Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen


Well another week's gone by and today Megan, GG and I are going to the airport to pick up Matt, Brian, and Jimmy. Pippy's still staying with Davey some things she tells me scares the fuck outta me. Zacky and Johnny are going to stay with Krista and Dani so at least now we'll have breathing room in the house.

I wake up to my alarm clock blaring. I look at the clock and realize that it's 12:30. Fuck! I was supposed to get up an hour ago! I jump up and run towards my bathroom and brush my hair and teeth wash my face and put makeup on. I put in black facial jewelry lip and nose being black rings and eyebrow is a curved barbell and get dressed in a pleather corset, fishnet armwarmers, a tree row studded belt and black bondage pants with my purple BAM adios and a belly button ring that says go fuck yourself. Once I'm ready I run upstairs and quickly eat my pop tart and take my coffee to go because I'm running behind.

"CD hurry your whore ass the fuck up!" Megan yells.

"I'm coming," I say with a mouthful of pop tart.

"That's attractive," GG says laughing.

"Fucking bite me," I say as I walk out to the cars.

"Can one of y'all take me and me and Jimmy ride back with y'all because I'm so tired I'm gonna die if I try to drive," I say leaning against Megan's 1967 Shelby mustang gt fastback aka her dream car.

"You can ride up with me but back with GG," Megan says getting in her car.

"Foine by me," I say as I climb in.

"See y'all at the airport and as soon as we get home lots a sex will be going on in the house," GG says getting into her car.

"Wow! That scares the fuck outta me," Megan says looking at me with wide eyes.

"Me too," I say turning on the radio and on the way to the airport Megan and I scream along with H.I.M.

Megan, GG and I walk, well run, to the arrivals board and frantically look for the flight from Pittsburgh once we arrive at the airport. "Their flight gets here in five minutes," GG says running her finger across the arrivals board.

"At Gate 3E," Megan says shoving GG out of the way.

"Where the fucking fuck is gate 3E?" I ask sipping my coffee with some JD mixed into it.

"Um this way," GG says walking off as Megan and I follow her

So GG, Megan and I slowly make our way to gate 3E. "I can't wait to see Brian," Megan says giggling.

"Don't fucking giggle it scares the fuck outta me," I say shaking my head.

"What? I can giggle," Megan says.

"No you fucking can't," I say sipping my coffee.

"Mommy make CD play noice," Megan says looking at GG.

"Now girls play nice," GG says in a motherly tone making Megan and I bust out laughing.

"What if we don't want to?" I ask GG as we get to the gate.

"Um I don't know. Don't back talk me young lady," GG says shaking her finger at me making me double over in laughter.

Once I had regained my normal breathing patterned the annoying loud speaker came on and said, "Flight from Pittsburgh to Berkley now unloading." All of us make some strange form of a high-pitched noise and smile like we're insane.

I was sipping my coffee when Megan squealed and ran off with GG following close behind her making me laugh and almost spit coffee everywhere; however since I am oh so talented I manage to only let a little bit of coffee dribble out of my mouth. "Smooth Babe," Jimmy says looking down at me holding back laughter.

"Leave me alone," I say smiling as I wipe my mouth.

"I've been gone to long to leave you alone," Jimmy says leaning down and kissing me.

"Really now?" I ask as I wrap my arms around Jimmy's neck.

"Really. By the way I love your top," Jimmy says kissing me again while putting his hands on my waist.

"I thought you would," I say smiling as I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him.

"Will you two stop sucking face for five minutes so we can get our shit and leave," Matt says right behind us making me jump.

"Aw poor CD ascareded of someone talking behind them?" GG asks pinching my cheeks making everyone laugh.

"No! And don't fucking pinch my goth damned cheeks," I say swatting away GG's hand.

"Ha! Payback's a bitch, bitch," Megan says laughing.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask Megan walking closer to Jimmy trying to get away from her as we walk towards baggage claims.

"You used to always pinch my cheeks because I'm the youngest," Megan says sticking her tongue out.

