Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

A New Look on Things

The next morning I wake up to the mess of a mop I call hair in my face. I groan and accidental wake Jimmy up. "What's wrong?" Jimmy asks groggily.

"I hate my hair. I'm gonna cut it all off," I say as I shove all of my hair to the side.

"CD as much as I love you, you would look fucked up with out hair," Jimmy says rubbing his eyes.

"Not all of it love just some. Oh! I want emo bangs! Even if I'm not emo," I say laughing.

"You with emo bangs?" Jimmy asks looking at me funny.

"You don't have to be emo to have emo bangs; you have em," I say laughing sitting up.

"I guess not. What are we gonna do today?" Jimmy asks sitting up with me.

"If it's OK with you I wanna get that done to my hair and then we can just hang out I guess," I say putting my head on Jimmy's shoulder yawning.

"That's fine. Is it showering time?" Jimmy asks kissing my forehead. I shake my head yes and Jimmy jumps up and heads towards the bathroom. I simply fall over into the bed yawning.

A few minutes later Jimmy comes back in and jumps on the bed beside me. "You know if it's shower time you need to be in the bathroom so you can shower," Jimmy says poking me.

"I'm to tired to move and if you poke me again I shall kill you," I say smacking away Jimmy's hand.

"You won't kill me because then you wouldn't have the hottest boyfriend ever," Jimmy says as he keeps poking me.

"OK true but I'll beat the fucking shit out of you," I say laughing.

"Why is that funny?" Jimmy asks as he stops poking me.

"Listen to the Murderdolls love," I say sitting up.

"Oh OK. So now are you gonna come on?" Jimmy asks standing up.

"Yesh." I say as I slowly get up.

"Come on," Jimmy whines.

"Shut up I'm coming," I say laughing. After I finally get to the bathroom and we take our shower I go through my morning routine keeping in the same facial piercing jewlery and get dressed in a COB hoody, a nightmare before christmas, spider web belt, and black with red trim bondage pants and put a Misfits belly button ring.

After we got dressed we headed upstairs. "Jimmy will you get mis coffee whilst I call me friend that cuts me hair pwease?" I ask Jimmy with puppy dog eyes.

"Sure love," Jimmy says walking off. I pick up the house call and give Rachel a call.

"What the fuck do you want hoe?" Rachel asks.

"For you to give me emo bangs and I'm not fucking emo!" I yell laughing.

"Yes you are. But yeah just come over after your beloved coffee and I'll do it," Rachel says laughing.

"OK love see ya then bye," I say hanging up as Jimmy comes back in and sits by me.

Jimmy hands me my beloved coffee and pop tarts. "Ahh I fucking luvb you! You bring me coffee and pop tarts," I say kissing Jimmy.

"Wow! The way to your heart is through your stomach," Jimmy says laughing.

"So! Leave me be," I say eating my pop tart. I chug down my coffee making Jimmy laugh. "I'm ready to go. You're gonna come with me right?" I ask Jimmy standing up.

"Of course I am," Jimmy says standing up and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Hey fuckers we'll be back later bye," I yell as Jimmy and I walk out to me car.

"So where are we going?" Jimmy asks as we get into my car.

"I'm going to my friend Rachel's she's awsomeness when it comes to hair," I say pulling out of the driveway.

"Oh OK. What are you gonna do again?" Jimmy asks messing with the radio.

"I'm gonna keep my hair layered and shit so it stays long in the back but I'm getting the emo bangs," I say tapping along on the steering wheel with the song playing.

"Oh OK cool," Jimmy says as I pull into Rachel's driveway.

"Damn we're here?" Jimmy asks as I turn off the engine.

"Yeppers. She lives close," I say as I get outta the car. Jimmy gets out and follows me up the porch to the door. I knock on the door and yell, "You 80s whore open the door!"

"Damn it! You gothic freak I'm coming," I hear Rachel yell. A few seconds later Rachel opens the door and lets us in. "Let me guess. He's tall skinny so many tattoos I can barley see skin and oh look a labret piercing. He's your boyfriend right?" Rachel asks looking at Jimmy.

"Yeppers! Rachel this is Jimmy my hot rock star boyfriend. And Jimmy this is my friend Rachel," I say as I hug Jimmy. Jimmy and Rachel say hi and all the shit you do when you meet someone.

"OK so what am I doing?" Rachel asks as she wraps a cape around me.

"I want you to give me emo bangs and nothing else I want my hair to still be long. Like have my shortest layer stay at my shoulder so I can have that in front of and the rest behind my shoulders," I say thinking out loud.

"OK. If I fuck up your fault," Rachel says laughing. About fifteen minutes later Rachel says, "All done love."

I mess with my hair and make a funny face. "Do I wanna look or is it horrendous?" I ask Jimmy.

"It looks pretty damn good love," Jimmy says playing with my bangs.

"Really?" I ask looking up at him.

"Yeah love. Here look," Rachel says handing me a mirror.

