Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Scaring Old Women

The next morning I wake up to a crashing noise upstairs. I roll over and look at my clock, which is flashing the bright red numbers: 11:30. What the fuck is that boy doing at 11:30 in the morning? I slowly and carefully get out of bed, grab my crutches and head over to my dresser. Why is it always so fucking cold in this fucking house? I look through my dresser and end up grabbing my Manson hoody and some Pirates of the Caribbean pj bottoms. After I finally get dressed I hobble to the stairs and try to remember how to get up the stairs. Come on Christina you can do this. Come on! Remember! Fucking fuck! You would think as many times as I've had broken legs and fucking shit I'd remember. Oh yeah! Fuck I'm slow! I hold the railing and make a t with these and hop up the steps.

So I take my crutches make the t and hop up the stairs only almost falling once go me! Once safely up the stairs I hobble into the living room and look around for Jimmy. I get into the living room and about five seconds afterwords I hear another crash coming from the kitchen. I shake my head and hobble towards the noise. Once I get to the kitchen I see it's a total mess. There's shit everywhere and I think just about every pot and pan we had is out. I look over towards the stove and see Jimmy there, I think, trying to make an omelet. "Love, what the fuck are you doing?" I ask shaking my head trying not to laugh. Jimmy jumps and looks around the kitchen. "I'm over by the door," I say laughing my ass off.

"Oh I didn't see you there and I'm making you breakfast what does it look like?" Jimmy asks messing with the skillet.

"It looks like a fucking war's gone down in here," I say as I hobble over to the island clear off a place to sit and jump on it and watch as Jimmy runs around for a few more minutes.

After, I'm guessing, Jimmy had everything ready, he picks me up, carries me into the living room and sets me in a chair. Jimmy then disappears back into the kitchen and after a few minutes comes back in carrying a plate and a mug. He sets them down in front of me and then sits down beside me. He brought me coffee, an omelet, and bacon. "You bring me coffee I fucking luvb you," I say as I kiss Jimmy on the cheek.

"I know you're like a fucking zombie until you have it," Jimmy says laughing stealing a piece of my bacon.

"Hey! That's mine! You don't take my bacon," I whine looking at Jimmy.

"But it's me so I can," Jimmy says smiling.

"Says who?" I ask trying to keep a serious face.

"Says your amazingly hot boyfriend," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Really he's here?! Where? I miss him so much," I say looking around.

"Very funny," Jimmy says fake laughing.

"I though so," I say as I burst out laughing.

"Are you gonna eat?" Jimmy asks as I poke at my omelet.

"I already ate my veggie bacon! I'm not a breakfast person," I say as I poke at my omelet some more.

"Oh OK. Well I'm gonna go clean up OK," Jimmy says taking my plate and standing up.

"OK. I'm gonna go take a shower," I say as I start to get up.

"OK by the way the hospital called and your doctor wants to see you again because apparently your fracture wasn't all that bad," Jimmy says following me to the kitchen.

"Do I have to go to that same hospital or one at all?" I ask as I sit on the island.

"You can go to the one here he said. And yesh you have to go to a hospital," Jimmy says as he sets the dirty dishes in the sink.

"When did he call? And I don't wanna," I whine as I put my head in my hands.

"He called earlier this morning and why do you hate hospitals?" Jimmy asks sitting beside me.

"I just do," I say as I shake my head.

"You can tell me babe," Jimmy says as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"It's just... nothing," I say looking at my feet.

"Christina you can tell me and I promise I won't say a thing," Jimmy says rubbing my back.

"It's just... every fucking time I go to one unless I go into the ER... someone ends up dyeing," I say as I look down at the floor.

"Come on CD that's not true," Jimmy says putting me in his lap.

"Yes it is! Every fucking time I've been in a hospital unless it was for me someone's died. I just hate going to em," I say as I play with my lip ring.

"I'm sure you're exaggerating a little," Jimmy says kissing my head.

