Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Drunken Mornings and the Park

I woke up the next morning outside. What the mother fucking hell? I look around and see that I'm using Jimmy as a pillow and that everyone is in some random ass spot in the yard besides Dani and Krista. GG and Matt were by the pool, Megan and Brian were in a chair on the patio, Zacky, Jade and Johnny were in the middle of the yard, and Pippy and Davey were about seven feet away from me. I decide to wake Jimmy up and try to get him to my room. "Jimmy. Jimmy, love wake up," I say shaking his shoulder to get no response. "Jimmy. Jimmy wake up," I say shaking him a little harder.

"What?" Jimmy asks sitting up.

"Why don't you go to my room and finish sleeping," I say as I sit down on the ground.

"I thought I was in your room," Jimmy says making me laugh.

"Love, we're outside," I say shaking my head.

"Holly fuck we are," Jimmy says looking around.

"Yes now come on," I say helping him up.

"Do you know what time it is?" Jimmy asks as we walk towards the house.

"I have no fucking clue love," I say laughing.

"Ok well... Im gonna go shower," Jimmy says kissing my head on going downstairs.

I finally find a clock and it says 11:30. Eh, its a somewhat decent time I guess. I look over and see someone's made coffee so I get my Jack cup and pour me some and sit down at the table. As soon as I sit down Krista and Dani come in the kitchen. "Hey guys. Whats up?" I ask sipping my coffee.

"Well, we need to head on home," Dani says sitting down.

"Aw That sucks," I say as I sip my coffee.

"Yes it does but well be back in a few. Well, we need to leave because our plane leaves in a hour and a half," Krista says hugging me.

"Ok do you guys need a ride there?" I ask.

"No. We called a cab we're fine," Dani says hugging me as we here a horn outside.

"Ok, well bye guys. I'll tell everyone y'all left," I say as I walk with them to the door and watch them leave.

After Krista and Dani leave I walk downstairs to my room. When I walk in Jimmy's walking out of the bathroom. "Yay! I get to get outta these clothes and shower," I say doing a happy dance.

"Noice babe," Jimmy says shaking his head.

"You know you love me," I say smiling.

"Yes, sadly I do," Jimmy says smiling.

"Ouch! If I had a heart it would be braking. Will you please feed Oggie for me?" I ask Jimmy grabbing clothes.

"Sure babe," Jimmy says grabbing a feeder rat.

"Thanks love," I say as I walk into the bathroom. I go through my morning routine and get dressed in a black halter corset, black and white stripped fingerless gloves, a black skirt the same material as my corset, footless fishnets, a black pair of slip ons with random white pictures and razorblade earrings.

I walk outta my room and see Jimmy lying on my bed. "I really like that outfit," Jimmy says looking me up and down.

"Thanks love but I feel weird I mean I'm wearing a skirt," I say laughing.

"Why are you still in here?" I ask as I lay down putting my head on Jimmy's chest.

"Well, I want to hang out with my pretty girlfriend and everyone is coming in with hangovers," Jimmy says laughing.

"Oh ok," I say laughing to.

"You want to do something?" Jimmy asks running his hand through my hair.

"How about we watch a movie?" I ask sitting up.

"Ok. You pick," Jimmy says sitting up.

"Ok. How about... Corpse Bride?" I ask walking over to my DVDs and picking it up.

"That's fine by me," Jimmy says. I put the DVD in and lay back down with Jimmy as the movie starts.

"I love that movie. Tim Burton and Johnny Depp how can you go wrong," I say laughing once the movie's over.

"It was pretty good. I think everyone should be humane now. Do you wanna go upstairs?" Jimmy asks me sitting up making me sit up too.

"Sure love, but help me up," I say reaching for Jimmy while laughing.

"Fine," Jimmy says grabbing my hand pulling me up and leading me upstairs.

"Damn! CD's wearing a skirt," Pippy says as Jimmy and I walk into the living room.

"Shut up. I just grabbed something," I say as Jimmy and I sit on the couch beside Jade.

"Ello brother dearest," I say putting my head on Jade's shoulder.

"Hey. What were y'all doing down there alone?" Jade asks looking at Jimmy funny.