I brace myself for something horrible. I am amazed to see that my hair looks pretty damn good. The bangs start at my nose and angle out towards the end of my face with the longest part being about even with my second hole in my ear."Holy Fuck! Rach I luvb it," I say as jump up and hug Rachel.

"Your welcome," Rachel says laughing.

"Well love I hate to do this and run but its Jimmy's last day in town so I wanna hang out with him. So how much do I owe ya?" I ask Rachel getting out my wallet.

"Don't worry about it. I didn't do enough to charge ya," Rachel says shoving my wallet back in my purse.

"You sure?" I ask Rachel looking at her funny.

"As sure as black isn't your natural color," Rachel says laughing.

"Shut Up," I say laughing as I grab Jimmy's hand and walk towards the door. I hear Rachel yell bye as I shut the door behind me.

"So what is your natural color?" Jimmy asks smiling as we get back in the car.

"It's brown. I think. Fuck I'm not sure," I say laughing as I think.

"That's kinda sad babe," Jimmy says laughing.

"Leave me alone," I whine.

"No. So what do you wanna do today?" Jimmy asks as I start the car.

"I don't know. How about we just go home and hang out together in my room all day?" I ask.

"That's fine. I don't really give a fuck so long as I'm with you," Jimmy says looking at me.

"Aw! Love that's so sweet," I say smiling. So I pull the car out into the rode and drive the whole ten minutes back to my house. I turn the car of and look at Jimmy. "So now what?" I ask.

"Well to begin with I think we should get out of the car," Jimmy says laughing.

"No fucking shit," I say as I shake my head and pull the key out of the ignition. Jimmy laughs getting out of the car and walks to my side and opens my door. "Aw! Such a gentleman," I say as I get out of the car.

"For you yes," Jimmy says as he shuts my door and wraps his arm around me. We walk towards the house as I fumble around my purse form the key to the house.

"Fucking hell I know I put it in here," I say as I shift shit in my purse around and Jimmy laughs. "Does my fucking forgetfulness amuse you?" I ask Jimmy as I continue searching for my key.

"Yes it does and babe give me your purse," Jimmy says laughing.

"Arg! Foine but you're not gonna find the key," I say as I hand Jimmy my purse. Jimmy takes my purse and rummages through it for a few seconds and then pulls the key out of it. "I fucking hate you," I say shaking my head.

"Aw come on! I know you love me," Jimmy says putting his hands on my waist.

"Nope," I say shaking my head.

"Yeah ya do," Jimmy says pulling me closer to him.

"No I don't," I somewhat whine while laughing.

"Yes you do," Jimmy says pulling me so close our chests are touching.

"If I say yes can we go inside?" I ask trying not to laugh.

"You know you love my hot ass," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Fione I admit it. I love you, but only for your hot ass," I say smiling after Jimmy had pulled away. I steal the key from Jimmy and open the door. We walk inside to a completely quiet house. "Apparently we're the only one's who thought about this," I say laughing as I sit my purse down.

"Really? I thought everyone was gonna pop out at us," Jimmy says laughing wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Don't point out my special edness," I whine as we walk down to my room.

"I'm sorry. But you make it so fucking easy," Jimmy says laughing making me pout.

"Meanie," I say as I lay down on my bed.

"Aw poor CD," Jimmy says as he lays down beside me.

"Yes; Poor me," I say laughing as I roll over on my side so that I'm facing Jimmy.

"So what are we gonna do?" Jimmy asks kissing my nose.

"I don't know," I say giggling.

"You giggling?" Jimmy asks.

"That tickled," I say smiling.

"Oh. Tickled hum?" Jimmy asks.

"No," I say shaking my head really fast.

"Yes you are," Jimmy says running his hands up and down my sides making me squirm.

"No," I whine trying to squirm away. Jimmy flips so I'm under him and he starts tickling me.

"Ah! Not fu...fucking cool! Stop… it," I whine while laughing as Jimmy tickles me.

"What? I can't understand you," Jimmy says laughing.

"Stop!... I can't… mother… fucking... breath," I whine laughing so hard I'm crying.

"Fine. I guess it is kinda important that you can breath," Jimmy says as he stops tickling me.

"Thank... you," I say as I try to catch my breath.

"So back to my question. What are we gonna do?" Jimmy asks looking down at me.

"Well you could start by getting off of me," I say smiling.

"Foine," Jimmy says as he rolls off of me and lays on the bed beside me.

"What time is it?" I ask as I cuddle up to Jimmy.

"It's 4:20," Jimmy says looking at his watch.

"That's sucky. When do y'all leave tomorrow," I ask as I trace the design on Jimmy's shirt.

"Around twelve I think," Jimmy says running his fingers through my hair.

"Oh OK but arg that's fucking early," I say laughing.

"Twelve's early? Wow CD love your definition of early is fucked up," Jimmy says laughing.

"What can I say? I'm a creature of the night," I say laughing. "Oh I've got it! I yell sitting up.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jimmy asks sitting up while laughing.

"Love the better question is what's not wrong with me," I say laughing.

"OK what's not wrong with you?" Jimmy asks being a smartass.

"Nothing," I say with a cheesy as fuck smile.