"I'm more serious than a heart attack! My grandpa, grandma, aunt, great-great uncle, cousin's baby, cousin all of em! I was the one there when all of them died. I'm like the fucking black death," I say as I cover my face with my hands.

"I'm sorry babe," Jimmy says rubbing my back.

"It's fine. But ya see? That's why I fucking hate them. For me they reek of death," I say licking my lips.

"I see. Look you don't have to be there for a while till like four do you wanna watch a movie or something?" Jimmy asks kissing my forehead.

"Yeah. Can we watch Nightmare Before Christmas? It's my favorite movie of all fucking time," I say giving a weak smile.

"Sure," Jimmy says as he scoops me up. He then carries me into the living room and puts me on the couch before looking for the DVD. After Jimmy put in the DVD he walks over to the couch and plops down beside me. I cuddle up next to Jimmy and watch the movie with my head on his chest and his arms around me.

"Well I'm gonna go take a shower now," I say as I slowly get up once the movies over.

"OK. You need help getting down the stairs?" Jimmy asks getting up.

"No I'm fine but thanks," I say as I hobble to the stairs.

"OK. Well I'm gonna go clean the kitchen. You've got about and hour," Jimmy says walking towards the kitchen.

"OK," I yell as I go down the stairs. Once I get downstairs I walk into my room and plop down on my bed. I take off my pj pants and hoody and my air cast. I set my air cast on my bed and then hobble into the bathroom. I take my shower and blow-dry my hair and put on my normal make up and get dressed in a tool shirt, arm warmers, and a skater shoe on my right foot along with pentagram necklace, bracelets, and ring. Once I was finally dressed I put my air cast back on and start to hobble back up the stairs.

"Babe I woulda helped you up those," Jimmy says as I walk into the living room.

"It's fine. When do we need to leave?" I ask as I sit down.

"Well according to the hospital its about a 45 minute drive and seeing how it's 3:30 now about 15 minuets ago," Jimmy says laughing.

"Oh OK well let's go," I say as I stand up and hobble out to the car. "I fucking hate crutches," I say as I get into the car and put them into the back seat.

"Well maybe you don't need em anymore," Jimmy says getting in the driver's seat.

"Maybe," I say smiling as we pull out of the driveway.

"Jimmy I don't wanna go in," I say as Jimmy tries to get me out of the car twenty minutes later once we're at the hospital.

"You have to Christina," Jimmy says trying to pull me up.

"But I don't wanna," I pout.

"I don't care," Jimmy says as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and carries me into the hospital.

"Where is Doctor Miller's office at?" Jimmy asks the receptionist still carrying me on his shoulder.

She looks at him funny and then overly politely says, "On the fourth floor third door on the left."

Jimmy thanks her and then carries me over to the elevator. He hits the up button and stands there whistling.

"Jimmy love I don't know if you know this but your shoulder digging into my hip is rather painful," I say as he walks into the elevator.

"Well I'd put you down but I forgot your crutches," Jimmy says laughing.

"My boyfriend is an idiot," I say as I shake my head. Jimmy quickly flips me so that he's giving me a piggy back ride making me yelp. "A little warning would have been nice," I say as I cling onto Jimmy.

"Well you should have gotten out of the car when I ask," Jimmy says getting off of the elevator. Jimmy walks down the hall until he reaches Doctor Miller's office. He walks in and sets me down on the couch and tells the receptionist we're here and sits back down beside me.

"What did she say?" I ask Jimmy as I put my head on his shoulder.

"She said it'd be a few more minutes," Jimmy says resting his head on top of mine.

"I hate this damn place," I whine as I close my eyes.

"Well, we'll be out of here soon enough," Jimmy says taking my hand and lacing his fingers with mine.

About ten minutes later a nurse comes out and barks, "Christina Puget."

"That's me," I say as I go to stand up but Jimmy stops me.

"I'll carry you. You forgot you're crutches," Jimmy says as he scoops me up and carries me to where the nurse is standing.

The nurse looks at us like we're on crack and says, "Follow me."