"Nothing we watched Corpse Bride and waited for all to get unhangovered," I say laughing.

"For fucks sake shut up," Megan says burying her head in Brian's shoulder.

"Aww poor Sadistic Bitch has a hangover," I coo.

"Shut up! It's not my fault I'm not some freak of nature who doesn't get hangovers," Megan says.

"Wow! You still don't get hangovers?" Pippy asks.

"Nope. By the way how did you sleep?" I ask smiling.

"Fine," Pippy says blushing.

"I'm gonna get going," Jade says kissing my forehead.

"Ok. Byez. Love ya," I say as Jade gets up.

"Love you too," Jade yells as he walks out the front door.

"Hey me and Brian are going out guys. Well be back later. Luvb ya," Megan says as she and Brian walk towards the door.

"Be good and if you're not use protection," I tell Megan.

"CD your the one who needs to use it," Megan yells before leaving.

"We're goen out too. Bye. Luvb ya," GG says as she and Matt leave.

"Me and Johnny are getting food. Later," Zacky says as he and Johnny leave.

"Well, I guess its just us four," I say looking at Pippy and Davey.

"Well, more like you two," Pippy says pointing to Jimmy and me.

"Oh ok. What are y'all doing?" I ask.

"I'm just gonna show her around," Davey says smiling.

"Aww. It's your first real date," I coo.

"Shut up Chrissy," Pippy says as she grabs Davey's hand and hauls ass. I just shake my head.

"Well it looks like it's just us. What do you wanna do?" I ask Jimmy.

"Well, we could go on our first actual date too," Jimmy says.

"We haven't been on a date?" I ask shocked.

"Unless you count the day we got you Oggie then no," Jimmy says laughing.

"Wow that's sad," I say shaking my head.

"Yeah it is. So what do you want to do for our date?" Jimmy asks me.

"Ummm.... well we could go to a movie or dinner, or a park or something," I say thinking out loud.

"Why don't we go to the park and then dinner?" Jimmy says standing up.

"Ok love, sounds good to me," I say as Jimmy helps me up.

"I used to come here all the time," I say as me and Jimmy walk into the park.

"Cool," Jimmy says as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Come on. Let's relive our childhoods," I say laughing as I wrap my arm around Jimmy and lead him to the path to the playground.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jimmy asks looking down at me.

"You'll see once we get past those trees," I say laughing pointing to a group of trees about thirty feet in front of us.

"Should I be scared?" Jimmy asks me looking at the trees like they would jump out at us.

"No love. I promise it's nothing bad. Come on," I say as I grab his hand and run towards the playground laughing.

Once we get past the trees the playground it's right in front of us. I pull Jimmy up to the edge of the playground and stop. "You brought me to a playground?" Jimmy asks me hugging me from behind.

"Yep," I say giggling.

"Come on. Come swing with me," I say as I walk over to the swings.

"I don't swing," Jimmy says following me.

"Please swing with me?" I ask as I sit on a swing and slowly start to swing.

"No. I'm good," Jimmy says standing beside me.

"Pwease swing with me?" I ask Jimmy giving him puppy dog eyes.

"I don't swing babe," Jimmy says leaning against the frame of the swing.

"Is there anything that you would do at a playground?" I ask Jimmy twisting my swing.

"Not really," Jimmy says thinking.

"You're no fun," I pout as I get up and walk over to the slide.

"Where are you going?" Jimmy asks following me.

"To the slide to have fun," I say walking up to the biggest slide. It's about a story tall and it's one of those tube ones.

"You really are gonna relive your childhood aren't you?" Jimmy asks me catching up to me.

"Yep," I say as I start to climb up the ladder.

"I'll do this with you," Jimmy says watching me climb.

"Then why aren't you coming up?" I ask him looking down.

"Because I can see up your skirt," Jimmy says smiling. I just roll my eyes and keep climbing. "I like the black panties by the way," Jimmy says smiling even more.

"Shut up and come up here," I say sitting inside of the slide.

I sit inside of the slide for a few second before Jimmy get to the top of the ladder. "Are you gonna go down with me? I like it but it still kinda creeps me out," I say laughing looking down the slide.

