Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Stealing and Camping

I wake up around 11:30 and try to get up but fail miserably. "No! Don't go," Jimmy says laughing.

"You ass let me go. I wanna fucking shower," I say as I try to get up.

"No. I don't want you to shower," Jimmy says pulling me back to him.

"So you want me to be all smelly and gross?" I ask still trying to get up.

"No. But I don't want you to shower now. Stay," Jimmy says pulling me so close that I'm touching his chest.

"Jimmy, love, let me the fucking hell go," I say as I squirm around.

"How about we take a shower," Jimmy says grinning from ear to ear.

"Fione I don't care I just need to fucking shower," I whine as Jimmy finally lets me go.

"Well, don't you sound excited," Jimmy says.

"Shut up and come on," I say smiling grabbing my clothes. After our shower I go through my morning routine and get dressed in a tank top that says, "Robots make better boyfriends" with black jeans and skater shoes.

Jimmy watched me the whole time I was going through my routine after he had gotten dressed. "Can I fucking help you? Do I have something on my face?" I ask him looking at him through the mirror.

"No. I'm just watchen," Jimmy says hugging my from behind.

"That's a little creepy love," I say as I adjust my lip ring.

"But you love it," Jimmy says kissing my shoulder.

"Yesh I do," I say smiling.

"Love have you ever been camping?" I ask Jimmy as I sit on my bed.

"Yeah why?" Jimmy asks sitting beside me.

"Well I was thinking we could go. The girls and me were gonna take our vacation this week and GG's never been and I haven't been in forever. So I was thinking we could all go camping," I say putting my head on Jimmy's shoulder.

"That sound good," Jimmy says kissing my head.

"We should just get all of the shit and then not tell them where we're goen just have them follow us there so that they can't say they don't wanna go," I say laughing.

"You're evil," Jimmy says laughing.

"Yesh but it makes me hotter," I say laughing.

"Yes it does," Jimmy says getting up.

"Why are you leaving me?" I pout.

"So we can go get camping shit now come on," Jimmy says grabbing my wrist and pulling me up so hard we both fall over.

"Smooth love," I say laughing as I get up.

"Leave me alone," Jimmy says as he follows me upstairs.

When we get upstairs everyone is in the living room and Dani and Krista are back. "YAY! my loves are back," I say laughing as Jimmy and I walk by the couch.

"Where are you two going?" Dani asks looking at me funny.

"Oh nowhere," I say smiling.

"We just wanna get out by ourselves. We'll be back later," Jimmy says as he puts his hand on the small of my back and pushes me out the door.

"Love calm down. I'm goen," I say laughing as I walk to my car.

"I wasn't rushing you," Jimmy says smiling.

"Ok," I say looking at Jimmy funny. Jimmy starts walking towards my viper but I stop him.

"Love did you think I was gonna get all that shit in there?" I ask laughing.

"No but this is your car," Jimmy says looking at me funny.

"Love I have an SUV too," I say giggling.

"Oh ok," Jimmy says as I lead him to my black Durango.

"Help me take the seats out please?" I ask Jimmy.

"Ok," Jimmy says as we start to take the seats out.

"Wanna go to I hop?" Jimmy asks as we get into the now empty other than the front seats car.

"Sure love," I say as I pull out and drive to I hop.

"Babe how are you gonna pay for all of this?" Jimmy asks hugging me from behind while we look at tents in the camping store.

"I have all of our paychecks for this month and I've already paid the bills," I says smiling.

"So you're using their checks to buy all of this?" Jimmy asks me as he turns me around. "And mine," I say smiling as I skip over to the sleeping bags.

"How many of us are there again?" I ask Jimmy.

"Well there's eleven I think," Jimmy says counting on his fingers.

"That's a lot of fucking people. Damn they're expensive," I wine looking at the sleeping bags.

"Well get everyone cheap one's and then get you and me a good one and we can share," Jimmy says smiling.

"We could do that, or we could just get air mattresses," I say looking at the air mattresses.

"Ok but how are we gonna blow those up?" Jimmy asks looking at the box.

"Fuck I didn't think about that. I knew I brought you for a reason," I say laughing.

"Oh these are two people ones," Jimmy says dragging me over to a section of sleeping bags.

"Ok so let's get you and me one, GG and Matt one, Megan and Brian one, Dani and Johnny one, Krista and Crack Hoe one, and then get Pippy her own since Davey's out touren," I say rambling and thinking out loud.

"So five of these and one for Pippy?" Jimmy asks throwing crap in the basket.

"Yesh, but love be careful," I say watching him.

"Ok so what's next?" Jimmy asks as he pushes the cart with me sitting on the handle bars.

"Umm tents?" I more ask than say.

