Sequel: As the World Burns
Status: Complete! There is a sequel! Enjoy zombie fans!

89.4 Zombie Radio

You suck! No you suck!... (Jessie)

"Where are we even going?" I asked everybody. It was an important question that nobody seemed to be answering. We couldn't just keep wandering around like this with no direction. That would just be stupid. Lucas stood up and walked toward the front of the bus.

"Attention everybody, Jessie is right. We do need a plan on where we are going. Before we met some of you, we devised the plan to go to Alaska. Its cold there, and I doubt any zombies would be able to survive the temperature," he explained.

"No way am I going to Alaska! I don't think I could survive the cold there. Screw the zombies!" I told him.

"Well then where are we going to go Jessie? What do you have in mind?" Bob asked.

"Well, I think we need to find a nice tropical island somewhere. One that nobody lives on. Maybe we could build up supplies and stuff and take them on a boat over there. That sounds much better than freezing my bum off for the rest of my life," I said.

"That's not a bad plan either," Lucas replied. "But do you know of any islands like that?"

"No I don't," I answered.

"I do," Riley said. "My dad used to have his own private island out in the Atlantic ocean. We used to go there during the winter months."

"Problem solved then, do you happen to know where this place is?" I asked.

"Well, we used to leave from Florida, so I'm guessing its somewhere around that area," she said.

"Its settled then, we're going to Florida. We'll figure it all out from there. Honestly I was never too keen on the whole Alaska thing myself, I just could never think of anything better," Bob explained.

"I'd rather kill myself than go to Alaska," I said.

"I read it in a comic! Sorry!" Lucas shouted. I got bored after a few minutes of riding, and started staring at the clouds outside. I seen one that looked like a cat. I'd never seen one so awesome before.

"Look! There's a cloud outside that looks like a cat!" I shouted, excited at my discovery. Dalton came over to the window by me.

"It does look like a cat," he said. "You're right, and that one over there looks like a skull with its mouth open."

"Oh my God it does!" I shouted. I wondered if anyone else thought I was crazy yet. At least Dalton shared my enthusiasm for random clouds. He was so cute too. We spent the next half an hour staring at clouds out the window, and describing what they looked like. We came up with a guitar, a dinosaur with a machine gun, Abe Lincoln's hat and a sad goose. It was the most fun I have had since this whole thing started.

"Would anyone object to me putting music on?" Bob asked.

"What kind of music?" I asked.

"Good music," he responded. "Go ahead and pick something out of one of those cases over there."

I started to shuffle through Bob's music. Most of these bands were bands I thought were absolutely terrible. Who listened to this crap? Coheed and Cambria? What did that even mean? Where was the Fall Out Boy and the Tokio Hotel? Frankly I found Bob's precious CD collection to be horrible. There were maybe ten good CDs in the entire thing, so I picked them out and set them aside. He had some My Chemical Romance, Thirty Seconds to Mars, and Head Automatica albums that I thought were pretty good. All the rest of it was crap as far as I was concerned.

"Bob, your CDs suck. Why would you risk your life for this crap?" I asked him.

"Hey! That is not crap, there is nothing in that CD case that is at all bad. Some of it is better than others I'll admit, but none of it is bad!" he argued. I was going to have to teach Bob that I could not be argued with. I always won an argument. It was something I was rather proud of.

"No you have nothing good in here. You have probably two hundred CDs in here and I found ten good ones out of all of them," I told him.

"Name them," he said.

"You have My Chemical Romance, Thirty Seconds to Mars, and Head Automatica. Thats it, thats all you have. You have no Fall Out Boy, no Tokio Hotel, no Avenged Sevenfold..." I didn't get a chance to finish.

"Avenged Sevenfold I never got around to burning, but they're not bad," he said.

"Do not interrupt me Bob, I was talking," I told him.

"Sorry," he replied.

"Just shut up, I'm not done," I snapped. "The rest of this is stupid though, you have one of the worst tastes in music ever. Who the heck is Circa Survive?"

"They're awesome," he answered. "Hey, I could say the same about you! I mean come on, Fall Out Boy is as close to pop music as rock gets, and Tokio Hotel is basically pop music."

"No, they are rock music, get your facts right," I fired back. "You're stuff is just terrible. Only idiots listen to that stuff."

"Well, we've already established that I'm one of those. Will somebody back me up in this argument please?" Bob pleaded.

"Nope, I'm staying out of this. You two go ahead. This is pretty fucking entertaining," Roxy said laughing,

"Fine, well Jessie, here's what I think about your music. You obviously like stuff that is simple and plain so that its easy for you to understand. The kind of music where everything is spelled out and you don't have to think at all to listen to it," he said.

Now I was mad, he not only insulted my music, but he basically called me stupid for listening to it. I was not going to take this lightly. In fact, if he wasn't driving, I'd go hit him right now, but I had a better idea. I turned behind me and opened up a window.

