Sequel: As the World Burns
Status: Complete! There is a sequel! Enjoy zombie fans!

89.4 Zombie Radio

The Journal Of Gabe Spencer (Jessie)

After a few hours, the drugs were starting to wear off and I could feel my brain slowly starting to go back to normal. The acid had definitely took its toll though, and I kept thinking something was wrong. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake that feeling. Something just felt off. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something just didn't feel right. Bob told me that was a natural reaction to the drugs wearing off. I tried asking him how he knew that, but he wouldn't give me a straight answer, he just kept telling me, "Don't worry about it."

Bob was sitting in a chair with his eyes closed, his hands on top of his head, and trying his best to take meaningful breathes. Layla had been asleep since the time we had arrived, and I knew it wouldn't be long before I fell asleep too. Layla and I had been up for at least two days now, and even after all we went through, the adrenaline was starting to wear off. Dalton was going through the refrigerator, searching for something to eat, and I decided to join him in his search.

"Finding anything?" I asked.

"The best I've found so far is a can of Spaghetti-O's," Dalton replied. "Layla still asleep?"

"Yep, and Bob's still breathing like he's about to die," I answered. "Do you think they'll be okay?"

"I think so, Layla will be fine, she's just tired. I'm surprised you're not asleep yet actually," Dalton said.

"Well, I've always been one to fight sleep," I told him. "What about Bob, do you think he'll be alright?"

"I honestly don't know, he seems in pretty rough shape right now," Dalton replied. "I've never broken a rib, but I've heard its painful. It can kill you if it punctures something too, so we'll have to wait and see. I personally think he'll be fine though."



"Thank you."

"Think nothing of it Jessie. I just did what anyone would have done in my situation," Dalton said.

"Oh, and what situation would that be?" I asked.

"That I'm in love with you," he replied. I walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around me. "I don't know when it happened, or even how, but I love you Jessie, and I'm not ashamed to admit it."

"I think I love you too," I said.

"You just think?" he asked. "Well, what can I do to convince you?"

"Well... There's really only one way."

Dalton dropped the can of Spaghetti-O's to the floor and we shared our first kiss in the kitchen of that abandoned house. Something about it just felt right and I knew I was in love too. In love with a cute, funny, amateur rapper who never quite made it out of college. If you would have told me it was going to happen, I would have never believed you. Time seemed to stop, and when we finally let go of each other, we spent the next few minutes gazing into each others eyes. Dalton picked up the can he had dropped to the floor.

"Spaghetti-O's?" he asked.

"I'll have to pass, I don't eat noodles, because of the eggs in them," I replied.

"Oh yea, I forgot about that. I probably shouldn't eat these either then. Uh, how about... Green beans?" he asked, as he pulled out two cans from the cupboard.

"Sure, that sounds a little better," I said. Dalton searched through the kitchen until he found a pot, and then went to grab some butter.

"No butter in mine please," I told him.

"Shit, I forgot!" he exclaimed. I couldn't help but laugh, he was cute when he cussed. I don't think I've ever said that about anyone before. Dalton started to cook the green beans and I took a seat at the table.

"So... I really hate to ask this, given you're probably trying to forget everything, but what exactly happened with that freak? What did he do to you guys?" Dalton asked. "I mean, if there's something that really bothers you, leave it out, but I just want to know. Like, what happened to Gabe? Stuff like that, but if you're uncomfortable, just say it, and we'll never speak of it again."

"No, its fine," I replied. I told him about most of what happened. About the whole tongue texting incident. About the little "tests" Lucky put us through. The coffin, the sprinkler, Layla calling me a big, sexy rainbow, everything that happened. Well, I may have strategically left out the part about Layla and I making out, but everything else I told him. It kind of felt good to get it off my chest actually. I felt like telling him would help me move on from it. It happened, it could have been worse, and now its over with. When I was done, Dalton sat down at the table and served me a big plate of green beans.

"So Gabe died trying to protect you guys?" he asked. "I can't say I wouldn't have tried the same thing."

Just then I remembered the journal that fell out of Gabe's pocket when Lucky was butchering him, and that Layla made Dalton pick it up before we left. I seen it sticking out of Dalton's pocket earlier, and now I had to know what was inside of it. I had to read it, in honor of the man who tried his best to help Layla and I. If not for him, we may not be here right now. It was him who gave me the idea that led Dalton and Bob here to begin with. He coached me through that whole thing, and I don't know if I could have done it without him. In fact, I know I couldn't have.

"Dalton, do you happen to have that book from earlier?" I asked.

"The one that was lying on the floor of that cell? Yea, its right here," Dalton said, as he slid it across the table to me. "What is it?"