"Ok tents," Jimmy says turning the cart sharply to the left.

"Please don't do that," I say as I grab onto Jimmy's arms for support.

"I'm not gonna let you fall," Jimmy says laughing as he abruptly stops the cart making me fall into it.

"You won't let me fall off of it but you will let me fall into it," I say as I try to get up.

"Here babe," Jimmy says as he picks me up and places me on the ground.

"You are such a gentleman," I say sarcastically.

"Ok eleven people how many tents?" Jimmy asks looking at the boxes.

"Well if we get the ones that you can divide into two rooms we'll only need three but I'd rather have our own tent so let's just get six small ones," I say looking at the tents.

"Umm where are the tents?" Jimmy asks looking around for a box that looks like the model.

"Love they're in the back you have to ask for them," I say laughing,

"Oh so knew that," Jimmy says smiling. So I find some guy and tell him that we need six small tents and he tells me they'll be up front for me. "Ok so now what?" Jimmy asks as I sit back on the cart handles.

"Now we need like lanterns and shit," I say thinking.

"Ok," Jimmy says as he steers us to the accessories section. We end up getting lanterns, a grill, folding chairs, bug spray, bug candles, starter logs, and some other shit. "So is that everything?" Jimmy asks pushing me up to the front to pay.

"Yep. I think it is love," I say jumping down and start to put all of the shit on the check out. I tell the girl the tents are mine too and she rings us up. I pay and Jimmy and I take four trips out to my car to get everything in there.

"Now what?" Jimmy asks.

"To the grocery store of course," I say laughing as I pull out of my parking space.

"So what kind of food are we gonna get?" Jimmy asks following me up and down the aisles of Foodlion about ten minutes later.

"Stuff that's easy to cook. You know burgers, hot dogs eww, umm.."

"You don't like hot dogs?" Jimmy asks me amazed.

"Mechanically separated chicken parts no thank you," I say as I look at the candy and get the stuff to make smorez.

"Yay! We get smorez," Jimmy says like a little kid.

"Good job love," I say as I roll my eyes.

"Aww come on babe you know you love me," Jimmy says wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Yes I do love you, even if you act like a 3 year old," I say giggling as I put bread into the cart. So we walk around and get hot dogs, hamburgers and eggs, instant coffee and TONS of liquor.

"What the hell is blue moon?" Jimmy asks as he watches me put a lot of it into the cart.

"It's the only fucking beer I drink. It's kick ass and its from Canadia," I say smiling.

"Ok?" Jimmy more asks than says.

"Ok I'm ready are you?" I ask as we walk towards the register.

"Yep," Jimmy says as he helps me unload all of the shit. The girl looks at me really weird when she sees all the liquor and bitchily asks to se my ID. I shower her my ID and verify that I am in fact over 21 and she tells me my total. I pay her and Jimmy and I walk out to the car.

"Ok umm you put the liquor in the back and I'll just put the ice and shit in the cooler," I tell Jimmy as we get to the car. "Ok let's go get the fuckers," I say as I get into the car and pull out of my space.

"Y'all come here!" I yell form the living room as Jimmy and I sit on the loveseat once we're home. I watch everyone slowly pour into the living room and sit down. "Ok no questions go and pack enough for this week. Keep in mind that you're gonna be outside," I say smiling as I grab Jimmy's hand and lead him downstairs. By the time I had gotten Oggie straight Jimmy was already packed. "Damn love that was fucking fast," I say looking at Jimmy in amazement.

"I can help you pack," Jimmy says grinning evilly.

"Ok," I say shrugging going to my closet expecting Jimmy to follow me. Instead Jimmy went to my dresser and started opening drawers until he found my underwear drawer. "Jimmy what the fuck are you doing?" I ask watching him tear through my drawer.

"I'm helping you pack," he says smiling innocently.

"Whatever just pack bras too. Next drawer down," I yell from the closet. I grab enough tanks and pants to last me a week and grab pjs too. I pack those and look to make sure that Jimmy actually did pack my underwear and was very surprised to see that he did.

"Why do you look so surprised?" Jimmy asks me sitting on the bed.

"I didn't actually expect you to pack," I say laughing.

"Well I did so come on," Jimmy says grabbing his bag and mine and walking upstairs. I made sure I had all the shit that I would need out of the bathroom in my black bag, my shads on my head and then followed Jimmy upstairs.

When we got upstairs the only other person who wasn't ready was Pippy. "I'm gonna go help Pippy," I say walking back downstairs. I walk into my room to see her throwing carp all around. "Hey Pippy," I say smiling.

"Hey CD," Pippy says as she continues to pack.

