Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Home, Sweet Home

The next morning I wake up and stretch. After I'm done stretching I look around and look up at Jimmy to see him looking back down at me. "Morning," I say as I yawn.

"Morning," Jimmy says laughing.

"Two questions love. How long have you been up? And why were you watching me sleep?" I ask as I cuddle into Jimmy for warmth.

"I haven't been up that long and I'm watching you sleep because you're gonna need my help getting up," Jimmy says running his fingers through my hair.

"Now I don't want to get up," I whine cuddling further into the sleeping bag.

"Why not?" Jimmy asks me laughing making my head move.

"Because," I whine.

"Because why?" Jimmy asks.

"Because I'm fucking comfy and that feels really fucking good," I say smiling.

"But you need to get up sometime and we need to get home," Jimmy says sitting up bringing me with him.

"Goth damn you to the fucking depths of hell if it even fucking exists," I whine as I sit upright. "My ankle hurts," I whine as I lean back on Jimmy.

"You're in a whiny mood today aren't you?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"Yes I am so fuck off," I say as I try to get out of the sleeping bag. After about five minutes and many failed attempts I let out a aggravated groan and lay down. "Fucking bastards fuck! I'll just fucking lay here all fucking day," I say as I curl up into a ball or try to. "Ouch! Fucking fuck! It's just gonna be one of those fucking days," I say as I hold my ankle.

"Want some help love?" Jimmy asks sitting down beside me.

"Pwease? Because it's pretty fucking apparent that I need it," I say running my fingers through my hair and over my face.

"Calm down babe. I'll help you," Jimmy says helping me out of the sleeping bag.

"Thanks love. I'd be fucked into staying in here all day if it weren't for you," I say laughing.

"No problem. Do you need anymore help?" Jimmy asks sitting me on the tent floor.

"Umm. You could help me to the bathhouse," I say with a smile.

"Can you take a shower with that thing on?" Jimmy asks pointing to my air cast.

"Nope. That's why I take it off love. And then I get to try and not fall because I'll be balancing on one fucking leg," I say laughing at the mental picture I was giving myself.

"What are you laughing at?" Jimmy asks me looking at me weird.

"I'm picturing me trying to balance on one foot in the shower," I say laughing still.

"Well you know. I could help you there," Jimmy says smiling.

"Really now?" I ask laughing raising my eyebrow.

"Really," Jimmy says scooting closer to me.

"And how you would do that Mr. Sullivan?" I ask smiling.

"Well, you see Miss Puget, I could help you with your balancing," Jimmy says scooting even closer.

"Well, in that case, yeah you can help me," I say kissing Jimmy. When I pull away Jimmy is smiling like a kid at Christmas.

"Well shall we go then?" Jimmy asks me with a huge smile stuck on his face.

I laugh and say, "Sure love but throw me some clothes in my tote bag."

"Ok," Jimmy says as he destroys my bag throwing clothes into my tote bag. Jimmy gives me the tote bag and picks me up. He walks out of the tent and towards the path when we hear GG.

"And where the fuck are you two going?" GG asks looking at us with a raised eyebrow.

"Mommy we're going to the bathhouse so I can shower ok," I say in a kiddy voice.

"Ok just don't do anything Mommy WOULD do," GG yells to us as we walk away.

Jimmy carries me into the bathhouse. We shower and Jimmy helps me get dressed in something I don't particularly like: a red and black bra, fishnet shirt, and leggings.
"Jimmy what the fuck?" I ask as I look at myself in the mirror.

"What?" Jimmy asks looking me up and down.

"I look like a fucking slut," I whine.

"No you don't you look fucking hot," Jimmy says hugging me from behind and kissing my neck.

"Jimmy stop! Look at me. I mean for fuck's sake! These aren't even pants," I whine swatting Jimmy away.

"Yes they are," Jimmy says.

"No love, they're not. They're leggings," I say shaking my head.

"Whatever. They're tight I like em," Jimmy says kissing my neck again. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Jimmy stop! I wanna go home," I whine sitting on the counter.

'Fine," Jimmy says agitated throwing the tote bag at me and picking me up.

"Don't get all mad," I say as I wrap my arms around Jimmy's neck as we walk back to the campground.

"I'm not mad," Jimmy says looking straight ahead.

"Yesh, you are! How about I let you pick up where you left off once we get home?" I ask smiling.

