Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Quality Sibling Time

Three weeks have gone by since Jimmy and the guys left. Three unbelievably boring as fuck weeks. Jimmy's called very day even if it was just to say that he loves me. I've had to work every fucking day to and thank the god and goddess I finally got a day off. Jade and the boys came home a couple days ago so I haven't seen Pippy much and Krista and Dani went back home so it's just the good ol trio: GG, Megan, & me.

I wake up and rub my eyes then slowly sit up while stretching and yawning. I look at the blood red number on my clock and they tell me its 12:45. Eh not really early but not as late as I would like. I swing my feet over the bed and put them on the cold floor squealing because of the temperature then I get up and walk towards the bathroom and go through my morning routine and get dressed in all black facial jewelry and a Jack Sparrow shirt with arm warmers, black bondage pants with red straps, boots, and a Stimpy belly button ring. Once that's done I walk upstairs to silence. I go to the kitchen to get my beloved coffee when I see a note taped to the coffee pot.

CD me and GG went out to eat we got tired of waiting for your lazy ass. WE LUVB YOU!! xx Sadistic Bitch and GG xx

I shake my head smiling and crumple up the note and throw it away. After my coffee I decide that I'm going to go over to Jade's since I haven't really seen him since the lasagna day. I look around for a note pad in the living room and kitchen. After about twenty minutes I give the fuck up and write:

Hey my luvbers I went to see Jadey Poo. I'll be back later. Luvb ya! CD. P.S. I'm not fucking cleaning this up biotches, on the island in ketchup. I grab my purse and shades and head out to my car to go see my older brother dearest.

I pull into Jade's drive way to see two cars already there. Oh yay! If anyone has to get out I've probably gotta fucking move. I park my car and walk up to Jade's front door. I knock on the door and wait. After three minutes I knock on the door again.

This time I hear Jade yell, "I'm not home right now so fuck off and come back later and I'll be glad to let you in."

"Will you just fucking let me the fuck in?" I yell back.

"OK, OK calm the fuck down," Jade says opening the door. I roll my eyes and push past Jade into the house. "Well aren't you just so sweet?" Jade scoffs leading me to the living room where Smith was sitting on the couch.

"Smith!" I scream as I jump in his lap and hug him.

"Chrissy!" Smith yells hugging me back.

"Wait! Why can he call you Chrissy?" Jade asks sitting in the recliner.

"Because he's a better big brother," I say as I crawl out of Smith's lap and sit beside him on the couch.

"Ouch Stina that hurts," Jade says dramatically grabbing his chest.

"That's another reason," I say as I try to hide behind Smith making Jade and Smith bust out laughing. "Don't laugh! I really am ascared," I say hiding my face.

"So what brings you over here?" Jade asks.

"Well Pippy's with Davey doing... something ew! GG and Megan are somewhere? So I decided to come see my brothers," I say as I steal Smith's drink and sip it.

"Well I'm glad to hear that we're so high up on your list," Jade says shaking his head.

"Aw Jadikens! I still love you," I say as I run to Jade and hug him.

"What is she smoking and why isn't she sharing with us?" Jade asks Smith looking at me funny.

"I don't smoke shit you know that! I snort it," I say trying to keep a straight face.

"Well before you went all crazy and shit me and Smith were going out to lunch do you wanna tag along?" Jade asks.

"Jade, love, when have I ever turned down food?" I ask Jade standing up looking at him like he's on crack.

"Yeah Jade gosh," Smith says as he gets up and throws his arm around my shoulders.

"Shut up and get into the car you two idiots," Jade says shaking his head.

"You're the world's suckiest big brother," Smith says as he leads me out to the car.

"Stina am I the world's suckiest brother?" Jade asks throwing his arm around my shoulders too.

"Well, I don't know about the world but here yesh," I say as I laugh and haul ass towards the car.

"Youre a sucky sister," Jade and Smith say as they get in the car.

"Wait! Why am I sucky?" I ask.

"Because you called me a sucky brother," Jade says starting the car.

"And you got shotgun," Smith pouts from the back.

"Aw! I sowwy guys! Jade you're not a sucky bro and Smith you can have shotgun on the way back," I say laughing.

"Yay! I don't suck," Jade says pulling out of the driveway.

"Smith is it just me or did that sound so wrong," I ask turning around so I can see Smith.

"That was just fucked up," Smith says looking at Jade funny.