We've been standing at baggage claims for what seems like forever and everyone bedsides the boys luggage has already come out. "I'm fucking bored," Megan says putting her head on Brian's shoulder.

"Well I know something we can do," I say looking at GG and smiling like the fucking tard I am.

"Hell yesh!" Megan yells walking up to the baggage claim.

"Wait for me," GG says walking up and standing on the other side of me.

"What the fuck are you going to do?" Jimmy asks me looking at me funny.

"You'll see," I say as I grin evilly. Megan, GG and I exchange looks and then hop on the baggage claim thingy.

"What are y'all doing?" Brian asks laughing his ass off.

"We're having fun and wasting time," I say laughing as a bag smacks me in the back.

"Fucking ow! Who's is that and what the fuck do you have in there goth damned fucking bricks?" I ask rubbing my back.

"It's mine and random shit," Matt says grabbing the bag as we go by.

After a few minutes the boys had all their luggage and Megan and GG have gotten off of the baggage claim thingy. "Babe come on," Jimmy says as I come towards him.

"I don't wanna," I say crossing my arms.

"Tough shit," Jimmy says picking me up and setting me down on the floor.

"Party pooper," I pout.

"You still love me," Jimmy kissing me.

"So you think," I say smiling as Jimmy picks his bags up of of the floor and grabs my hand lacing his finger with mine.

"Hurry the hell up," Brian says laughing.

"Shut up! Megan handle your man," I say trying to keep a straight face.

"I'm not that that much of a whore to do it in public wait till we get home," Megan says looking Brian up and down.

"Oh my fucking goth! I didn't wanna know or picture that ever! That's fucked up Megan," I say as Jimmy and I reach the others.

"Come on I know you wanna rape Jimmah," Megan says with a huge smile.

"Your point being?" I ask getting closer to Jimmy if that was possible.

"Wait. Did you just call me Jimmah?" Jimmy asks Megan.

"Yesh I did. Tis your new name," Megan says grinning like an idiot.

"Anyways! Can we go get food? I'm fucking hungry," Matt whines.

"I wanna go home and sleep," I whine.

"Well, you can sleep in the restaurant because I want some fucking food biotch," GG says laughing.

"Fine. Goth why didn't I drive?" I ask myself out loud.

"Because you were still asleep and would have fucking killed yourself and then Jimmah would be sad," Megan says trying to look innocent.

"Love you can't fucking look innocent even if your goth damned life fucking depended on it," I say laughing.

"Sh! Let me fucking pretend damn it," Megan says stomping her feet like a three year old.

"Save me from my retarded friends," I say to Jimmy as I bury my head in his chest causing everyone to laugh.

"We're not retarded we're special there is a difference ya know," GG says putting her hands on her hips.

"Seriously y'all are on fucking crack," I say shaking my head.

"I'm on heroin not crack ya dumbass," GG practically yells making people look at us.

"Let's go," I say grabbing Jimmy's hand and leading him away from my extremely special ed friends. "I luvb em but goth do they scare me," I say laughing as Jimmy and I reach GG's black hummer.

"You know you act just like them right?" Jimmy asks leaning against the side of the hummer.

"Sh! If you don't say it out loud other people may not notice it," I say trying not to laugh as I lean against Jimmy.

"I'm so tired," I say resting my head on Jimmy's shoulder.

"Why don't you go to sleep?" Jimmy asks.

"Because then I'd get annoying because I would get all bleh when y'all wake me up," I say turning around hugging Jimmy and putting all my weight on him; basically trying to use him as a bed. I slowly shut my eyes as Jimmy runs his hand through my hair.

The next thing I know someone's gently shaking me. "CD, babe we're here do you wanna eat?" Jimmy asks.

"Huh?" I ask rubbing my eyes and looking around. I notice I'm in the back seat of GG's hummer and Jimmy and I are the only ones in the car.

"Babe we're going to eat. Do you wanna come?" Jimmy asks.

"Yeah," I say as I slowly get out of the car and stretch.