"Its Gabe's journal," I told him. "I don't know what's in it, but I'm going to find out."

"Are you going to read it out loud?" Dalton asked.

"If you want me to," I answered. Dalton nodded and I opened up the cover. "The Journal of Gabe Spencer, A Series Of True Events Regarding the Epidemic," read the cover page. Gabe had been chronicling everything that had happened to him since the epidemic started. He must have thought it would make a great news story when everything calmed down. What made him keep writing it after all this time was beyond me, but maybe the answer was in this journal. I flipped the page, and started to read aloud the contents.



A massive epidemic has hit the United States of America. It is unknown as to what it is, or how it is spreading. So far, nothing seems to be of concern. The symptoms seem to be flu like, accompanied by a rash somewhere on the body. So far it can't be pinpointed as to whether its a virus, or something else, but the government is doing its best to keep things calm.These types of things come and go in our society, but for some reason, I have a bad feeling about this one.

Week 1

My fiancee, Rebecca, and I, have been discussing what we think are the causes. The government is convinced that this has been brought about by illegal aliens from other countries, but we think differently. Swine flu was at first thought to be from Mexico, but as it turned out, it was traced to a farm in the United States. This epidemic is homegrown, I'm sure of it, and I'm sure there is something hidden in what we're eating, but neither me, nor Rebecca can put our finger on what it is.

Week 2

I have been a vegetarian for many years, ever since I saw a movie about the food industry, but here as of late, I'm finding myself to be a total vegan. I don't trust any of the food going around these days, and I feel I shall stay this course until they figure out exactly what is causing this. So far it has done nothing but gotten worse. I've noticed people on the streets with rashes on their arms, and many are walking with face masks to protect themselves. I think that may be just a tad extreme, but Rebecca is starting to develop a cough. Needless to say, I'm worried.

Week 3

It is becoming clear to both Rebecca and I that she has the illness. Her cough has worsened, and there are rashes on both her thighs and neck. I have done my best to keep her calm, but when we hear of people dying on the news, its not an easy task. She has stayed, locked in her room, and I believe tomorrow I will take her to the hospital, if we are lucky enough to be admitted.

A New Beginning: Day 1

Today was eye opening to say the least. I am writing this with tear filled eyes, and a heavy heart. Rebecca and I went to the hospital, where she was officially diagnosed with the disease. There was only one doctor on duty who didn't have it as well. His name was Dr.Kevin Grant, and he immediately welcomed us both with open arms. The rest of the doctors, were busy trying to cure themselves of the disease, but Dr.Grant seemed more occupied with helping the mass amount of incoming patients. He examined my fiancee and then took me outside. We started to walk down the hall, until we reached a door that said "Hospital Staff Only." I wanted to stop, but the doctor insisted I follow. He walked me to the end of the hall and showed me a room. It was filled with what looked like normal people. That was until they noticed me looking into the room, and charged the door. Their eyes were dead, and they were all profusely bleeding from the mouth.

The doctor then explained what was going on. All of the "deaths" on TV weren't true. Nobody had truly died from the illness, this is what they became, lifeless, cannibalistic, and dare I say, zombies. Was this the end of the world? Was there any hope left for mankind? Then I remembered Rebecca. My sweet Rebecca, was this to be your fate? I broke down and cried for her when I made the realization. The doctor then faced me with a decision. Stay here and die with my beloved, or live to tell the tale to the surviving population. It was the most painful decision I would ever have to make. I begged the doctor to tell me there was a chance for this to be cured, but he could give me no such answer. After some debate, I made my desicion. I chose to live. I love you Rebecca.


I stopped reading and looked at Dalton. We were both speechless after what we had just read. I couldn't imagine having to make that kind of decision. It reminded me of when I first met Jack, and the whole incident with his girlfriend. I made the tough decision for him, but if it were someone I loved I don't know if I could have done it. Gabe was a strong person for doing that. He realized the Rebecca he knew wasn't coming back, and he made an impossible choice. I'm glad he did, because I wouldn't be here if he didn't. I choked back the tears, and continued reading.


Day 2

Since the last entry, some things have happened. People with the illness are now everywhere, and its impossible to travel safely. Dr.Grant and I have been holed up in his house since yesterday, and we ended up having to dispose of Dr.Grant's housekeeper, Rose, rather viciously. I won't go into details, but I feel like I have murdered another human being, and it is not a feeling I am comfortable with. Dr.Grant has been researching the sickness since its debut, and has deducted that it is indeed caused by a microscopic parasite. One that mutates it's victims into perfect hosts to both carry and spread the parasite. He believes it was put into poultry, since he has not found any samples of the parasite in either beef or pork. It is his belief that this is not an act of God, but rather it was done by human hands. Who could do such a thing? Who could find it within themselves to end an entire race of people so brutally? Whoever they are, they are sick, and I hope they, and whoever they are involved with, see the darkest corners of hell upon death. The Doctor and I will be attempting to escape the city soon. If you find this as the last entry, then we did not make it.

