're on our way right now, Randle thinks it will be maybe another hour before we're there. Bob says be ready."

"We will be," I replied. I didn't get another text after that.

"Hey guys!" I shouted. "They're on their way, Layla told me it'd be about an hour."

"Who's Layla?" Jack asked.

"Its the person I was over here texting last night," I explained. After that we all started to get ready for what was about to happen. I wasn't sure if these guys on their way knew exactly what they were in for, but I knew they had more guns as Layla explained. I was just hoping that they had enough to get us out of this crappy little dorm room, because if they didn't get here soon, I was going to pee my pants.
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This is a sort of a short chapter. Its just a set up chapter for whats coming next, which is the big rescue. Poor Jessie, it probably sucks to be stuck in there with no bathroom. Oh and that whole thing about Bob sucking at text messaging, is based on true events. I used to be horrible until my co author started texting me. Now I'm pretty good at it, but I thought it'd be funny if Bob sucked. After all, he hasn't met Jessie yet, so it makes sense. Anyway, hope you're still feelin' it. One Love! - Justin Hamm