"We're goen camping but don't tell anyone else ok. I'm just telling you because you're gonna have to ride in the floor of my car when you come with me and Jimmy," I say laughing.

"Better than sitting across people," Pippy says laughing.

"Fuck! I remember that. Good times. Well hurry the fuck up," I say laughing as Pippy throws a pillow at me. Once Pippy was done packing we walk upstairs. "Ok fuckers, Jimmy and Pippy are with me the rest figure it out. Y'all are gonna follow us. No questions. You'll find out when we get there," I say as Jimmy, Pippy and I walk out to the car and get settled.

"CD you made us drive three hours to be in the woods?" GG screams as we pull up to the campsite about three hours later.

"GG we're camping calm the fuck down," I say giggling. "Now guys help Jimmy get all the shit out but leave the cooler and the booze," I say opening the back of my car.

"Where the fuck did you get the money for all of these?" Megan asks me looking around.

"Well I took all of our checks, paid the bills and used the rest," I say nervously smiling.

"You what?" GG and Megan scream at the same time.

"Calm down. Not only do y'all get your own tents but you get to share sleeping bags with your boyfriends," I say as I run behind Pippy.

"Oh ok. You're fine for now," Megan says looking at me evilly.

We had finally gotten the camp all set up about an hour later and it was about six and we were starting to loose daylight. "Oh yay! The pyro gets to light a fire," I say jumping around. I fix the sticks and starter log to my satisfaction and then just stand there. Damn it! I dont' have a mother fucking lighter. Ohh wait! Brian smokes! "Ohh Briannie Poo," I call as I walk over to Brian and Megan.

"Umm yeah?" he asks looking at me funny.

"Can I pwetty pwease see your lighter?" I ask batting my eyelashes.

"Yeah," he says handing it to me.

"YAY," I squeal as I skip back over to the fire.

"Are you ok?" Jimmy asks me from where he's sitting.

"Yepeprs," I say as I light the fire. "Ohh look at the pwetty fire," I say as I stand back and look at it.

"What the fuck?" Matt asks me looking at me like I'm on crack.

"What? I'm a pyro," I say still watching the fire.

"Ok. I'm gonna take that back now," Brian says taking his lighter back.

"Aww! Now I can't make fire," I pout as I walk over to Jimmy and sit in his lap.

"That's my is good," GG says laughing.

"No smorez for you," I say laughing.

"We have smorez? What the fucking fuck? Where? You whore you're holden out on me," Pippy says spazzing out.

"Calm the fuck down or no fucking smorez for you," I say laughing as I open another Blue Moon.

We attempted to make smorez but failed horribly so we just ended up eating the gram crackers and chocolate and then about four hours later we roasted the marshmallow. Being the rocket scientist that I am I blew the fire off of one and immediately put it in my mouth. Let's just say mistake. "Ahh! Fucking hell! Hot!" I yell as I steal Jimmy's beer and down it.

"Are you ok love?" GG asks holding back laughter.

"Fan-fucking-tastic," I say smiling. "Eww gross," I say as I hand him the empty bottle.

"You down mybeer and then say eww? What the fuck," Jimmy asks getting another beer.

"I only drink Blue Moon," I say yawning.

"Tired babe," Jimmy asks through a mouth full of marshmallow making me giggle.

"Yeah," I say as I put my head on his chest.

"Me too you wanna go to bed," Jimmy asks downing his beer.

"I am but you don't have to," I say as I get up.

"No. I'm coming I'm tired too," Jimmy says getting up and stretching.

"Ok. Well night all," I say as I head towards our tent.

"Night," Everyone says back.

"And for fuck's sake keep it down," Pippy yells laughing.

"Go relive your famous tree hump," I yell as Jimmy unzips the tent and climbs in.

I follow Jimmy in and change into a pair of pjs and just kinda stand there. "Umm how are we gonna sleep in that thing?" I ask looking up at Jimmy seeing that he's already stripped down to his boxers.

"Like a regular sleeping bag?" Jimmy more asks than says.

"Ok," I say laughing.

"Don't laugh at me," Jimmy says as I get into the sleeping bag. Jimmy gets in and zips it up.

"Ahh! I'm slipping around," I say laughing as we try to get comfy but end up slipping around inside of the tent.

"Just let me get comfy first then you can," Jimmy says stopping the sleeping bag from slipping even more.

"Why do you get to get comfy first?" I ask pouting.

"Because you end up using me for a pillow," Jimmy says getting comfy.

"Oh yeah right," I say giggling as I lay down.

"Ok we good?" Jimmy asks.

"Good. Night love," I say snuggling up close to him.

"Night," Jimmy says as he kisses my head. I slowly slip off into sleep being serenaded by the crickets outside.