Day 3

We have made it out of the city, largely in thanks to a man we met by the name of Randle. It seemed as though he was prepared for a situation like this his whole life. He drove a beat up old van, and had an arsenal that rivaled a small militia. He seemed to take pleasure in blowing holes in the zombie hordes. We were almost outside of the city, when we decided to stop for a tank of gas. It appeared as though someone had been there before us, as one of the fuel pumps was not only cleared, but someone had already unlocked it, putting roughly one thousand dollars worth of gas on the pump. Before we left the station, another couple people had found us. One was a young man named Trevor, and the other a young woman named Raven. Trevor, at first glance, appeared to be the type who were a bit full of themselves. Over my short amount of years on the Earth, I've gotten very good at analyzing people. Some may call it passing judgment, but I'm usually not wrong in my assumptions, and when I am, I admit my mistakes. Raven on the opposite end, was a very quiet girl. So quiet in fact, that she hadn't said a word the entire trip. She had apparently told Trevor her name when they first met, and those were the only words she spoke. She seemed like one of those girls who lived a "goth" lifestyle, either to fit in, or because she truly resented the world. My money is on the latter. After we made it outside of the city, we decided to stay the night at a small house in the country, and then we will set out again in the morning. We have no plans on where to go, but so far, I'm just glad to be alive.

Day 4

Today was a rather eventful day. Today we met another group of survivors, much like ourselves. We saved them from what seemed at first glance, to be a deadly situation. We seen a swarm of zombies around a house, and watched the skirmish for a short time. Then Randle took it upon himself to use his grenades and assault rifle to clear out what was attacking the survivors. When it was all finished, we had the privilege of meeting the group. I didn't know much about these people, but from what I had gathered, the young man named Bob, was the leader. He was the type of person who if asked if he was the leader, he would deny it, which in my opinion, was always the best kind of leader. Then there was Layla, a beautiful young girl, probably in her early twenties. She seemed to have a good head on her shoulders, even though she was letting Trevor get close to her. I wouldn't dare interfere, but it seems like a bad idea. Roxy, was another girl in the group, very strong willed. She was the type of person who would fight you at the drop of a hat. I am personally glad to have her on my side. Riley, was the final of the three girls, and if I had to say, she was of a rather spoiled heritage. She was the type of girl who had everything, and loved to tell you about it. So far all she has done is complain. Kwame was an African American young man in the group. I had recognized him from the television, and actually felt a bit star struck, although I'd never tell him. I knew he was a star basketball player, fresh out of high school. If the rules hadn't been changed, he would have went pro. I find him rather humorous actually, as he tends to ramble about things in what sounds like broken English and cuss words. The final member of the group, was Lucas, who seemed to be a rather shy, almost nerdy fellow. He kept to himself mostly, and appeared to avoid any sort of confrontation. We drove for a little while when Bob informed us of a radio station that had been on the air since this all started happening. We tuned it in, and found yet another group of survivors. We are headed there, to try and save them from a horrible fate, but for now we are stopped at a small house to rest. We will be there in the morning, and if this is the last journal entry, then we failed in their rescue.

Day 5

We were successful in saving Jessie and her group of survivors. They were surrounded in a dorm room at a college I once did a story on for the newspaper. Upon making our escape however, we lost Randle, who sacrificed himself so that we may live. Now for the new survivors. Jessie is another strong willed, some would say stubborn person, much like Roxy, but she also seems much more reserved than Roxy. So far, she has kept Bob in check, and we've come up with a plan to escape to an island in the Atlantic Ocean. Jessie also came with a dog named Nimel, who has been a very well behaved dog to say the least. If I was forced to pick a leader, I don't know who would be better, Jessie, or Bob. They both have their strong points. Brock, another new person we've met, seems to have some sort of past relationship with Roxy. I definitely wouldn't say they were lovers, more like a brother/sister kind of relationship. Carter is a British fellow, who seems to be rather conservative for the most part. Perhaps that's just my stereotype of British people however. Jack is a police officer, and he's one I don't mind trusting. He seems to know the correct thing to do in every situation so far. Dalton is a college student, with a nice sense of humor about him. He and Jessie seem to get along very well. They remind me of Rebecca and I, when we first met. The group now has rules that we are all to follow. Every man for themselves, and no rescue missions. We are now somewhat organized and are all traveling on a tour bus we found at the college, and right now, we have spotted a mall. Its time to exploit the zombie apocalypse for all its worth.


