Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

I've Got the Hook Up

The next day I wake up and look at the clock. 12:30? Eh At least it's double digits. I go to stretch and hit something. "Ouch," I hear Jimmy mumble.

"Sorry love," I say yawning.

"What time is it?" Jimmy asks as he rolls over.

"12:30," I say rolling onto my side so I can see him.

"The light hurts," Jimmy says covering his eyes.

"You have a hangover," I say laughing.

"Shut up. How do you not have a hangover you drank so much more than me last night?" Jimmy asks whining.

"I usually don't get bad hangovers that one time before was a freak thing," I whisper.

"Yeah freak like you," I hear someone near the end of my bed say. I look up and see Pippy standing there.

"What the fuck are you in my room for?" I ask sitting up.

"I need a curved barbell for my eyebrow I lost mine. I swear I'd lose my god damn head if it wasn't attached," Pippy says laughing.

"Yeah you can borrow one, but if you loose this I'll fucking kill you," I say as I rummage through my jewelry box for a curved barbell.

"There, now get the fuck out so I can wake up," I say laughing.

"Aye, Aye Captain Sparkie," Pippy says laughing as she leaves the room.

"Do you have any Aleve?" Jimmy asks slowly sitting up

"Yeah, hold on," I say as I go into the bathroom. I rummage through the cabinets and finally find the Aleve. "Here. I'm gonna go take a shower babe," I say as I hand Jimmy his Aleve. I go through my morning routine and get dressed in my batman beanie, a COF shirt, pair of wrist warmers, pair of black tripps with corset pockets, my red and black stud belt and the first pair of shoes I can find.

I walk upstairs and see everyone hanging out in the living room. "Batman!" Pippy screams taking my beanie away and putting it on.

"Fucking A! Pippy give that back," I whine chasing her around making everyone else laugh.

"Umm... let me think about that. No," Pippy says still running.

I stop and put my hands on my hips and say, "Jessica Leigh give that back right now."

"Ahh! You pulled out the middle name. Here take it," Pippy says inching towards me and throwing my beanie at me.

"Spank you," I say grinning.

"Spank you? That sounds kinky," Zacky says laughing.

"Get you mind out of the fucking gutter," I say rolling my eyes.

"But it likes it there," Zacky says smiling.

"Whatever. Do y'all know what we're doing tonight?" I randomly ask.

"Goen clubben duh," GG yells.

"Oh .Hey do y'all mind if I invite Jade and the guys?" I ask.

"No go ahead," Megan says.

"Ok I'm gonna go call Jade be right back," I say getting up and going downstairs to my room. "Pick up your fucking phone Jade," I whine after it rings four times.

"What do you want stina?" Jade asks sounding agitated.

"Damn. Ever heard of saying ello?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Umm no. Anyways what's up?" Jade asks.

"Nothen much. I was just wondering what you and the guys were doing tonight," I ask playing with my lipring.

"Adam and Hunter are doing umm... something? But Davey and me aren't. Why?" he asks.

"Well we're goen clubben and I want y'all to come. So ADD random but you should be used to it by now because you've known me for 23 years. Is Davey still single?" I ask stringing several of my words together.

"Umm yeah. Why?" Jade asks sounding confused.

"Well you remember Pippy right?" I ask laughing.

"Pippy? Who the fuck is that?" Jade asks.

"You know Jessica?" I ask only to receive silence. "For fucks sake. The one that y'all used to make fun of because she had a crush on Davey."

"Oh that Jessica," Jade says as the very dim light bulb comes on.

"You dumb fuck she's the only Jessica besides GG," I say rolling my eyes.

"Whatever. Be nice to me I'm your big brother," he pouts.

"Don't remind me."

"Funny Stina funny," Jade says sarcasm dripping off of every word.

"Well anyways do y'all wanna go out tonight?" I ask.

"Sure why not."

"YAY! I luvb you Jade," I squeal.

"Aww. YAY! I love you two Chrissy," he says laughing knowing I hate that name.

"Don't fucking call me that!"

"Ok, ok sorry. Where and when are we meeting you?" Jade asks.

"Umm. How about.. Raven at 9:30?" I ask.

"That sounds fine to me."

"OK see ya then Jade. Bye," I say slightly rolling my eyes.

"Bye Chrissy!" Jade says before hanging up.

That bastard called me Chrissy and hung up. Arg. I have no fucking clue how I haven't killed him yet After Jade hung up on me I walk back upstairs. "Bitches we now have plans for tonight," I say sitting down.

"Who are you callen a bitch, bitch?" GG asks.

"You ya heroin whore," I say laughing.

"What are we doing CD?" Pippy asks putting her feet in my lap.