"Sure babe, but I got to get in there," Jimmy says looking inside the slide.

"How about I go then you right behind me," I say looking into the slide.

"Ok babe. Whenever your ready," Jimmy says.

"Ok," I say as I close my eyes and slide down. I stop at the bottom and open my eyes. No sooner than I open my eyes do I go flying into the sandbox.

"Shit are you ok?" Jimmy asks me laughing.

"Oh yesh, I like sitting in sand in a skirt," I say as he helps me up.

"Sorry babe," Jimmy says whipping sand off of my ass.

"You just wanted to touch my ass," I say giggling.

"Yes. I had all of this planned," Jimmy says rubbing his hands together and laughing.

"Ok. Baby never do that again," I tell Jimmy grabbing his hands to get him to stop.

"Umm no," Jimmy says shaking my hands off doing it again.

"Stop it," I whine poking his belly.

"Fine. I'll stop but now lets go to eat I'm hungry."

"Ok do you wanna go to a fast food joint or a sit down joint?" I ask Jimmy as we walk hand in hand back to the car.

"How about a sit down place. I don't really want fast food," Jimmy says.

"Well there's this really nice place called The Pub about a fifteen minute walk that way. Is that ok and can we just walk?" I ask as we pass the trees.

"Sure," Jimmy says as we turn right instead of left.

"It this like an Irish Pub?" Jimmy asks as we walk through the park.

"Yeah kinda. There the bar and dinning area are separate though," I say as I get a little closer to Jimmy.

"You ok babe?" Jimmy asks me looking down at me.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little cold," I say wrapping my arms around me.

"Oh ok. Well we're almost there right?" Jimmy asks wrapping his arm around me.

"Yeah just about," I say leaning into him. We walked for about five more minutes and we reach the pub.

We get in and seated in about three minutes. "What would you like to drink?" the waitress who looked about thirty asks.

"I'll have a beer," Jimmy says looking at the menu.

"I'll have a Jack Daniels," I say politely.

"What would you like us to cut that with?" the waitress asks.

"Nothing I want it straight," I say looking at my menu.

"Straight?" she asks with a shocked face.

"Yes straight," I say annoyed.

"I'll be right back," she says as she walks away.

"I don't think she thinks you can handle your JD," Jimmy says laughing.

"Well she's seriously wrong," I say crossing my arms. We order and talk about nothing and everything while we eat and then we head home.

"Where have you two been?" Jade asks us as we walk in the house around nine.

"I don't know where they were but I know what they were doing," Megan says giggling.

"Shut up Sadistic Bitch. We were out on a date," I say as I sit down in Jimmy's lap.

"So what did y'all do?" Pippy asks.

"We went to the playground and pub," Jimmy says wrapping his arms around me.

"Sure ya did," Pippy says winking.

"Well, what did you two do?" I ask looking at her and Davey.

"He showed me around," Pippy says giggling.

"And I'm the fucking tooth fairy," I say rolling my eyes.

"Really? Can I have some money?" GG asks.

"If you give me a fucking tooth yesh," I say looking at GG.

"I'm board," I say resting my head onto of Jimmy's that was on my shoulder.

"Let's watch a movie," Zacky says staring at the ceiling.

"What movie?" Johnny asks.

"Umm do you have The Skeleton Key?" Matt asks.

"I think," Megan says.

"Here it is," Johnny says putting the movie in.

The whole movie went pretty good. I only jumped when the black guy was right behind her. The whole movie Jade kept looking at me funny. I'll just have to find out what the hell his problem is later. "Guys I think I'm goen to bed. I'm fucking tired," I say getting up stretching.

"Ok night love," GG and Megan say at the same time.

"Noice," I say laughing.

"Night OJ!" Pippy says.

"I'll be there in a few," Jimmy says as I walk downstairs.

I grab my oversized CKY shirt and a pair of gray shorts then go into my bathroom and brush my teeth and wash all my make-up off. I walk back into my room and crawl under the covers as Jimmy walks in. He strips down to his boxers and gets in the bed. "Night love," I say as I rest my head on his chest.

"Night CD," Jimmy says as he kisses the top of my head and wraps his arm around me.