Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Parking Lot Terrors

The next morning I wake up, stretch and look around. I notice I'm in my room. I look at my clock and see that it's only 11:20. I look down and see that I'm wearing a over sized Jack shirt and shorts. What the fuck? How did I get to my room? Why am I in different clothes? I clear my thoughts and stretch some more accidentally waking Jimmy up. "Sorry love," I say as I continue stretching.

"It's OK," Jimmy says rolling over and kissing me.

"How did I get here and in these?" I ask pointing to my pajamas.

"You fell asleep last night so I carried you in here and changed you. I didn't think you'd be comfortable sleeping in a dress," Jimmy says laying his head on my shoulder.

"Oh OK. Thanks. Still tried love?" I ask laughing messing with Jimmy's hair.

"Yes now shh. Sleepy time," Jimmy says wrapping his arms around me. I giggle and slowly fall back asleep.

Three hours later I wake up to Jimmy kissing me. "This is much better than how I woke up earlier," I say smiling.

"I like this better too," Jimmy says kissing me again.

"You wanna take a shower now?" I ask stretching.

"Sure," Jimmy says jumping out of bed.

"Jimmy I love you," I say bating my eyelashes.

"What do you want?" Jimmy asks shaking his head.

"Will you carry me pwease?" I ask with puppy dog eyes.

"Lazy bitch," Jimmy says picking me up.

"But that's why you love me," I say kissing Jimmy.

"Yes it is," Jimmy says carrying me into the bathroom.

After our shower and my morning routine I put my hair up with a clip with my bangs falling in my face and get dressed in a halter-top shirt with sleeves that show my shoulders, bondage pants, skater shoes and a belly button that says "Insane". Once we're finished Jimmy and I walk upstairs. I look around for any other signs of life but come up empty handed.

"Where the hell are they?" Jimmy asks.

"I don't know but I'm getting coffee. Do you want some?" I ask Jimmy walking towards the kitchen.

"Sure," Jimmy yells sitting down on the couch.

"OK love," I say turning the coffee pot on. I wait for it to brew and then fix Jimmy and myself a cup. On my way out of the kitchen I grab my pop tarts and walk back into the living room. "So what are we gonna do today?" I ask Jimmy handing him his coffee and sitting down beside him.

"I have no fucking clue," Jimmy says as I battle with my pop tart wrapper.

"Fuck a fucking duck," I yell throwing my pop tart down.

"CD do need help?" Jimmy asks trying not to laugh.

"I can't fucking open it," I say as I attack the wrapper again.

"Babe give it to me before you end up having a unopened bag of crumbs," Jimmy says wrestling my pop tart from me.

"Foine take my food," I pout drinking my coffee.

"I'm just opening it calm down," Jimmy says opening my pop tart.

"What the fuck! You open it fine? That's fucked up! Thanks baby," I say giving Jimmy a peck on the lips. I eat half of a pop tart in one bite making Jimmy laugh. "What?" I ask with a mouthful of pop tart.

"Nothing," Jimmy says shaking his head.

"Want some?" I ask Jimmy shoving my pop tart in his face. Jimmy goes to bite the pop tart and ends up biting me in the process.

"What the fuck is up with you and biting me?" I ask sucking on my finger.

"You just taste so damn good," Jimmy says laughing.

"Well don't fucking bite me! It hurts," I say still sucking on my finger.

"Aw! Poor baby. Let me see," Jimmy says tugging on my hand.

"No you're gonna bite me again," I say laughing as I try to continue sucking on my finger.

"I won't bite I promise. Now let me see," Jimmy says as he yanks my hand out of my mouth. Jimmy looks at my fingers for a few seconds and then kisses each one because he can't figure out which one he bit. "There all better," Jimmy says as he laces his fingers with mine.

"So you say," I say laughing as I sip on my coffee making me choke.

"Are you OK?" Jimmy asks rubbing my back. I nod my head yes as I continue to choke and my eyes tear up. "Here drink something," Jimmy says handing me my coffee.

I gladly take it and take a huge gulp from it. "Thanks love," I say with a raspy voice.

"No problem," Jimmy says trying not to laugh.

"Go ahead and laugh. If I'm fucking dumb enough to choke on my own fucking coffee I deserve to be laughed at," I say slightly blushing at my own stupidity.

"You're not stupid love; you're special," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Yesh, I'm extremely special like beyond any salvation special," I say shaking my head.

"No you're not," Jimmy says laughing.

"Whatever. So what are we doing today?" I ask Jimmy laying my head on his shoulder.