"Hey! I think I'd make a much better leader than Bob!" I yelled. "Dalton! Don't you think I would!?"

"I'm not arguing," Dalton replied.

"That's not an answer, yes or no, is an answer," I said.

"Yes Jessie, you'd make a very good leader. You're also much easier on the eyes than Bob is," Dalton replied laughing.

"I heard that!" Bob exclaimed. "I'm not arguing either, what would be the point? I'll never win."

"You're finally starting to learn Bob," I said. "Have you been listening this whole time?"

"Yea, I have. Very interesting stuff. I didn't know Gabe was such a deep guy, he barely ever said anything," Bob answered. "Keep reading, its making me forget about the pain I feel every time I breath."


Day 5 (Part 2)

In the mall we made a stunning discovery. The parasite is far more advanced than we had thought, and we've learned that there are "queens" that are only in a select few of the zombies. They can think, talk, and plot against you, and they have the ability to control the lesser zombies around them. This is a scary realization. We overcame the zombie queen, (who was a male) but at the cost of one of our own. It was Raven, the girl who barely spoke, and I personally feel responsible for her death. I was busy writing notes for this very journal, and didn't even notice she was missing. No amount of apologizing can bring her back, but I am deeply saddened, and disappointed in myself. We all got back on the bus after taking care of the mall menace, and started driving south, towards Florida. A blue truck passed us on the road, and so we decided to befriend the man driving. He told us of a campsite up the road and we followed him there, and in fact, the new member of our group is approaching now, so I will stop writing, and get to know him.


"That's when Lucky must have captured him," I said.

"How did Lucky get you and Layla by the way?" Dalton asked.

"He poisoned our water," Layla replied from the other room sounding as though she had just woken up.

"Layla! You're awake!" Bob said.

"Yea, I've been awake a little while now. I've just been listening. Kind of an old habit from when I was a kid," Layla explained.

"I wonder how he got Gabe?" Dalton asked.

"I guess that's a mystery that will remain unsolved," Layla said as she got up off of the couch. "Bob, you don't look so good. Are you okay?"

"Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I was," Bob answered. "I think I broke a rib or two in that fight, and as tired as I am right now, I can't sleep."

"Come in here, and I'll look at it, I may not know everything about medicine, but I would have been Dr.Kyle in about a year," Layla said.

"I never knew your last name Layla," Bob replied.

"Well, now you do," I said. Bob laughed and followed Layla into a separate room. It was Dalton and I alone again, in the kitchen, with a now cold plate of green beans in front of us.

"Well, I'm really not even hungry anymore, I think I'm going to bed, I haven't slept in a day either," Dalton said.

"Well, if you don't mind I may just join you," I told him.

"Whoa, you're not thinking..." I cut Dalton off before he could say it.

"No! Not yet at least," I said.

"Good, because I still owe you that date," Dalton replied.

"Dalton, there is no way you are going to be able to take me on a date in the zombie apocalypse. Don't worry about it," I told him.

"Oh no, I swear I'm gonna do it. We will have a date! It may not be a... normal date, but I will make sure it counts," he said. "In fact, what would your ideal first date be my lady?"

"Well, I was always fond of concerts before," I replied. "But that's pretty much impossible, so just surprise me if you insist on the date."

"I insist, and I will think of something, just you wait and see," he said. We both went into the master bedroom and slept side by side. It felt good to know I was finally with a guy I could trust. One who didn't just want me for something, but wanted me for love. There was only one other guy I felt safe like this around, and that was Nimel... By the way, where was Nimel? I hope he's okay!
♠ ♠ ♠
So I feel as though this is not only a good recap chapter, but also gives you some insight on the group that rescued Bob, and a bit of their back story. It goes over what you know, and adds a few things you don't. Oh, and it has Jessie and Dalton's first kiss. Insert 80's sitcom wooing noises here. (I know I did) If you don't know what I'm talking about, go youtube a damn 80's sitcom kiss, and you'll get the picture. (Why do I always feel the need to explain jokes?) But yea, I really love how this chapter went. Oh, Mibba for whatever reason won't let me copy the damn italics I originally wrote the journal in, and so I did the whole dot thing, hope that doesn't throw anyone off. I needed a way to separate the journal from the text, or it might get confusing... I think I'm done. Shout out to the homeys still reading this! (That means you Lexamig!) You're all the reason why I'm still writing this. Oh and Alice, she won't let me quit. Come on! Somebody be down with Team Jessie! I would be so Team Jessie! I love ass kicking women! Can't help it. Bob's an ass... wait I'm supposed to be Bob.... My point exactly! Okay, I'm done (I know, do I ever shut up?) One Love ya'll! - Justin Hamm