Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Pucking and Boozing

The next morning I wake up to someone hurling in the bushes. After a few minutes and several falls I had successfully managed to get out of the sleeping bag without waking Jimmy. I stretch and decide to go outside and see whom the poor soul is. It's still cold out so I grab my Disturbed hoody and put on my black flip-flops before heading out. I walk outside and see Pippy near the bushes puking up just about everything that she had last night. "Love are you ok?" I ask as I walk over and pull her hair back.

"Yeah just mixed the wrong kinds of liquor," Pippy says quickly before puking again.

I shake my head trying not to laugh and rub her back. A few minutes later Pippy had stopped emptying her stomach contents into the bushes and slumped down into a chair. "Feel better love?" I ask sitting beside her.

"I want to fucking shower," Pippy says putting her head on my shoulder.

"I do too. I think that place over there has showers in it," I say pointing to a building not to far away.

"Ok. Come with me so I don't have to go alone," Pippy says laughing.

"Foine ya loser. Go get your shit," I say laughing and going back to my tent. I quietly unzip the tent, take my flip-flops off and walk inside. I sit in the corner and start to go through my bag. I grab an outfit and my black bag and put them in a tote bag and walk out of the tent zipping it back up. I look around and don't see Pippy so I go to my car and get out towels for both of us and put all of my shit on the picnic table. I walk over to the edge of our campsite and look at the creek below us . As I'm looking down at the creek when I feel two arms snake themselves around my waist.

"Morning," Jimmy says kissing my head and putting his on top of mine.

I smile to myself and lean back into him and say," Morning."

"Why are you up so early?" Jimmy asks.

"Well, you see Pippy decided to be my own personal alarm clock and started puking in the bushes to make sure that I knew it was time for me to get up," I say trying to keep a straight face.

"What the fuck?" Jimmy asks me turning me around looking at me funny.

"What the fuck do you mean what the fuck? Pippy puked in the damn bushes and her loud ass woke me up," I say smiling.

"Fucking bite me! Goth CD I think I puked up part of the fucking lining of my stomach," Pippy says coming out of her tent.

"Eww! Come on. I'm gonna go take a shower love," I say kissing Jimmy and dragging Pippy to the bath house with me.

I take a shower, brush my teeth, and leave my hair to dry naturally because I've forgotten my blow dryer and get dressed in a heartagram tank top along with black shorts. When I walk back to the site with Pippy slowly following me everyone is up and stirring. "Holy fucking hell! CD in no make-up and wet hair! What is the world coming to," GG says as I walk into the camp.

"Ok GG. If I had my ten-pound of daily eyeliner it would be scary as fuck after being outside all day. And I don't have a blow-dryer so I have to keep my hair down till it's dry," I say as I get some of the coffee that someone was smart enough to make.

"Wait if your hairs wet that means you've washed it," Krista says as I sit down beside Jimmy.

"Umm yeah," I say looking at her funny.

"And if you washed your hair that means you've had a shower," Dani says.

"Yeah. Your point being?" I ask looking from Krista to Dani.

"My point is where the fuck are the showers?" Dani says looking at me like I'm the dumbest person alive for not getting that.

"Oh sorry loves. They're right over there in that building the women's to the right guy's to the left," I say sipping my coffee. Everyone but Pippy, Zacky, and I goes to take a shower. "Why aren't you showering?" I ask Zacky nibbling on the Pop Tart I had just gotten.

"I don't know. Don't feel like it," Zacky says shrugging his shoulders.

"So you're gonna be all icky all day?" Pippy asks making a disgusted face.

"I don't know maybe," Zacky says grinning.

"That's just grodie," I say crinkling up my nose.

"What's grodie?" Brian asks as he comes back into the camp shirtless with wet hair.

"He's not showering," Pippy says sticking her tongue out.

"Oh!! Brian! Just the man I've been looking for. Can I have your lighter?" I ask with puppy dog eyes.

Before Brian can answer Megan comes up and says," Fuck No!!!! I do value this little thing I have that I call a life and I don't want you catching me on fire."

"Damn! I'm not THAT much of a klutz," I say laughing.

"Yesh you are! You tripped over a fucking big ass chair and rolled you ankle," Megan says laughing.

"Shut the fuck up," I say as I sit back down.

"I remember that. Damn CD your worse than me," GG says shaking her head as she Krista and Dani come back.

"Leave me the fuck alone," I whine crossing my arms.