"Stop ganging up on the old person," Jade yells.

"And this is my family," I say as I turn on the radio and rock out to Die, Die, My Darling by the Misfits.

"This place is great," Jade says as we climb out of the car once we get to the restaurant.

"You say that about every vegetarian place," Smith says making me laugh.

"Shut up," Jade says glaring at Smith and me.

"Guy's just shut up and act like some of the manners momma and daddy tried to teach you have somehow rubbed off," I say walking ahead of the boys.

"Why are you walking so fast Chrissy?" Smith asks catching up to me.

"Because I don't want people to know I'm with you two," I say laughing.

"Damn that was harsh as fuck," Jade says catching up to Smith and me. Jade, Smith and I go in and actually have a decent meal without any food fights or anything; which for us is a feat.

I walk into Jade's living room and throw myself on the couch and close my eyes. The next thing I know I feel a sting of pain in my legs. My eyes shoot open and I look up to see Jade and Smith sitting on my legs. "Get off! My ankle's broken!" I scream.

"Oh shit," Jade and Smith say at the same time as they jump up.

"Chrissy I am so sorry. I had no fucking clue," Smith says looking at me.

"It's fine just don't do it again," I say sitting up. As soon as I sat up I hear Face Down so I look around for my cell phone. I look at the caller ID but it says Caller Unknown.

"Who is it?" Jade asks as I flip my phone open.

I just shrug and hit send, "Ello?"

"Hello is this Christina Puget?" I hear the person on the other line

"Um yeah," I say wondering who the hell is calling me.

"Oh hello this is Nurse Brown with Dr. Miller's office," the nurse chirps.

"Oh OK. Is something wrong?" I ask worried.

"Oh no. We just wanted to call and ask if we could move your appointment up to tomorrow since we have an opening," she explains.

"Oh OK. That's fine what time?" I ask playing with my lipring.


"OK see you then," I say as she hangs up.

As I hang up Jade asks, "Who was it that got you to be so fucking nice?"

"It was some nurse from my doctor. They moved my appointment up to tomorrow," I say shoving my phone in my pocket.

"Where do you have to go?" Smith asks as Jade turns on the TV.

"I have to go to the hospital," I say making a weird face.

"Sucks to be you," Jade says finally deciding on Mad TV.

"I know. I don't wanna go alone," I say pouting.

"I'd go but I've already got shit planned for tomorrow," Smith says putting his feet up on the coffee table.

"Bummer. Hey! Jadiekins! What are you doing tomorrow?" I ask bouncing around from being excited about my idea.

"OK one: what the fuck is Jadiekins? And two: I'm not going with you to the doctor you're a big girl now," Jade says looking at me on crack.

"Jadiekins is what I call you when I want something out of you and pwease? You know I don't like hospitals," I say pouting.

"Pouting doesn't work on me," Jade says shaking his head.

"Yesh it does! Pwease Jadiekins. Don't make your wittle sissy go to the great big hospital all by her itsy bitsy self," I say as I bat my eyelashes.

"If I say yes will you stop talking like that?" Jade asks slightly scared.

"Yeppers," I say nodding head like the psycho I am.

"Fine. I'll go with you," Jade says sighing.

"Yay! Well I'm gonna take my ass home. Luvb ya guys," I say as I get up and hug Jade and Smith.

"Yeah, yeah so you say," Smith says hugging me.

"Byez," I say as I walk out of the door hearing faint byes from my brothers. I walk to my car and try to back out without hitting Jade's. Thank fuck it worked, and I begin the boring ride home.

I walk inside my house to see Megan and GG asleep on the couches. Wow! They're asleep already. Wait! Fuck never mind it's one. Goth I'm an idiot! I quietly giggle to myself as I walk downstairs. I walk into my bathroom and wash my face and get changed into an over sized Batman shirt and batman boxers.

As I'm coming out of my bathroom I hear my phone go off. I search for my phone and read the caller ID and squeal, "Jimmy!"

"Hey babe. I didn't wake you up did I?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"No I was still up," I say falling back down onto my bed.

"OK good. I didn't wanna wake you up. So what's up?" Jimmy asks.

"Nothing much. My doctor appointment about my ankle got moved up to tomorrow," I say absent-mindedly twirling my hair.

"When is it? Is someone else going with you?" Jimmy asks as I hear noise in the background.

"Um.. it's at 2:30 and Jade's going with me," I say yawning.

