Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Inked and Stabbed

[]Beep Beep Beep Beep

Arg! Nooooo!!! I hit the alarm clock and roll back over and fall asleep. About nine minutes later my alarm starts to go off again. "Shut the fuck up," I say as I hit the snooze again.

"Either turn it off or get up," Jimmy mumbles beside me.

"But if I turn it off I'll be late for work," I whine as I put my head on Jimmy's chest.

"Then get up," Jimmy says pushing me over.

"You don't want me here?" I ask faking hurt feelings as I grab clothes.

"No I don't; now go to work," Jimmy says burying himself under the covers.

"Bastard," I say laughing as I walk into my bathroom and go through my morning routine and getting dressed in a tank top that says, "My hate is divided evenly amongst all of you, black jeans, red and black sneakers, a dog collar and black heart lock earrings. I walk upstairs and into the kitchen to see GG, Megan ,and Pippy already up.

"My hate is divided evenly among all of you. Noice," Pippy says reading my shirt out loud.

"That's a lie and you know it," Megan says after chugging her Mt. Dew.

"How is it a lie?" I ask as I pour myself a cup of coffee.

"Because I know you luvb me," Megan says getting another Mt. Dew.

"Wow! Cd what's with all the black?" GG asks as she turns around.

"I don't know. Maybe I'm more depressed than usually or I feel like being more of a freak," I say as I shrug.

"But you're our freak and that's why we luvb you," GG says smiling.

"Aww I'm luvbed," I say smiling.

"Damn straight," Pippy says laughing.

"You line stealing bitch that's mine," I say sitting on Pippy.

"Ahhh fat ass get up," Pippy squeals.

"I am not fat! I'm going to work bye guys," I say laughing.

"Wait up. Give me and Megan a lift so we don't have to drive?" GG asks coming up and walking beside me.

"Sure love. Sadistic Bitch hurry the fuck up," I scream as I grab my shades.

"Shut the fuck up! I am the hangover from hell," Megan says coming outside.

"Ahh the sun! It hurts," Megan says shielding her eyes.

"Shut the hell up and get in the fucking car," I say laughing.

"Hey CD do you have an appointment for a while?" GG asks as I look through the appointment book once we get to the shop.

"Nope what it's 12 now? I don't have anything till 3," I say looking up.

"Could you do me a humongous favor?" GG asks me giving me puppy dog eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Can you please give me this pic of Jack and Sally on my calf," GG says handing me a picture of Jack behind Sally.

"Sure love that's fine. Give it here so I can make a stencil," I say taking the pic and making a stencil of it.

"Ok come on biotch let's get this over with," I say leading GG to my station the back. After about two and a half hours I was done. "There all prettyfully done and shit," I say as I bandage GG up.

"Thanks love," GG says hugging me.

"No problem but now you've gotta do something for me," I say hugging GG back.

"Ok. What?" GG asks as we walk out front.

"I want you to pierce my bellybutton because I fell like fucking Frankenstein having all the metal besides the screws in my knees above my neck," I say laughing.

"Ok come on over," GG says laughing as she walks over to her station.

"Pick it and I'll stick it," GG say pointing top all of the curved barbells.

"OH oh the spidey one," I say pointing to the spider gem.

"Noice love. Now lay down," GG says patting her chair that is folded down so I can lie back onto.

"Ok I'm ready," I say as I lay down and pull my shirt up.

"Ok I got's to clean you off then I'll do my sticken," GG says laughing.

"Ahh! Holy mother fucking fuck! It's cold," I squeal as GG cleans the area.

"Shut up. You ready?" GG asks as she places the claps on my skin.

"Yesh let's get this the fuck over with," I say as I brace myself for the piercing.

"Ok one. Two. Three." On three GG shoves the needle through the skin.

"Eh, that wasn't shit compared to getting a tat," I say grinning.

"Well that's because you're a big girl now," GG says as she puts in the curved barbell and pats my stomach.

"What the fuck? I'm not your dog don't fucking pat me on the stomach," I say sitting up and walking over to the mirror and looking at the piercing. "Fuck GG you did an awesome job," I say smiling.

"Thanks love," GG says as she cleans up the shit leftover. The door opened and my next appointment walked in.

About three hours later I was done with one of her new sleeves. I bandage her up and make another appointment for her other sleeve and get all the money and shit straight. I sit down and twirl around in my chair as Megan and GG look at me. "What?" I ask as I stop spinning.

"Are you finally done? We would like to go home some time today," Megan says laughing.

"Oh yesh sorry," I say as I get outta my chair. We all lock up and climb into my car and are off.

We get home and here voices coming from the kitchen so we walk in there and see Everyone but Jimmy sitting around drinking and talking. Megan and GG go and sit down by Matt and Syn while I lean against the island. "CD! I misseded you," Pippy yells throwing me a smurf (smirnoff ice)

"Aww I'm luvbd," I say as I open my smurf and sip on it.

"Yes you are," Jimmy says as he hugs me from behind accidentally hitting my bellybutton ring.

"Holly hell don't touch right there," I say moving Jimmy's hands.

"Sorry?" Jimmy more asks than says.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Pippy asks me looking at me like I'm on crack.

