Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Truth or Dare

"Back to Brian's question what are we doing tonight," Matt asks.

"Why don't we play truth or dare," Megan says.

"Yay! Truth or Dare. Remember the good old days CD?" Pippy asks me laughing.

"Yesh the swamp monster dare. Good old days my ass," I say laughing.

"The swamp monster dare?" Jimmy asks me.

"I'm not going there," I say shaking my head.

"But I will," Pippy says smiling.

"Shut the fuck up or so help me the god and goddess I will gut you like a fish," I say through gritted teeth.

"Like I haven't heard that one before," Pippy says smiling.

"Anyways. One time when we were about 15 we played truth or dare and I dared CD to do her swamp monster look and knock on my new neighbors door," Pippy says grinning like an idiot.

"Swamp monster look?" GG asks Pippy with a confused face.

"Yesh swamp monster look. You splash CD with water and all of the ten pounds of eyeliner she wears runs all over the place," Pippy says giggling.

"Oh! I remember this one," Davey says laughing as I shake my head and bury it in Jimmy's chest.

"Well when CD went over their and knocked on the door this really hot guy that she liked answered the door and after that he wouldn't talk to her anymore," Pippy says nearly in tears from laughing.

"I fucking hate you," I say into Jimmy's chest.

"Oh my god! CD you seriously did that," Megan asks laughing her ass off.

"I had to," I say keeping my head buried in Jimmy's chest.

"Aww poor CD. Come on guys lets just play," GG says trying not to laugh.

"Yeah lets just get started," I say sitting up.

"First let me get some JD y'all want anything?" I ask walking towards the kitchen. Everyone says some random form of liquor that I some how bring back with out dropping any.

"Jimmy your girlfriends talented she can carry all the liquor without dropping it," Zacky says laughing.

"Zacky you're an idiot," I say as I sit back down with Jimmy drinking my JD.

"Ok whose first?" I randomly ask.

"Since you asked you," GG says laughing.

"Ok GG truth or dare," I ask smiling.

"Dare bitch," GG says laughing.

"Dare... ummm... oh I've got it," I say smiling evilly.

"Why am I now afraid?" GG asks laughing.

"You should be. Now your dare is to eat ice cream topped with olives and sardines," I say grinning evilly.

"That's fucking gross," GG yells.

"Thus is the point of it being a dare," I say laughing.

"Ew fine go get the shit," GG says shaking her head.

"Yay!," I say as I go get the ice cream, olives and sardines.

"That was fucking gross," GG says whipping her tongue on her shirt after she was done.

"Ok Megan truth or Dare?" GG asks.

"Dare I'm not a pussy," Megan says making us all laugh.

"Ok bitch! I dare you to hold Oggie for 30 seconds," GG says smiling.

"Not cool!" Megan yells.

"But you picked dare so you have to. CD go get Oggie," GG tells me.

"Aye, Aye Capitan," I say as I get up and go get Oggie.

"I'm not touching that fucking thing," Megan says trying to hide behind Brian when I come upstairs.

"Come on Megan just hold him for a sec then I'll take him back," I say trying to get her to do it.

"I don't wanna," Megan says looking at Oggie like he was diseased.

"He wont bite I swear just get the dare over with," I say shoving Oggie in Megan's face.

"Ok … I guess," Megan says reaching out for Oggie.

"Ok. Now just keep your hand still for the 30 seconds he'll probably just sit there. Ok?" I ask Megan as I slowly hand her Oggie.

"This... is... so... gross," Megan says really slow.

"You're almost there a few more seconds," GG says looking at the clock, "Ok time."

"Ew! Get it the fuck off," Megan says shoving her hand in my face.

"Calm the fuck down," I say as I take Oggie form Megan.

"Ok Megan your turn," GG says smiling.

"You go again I'm gonna go disinfect my hand," Megan says as I roll my eyes.

"Ok CD I pick you," GG says smiling.

"Dare but let me go put Oggie back," I say walking downstairs. I come back up and ask GG, "OK so what am I doing?"

"I dare you to run down the street in your underwear," GG says smiling.

"What?" I screech.

"You heard me. Paybacks a bitch," GG says smiling even more than before.

"I fucking hate you," I tell GG ask I take my shirt off.

"Ohh we get a strip tease too," Zacky says smiling.

"Bite me," I say as I take off my pants.

"How far up do I have to run?" I ask GG standing in the living room in nothing but my underwear.

"Umm... two blocks bitch!" GG yells.

"I seriously hate you," I say walking to the door with everyone following me.

"I luvb you lover," GG says shoving me out the door.