"Are you gonna stay in this?" Jimmy asks smiling.

"Yep," I say shaking my head yes.

"Ok then. Deal," Jimmy says smiling.

"Yay," I say as I kiss Jimmy on the cheek.

"What the fucking fuck are you wearing?" Megan asks sitting by Brian as we walk back into the campsite.

"Shut the fuck up ok! Jimmy picked out what I'm wearing," I say as I try to hide behind Jimmy and cross my arms to try and cover my bra.

"Jimmy should pick out what you wear more often you look hot," Matt says looking at me making me blush.

"What did you say?" GG yells smacking Matt on the arm.

"Nothing," Matt says with an innocent face.

"Damn noice threads hoebag," Pippy says as she comes out of her tent and sits by me.

"Jimmy picked em out fuck off biotch," I say as I roll my eyes.

"Well, we need to get going I guess," Jimmy says standing up.

"Jimmy," I yelp as I try to cover myself up.

"Calm down. You're hot even Matt said so," Jimmy says picking me up as GG glares at Matt.

"Well I guess I'm going. Bye my luvbers and guys. Tell my loves and the others that I say bye," I say laughing as Jimmy maneuvers through everyone's feet.

"Oh and Mommy don't do anything naughty with Daddy please he would tell Jimmy and you'd tell me, and you're my parents it would scar me for life," I yell to GG as Jimmy reaches the car. Jimmy puts me in the passenger seat of my car and then he goes and gets our shit out of the tent and we're off home.

When we pull up to the house three hours later Jimmy parks right by the back door. "What are you doing?" I ask Jimmy as he puts the car into park.

"This way I don't have as far to carry you," Jimmy says smiling.

"Are you calling me fat?" I ask in a shocked voice.

"No. I'm just saying and this way I don't have to drag the other shit so far either," Jimmy says getting out of the car. Somehow Jimmy manages to carry all of our shit and me and my crutches at one time. Jimmy puts me down on the couch in the game room and goes and puts our stuff in my room.

"Jimmy love will you bring me a shirt?" I yell as I hobble to the stairs.

"Nope," Jimmy says as he picks me up making me squeal a bit because I didn't know he was right behind me.

"And why won't you bring me a shirt?" I ask as Jimmy walks upstairs.

"Because we have a deal my dear Christina," Jimmy says as he sits on the couch and puts me in his lap.

"That scares me. What is this deal that you speak of?" I ask Jimmy looking at him funny.

"Well, you see when you told me to stop at the camp ground you made a deal with me," Jimmy says kissing my neck.

"Yesh," I say smiling.

"Well, this was our deal that you let me do this," Jimmy says kissing my neck again.

"I would think that I would remember a deal like this," I say smiling. "I would hope so to," I say as Jimmy moves me so that I'm resting against the arm of the couch.

Jimmy starts to kiss up my neck and to my mouth. His tongue grazes my bottom lip asking for entrance. I part my mouth and his tongue explores my mouth as mine explores his. While this is happening Jimmy has moved me so that I'm lying down and he's hovering overtop of me. Jimmy goes to move his leg and ends up bumping my ankle. I let out a groan and push him away.

"What's wrong?" Jimmy asks as he gets up.

"," I manage to choke out.

"Oh shit did I? I'm so sorry babe," Jimmy says as he picks me up and sets me in his lap.

"Its ok just please don't fucking do it again," I say with a weak smile.

"I won't babe. I am sooo sorry," Jimmy says kissing my temple.

"It's fine really let's just wait a little while to do that again," I say laughing.

"Fine," Jimmy pouts.

"Now will..... you.... go get.... me.. a.. hoody?" I ask Jimmy in between kisses and pouting at the end.

"But I like you like this," Jimmy says sticking his finger in a hole on my shirt.

"But Jimmy! I'm a vampire and I'm anemic. Please! I'm so cold," I say as I snuggle into Jimmy.

"Well you can stay warm like this," Jimmy says smiling really big.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask looking at Jimmy weird.

"No reason," Jimmy says with the same happy as fuck look on his face. I follow his line of vision and find out he has a perfect view of my boobs.

"Jimmy! Stop being a perv," I say as I push his head to the side.

"But you put them in plain view," Jimmy says smiling.

"Shut up and go get me a hoody," I say as I sit up and push Jimmy off the couch.

