Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Ink and Hoes

The next morning at 8:30 I hear the all too familiar, all too annoying sound of my alarm clock. It’s too damn early for this! I slowly get out of my bed and stumble to the bathroom. I shower and get dressed in a black shirt with green Girs all over it, simple black pants, and black and green skater shoes. Once I get ready I mosey my zombie like self up the stairs and into the kitchen were I see Megan and GG waiting for me. Megan was sitting there staring at me as she chugged a bottle of Mt. Dew and GG was fixing two cups of coffee to go. “Do we have to go to work?” I whine as I grab my un-frosted strawberry Pop Tart.

“Yes we do; so suck it up. And since you took your sweet ass time getting ready this morning you get to do your favorite thing; work the cash register,” GG says smiling as she chunks the keys to my ’00 viper at my head.

“Ouch,” I mumble rubbing the dead center of my forehead that now had a red spot the same size and about the same shape as my keyring as we all make our way outside to my car.

“You have got to be shitting me! All fucking day we have three appointments. Only one of ‘em is for a tattoo and that’s yours Megan,” I whine once we get to the shop and I’m looking over the appointment book.

“Lucky bitch,” Megan mumbles as she stows all of her stuff under the register’s counter.

“So you say. I have to work the register all day and I swear if we don’t get some walkins I’ll be board as fuck,” I whine spinning around in the chair by the register before falling off of it making Megan and GG laugh.

The rest of the day was very boring. Of course I never saw a single walk in. Megan gave some guy a "look at me fit in" tribal tattoo. GG pierced some guy's eyebrow and a preppy girl's belly button. It was mind numbing fun in other words. Ha!

Once we get home Megan heads outside to ride her dirt bike for a bit and GG is off somewhere in the house while I have planted myself on the couch drinking my third round of vault and JD. Right when I was about to turn on the TV I suddenly hear Bloodhound Gang playing somewhere in the room momentarily making me question my sanity. What the fuck is that? I look around to see GG’s phone flashing: Incoming call- Johnny Boy, when I pick it up. Who is Johnny Boy? I look around for GG and come up empty handed so I pick the phone up and answer it.

”City morgue. You kill ‘em we chill ‘em,” I answer holding back a slight laugh.

“Umm.. is Jessica there?” Johnny boy asks; probably thinking I’m off my rocker.

“You call GG Jessica? Wow! I didn’t know anyone still did that,” I randomly interject.

“You call my sister GG?” the poor boy asks obviously confused.

“Holy shit! GG has a brother? Wait. never mind that’s obvious, sorry,” I say replaying what I just said over in my head.

“Can I talk to Jess?” he practically begs making me mentally smacking myself.

“Yeah sorry,” I say holding the phone away from my mouth. “GG! Phone!” I scream loud enough for it to rumble through the house.

“Who it be hoe?” GG asks walking into the room.

“Your brother,” I say handing her the phone. Once she walks out the room I hear my phone playing Riot by Three Days Grace making me squeal because only one person has that ring tone: Dani. “Dani! How the fuck are ya love?” I squeal into the receiver.

“CD! I’m just fine love. How about you?” I hear her English accent flow through the phone.

“Same shit just a different face and name ya know?” I ask laughing.

“Fer sher. Guess what! Krista and me are coming to Berkley hoe!” Dani shrieks.

“Yay! You two best stop here wench!” I say laughing.

“You know it. Well, I’ll see ya later love. Byez,” Dani says.

“Byez love,” I say laughing before hanging up and motivating myself enough to get up off of the couch in order to pop in The Nightmare Before Christmas.

”Why do you look so.. happy?” Megan asks walking in and sitting down beside me about the same time as Jack is discovering Christmastown.

“Shut up! You know this is my all time favorite movie,” I say memorized by the TV as GG walks in breaking my concentration.

“Who’s Johnny Boy? I mean I know he’s you brother but..” I begin before being cut off.

“You have a brother!” Megan nearly screams.

“Obviously; now shut it! Is he older or younger?” I ask GG as she sits in the recliner across from me.