"GG pierced my bellybutton today," I say backing up and pulling up my shirt to show her.

"Why'd you get that done?" Jimmy ask me poking my stomach.

"Stop," I say smacking his hand. "I got it done because I fell like fucking Frankenstein having all the metal besides the screws in my knees above my neck. So I figured if I got it done I wouldn't feel like a bunch of hacked up people put together," I say sipping on my smurf some more.

"That's an interesting way to look at it love," Jimmy says as he played with the spider charm.

"Jimmy stop it. That fucking hurts," I whine leaning back into Jimmy.

"But it's fun," Jimmy says laughing.

"No it just hurts. Stop," I whine pouting a little.

"Foine," Jimmy says as he stops fucking with my spider harm.

"I'm hungry GG make dinner," I say giggling.

"Why?" she whines.

"Why be because it's your turn," I say laughing.

"GG that was fucking awesome," I say as I walk into the living room after dinner. "What are we gonna do tonight?" I ask sitting buy Jimmy.

"Why don't we go clubbing? Tomorrow's Sunday so no work," Megan explains.

"Hellz yeah," Pippy and GG say as the guys say some form of yes.

"I don't wanna go," I say as I put my head on Jimmy's shoulder.

"Come on CD you've gotta go," GG whines.

"GG putting on a tight shirt is gonna fucking hurt," I say messing with my bellybutton ring.

"You a poet and don't know it," Pippy says laughing.

"You're a retard and everyone knows it," I say laughing.

"But I'm your retard," Pippy says laughing.

"Whatever," I say rolling my eyes.

"So CD are you coming with or not?" Megan asks getting up.

"Not. You guys go ahead and I'll stay here I'll be fine," I say as the girls get up to go get ready.

"Ok ready," GG says as she and Megan come back into the living room.

"Fuck that was fast," I say laughing.

"All we did was change and redo our make-up," Megan says laughing.

"Ok. Let's go bitches," Pippy says as she comes up the stairs. Everybody got up and started shuffling towards except Jimmy.

"Love you go ahead I'll be fine," I say trying to push Jimmy offa the couch.

"No I'm gonna stay here with you," Jimmy says not moving.

"Jimmy go have fun. Seriously don't worry about me," I say still trying to get him up.

"Nope," Jimmy says grinning.

"Ohh CD and Jimmy are gonna be all alone," GG sings.

"Shut up," I say laughing.

"If you do fuck please go to your room and do it," Megan nearly begs. I just flip her off as everyone leaves.

"So love what do you wanna do?" I ask Jimmy.

"I don't know what do you want to do?" Jimmy asks looking down at me.

"I don't know what do you wanna do?" I say giggling.

"I don't know what do you wanna do?" Jimmy says smiling.

"Umm how about a movie?" I ask.

"I don't care," Jimmy says shrugging.

"Well aren't you fucking helpful," I say laughing.

"Yes I am," Jimmy says smiling. I roll my eyes and walk over to the DVDs. I look around and pick one out. "What about Edward Scissorhands?" I ask holding up the DVD.

"You really like Johnny Depp and Tim Burton movies don't you?" Jimmy asks as he lays down on the couch.

"Hell yeah," I say giggling as I put the movie in.

"Jimmy move," I whine as I walk back to the couch.

"No. I'm comfy," Jimmy says smiling a he starts the movie.

"Arg! Foine I'll go sit all by my lonesome self," I pout.

"No stay with me," Jimmy says as he sits up and pulls me down so I'm lying on top of him.

"Ouch! My stomach. Baby this is so not gonna work," I say in pain.

"Shit sorry I forgot," Jimmy says with a nervous smile.

"It's ok love. Just umm... hold on," I say getting up.

"Lay on your side pwease," I say as I look at Jimmy on the couch.

"Ok," Jimmy says as he flips so he's on his side. I lay down in front of Jimmy and he wraps his arm around me.

"What the fuck is going on?" Jimmy asks looking at the screen.

"You haven't seen Edward Scissorhands before?" I ask amazed.

"No," Jimmy says shaking his head.

"Hold on," I say as I reach for the movie and restart it.

"You like it," I ask Jimmy half asleep as he puts his head on my shoulder at the end of the movie.

"Yep it was good," Jimmy says shaking his head yes.

"Well love, I'm gonna go to bed because I'm fucking tired," I say yawning.

"Babe it's only 3:47,"Jimmy says laughing.

"Yeah but I've been up forever," I whine.

"Fine leave me," Jimmy says pouting.

"You know love you could always come with me," I say getting up.

"Yes I could," Jimmy says smiling as he gets up and follows me as I stagger downstairs. I grab a tank top and boxers with the guns 'n roses boxers. I turn around and change because I'm to tired to go into the bathroom and turn around to see Jimmy staring at me.

"What?" I ask Jimmy confused.

"You just changed right there," Jimmy says still looking at me funny.

"Yeah but you didn't see anything. Sides you strip down to your boxers in front of me. And I know you liked it," I say climbing not bed.

"Yeah," Jimmy says still looking at me funny.

"Stop it," I say as I pull the covers over my head and pull myself into a ball. As soon as my head hit my pillow I was out like a light for a peaceful nights sleep.