"Aww poor CD are they picking on you?" Matt asks laughing as he sits down on the picnic table opposite of me.

"Fuck off," I say rolling my eyes.

"We would but there might be little kids around," GG says smiling.

"Ew! I am now scarred for life," I say looking straight ahead of me.

"What have you done to her?" Jimmy asks sitting down beside me.

"They are talking about fucking but how they can't because thank fuck little kids are around," I say still staring straight ahead.

"Can we get on a new topic?" Pippy asks torturing an ant near her foot.

"Such as?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"Such as what the fuck are we having for breakfast," Zacky says.

"Of course YOU would worry about food," Megan says laughing.

"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Zacky asks.

"Oh nothing love," Megan says with a cheesy grin.

"Idiots," I mumble shaking my head.

"But I'm your idiot," Megan says laughing.

"Love not in front of other people. It's a secret," I say putting my index finger on my lips.

"And I'm the idiot," Megan says rolling her eyes.

"Anyways umm.. I have eggs," I say thinking about the breakfast foods I got.

"I didn't think we'd be up for breakfast so I don't have much," I say as the girls and I start to get breakfast ready.

"Hey Zacky would you get the sugar out of the car for me please so Pippy will stop bitching about bitter coffee?" I ask while throwing my hair into a messy bun seeing as how Zacky was right beside my car.

"Sure. Sugar?" Zacky asks making sure.

"Yesh sugar. You know it looks like crack that stuff you smoke," Megan says with a straight face making everyone except Zacky bust out laughing.

Zacky mumbled something under his breath about bitch while he got the sugar out of my car. "Damn straight I'm a bitch ya crack hoe. I'm fucking proud of it too," Megan says shaking her head.

"Don't fucking steal my lines," I say to Megan as I crack an egg.

"I didn't steal it we just both say it," Megan says watching me.

"Foine whatever. What the fuck are you doing?" I ask as I whisk the eggs.

"Umm supervising," Megan asks looking at me funny.

"Lazy whore," I say as I walk over to the fire that Matt had built and put the skillet over it and placed the eggs on the skillet.

"How come Matt got to start the fire?" I whine after breakfast had be cleaned up.

"Because he's not a pyro and I don't want you burning down the forest we're in," Jimmy says smiling as I sit in his lap.

"I wouldn't burn the fucking forest down. Only part of it," I say as I open up a Blue Moon.

"Ok so oh great experienced camper what do we do now?" GG asks looking board out of her mind.

"Well, umm we could.. umm...... umm," I say thinking.

"Oh shit look!" Megan says pointing to what I though was my head.

"What?" Brian asks Megan confused.

"I think Bob just fell off," Megan says making GG, Pippy, and me bust out laughing.

"Who the fuck is bob?" Johnny asks looking completely lost along with everyone else.

"Bob is the hamster that runs on the wheel that's in my head," I say with a cheesy smile.

"Oh. okaaaaay," Matt says as he slowly scoots away form me.

"Aw! Am I scaring you Matt?" I ask in a baby voice.

"Now I am very scared," Matt says shaking his head yes

"Jimmy everyone's looking at me funny," I say as I bury my head in his shoulder.

"Well, maybe it's because you just told them you have a hamster in you head," Jimmy says laughing.

"Well I do," I whine laughing.

"Back to my fucking question. What are we gonna do now?" GG asks.

"Well, we could go hiking, white water rafting but it's really to hot for that. Why don't we just go set by the creek and drink all fucking day?" I ask. Every one agrees so the girls head on down to the creek and make the guys carry all of the liquor.

"Ya know it wouldn't have killed y'all to help," Zacky says coming down the hill carrying a cooler.

"Come on tubby it's not like you couldn't use the exercise," Megan says looking innocent.

"Megan you can't even fucking look innocent," I say shaking my head.

"Shh!! I can pretend," Megan says standing on a rock over facing the water.

"Whatever," I say shaking my head as I sit on the rock and dangle my feet into the cold creek below. "Ahh the water's fucking cold!" I shriek bringing my feet out of the water.

"No shit captain state the obvious. There's no sun around here to warm it up," Pippy says laughing.

I stand up and say, "Really?"

"Yeah really," Pippy says laughing. I smile evilly before shoving Pippy into the icy cold water. "So not cool," Pippy says as she walks over to the rocks we were all sitting on.

"I think we all thought it was funny," I say as I sit by Jimmy. The rest of the day we just shot the shit and things didn't really get interesting until night came.