"I don't know. You wanna go to the movies?" Jimmy asks putting his head on mine.

"Oh! Can we go see the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie?" I ask.

"Sure," Jimmy says shrugging.

"You rock love," I say kissing Jimmy on the cheek.

"If I rock how come I only get a kiss on the cheek?" Jimmy asks pouting.

"Foine ya big crybaby," I say as I kiss Jimmy on the lips.

"Better?" I ask after pulling away.

"Much. You wanna go now?" Jimmy asks.

"What time is it?" I ask Jimmy walking over to the pile formally know as a paper.

"It's 4:25," Jimmy says looking at his watch.

"Well they're showing it at five and it takes about twenty five minutes to get there. Do you think we should go now?" I ask Jimmy looking at him over the paper.

"Probably because we need tickets and all that shit," Jimmy says standing up.

"Mkay love. I'm gonna get a hoody before we leave," I say getting up and running downstairs. I run into my room and grab my hearts hoody. "Baby will you drive?" I ask Jimmy meeting him in the game room.

"Sure babe," Jimmy says taking my keys from me as we walk to my car. We climb in and off to the movies.

Jimmy parks in a decent parking space at the theater and we get out and walk into the theater to wait in line. Oh joy! I just love lines. Fucking shoot me. I let out a agitated sigh making Jimmy laugh. "I hate lines," I whine crossing my arms.

"It's not that long," Jimmy says laughing.

"Yesh it is we'll be here forever," I pout.

"No we won't, just calm down," Jimmy says wrapping his arm around my waist. I roll my eyes and put my head on Jimmy's shoulder. "I saw that," Jimmy says pinching my side.

"So? What if I wanted you to see it?" I ask Jimmy laughing. Jimmy just shakes his head and kisses me on the forehead.

When we finally get to the ticket guy I slight squeal happy we can finally get our tickets. The ticket guy looks at me like I'm on crack then asks, "How may I help you?"

"Two adults for Texas Chainsaw," Jimmy says pulling out his wallet.

"19.50," the ticket guy says as our tickets come out.

"I'll pay for mine," I tell Jimmy pulling my wallet out.

"No you won't," Jimmy says shoving me behind him and paying the guy. The guy gives Jimmy our tickets and Jimmy grabs my hand and walks into the lobby area of the theater.

"Jimmy I would have paid for my that," I say as Jimmy hands me my ticket and we get in the snack line.

"That's nice to know now shut up about it," Jimmy says laughing.

"Did you just tell me to shut up Mr. Sullivan?" I ask Jimmy crossing my arms.

"Yes Miss Puget I did. And what are you going to do about it?" Jimmy asks throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"I don't know yet but I'll think of something," I say as I walk up to the snacks counter. "I want a vault with a small buttered popcorn and gummy bears please," I tell the girl behind the counter.

"Is that all?" she asks with a sickening sweet smile.

Jimmy goes to say something but I cover his mouth and say," Yes that will be all."

"OK. 11.25 please," the girl says as she get my drink. I rummage threw my purse and pull out my wallet getting 12 dollars out. The girl puts everything I ordered on the counter, I pay for it and walk off to the side to wait for Jimmy.

"You little hoe," Jimmy says as he walks up to me.

"Yes?" I ask as I bat my eyelashes.

"You're evil," Jimmy says laughing.

"Yesh in many ways to which are you referring?" I ask sipping on my vault.

"One you got vault so I am afraid and two you paid for your shit," Jimmy says poking my side.

"Don't make me have a re-run of this morning," I whine.

"Fine. We need to get going if we're gonna get a good seat," Jimmy says looking at the big ass clock on the wall.

"OK love," I say as I follow Jimmy to the entrance to the actually theaters. We give the guys our tickets. He rips them in half and tells us to go to theater seven. We walk through the doors to the left and go all the way to the end at into the last theater on the right, theater seven.

We walk into the theater. They're still playing the unbelievably annoying happy or preppy music with random shit on the screen. We look around for two seats but have shity luck. "Babe look two seats in your beloved vampire layer," Jimmy says pointing to the top.

"Yay!" I squeal as I walk, well run, to the top. When we get to the top we have to go across two teenagers two adults and two annoyingly loud guys. I go to sit down in the first empty seat but Jimmy lightly shoves me towards the next seat. I plop myself down in my seat and ask the woman to my left if she was planning on using the cup holder.

"Oh no sweetie you go right ahead," she says waving her hands around.