"Eww! Gross! We're going to Raven at 9:30 and we're meeting up with Jade and Davey," I say in a sing song voice trying to get Pippy's feet out of my lap.

"Davey? You mean Davey Havok? The same one?" Pippy asks her eyes getting big.

"Yeppers. So you better get your ass extra dolled up tonight love," I say smiling.

"Oh. Jessica has a crush," Megan sings dancing around.

"I do not," Pippy says blushing.

"Yes you do. You've liked Davey since we were like 12," I say putting my head on Jimmy's shoulder.

"Holly hell Jessica. That's a long ass time to like someone," GG says.

"Yeah I know. OK y'all call me Pippy because I'm getting confused. Shut the fuck up CD and why are you resting your head on Jimmy's shoulder?" Pippy says me poking my side.

"Don't! And I'm resting my head on Jimmy because; one: I can cause he's my boyfriend and two: I'm tired," I whine.

"How the fuck are you tired?" Megan asks me looking at me like I have a third eye.

"I don't know I just am," I say putting my feet on the coffee table. "What time is it now?" I ask anyone who's listing to me.

"It's 2:30," Jimmy says looking at his watch.

"Christina?" Pippy asks in a pitiful voice.

"What do you want?" I ask looking at her out of the corner of my eyes.

"Can you take me to the mall to get clothes for tonight?" Pippy asks me giving me puppy dog eyes.

"You don't have anything with you?" I ask.

"Not clubbing clothes," Pippy says pouting.

"How come you didn't ask before you found out Davey was gonna me there?" I ask with a smile.

"I just didn't ok now take me," Pippy says pulling me up.

"Arg! Fine We'll be back later guys," I say as Pippy drags me outside to my car.

"Come on CD. You're such a slow ass," Pippy says as she drags me to Hot Topic once we're at the mall.

"For fuck's shake. Slow down. The store isn't going anywhere," I say trying to pull my hand away from Pippy.

"No it isn't but all the hot stuff is," Pippy whines.

"Oh goth! Why did I tell you Davey was gonna be there?" I ask myself out loud.

"Because you know I'd kick your ass if you didn't because I woulda gone there in jeans and a t-shirt," Pippy says pulling me into Hot Topic.

So far Pippy has tried on seven completely different outfits and made me tell her what I think about them. "Now outfit number eight if this isn't it I'm fucking leaving your ass here," I say as Pippy comes out in a halter pinstripe corset, with matching skirt and heels that lace around her ankle. "Wow! Pippy you look hot in a strictly non lezbo way," I say laughing.

"Thanks CD. I think this is what I'm gonna get," Pippy says looking at herself in the mirror.

"Thank fuck! It's about fucking time you found something," I say following Pippy to the check out counter. After sher pays for her crap her and I to the food court to get for her lunch and me breakfast. After we ate it was around so we decided to go back home.

Once we get home Pippy and I come in form the basement in the door in the game room. When we walk through the game room we see Megan and Brian making out on one of the couches. "Eww! Pippy look! They're sucking each other's faces off," I say giggling pointing to them.

"God they have to come up for air sometime," Pippy says laughing.

"Shut Up!" Megan yells after pulling away from Brian.

"Then go do that in your room," I say poking Megan.

"Well now that you two have ruined the mood we don't need to," Bri says grabbing Megan's hand and leading her upstairs.

"Aww poor Sadistic Bitch," I say laughing. Pippy dropped her crap off in my room and we went upstairs to find everyone watchen a movie.

Pippy took the last seat so I just sat on Jimmy's lap. "What are y'all watching?" I ask looking at the screen confused.

"It's Jeepers Creepers," GG says eating popcorn.

"Oh I've never seen this. What's it about?" I ask.

"Shut up! Let me watch my movie in peace," GG says throwing popcorn at me.

"Aww thanks love, but I just ate," I say throwing it back at her laughing. I lean back against Jimmy and try to get into the movie.

"Why did you sit in my lap?" Jimmy asks me while putting his head on my shoulder.

"Because I'd rather sit on you than the floor," I say putting my head on top of his.

"Wow. Doesn't that just make me feel special," Jimmy says laughing.

"You are special love. Special ed," I say laughing.

"That was so not funny. Now take it back" Jimmy says as he starts poking me in my sides. I start too squeal and squirm because I am extremley ticklish.

"CD shut up!" GG yells throwing more popcorn at me.

"But… he's… poking me… and it... fucking tickles," I stutter out in-between laughing fits.

"Jimmy leave the poor girl alone so we can watch the fucken movie," Brian snaps.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Jimmy asks as he leans back and I lean back with him.