"I'd rather do that with you," Jimmy say laughing.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I ask Jimmy fixing my hair so it's not sticking straight out.

"Your belly button ring says Go Fuck Yourself. I'd rather do that with you then by myself," Jimmy says grinning.

"Your such a perv," I say laughing.

"But I'm your perv," Jimmy says wrapping his arm around my waist as we walk towards the restaurant.

"Yesh you are. And no one can take your place," I say yawning as we reach the doors and walk in.

"What do you wanna do now?" I ask Jimmy once we're back at the house while sitting on my bed while he throws his bags in a random corner.

"I don't care," Jimmy says sitting by me on the bed.

"Don't make me think," I whine laughing.

"OK. Well how's your ankle now?" Jimmy asks.

"Eh. It's fine. I can move it all sorts of ways now see," I say like a little kid while moving my ankle all around. "Cool. So what now?" I ask Jimmy.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Jimmy asks.

"Sure," I say shrugging my shoulders.

Jimmy stands up and offers me his hand. He pulls me up and we walk out of my room and towards the stairs. As we pass Megan's room we hear very unwanted and disturbing noises. "Fucking ew! I don't wanna hear my little sissy doen that," I say running upstairs.

I hear Jimmy laughing as he walks up the stairs. "Did you call Megan your sister?" Jimmy asks.

"Yeah! She's my sister and GG's my mommy," I say laughing.

"What?" Jimmy asks with a confused look on his face.

"Don't worry about it. It's a girl thing," I say as I sit on the couch.

"I wonder what Matt and GG are doing," Jimmy says sitting by me.

"I don't wanna know," I say crinkling up my nose.

"Wow! You live with hoes," Jimmy says laughing.

"Yesh I do. And those hoes are my best friends," I say laughing. "So what movie do you wanna watch?" I ask Jimmy as I look at the DVDs.

"Um how about.... Children of the Corn?" Jimmy asks standing behind me.

"That movie freaks the fuck outta me," I say as I watch Jimmy pick the DVD up.

"Good. You'll sit closer to me," Jimmy says kissing the top of my head.

"Sit closer? I'll be clinging to you. I'm gonna get some JD you want something?" I ask walking towards the kitchen.

"Grab me a beer please," Jimmy yells as he puts in the DVD. I come back with our booze of choice and see that Jimmy's already started the movie. I sit extremely close to him and watch the movie.

By the end of the movie I was literally in Jimmy's lap. "Well I liked it. Wanna watch it again?" Jimmy asks smiling.

"Fuck no," I yell.

"OK. Well what do you wanna do?" Jimmy asks.

"Wanna have a horrathon?" I ask.

"You love those don't you?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"Yep! I luvb scary movies," I say grinning form ear to ear.

We ended up watching: Carrie, Candy Man, Scream, Black Christmas and Gothika. The whole time we were the only signs of life which scared me but at least I got to sit all cuddled up with Jimmy without and distractions.

"I'm so tired," I say yawning after the movies.

"Wanna go to bed?" Jimmy asks trying not to yawn.

"Yesh but carry me pwease?" I ask Jimmy giving him puppy dog eyes.

"How can I resist that face?" Jimmy asks laughing as he picks me up. Jimmy carries me downstairs and sets me down in my room.

I go into the bathroom wash my face, brush my teeth and hair and get changed into a black tank top and Emily the Strange pants with paw prints on the ass. I walk into my bedroom and walk past Jimmy towards my bed.

"CD you have something on your pants," Jimmy says looking at me.

"Where?" I ask trying to look at my pants.

"Right here," Jimmy says laughing grabbing my ass.

"That's supposed to be there," I say giggling.

"Really?" Jimmy asks kissing me.

"Yeppers," I say as I crawl into bed. Jimmy gets in and I roll over so my head is on his chest. "I missed this," I say as I yawn.

"Me too. I love you," Jimmy say kissing the top of my head.

"Love you too," I say as I kiss Jimmy on the chest and drift off into sleep.