"Oh yea? Well if your music is so smart, let's see if it can fly!" I yelled as I threw both his CD cases out the window of the bus. I watched as the back tire ran over one of them and the other flew into a corn field somewhere. It made me feel good. Bob just learned a valuable lesson, and that is I am not a girl to mess with. Especially when it comes to music. Roxy was laughing in the corner.

"That was fucking great! I even like most of Bob's music, but damn, that shit was priceless," she said.

"I can not believe you just did that!" Bob shouted.

"You shouldn't have called me stupid!" I yelled back.

"I didn't call you stupid, I called your music stupid!" he argued.

"No, you insulted my music, and said that anyone who listens to it is stupid. That's what you said. So therefore, you called me stupid. Well, you're stupid Bob, and I hope you learned not to argue with me anymore," I told him.

"Whatever," he replied. "I didn't lose that..." I didn't give him the pleasure of finishing.

"Just shut up!" I yelled at him.

"Okay, it was funny for a little while, but this has to stop guys," Dr.Grant said. "I'm banning the subject of music until you two can come to an agreement."

"No, we can't agree on this. I agree he's an idiot, That's about it," I snapped back.

"Just calm down Jessie, its over now," Dr.Grant said.

"Hmph!" I huffed, crossing my arms in disgust.

"I wasn't calling her..." Bob started to say.

"Bob, seriously, just stop," Dr.Grant interrupted.

After that the car got quiet for a while. The only person making noise was Kwame, who kept making obnoxious beats on the seat behind me. Just when I started to get annoyed with him, Dalton randomly started rapping.

"Well my name is Dalton and I like Swiss cheese, my momma never taught me bout the birds and the bees. I learned it all in school, up in my health class fool and I'll come over to your house if you've got a pool."

I couldn't help but laugh. That came out of absolutely nowhere.

"That was one of the whackest mothahfuckin' rhymes I've ever heard man!" Kwame snapped.

"I thought it was great," I said.

"Thank you," Dalton replied.

"You're very welcome, feel free to do that any time you want," I told him. "Its great." I was still laughing. Dalton was not only cute, he was funny too. Two of my favorite aspects in a guy. So far, he had been nothing but a sweetheart towards me. I won't lie, I was beginning to develop a bit of a crush on him. Now I was serious about Bob, not messing up my amazing good looks, because now, I actually did have someone to look good for.

"Hey, can we maybe stop somewhere soon?" Layla asked Bob. "I think I speak for everyone when I say, I have to pee."

"Yes, you do Layla." Roxy said. "You know how Bob is, you have to practically beg him to stop. The motherfucker's got a bladder like iron."

"Fine, I see a little town up here, maybe we can stop there or something," Bob replied.

"What's wrong with the woods?" Brock asked.

"Brock, I am not taking a fucking piss in the woods. There are fucking bugs there. Fuck that. If a grasshopper hops on my leg while I'm pissing, I'm gonna ruin a perfectly good pair of jeans," Roxy explained.

"Hey, I've been here before!" Dean yelled. "That place is a huge mall. I did an underwear add for one of the stores there." I suddenly got very excited.

"A mall! That would be great! We can go on a shopping spree! You know, one where everything's free! We have to do it! This is the type of thing you only dream about!" I said, the excitement spilling over in my voice.

"Well, let's take a vote," Jack said. "All those in favor, raise your hand."

I don't think there was a hand that didn't go up at that point. Well, maybe except Nimel's, but I think if he knew what was going on, he would have raised his paw too.

"Well then its settled, we're stopping at the mall," said Jack.

"I need new CDs, so this sounds like a good idea to me too," Bob added.

"Don't insult my music again Bob, or the next ones you get will be out the window too," I told him.

"Yeah, fine. Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean it the way you took it. I had a bit of a brain fart I guess," he replied.

"Well, I'm sorry too. Sorry you're CDs weren't smart enough to fly," I said.

"Enough children! Do I have to separate you two?" Jack asked.

"Yea, you may have to put me in one corner, and her in another," Bob answered.

"I think we'd still find a way to argue with each other," I added. Bob laughed, and it seemed he and I were on somewhat good terms again. It was impossible to stay mad at me after all. That's just how I am.

Bob pulled up outside of the mall and we all got out and took a look around. I couldn't wait to get inside. This would be a close out sale of epic proportions.
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This chapter is heavily based on true events. Ashley and I actually had this argument before and it happened almost exactly like this. Minus her throwing CDs out the window. (Rest assured if we were in this situation she would have done it. She was mad!) But I like this chapter though, priceless dialogue in it. The next chapter is another Jessie chapter, to make up for me being an idiot and writing two Bob chapters. One love ya'll! - Justin Hamm