"Me and Pippy caught him and Megan sucken face earlier and we totally ruined the mood, or at least that's what he said," I say trying to watch the movie but giving up because I was totally lost. I look over at the clock and see that it's eight. "I'm gonna go get ready love," I tell Jimmy as I get up.

"Where are you going?" Pippy asks me as I go to walk by her.

"To get ready it's already eight," I explain.

"Oh shit I got to get ready too," Pippy says as she jumps up and runs downstairs.

I fight my way to the bathroom before Pippy because if I didn't I'd never get in there. I take a shower, blow-dry my hair, do thick black eyeliner on the bottom of my eyes and the smoky look on the top and get dressed in my graham and fishnet spider corset with matching skirt and fishnets, white armwarmers with a black fishnet overlay, white spider web heels, a spider web necklace with a dangling spider, and my spider ring.
When I get done I go upstairs and sit beside Jimmy.

"Hey babe. Nice outfit. I like the spider thing," Jimmy says laughing.

"Thanks love," I say as I lean back. I look around the room and notice I'm the only girl in there.

"Wow. Pippy made me get ready so early that I'm the first girl done," I say laughing.

"Yeah everyone else just ran off to get ready," Johnny says laughing.

"Why do girls care so much about what you look like? I mean we aren't even changing," Brain says looking at me funny.

"I don't know. I just do it because if I don't Megan and GG and Pippy will do it for me," I say shuttering thinking about the one time Pippy really did make me.

"That sounds scary," Zacky says laughing.

"You laugh now, but you have Pippy come after you with a corset and skirt and make-up then we'll talk," I say shaking my head.

"Holy piss! You're the first one done we're all gonna dye on the way there," Megan says coming into the room.

"Damn Megan way to make me feel luvbd," I say as I pout.

"Aww. CD I was only kidding," Megan says laughing as she sits by me.

"That was still harsh," I say as I fake cry.

"How about I buy you same JD tonight. Ok?" Megan asks.

"Kay!" I yell making Jimmy and Megan flinch.

"I think I'm deaf now," Jimmy says messing with his ear.

"Aww I'm sowwy," I say as I kiss his ear.

"Fuck thinking. I know I'm mother fucking deaf," Megan says messing with her ears.

"Sorry," I say giggling.

"What? I don't get a kiss too?" Megan asks laughing.

"Ummm. From Brian yesh, me fuck no," I say laughing.

"Wow wrong time to walk in on the conversation," GG says as she, Dani, and Krista walk into the room.

"Megan told CD she'd give her some JD and then she screamed making Megan and Jimmy deaf she kissed Jimmy not Megan," Bri says really fast.

"What the fuck did he just say?" I ask confused.

"He did a recap you idiot. Even I know that and I'm just getting here," Pippy says coming upstairs.

"Leave me alone," I whine.

"Ok off to the club," GG says as we all start to leave.

"Pippy you're with me and Jimmy love," I say once we get outside.

"Otay buddy," Pippy says as we link arms walking to the car.

"Jimmy will you drive again please? I hate driving in heels," I say batting my eyelashes.

"Sure love," Jimmy says taking the keys from me and getting in the car.

We get into the club and are looking for Jade and Davey. I'm getting a ton of weird looks because I have my arms linked with Pippy and Jimmy. "Do you see Jade anywhere?" GG asks me.

"No. Arg why is his ass always so hard to find," I whine looking around.

"Because it's so damn small," Jade says from behind me.

"Yeah and I'm the dumb one," I say smiling.

"Well then it's true. Hey Jessica long time no see," Jade says hugging Pippy.

Pippy looks at me funny and then says, "Umm yeah? Jade are you ok?"

"Yeah why?" Jade asks Pippy looking at her weird.

"Well, when we were younger you were well, a jerk," Pippy says laughing.

"Jade you just got burned. Davey you remember my lovely Pippy, Jessica whatever," I say laughing.

"Yeah. Hey," Davey says as he hugs Pippy. Davey lets go of Pippy and then everyone heads towards a table. Pippy and me hang towards the back of the group.

"Holy fuck," Pippy says staring straight ahead.

"Love are you ok?" I ask giggling.

"He's still really hot," Pippy says smiling like an idiot.

"Yesh I know love. Now come on they're all sitting down," I say guiding Pippy to the table and sitting by Jimmy. I pull Pippy down into the seat beside me that just happens to be beside Davey too.

"Hey I'm gonna go get your JD now. I'll be bright back," Megan says walking over to the bar.

It was a seriously fucked up night. For once we didn't actually party. We all just sat around and talked and of course drank the night away, or until the management told us we had to leave. Then we all went home and drank some more. It's simply amazing how much a group of 13 can drink.