Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

The Roomies and the Big Brother

I was peacefully sleeping when I hear an annoying loud noise that made me wake up with a jolt. My body jumped so high I ended up falling out of my bed. I look up to see GG looking down at me with a huge smile on her face.

"What the fuck was that?" I ask GG in an obviously pissed off voice.

"An air horn," she responds smiling even wider with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"You woke me up with a fucking air horn!" I scream as I narrow my eyes at her.

"Yep. I woke Megan up the same way," GG says as she leaves my room.

I stand up and look at my clock while stretching. The neon red numbers tell me its only 9:30. She woke me up this fucking early without coffee! Does that girl have a death wish? I stretch before making my way upstairs where someone is continuously ringing the doorbell. Am I the only zombie up?

“I’ll get it,” I yell knowing nether GG nor Megan care since they obviously didn’t plan on opening the door. As I slowly make my way to the door the ringing noises get closer and closer together, slowly but surly pissing me off. “Jesus Christ! I’m coming!” I scream before opening the door only to be tackled to the floor with someone hugging me tightly. I look up to see a chunk of blond and brown hair signifying it was Jade, my brother, lying on top of me. “Can’t… breath,” I gasp out.

“Sorry kiddo,” Jade says as he finally lets go of me before helping me up. “Holly piss! Stina without makeup on!” he squeaks before Hiding behind Davey who I had just noticed.

“Right. You two can come on in if you would like,” I say stepping aside while opening the door a bit wider. “Oh. Where are Adam and Hunter? I miss hanging out with y’all,” I say as I lead the boys to the kitchen.

“Do I look like their babysitter?” Jade asks as Davey shrugs his shoulders.

“No need to be a smartass,” I hiss as we walking into the kitchen to see Megan sitting at the bar chugging a Mt. Dew. “I heard the air horn fairy paid you a visit as well,” I say as I poor myself a cup of coffee.

“If she ever does that again with I have a hangover…I’ll fucking kill her,” Megan says grinding her teeth as she begins to squeeze the Mt. Dew bottle.

“I’m with ya on that one love. But calm it down a notch there shorty,” I say starring at her oddly while sipping on my coffee as GG walks in.

“Who are they? Well, I know who they are but why are they here?” GG asks pointing to Jade and Davey.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry my mind is shot to hell,” I say laughing as I set my coffee cup on the counter.

“Yes, we all know this just introduce us,” Jade orders making me glare at him. “Well, get on with it,” he says waving his arms about like the retard he is.

“Before hand I have a question for Davey. Why the hell are you friends with the retard I am forced to call my older brother?” I ask looking at him oddly as I gesture to Jade who is messing with a decoration on the wall.

“Eh, I already got him trained and it’s too much trouble to leave him and start the process over again,” Davey says trying not to laugh while I nearly fall in the floor due to laughter.

“Ok. Anyways; Megan and GG I would like for y’all to meet Davey and my brother,” I say pointing to the boys. “Boy’s the little one is Megan and the other one’s GG,” I say pointing to the girls. “Mind telling me why you’re here?”

“What? I like to just randomly pop in on my favorite little sister,” Jade says while smiling and attempting to look innocent.

“Bull shit! I’m your only little sister, no you don’t, and stop trying to look innocent no one’s going to buy it,” I say looking at him like he’s just sprouted a new head.

“Well.. I was going to ask if you and your friends wanted to come to our concert tonight but if I really am such a terrible brother,” Jade begins before I cut him off.

“No! I luvb you! You’re the bestest big brother ever!,” I coo before attacking him in a hug.

“Ok. Yeah, we need to get going so here are your tickets the info for everything is on them. If your too special to figure it out call me and I’ll explain everything to you step by step. Bye,” Jade says handing me the tickets before he and Davey both hug me and head out the door.

“Why did you never tell us Jade Puget was your brother?” Megan asks poking me as GG nods her head.

“Can you honestly blame me after that?” I ask to have them both blankly stare at me. “I didn’t think so. Well, I’m gonna go shower then head to the mall and get some new shit for tonight. You galls in?” I ask stretch.

“Hell yeah,” both GG and Megan scream.

“Well that was an interesting trip. Please remind me to never talk to people again,” I tell the girls in the car on the way to the concert.

“You have to admit though that random guy taking a liking to you was pretty damn funny,” Megan says laughing.

“Shut up and drive,” I bark as I prop my feet up on the dashboard.

Once the show was over we fight our way backstage and have to argue with a burly security guard for several minutes until Jade walks over to me and places an amazingly sweating arm on me making me shriek.

“Now can we go Captain Douche bag?” I ask glaring at the security guard to have him grunt in response. “Now Jade I love you and all but take your nasty sweaty arm offa me,” I say slinging his arm off as we walk back to where the other boys are.

“You know you love me,” Jade says smiling as he leads us into a room where Davey, Hunter, and Adam are lounging about.

“I love you; not all that much when you’re sweat. It’s sick! Ello boys,” I say smiling as I plop down on the couch in-between Adam and Hunter.

About thirty minutes into our drinking and hanging out GG and Megan both remind me that we have to work tomorrow making me groan.

“Why? It’s our shop; let’s not open it,” I say smiling.

“And loose all that money? I think not. You guy’s played great tonight. Now say goodbye so we don’t have to drag you outta here,” Megan warns me.

“Foine. Bye guys. Please make sure Jade doesn’t die; I don’t much fancy the idea of being out a brother. I’ll see y’all later,” I say hugging the boys before the girls drag me out to the car.

Once we get home I say goodnight to the girls and make my way down to my room where I change into my Nightmare Before Christmas pjs and collapse on my bed where I nearly instantly fall asleep.