“Johnny’s my little brother; he’s only 21,” GG says watching the movie.

“Dude! That’s ironic the bass player for Avenged Sevenfold is 21 and his name is Johnny Seward,” Megan says laughing.

“Yeah; I know. That’s my Johnny,” GG says looking at Megan like she’s the dumbest person alive.

“Holy piss! You know Avenged Sevenfold?” Megan nearly screams at GG while her eyes get the size of a small dishpan.

“Umm.. yeah,” GG says really slowly looking at Megan like she’s the missing link.

“That’s great now shut up so I can hear my movie,” I say before Megan gets a chance to freak out allowing GG and I to finish watching the movie while Megan is trapped in her own little world.

“Who the hell is here at midnight?” GG asks stretching as the doorbell rings almost immediately after the movie. I shrug and look back and forth from GG and Megan before getting up to answer the door since neither of them is moving.

“Hey love,” I say once I open the door only to be attacked by both Dani and Krista.

“Ello love! You have al-co-hol right?” Krista asks smiling as she and Dani stand up.

“Of course I do love. When do I not?” I ask laughing. “GG, Megan we have company,” I scream as I lead Krista and Dani into the living room where we sit around drinking all night as we slowly catch up with one another.

The next morning I wake up on the pool table at 10:30. How the fuck did I get here? I wonder around until I see a clock for the second time and realize how unbelievably late I am for work and quickly brush my teeth and hair before throwing on the cleanest looking clothes on my floor and race outta the door to the shop.

“Thanks a lot for waking me up you whore!” I scream at GG as I finally make it to the shop and throw my shit underneath the counter.

“Aww! Did my little JD whore sober up enough to drive to work?” GG coos pinching my cheeks and my first customer walks through the door; thank the god and goddess he was late too.

“Damn! I don’t think we’ve ever been this damn busy,” Megan says as she falls into her chair after closing time.

“I seriously think I pierced half of Cali today,” GG says taking her heels off and rubbing her feet.

“Megan… I luvb you,” I say batting my eyelashes. “What the hell do you want now?” she asks me sounding exhausted.

“Would you pretty please with sugar on top do a tattoo for me?” I ask giving her the best puppy dog eyes I can muster up.

“Arg! You’re so lucky I love you! Now what do you want and where do you want it?” she asks me sitting upright.

“I want the Murderdolls devil girl on my boob pwease,” I say smiling.

“One: I refuse to have to look at you tits and two: you got a picture?” she asks gathering her kit together.

“But of course. I want the red a bit darker and the writing to be black instead of silver,” I say showing her the picture.
♠ ♠ ♠
New Characters:
-Name: Krista, her nicknames are Kris and Krissy.
-body: long blood red hair, green eyes, pale skin, I'm about 5'6.
-piercings: my tongue, nose, and ears,lip down 3 times.
-tattoos:a broken heart over my heart, a black rose on my shoulder with blood on the thorns, a black angry looking wolf in a dream catcher on my back between my shoulder blades, a blood red dragon surrounded by neon green flames on my upper arm.
-other: hair in a messy bun. My make up usually is black eye shadow, black eyeliner, and black lipstick.

-Name: Danielle but no one calls her that we call her Dani
-body: I have black hair that kinda "Emo" style, green eyes, pale skin, 5'5.
-piercings:lip done 3x, nose done, ears done 3x in each ear, and eyebrow done.
-tattos: a red broken heart on the back of my neck, a dark purple dragon that goes from my shoulder to my elbow and there's flames coming from it's mouth that goes to my wrist, a small black heart on my middle finger on my left hand and a small purple heart on my middle finger on my hand hand, a heart-a-gram with a tribal designs coming from the left and right side of it on my lower back, the word "Love" in Gothic letter around my ankle, and a purple broken heart over my heart and one of my nickname "Emo Bitch" in Gothic letter on my upper arm.
-other: bit of an attitude problem but can be a nice person when the times calls for it. If someone starts bull shit with friends they have to deal with her which isn't a wrath anyone would want to fuck with. Has an English accent.