"Um..OK," Jimmy says scooting away from me.

"Anyways! Let's just watch movies all night," I say as I sit in Jimmy's lap.

"That's fine at least I get to stay with you," Jimmy says kissing me. Jimmy and I watch: Nightmare Before Christmas, White Chicks , Pirates of the Caribbean, Lost Boys and Secret Window. I end up falling asleep in Jimmy's arms before Chico dies in Secret Window.

"CD wake up. Babe wake up," I hear someone say the next morning.

"Hum?" I ask trying to open my eyes.

"You need to get up and get ready so you can go to the airport with us," Jimmy says pushing my hair away from my face.

"I don't wanna because that means you're gonna leave me," I whine rolling over.

"CD I'm gonna have to leave if you're there or not. So come on babe please get up we need to get ready," Jimmy says kissing my neck.

"Ump. Carry me?" I ask Jimmy. The next thing I know I'm being lifted into the air and carried to the bathroom. After our long shower I keep in the same body jewelry and get dressed in a black hoody with red flare sleeves with a black flaming skull one them, pinstripe bondage pants, and a pair of flat Mary-Janes. Once I'm ready I walk upstairs to see all the girls sitting with their guys. "Aw we're pitiful," I say as I sit on Jimmy's lap on the couch.

"Yesh we are. And sadly we need to get going if we're gonna make it to the airport on time," GG says standing up with Matt following her.

"Pippy I luvb you," I practically yell.

"What the fuck do you want?" Pippy asks laughing.

"Will you pwease drive so one: I can sit with Jimmy in the back seat and two: I don't kill Jimmy and me?" I ask with puppy dog eyes.

"Fione," Pippy says as I give her my keys and hug her. We all load up and we're sadly off to the airport. All the way to the airport Jimmy and I just sat as close as possible and about half of the time making out with Pippy making gagging noises in the front.

"Shut up," I say laughing as Jimmy helps me get out of the car once we're there.

"Hey I'm gonna stay here and sleep OK," Pippy says.

"OK," I say shaking my head laughing. Jimmy get his stuff out of the trunk and we walk into the airport. We look at the departure and the plane for Raleigh, North Carolina leaves in an hour at gate 4C. I link my arm with Jimmy's resting my head on his arm as we walk towards their gate.

Jimmy kept looking down towards my hand with a funny face as we were walking towards their gate. "What?" I ask him looking up.

"I'm trying to figure out where you hand is so I can hold it," Jimmy says laughing and blushing slightly.

"Oh sorry. Here," I say as I blush and pull my hoody sleeve up so Jimmy can find my hand. Jimmy smiles and grabs my hand lacing his fingers with mine. We wait through the luggage line for about thirty minutes before Jimmy's bags are finally checked.

"So we've got thirty minutes what do you wanna do?" Jimmy asks kissing me.

"I don't know but can I pwease get some coffee?" I ask kissing Jimmy.

"Sure love," Jimmy says smiling as he leads me to a Starbucks. Jimmy and I both get a black coffee and walk back to his gate. Once we get back to his gate Jimmy sits down in a chair pulling me into his lap.

"You know what sucks the most?" I ask Jimmy sipping my coffee.

"What's that love?" Jimmy asks resting his head on my shoulder.

"After you leave I have to go to work," I say running my finger around the rim of my cup.

"That's sucky but I know something that's worse," Jimmy says looking at his watch.

"What's that?" I ask.

"They should be calling," Jimmy says before being interrupted by the loudspeaker announcing that all passenger on flight 147 non-stop the Raleigh were to board the plane. "That," Jimmy says sighing. I slowly stand up followed by Jimmy. "Well I guess this is the sappy part," Jimmy says laughing.

"Yeah," I say with a weak smile.

"It's not all that long and I'll call you when we land," Jimmy says rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"OK," I say as my voice cracks.

"I love you," Jimmy says kissing me.

"I love you too," I say as I bury my face in Jimmy's chest hugging him.

"Final boarding call for passengers on flight 147 non-stop to Raleigh," blared over the speakers.

"I'll talk to tonight and I'll see you in four weeks," Jimmy says kissing me.

"OK bye. I love you," I say kissing Jimmy one last time.

"Love you too," Jimmy says walking backwards bumping into a pole making me laugh.

Once I get home I go down to my room and just mope until I hear Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and look for my phone. "Ello?" I ask answering the phone.

"Hey babe," the person on the other line says.

"Jimmy! How was your flight?" I ask in a high pitched voice.

"Boring as fuck like they always are. How's it there?" Jimmy asks.

"Aw. I'm sorry. And eh I've been watching movies and shit," I say laughing.

"Sounds exciting. Well babe I hate to do this but I've got to go. I'll call you sometime tomorrow," Jimmy says with noise in the background.

"OK. I love you," I say smiling.

"Love you too. Bye."

"Byez," I say as he hangs up. I hang up my phone and go to my bathroom and get changed into my NBC pjs and wash off all my makeup and brush my hair. I turn my stereo on and craw into bed. I bury myself in the covers and very slowly drift off to sleep.