Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Nightmare Before Christmas; the remedy for all

I feel something bouncing around on the bed and groan. What the fucking hell is going on? Arg! I feel like shit. I roll over and bury my head in Jimmy's chest as the goth damned bouncing continues.

"Jimmah, Jimmah,Jimmah,Jimmah, CD, CD, CD, CD, Jimmah and CD! Wake the fuck up!" I hear Megan scream bouncing up and down around on the bed.

"Arg you fucking midget get the fuck outta my room," I say still half asleep.

"But Jimmah and you have to get the fuck up," Megan says still bouncing around.

"And why is that you evil little gnome?" Jimmy asks stretching.

"Because, Jimmah, it's 2:30," Megan says jumping off of my bed and skipping out of my room.

"I swear to fucking goth she's seriously fucked up in the head, "I say sitting up.

"Yes, and she should die for waking us up like that," Jimmy says sitting up with me.

"Yesh she should. I'm gonna go shower," I say kissing Jimmy and grabbing clothes. I go through my morning routine putting barely any eyeliner on, clean my piercing and get dressed in my Batman beanie, a slipknot shirt, my misfits hoody, H.I.M. fingerless gloves, a random pair of sweatpants, and the first pair of socks I find. I come out of the bathroom and feed Oggie. Arg! I feel like shit! I don't wanna be sick, being sick sucks ass. I look around and see that Jimmy isn't here anymore.

I walk outta my room and hear Megan scream, "Jimmah," from the game room so I head that way.

I walk into the game room to see everyone in there. Zacky, Johnny, Matt, and Megan were all playing some random ass game, while GG and Pippy were watching them and Jimmy looked half asleep on the couch. I walk over and sit beside Jimmy curling up into a ball and snuggling into the couch and Jimmy. "You ok babe?" Jimmy asks putting his arm around me.

"No. I feel like shit," I say as I scoot close to Jimmy for warmth.

"Aww! Poor CD,"GG says throwing my HIM fleece at me.

"Oh my mother fucking goth! GG I fucking luvb you," I say as I quickly wrap the blanket around me.

"Stone Sour," I squeal through the blanket as Through the Glass comes on.

"Oh fuck here we go," Megan says shaking her head.

"What I like this song," I say laughing.

"So I've noticed," Megan says shaking her head.

I shiver a little and shake my head. "Fuck CD you can't be cold it's eighty fucking four degrees outside," Pippy says shaking her head.

"No Jessica I'm fucking burning up," I scoff back rolling my eyes.

"Damn Christina you're still a bitch when you don't feel good," Pippy says looking at me funny.

"Leave me the fuck alone," I say as I burry my head in Jimmy's shoulder.

"Yesh, if you leave her alone she doesn't act like she need a rabies shot," GG says laughing.

"Arg! I'm going to my room. Megan if you wish to be an alive midget don't fucking bounce on my bed again," I say as I get up and go to my room.

When I get to my room I throw myself on my bed. I hate this! I feel like crap what the fuck? I was fine yesterday. Maybe if I watch a movie..... Before I could finish thinking someone was knocking on my door.

"What do you want?" I ask curling up under the nice thick comforter and blankets on my bed.

"Can I come in?" Jimmy asks from the other side of the door.

"Yeah," I say as I sink even further into the comfort and warmth of my bed. Holy hell this is comfy.

"My poor little girlfriend doesn't feel good," Jimmy says in a baby voice as he lays down beside me.

"No she doesn't," I say as I roll over so I'm facing him but still buried in my fortress of covers.

"Is there anything I could do that would make her feel better?" Jimmy asks.

"Well, you could go find Nightmare Before Christmas and watch it down here with her," I say looking at Jimmy.

"Where is the DVD?" Jimmy asks.

"Up stairs," I say smiling.

"I have to go all the way up there?" Jimmy whines.

"Pwease. It'll make me feel better," I say as I give Jimmy the best puppy dog eyes I can and stick my bottom lip out a little.

"How could I say no to that face?" Jimmy says laughing getting up.

"Uum... you couldn't?" I ask.

"Don't hurt yourself thinking," Jimmy says laughing as he walks out of my room. I roll my eyes and fixed my pillows and blankets so I could watch the movie and lay down at the same time.