As soon as I get outside I haul ass down the road. Fuckthere are so many people outside today. Within three minutes I was back at the house.

"I didn't know you could run that fast," GG says handing me my clothes.

"Well.... neither... did I," I say trying to catch my breath.

I get dressed and sit back down beside Jimmy. "I liked that dare GG," Jimmy says smiling.

"Bastard I'm gonna get you back for that," I say smacking Jimmy.

"Ouch! Abuse," Jimmy says rubbing his chest.

"Ok I pick Pippy," I say smiling.

"I'm gonna pick dare because I hate your truths," Pippy says looking at me evilly.

"Well if you knew how to tell the boy you didn't like him and he was a fucking psycho I wouldn't have done it," I say in my defense.

"What?" Davey asks confused.

"Nothing anyways dare," Pippy says shaking her head.

"Ok... I dare you to go to the next door and knock on the door and ask for condoms," I say smiling.

"With my luck it will be some nasty old fart," Pippy says getting up.

"Hasn't that happened to you before?" I ask Pippy laughing as Megan, GG and I follow Pippy outside.

"Yeah! That's why I'm sayen it now," Pippy says shaken her head. It was pitch black out so we had to turn the porch light on.

"Ok we'll just hang out here making it look like were talking while you do it," I tell Pippy as I shove her into our neighbors yard and run back to the porch. Pippy knocks on the door and we start to move our mouths but don't actually say anything.

A woman around her fifties answers the door and ask, "Can I help you?"

"Yes. You see me and my boyfriend want to be umm active and we don't have any condoms. Do you happen to have any?" Pippy sweetly asks.

"Umm hold on one second," the woman says before disappearing in the house.

Pippy looks at us and mouths "what the fuck," we all just shrug.

"Here you go dear. Will two be enough?" the lady asks hading Pippy two condoms.

Megan, GG and I bust out laughing and Pippy says, "No two will be fine," and walks back over. "The fact that she had these scares me," Pippy says holding up the condom as we walk back inside.

"Holy fuck you actually got them?" Matt asks Pippy.

"Yeah and she asked if two were enough," Pippy says throwing the condoms at me.

"Hey! I'm not gonna be the one that needs them later," I say as I throw them back at Pippy.

"Ok my turn," Pippy says looking around the room.

"I pick... um... Zacky," Pippy yells.

"OK dare," Zacky says.

"No one picks truth," I say giggling.

"Good job love," Jimmy says patting me on the head.

"Don't I'm still mad you didn't say anything against GG's dare for me," I say swatting Jimmy's hand away.

"Shut up CD. Zacky I dare you to go outside, stand in the middle of the front yard and yell at the top of your lungs I'm here I'm queer get used to it," Pippy says laughing so hard she falls offa the couch and into the floor.

"Fine," Zacky says as he gets up and slowly goes to the door. Zacky looks back to the house once hes out of the yard and shakes his head and then at the top of his lungs yells, "I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it!" He gets some very funny looks outside and when he comes inside he sees us all laughing so hard most of us are crying.

"Shut the fuck up. GG truth or dare?" Zacky says as he sits back down.

"Hmmm....dare," GG says.

"Ok I dare you to .... change clothes with Shads," Zacky says.

"What the fuck?" Matt asks.

"I couldn't think of anything else," Zacky says throwing his hands up in the air.

"Why are you whining Matt you get to see me practically naked," GG says to Matt.

"Oh yeah ok," Matt says suddenly smiling.

"What ever do we have to do it here," GG asks standing up.

"Umm... no you can do it in the other room," Zacky says.

"Wow love you though this one through," Megan says laughing.

"Yep," Zacky says smiling. So GG and Matt stand up and walk into the other room. A few minutes later GG walks in, in Matt's clothes that practically swallow her and Matt comes in in GG's clothes that look like if he moves to fast will rip into pieces.

"Holy fuck that's funny," I say laughing.

"Bite me CD," GG says.

"Ok lil bro truth or dare?" GG asks Johnny.

"Dare," Johnny says smiling.

"Ok I dare you to.......go to another neighbors house, not the one Pippy went to, and knock on the door and when they answer you have to sing, "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard damn right its better than yours damn right its better than yours I'll show you but I have to charge," and you have to dance the whole time" GG says laughing.

"Fuck! fine," Johnny says. Johnny walks across the yard and we all crowd around the window. Jimmy goes outside to make sure he's actually singing. So Johnny knocks on the door and this really old guy answers. Jimmy starts laughing really hard and then we can see Johnny start to dance. About a minute later Johnny hauls ass across the road and into the house. "That was wrong," Johnny says as he holds his head.