"Fine you demanding little thing," Jimmy says laughing as he leaves the room.

A few minutes later Jimmy comes in and hands me a metallica hoody. "Um love? This isn't mine," I say looking at the hoody. This fucking thing could swallow me alive! "Besides I don't like Metallica," I say making a grossed out face.

"I know it's not yours it's mine and you don't like Metallica?" Jimmy asks looking at me like I've lost what wee little bit of sanity I had left.

"I cannot STAND Metallica well sides Enter Sandman, well I think that's it," I say as I put the hoody on.

"If you hate Metallica why are you wearing their hoody?" Jimmy asks sitting beside me on the couch.

"Because it's my boyfriend's and I love him a lot more than I fucking hate Metallica, And I'm mother fucking cold," I say as I put my head on Jimmy's shoulder.

"Well, I love you more than I hate Metallica too," Jimmy says laughing.

"Don't make fun of me," I whine.

"Fine. It's so easy though," Jimmy says laughing. I huff and cross my arms and scoot away from Jimmy. "Aww come on. I was playing," Jimmy says laughing.

"You hurt my heartless soulless self," I say sniffling.

"Aww poor CD," Jimmy says shaking his head.

"Yesh, poor CD. She's hungry," I say as I play with my lip ring.

"Well, that was fucking random," Jimmy says laughing.

"Well I am," I say as I try to stand up.

"What are you doing?" Jimmy asks standing up.

"I'm going to the kitchen," I say as I start to hop around. I get about half way there and loose my balance.

"Fuck," I say as I start to fall. Luckily for me Jimmy was walking behind me and catches me before I hit the ground and fuck up my ankle even more than it already is. "Thanks love," I say as I sheepishly smile.

"No problem," Jimmy says as he picks me up. He carries me to the kitchen and sets me on the island. "Ok so what do you want?" Jimmy asks as he leans against the island beside me.

"What can you cook?" I say with a raised eyebrow.

"Um... Not much?" Jimmy more asks that saysas I shake my head laughing. "Shut up Miss Emerald," Jimmy says laughing.

"Ok umm.... what... about..... pizza?" I ask.

"Now that I can do," Jimmy says laughing.

"YAY! My boyfriend can cook pizza," I say as I clap my hands.

"Wow! Love don't do that it scares me," Jimmy says holding my hands together.

"I never get to have any fun," I pout as I hang my head.

"Aww poor you," Jimmy says as he kisses me on the head.

"Ok meat lovers, cheese, or stuffed crust," Jimmy asks looking in the freezer. "What kind of pizzas are they?" I ask.

"I don't know pizza's," Jimmy says scratching his head making me laugh.

"Stuffed crust if that's ok with you," I say swinging my uninjured up leg.

"That's fine with me," Jimmy says taking it out and putting it in the oven.

"So now what?" Jimmy asks sitting beside me.

"I don't know," I say as I shrug my shoulders.

"How about a movie?" Jimmy asks.


"Ok," Jimmy says as he gets up and walks away.

"Jimmy! You forgots me," I whine.

"What? OH yeah sorry babe," Jimmy says as he comes back and carries me into the living room.

"Ok what movie?" Jimmy asks putting me on the couch.

"Umm. how about Bourne Identity?" I ask.

"That's fine by me," Jimmy says as he finds and puts the DVD in. Then he comes over and sits by me on the couch. I sit so that my ankle is propped up on the couch but so that I can cuddle with Jimmy all at the same time. About twenty minutes into the movie the timer goes off and Jimmy goes and gets the pizza. He brings it back and we finish watching the movie.

"I'm tired," I say yawning after the movie.

"You wanna go to bed?" Jimmy asks sitting up some.

"If you don't mind," I say looking up at Jimmy.

"No it's fine," Jimmy says as he picks me up and walks towards the steps.

"You can always stay up and just carry me down," I say as we descend the stairs.

"No it's fine I'll go to bed too," Jimmy says looking down at me.

Jimmy carries me into the bathroom and sets me on the counter top. I bush my teeth and hair and with Jimmy's help get dressed in my pjs that consist of a camisole top that looks like it’s a corset and matching boy shorts. Afterwards I use my crutches and hobble over to bed and get in as Jimmy strips down to his boxers. I put my head on Jimmy's chest and within two minutes I'm sound asleep.