A few minutes after I had gotten comfortable and wrapped up in my little cocoon Jimmy came back in with the DVD and a piece toast and Ginger Ale. "Aww love, you brought me stuff too," I say as I sit up.

"Yep here take this," Jimmy says handing me the toast and Ginger Ale.

"Thanks love if I wasn't sick I'd kiss you," I say as I nibble on my toast.

"No problem," Jimmy says as he puts the DVD in. He comes back over and lays down with me.

"Love do you want part of my cocoon?" I ask Jimmy ask the movie starts.

"If you want," Jimmy says putting his head on one of the pillows I had pilled up. I unrolled myself and then rolled back up but with Jimmy in my little cocoon too this time. I scooted as close to Jimmy as I could as he wraps his arm around. I started watching the movie but I end up falling asleep before Jack even discovers Christmas Town.

I wake up and blink a couple of times because the lamp by the bed's light hurt my eyes. When my eye's had finally adjusted to the light I look up and see Jimmy looking back at me causing me to flinch. "Love are you ok?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"Yeah just didn't expect for you to be watching me sleep. That's kind of creepy," I say backing away from Jimmy a little.

"No! Come back," Jimmy says as he grabs my waist and pulls me close to him laughing.

"Wow love! Pwease promise to never do that again," I say giggling.

"Umm nope," Jimmy says laughing.

"Damn I need new friends and a new boyfriend," I say shaking my head.

"I take it you feel better?" Jimmy asks.

"Yeah I do. I still feel kinda bleh but I feel a fuck load better," I say snuggling into the covers again.

"Well that's good. What time is it?" Jimmy asks kissing my forehead.

"Arg! Telling you that requires movement," I whine.

"Oh yeah it takes so much effort to move our head and look behind me," Jimmy says laughing.

"Well then you do it," I say being a smartass.

"But I would have to let you go and turn around. That's a fuck of a lot more movement then what you have to do," Jimmy says smiling from ear to ear kissing me.

"Foine! But I'm only doing it because I'm a whore for your kisses," I say smiling.

I lift me head up and look at my clock. The neon red numbers tell me it's eight o'clock. "Fucking hell! I slept for like five and a half hours," I yell when I look at the clock.

"I take it it's around eight and thanks babe. Now I'm deaf," Jimmy says popping his ears.

"Aww I sowwy," I say as I snuggle back underneath the covers.

"It's ok but damn. You like to be loud don't you?" Jimmy says laughing.

"Yesh I do. I have two volumes ya know," I say giggling.

"Really? And what are they?" Jimmy asks looking at me funny.

"Loud and louder," I say still laughing.

"Why are you laughing so much? You haven't laughed this much before," Jimmy says looking at me funny again.

"What so now I can't think anything's funny," I ask pouting.

"No you can't. You wanna go upstairs with everyone else now?" Jimmy asks sitting up.

"Ok, but give me a piggy back ride," I ask looking pitiful.

"Fine get on my back," Jimmy says standing in fort of my bed. "YAY," I squeal as I jump on his back.

Jimmy carries me upstairs and into the living room where everyone else is to see Megan and Zacky fighting over something. "What the fucking fuck is going on?" I ask Brian as Jimmy sits down putting me in his lap.

"Megan wants to watch Dogma and Zacky wants to watch Dumb and Dumber," Brian explains.

"Oh ok," I say shaking my head.

"You feel better my Oj da Killa?" Pippy asks laughen. "Yeah," I say giggling.

"Dogma sucks," I hear Zacky hell.

"Yeah well you look like a crack hoe," Megan shoots back. This caused the rest of us to bust out laughing. I was laughing so hard that I fell outta Jimmy's lap and into the floor. After a few seconds I regained my composure and got up and sat in Jimmy's lap again.

"What?" Zacky asks shocked.

"You look like a crack hoe. I didn't stutter. And you're fat too," Megan says as she sits in-between Brian and Jimmy and I. Zacky gets pissed and throws himself into the recliner.

"Why don't we just pick umm.... a different movie?" GG says looking at the DVDs.

"I'm with GG,"I say shaking my head.

"What about Little Nicky?" GG asks holding the DVD up.

"Fucking hell yesh," I say jumping once and hearing a grunt behind me. "Oh shit sorry love." I say as I turn.

"It's ok just don't do it again," Jimmy slowly says moving me over a little.

"Sorry love," I say again as I lean back into Jimmy's chest as the movie starts.