"But so fucking funny," GG says sitting back down.

"Ok my turn. Megan truth or dare?" Johnny asks. "I

f I pick dare will it have to do with a snake?" Megan asks.

"Nope," Johnny says shaking his head.

"Ok I pick.... truth," Megan says giggling.

"Have you and Brian done it yet," Johnny asks.

"Ummm... Ummmmmm... maybe," Megan says smiling.

"Eww! Thats groddie," I say laughing.

"Ok my turn. Oh! CD come with me for a second," Megan says as she grabs me by the arm and drags me into the dinning room.

"What the fuck? Why did you drag me in here?" I ask Megan.

"I wanna ask you something before I dare it," Megan says smiling.

"Why am I afraid?" I ask Megan looking at her like she's on crack.

"I dont know but I'm gonna dare Brian to kiss Jimmy. Is that ok with you?" Megan asks.

"Hell yeah! Hot emo boy on boy action," I say grinning from ear to ear.

"Ok well let's get this hot fest goen," Megan says giggling. Megan and I walk back into the living room and sit down smiling like idiots.

"Why the fuck are you so happy CD? It frightens me," GG says laughing.

"No reason," I say still smiling.

"Brain truth or dare?" Megan asks.

"Dare I guess," Brian says.

"I dare you to kiss Jimmy," Megan says smiling.

"What?" both Brian and Jimmy say at the same time.

"She dared him to kiss you," I tell Jimmy grinning.

"So that's why you went in there," Jimmy says looking at me.

"Yeppers," I say nodding my head.

"No fucking way I'm gonna do it," Brian says.

"Come on please," Megan says giving Brian puppy dog eyes.

"Hell no!"

"Pwease no one else ever has to know about it," Megan says putting her head on Brian's shoulder.

"No," Brian says shaking his head.

"Then you're sleeping on the couch," Megan says folding her arms over her chest.

"What?" Brian asks.

"You heard me," Megan says not moving.

"Fine," Brian sighs.

"I'm not doing it. Its just wrong," Jimmy says shaking his head.

"Come on it wont be that long will it Megan," I ask.

"Nope only um... 15 seconds," Megan says thinking.

"See that's not long," I say smiling.

"Its almost fucking half a minute," Jimmy says looking at me like I'm on crack.

"Come on baby. Pwease," I say giving him puppy dog eyes.


"Oh come on are you afraid of him or something?" I ask Jimmy.

"No I'm just not gay," Jimmy says shaking his head.

"Come on pwease," I say putting my head on Jimmy's shoulder giving him puppy dog eyes and sticking my bottom lip out.

"Fine. I can't fucking believe I'm gonna do this," Jimmy says. Jimmy and Brian stand up and just kinda look at each other.

"Come on and get the hot emo boy action on," GG says laughing.

Both Jimmy and Brian look like they're about to puke and then they lean in and kiss. All of us girls were practically drooling when Matt said, "Time." Brian kept whipping his tongue off with his hand. Jimmy took my JD away and swished it around in his mouth and spit it out in a cup.

"Ok one: You did not just wast my jd, and two: that was so hot," I say to Jimmy.

"Yesh I did waste JD and it was sick. Now I'm going to bed," Jimmy says walking downstairs.

"Well I'm gonna go to bed to guys I'm tired. Night all," I say as I get up.

"Night," Pippy GG and Megan say at the same time.

"That just scares me," I say laughing heading for the stairs. When I get to my room Jimmy's in the bathroom scrubbing his tongue and teeth with his toothbrush.

"Love it couldn't have been that bad," I say laughing. Jimmy looks at me evilly and keeps scrubbing. I roll my eyes and wash all of my make up off and brush my teeth and get changed into a Stewie shirt with my fairy pants and climb into bed. A few minutes later Jimmy comes out of the bathroom, strips down to his boxers and climbs into bed. "That was hot love," I say giggling.

"Yeah for you maybe," Jimmy says making a weird face.

"Yesh it was very hot," I say smiling.

"Shut up," Jimmy says laughing.

"I don't want to," I whine as I put my head on his chest.

"Then don't. Be that way," Jimmy says smiling wrapping his arm around me.

"I think I will," I say giggling.

"Its kinda of weird when you giggle," Jimmy says laughing.

"And why is that?" I ask.

"You just don't seem like the type of person who giggles," Jimmy says shrugging.

"Oh ok. Night love," I say kissing Jimmy's chest.

"Night," Jimmy say as he kisses my head. I drift off into a peaceful sleep.