"OK. Well babe you sound tired so I'm gonna let you go. I love you," Jimmy says with the smile evident in his voice.

"OK. Love you too. Byez," I say smiling.


After I turn my phone off I turn my stereo on and crawl into bed to a peaceful night's sleep.

I wake up to something cold and wet being thrown on me. "What the fuck?" I scream.

"Well I had to wake you up somehow," Jade says grinning from ear to ear.

I get up muttering every imaginable profanity under my breath and go through my morning routine after seeing it’s a little after twelve. I keep in all the same jewelry and get dressed in a pinstripe corset, pinstripe armwarmers, and pinstriped pants with my Mary-Jane flats.

After I got dressed I came out of the bathroom to see Jade sitting on the daybed. "Took long e-fucking-nough," Jade asks linking his arm with mine and walking up the stairs. I somewhat wave somewhat flop to GG and Megan as I'm dragged past them and out the door to Jade's car.

I feel someone waking me and I automatically try and swat them away. The next thing I know I hear Jade yell, "Son of a bitch!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask yawning and waking up.

"You just fucking smacked me," Jade says holding the side of his face.

"Oh. Sorry, but you know I swing if you wake me up," I say getting out of the car and walking towards the dreaded hospital stopping outside of the doors.

"I know now. Come on," Jade says linking his arm with mine again and dragging me into the hospital.

We get on the elevator with two girls around my age. "You two make a cute couple," one of them says to Jade and me.

"Ew! We're not a couple he's my brother," I say ripping my arm away from Jade.

"Oh sorry," the girl says blushing.

"Don't worry about it. Sadly, we get it all the time," Jade says as the elevator stops on our floor.

Jade and I get off of the elevator and walk into Dr. Millers office. "Miss Puget you can go on back," the receptionist says as I sign in.

"OK," I say as I grab Jade's arm.

"Third door on the right," the receptionist calls after us.

Ironically Jade and I end up in the same room the Jimmy and I were in a couple of weeks ago. As soon as I get situated there's a knock on the door and Dr. Miller walks in. "Hello Miss Puget and," Dr. Miller says looking up from his clipboard.

"This is my brother Jade," I say laughing at the expression on Dr. Miller's face.

"Well Miss Puget you get to take off your cast today. Do you have another shoe with you?" Dr. Miller asks. I nod my head yes and pull out my shoe from my purse. Dr. Miller makes me twist my ankle some and move it around before he tells me that I'm all clear to go.

"So no physical therapy or anything?" I ask.

"Nope. The fracture wasn't severe enough to have to do any of that," Dr. Miller says smiling.

"OK. Well thank you," I say as I shake his hand leaving. Jade and I walk out of Dr. Miller's office and to the elevators then finally out of the hospital to Jade's car.

"Thanks for goen with me today," I say as I kiss Jade on the cheek once we're home.

"No problem. Bye," Jade says as I get out of the car.

"Bye," I say as I open up the door. I walk in to see GG and Megan watching a TV and Pippy and Davey with bags.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" I ask looking at Pippy like she's Zacky.

"Well, since I'm always over at Davey's I'm just gonna stay with him," Pippy says walking out the door.

"OK byez," I say as I shut the door and join GG and Megan in the living room. "What ya watchen?" I ask as I plop down on the couch.

"Inked. Carey's hot," Megan says making me and GG laugh while agreeing.

"So how did it go?" GG asks.

"Well I got my cast off so I'm free at last," I say twisting my ankle around. My phone blares Face Down into the room and I get up and walk into the kitchen answering it. "City Morgue you kill em we chill em."

"That's interesting babe," the other person says laughing.

"Jimmy! What are you doing?" I ask smiling.

"Just calling to see how you made out at the doctors," he says.

"I got my cast taken off. I'm free!" I yell making GG and Megan stare into the kitchen at me.

"Awesome. Well I've got to go. Bye. I love you."

"Love you too. Bye," I say before I hang up and walk back into the living room. "What are we gonna do tonight?" I ask.

"Watch this Inked marathon biotch," GG says laughing.

"Ah! It's the episode where Dizzle does his rap," Megan squeals as we all laugh at Dizzle's poor attempts at rapping.

After multiple hours of Inked I decide I'm tired enough to go to bed. I wash all of my makeup off and get dressed in a Gir thermal tank top and a pair of boxers. Then I crawl into bed and fall fast asleep with in minutes.