I thank her and place my drink in the cup holder then pull the armrest between Jimmy and me up and lean against him. "Why did you make me sit here?" I quietly ask Jimmy as he wraps his arm around me.

"Because I'd rather have you sit between me and a older lady than me and a guy our age," Jimmy says stealing a orange gummy bear.

"You bastard those are my favorite," I whine.

"You want it back?" Jimmy asks taking the gummy bear out of his mouth.

"Ew! No! Put it back," I squeal as the theater goes dark and the movie begins.

"That was fucking awesome," I say as I walk out of the theater once the movie's over.

"You say this and yet there were parts of the movie were I though you were gonna crush my ribs you were clinging to me so tight," Jimmy says laughing.

"Shut up," I say laughing as I push Jimmy away.

"Fine, I see how it is. Now you have to walk all alone in the pitch blackness of night by yourself after watching a slasher flick," Jimmy says laughing walking ahead of me into the dimly light parking lot.

"No! Jimmy wait for me," I yell as I run up to Jimmy's side grabbing his arm and resting my head on it.

"I see how it is. You only want me when walking in a dark parking lot after a horror flick," Jimmy says laughing, "Some vampire you are."

"I'm a good vampire see," I say walking ahead of Jimmy.

I run to the car and wait for Jimmy. I wait and wait and wait. I don't even see where Jimmy is. "Jimmy. Jimmy are you there? Jimmy where are you," I yell. No answer. "Jimmy this isn't funny," I yell looking around. Where the fuck is he? This isn't fucking funny. I bet he's standing just far away enough so I can't see him. I hear something behind me so I quickly turn around and nothing there. "Jimmy?" I ask. I hear a twig snap from a different direction and closer than the last. "J..J..Jimmy?" I ask with a shaky voice. Then nothing happens. This so isn't funny. I turn around and try to open my car door but it's locked and Jimmy has the keys. I go to try again as I feel a hand on my shoulder making me scream bloody murder. I go to run the fuck away but then I hear laughing, Jimmy laughing to be exact. The next thing I know my car is being unlocked and I see Jimmy standing two feet away from me. "You son of a bitch that wasn't funny," I say as I try to regain a normal breathing pattern.

"But you're face was so funny," Jimmy says laughing even harder. I get in the car and slam my door shut. "Come on babe don't get mad about it," Jimmy says getting in the car.

"You're an ass," I say as I try to buckle my seat belt but fail miserably because I'm still shaking so bad.

"I'm sorry babe," Jimmy says buckling my seat belt for me. I cross my arms and look out my window. "I really am sorry Christina," Jimmy says starting the car. I just sigh staring out the window as Jimmy starts to drive home.

The whole ride home consisted of Jimmy was saying he was sorry and trying to get me to talk. When we pull up I go to get out but Jimmy locks the car and puts the child locks on. "What are you doing?" I ask Jimmy agitated.

"I really am sorry ya know," Jimmy says looking at me.

"Yes I know I just like being a bitch and being mad," I say smiling.

"Oh OK," Jimmy says unlocking the car and getting out.

"Love I was joking. I mean I'm still kinda mad because that wasn't cool but not that mad," I say laughing as I get out of the car.

"I knew that," Jimmy says as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"What time is it?" I ask Jimmy as I lay down on my bed.

"It's like eleven," Jimmy says looking at my clock.

"You wanna watch the other Texas Chainsaw movies?" I ask Jimmy.

"Movies?" Jimmy asks with a confused look.

"Yeah the old one and the new one," I say sitting up.

"OK that's fine by me," Jimmy says sitting down beside me.

"You promise not to scare me?" I ask Jimmy smiling slightly.

"Yeah I promise," Jimmy says kissing my shoulder.

"Mkay. Well I'm gonna change first OK love," I tell Jimmy.

"OK. Where are the DVDs? I'll get em," Jimmy says as I walk towards the bathroom.

"There somewhere in the corner there," I say pointing to the massive stack of DVDs in the corner of my room.

I walk into my bathroom and wash off all of my make-up, brush my teeth, brush my hair and take my contacts out putting on my glasses. I walk into my room and change into Jimmy's Pantera hoody, and my ribcage that's a camisole and hot pants set.

"I like you're hoody," Jimmy says laughing.

"Me two. It's huge, comfy, and smells really good," I say as I hug the sweatshirt closer to me.

"Noice," Jimmy says shaking his head as he starts the move. I crawl into bed and get comfy using Jimmy for a pillow as the movie begins. I fall asleep about three fourths of the way through the new one which we watched last.