Jimmy follows her and stops in front of a door that she opens and tells us to wait inside. The room the nurse told us to wait in was a typical hospital or doctor's office room. All white walls with medical articles in frames on the walls, two chairs, an examining table, sink, and magazines about a year old. Jimmy sets me down on the examining table and sits in the chair closest to it.

"Jimmy I don't want to be here," I say as I scoot closer to the end of the table Jimmy's sitting at.

"The doctor will be here in a few seconds and then we can go home," Jimmy says as there's a knock at the door.

A man around fifty walks in reading a cart. "Miss Puget?" he asks looking up at me from the chart.

"Yes," I say as I grab Jimmy's hand.

"Don't like doctors?" he asks laughing.

"I don't like hospitals," I correct him.

"Oh well I'm Dr. Miller. And you are?" Dr. Miller says shaking my hand and looking at Jimmy.

"I'm Jimmy Sullivan, the boyfriend," Jimmy says shaking his hand.

"Well Miss Puget it seems someone lied to you," Dr. Miller says looking at me.

"What?" I ask with a confused as fuck face.

"Well they didn't need to give you crutches all you need is the air cast," Dr. Miller says smiling.

"OK so my ankle's not broken?" I ask.

"Oh no it's broken but it's only a hairline fracture. See," Dr. Miller says putting up an x-ray and pointing to a line with his pen.

"OK so I can walk on my own now?" I ask.

"Yes, so long as you keep that cast on and come see me again in four weeks," Dr. Miller says writing something down.

"OK well um... thanks," I say as I stand up and shake his hand.

"No problem. See you two in four weeks," Dr. Miller says shaking Jimmy's hand.

"That was interesting," I say as Jimmy and I walk towards the front of his office.

"Yeah it was," Jimmy says laughing.

"I just wanna get out of here," I say as I grab Jimmy's hand and walk up towards the counter. Jimmy laces his fingers with mine as I tap my nails on the counter. The receptionist finally turns around and I set up my appointment for four weeks.

Jimmy and I walk towards the elevator and I push the down button, almost immediately the elevator doors open. We walk in to see two older ladies standing beside each other. They look at Jimmy's and my tattoos and all of our piercings and their eyes get huge. They quietly start to talk to themselves glancing at us every now and again making my burst out laughing. "CD stop," Jimmy says trying not to laugh.

"But vampires like to laughing," I say as I move my neck making sure the can see my bite mark tattoos. The old biddies sharply gasp as the elevator finally stops at the ground level and they quickly exit making Jimmy and me laugh.

"That was interesting," Jimmy says laughing.

"Very. I'm glad that's over with," I say to Jimmy as we walk hand in hand to the car.

"Fuck! Everybody's coming back home tomorrow," Jimmy says getting into the car.

"Well don't you sound just thrilled," I say laughing as I put on my seat belt.

"That means I won't get to be alone with you anymore," Jimmy says as he pulls out of our parking space.

"That's sucky," I say as I put my head on the window.

"Yeah especially since in a week we leave to finish off the tour," Jimmy says pulling out of the parking lot.

"Really? How long will you be gone?" I ask picking my head up and looking at Jimmy.

"Yeah. We'll be gone about three weeks," Jimmy says looking at me.

"That sucks. I'm gonna miss you," I say as I look out the window.

"Well, three weeks isn't that long," Jimmy says holding my hand.

"I guess not," I say as I weakly smile. The rest of the car ride was practically silent with me looking out of my window and Jimmy holding and rubbing my hand with his thumb

The rest of the night Jimmy and I just watched movies curled up on the couch. Around four we decided that it was time to go to bed. We go down stairs and I go into the bathroom and wash off all my make-up brush my teeth and get dressed in my ribcage pajamas. After I was dressed I crawl into bed and put my head on Jimmy's chest.

"Love you," Jimmy says kissing my head.

"Love you too. Night," I say kissing Jimmy's chest.

"Night," Jimmy says before I end up drifting off to sleep.