"I fucking luvb that movie," I say still laughing once its over.

"It's fucking awesome! I luvb when the dog snores and he's like la la la la lala," Pippy says imitating Mr. Fe-Fe.

"So what are we gonna do now?" I ask as I put my head on Jimmy's shoulder.

"You can't be tired," Matt says from across the room.

"I'm not tired I'm just board," I whine.

"Well, umm... we could watch another movie," Johnny suggested.

"That's fine by me. Yay! For lazy ass fucker days," I say laughing and throwing my hands up in the air.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Pippy asks looking at me like I'm Zacky.

"So fucking much that the list simply goes on and on," I say smiling. "So fuckers what are we doing?" I ask fucking with Jimmy's labret stud.

"That feels weird," Jimmy says looking down at my finger.

"Well, this is what you get for fucking with my spider yesterday," I say sticking my tongue out.

"I suggest you put that back," Jimmy says smiling evilly. My eyes get really big and I quickly suck my tongue back into my mouth. "Good girl," Jimmy says patting my head.

"Don't," I whine swatting his hand away.

"Oh! What about Family guy?" Matt says chunking the DVD at Brian.

"What the fuck," Brian says rubbing his chest.

"Oh! Volume three," I say grabbing the box and pulling out the first DVD.

After the first DVD everyone else went to bed but since Jimmy and I had slept half the day we decided to watch the second DVD too. "Love I'll be right back. I'm gonna go put on some pjs," I say standing up.

"Ok," Jimmy says walking towards the kitchen.

I go downstairs and wash off what little bit of eyeliner I had actually put on, take out my contacts and brushed my hair. I throw my hair into a messy bun, put my glasses on and get changed into a long-sleeved Trivium shirt and boxers with white skulls and cross bones all over them. Once I've changed I walk back upstairs to see Jimmy sitting on the couch drinking a beer with a smurf on the table. "What no JD?" I ask as I open my smurf.

"Considering the fact that you're sick.... no," Jimmy says laughing.

"Bastard," I say laughing.

"I'm not a bastard. I'm a jackass there is a difference," Jimmy says laughing.

"Shut up! Stewie the man is on," I say watching the DVD.

"And I'm the one that needs help," Jimmy says sarcastically.

"I do need help and I will openly admit it now shhh," I say putting my finger on Jimmy's mouth. Jimmy looks at me funny and then bites my finger.

"What the fucking hell? Did you just bite my fucking finger?" I ask Jimmy as I suck on the place he just bit.

"Maybe," Jimmy says smiling.

"Weirdo," I say scooting away from Jimmy.

"Yes, but I'm you're weirdo," Jimmy says scooting over towards me.

"No go away," I say curling up into a ball laughing.

"Umm no," Jimmy says tackling me and then using me for a pillow laying in-between my legs with his head on my boobs.

"Are you comfortable," I ask looking down at him.

"Very. I like my pillow," Jimmy says moving his head around.

"Oi! Stop it! You can use em as a pillow as long as you don't do that again," I say laughing.

"Foine," Jimmy pouts as he stops flailing about. After about three hours we had finished volume 3. "What time is it?" Jimmy asks me.

"I don't know you have me pinned down," I say laughing.

"Here," Jimmy says shoving his watch in my face.

"Ok love just because I wear glasses and shit doesn't mean I need stuff in brail," I say as I push his arm further away from my face.

"Sorry," Jimmy mumbles into my chest.

"You're enjoying you position to much and it's 5," I say looking at his watch.

"Damn, let's go to bed," Jimmy says getting up and waiting for me.

"I don't wanna walk," I whine smiling at Jimmy. Jimmy just rolls his eyes and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Ouch! Fucking hell! Not cool! Jimmy this hurts," I say as I pound on his back.

"You didn't specify any way to be carried," Jimmy said laughing as he dropped me on the bed.

"Ass," I say as I take off my glasses and get comfy.

"Yep but I'm your ass," Jimmy says stripping down to his boxers.

"What? No you're not I already have one. I always have," I say laughing.

"You're a weirdo," Jimmy says getting into bed and wrapping his arm around me.

"But you're weirdo love just like you're my weirdo," I say smiling.

"Yesh sadly you are. Night," Jimmy says kissing my head.

"Night love," I say as I drift off to sleep.