Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Mall Trips and Douchebags

The next morning I wake up to the TV being on and the DVD's menu playing. I yawn while looking at my clock that tells me it's 10:30. What the fuck am I doing up at 10:30? Meh. Might as well get up. I crawl out of bed trying not to wake Jimmy and to my surprise actually succeed. I go into the bathroom and wash my face and throw in my contacts and walk upstairs. Once I get upstairs I walk into the kitchen to get my morning coffee and see GG and Megan sitting at the bar talking. "Where the hell where y'all at yesterday?" I ask making them jump.

"What the fuck? Don't do that you scared the fuck outta me," Megan says holding her chest.

"Sorry love," I say laughing as I get a cup of coffee.

"We were off with our boyfriends like you and Jimmy were last night," GG says giggling.

"I'm now afraid of guys. They make us giggle," I say laughing.

"Yesh they do. GG why do we like never work anymore?" Megan randomly asks.

"Oh! I didn't tell y'all?" GG asks.

"Tell us what love?" I ask confused sitting down with my cup of coffee.

"I hired some people so now we like never have to work but we still get money," GG says laughing.

"Now I know why you're Mommy and me and CD are the kids," Megan says laughing.

"Yesh. That's a brilliant idea and I luvb it," I say sipping my coffee.

"Yesh it is. That's why I though of it," GG says laughing.

"What do 'y'all wanna do today?" Megan asks.

"I don't know," I say shrugging, "Bob is officially dead."

"You Bob murderer," GG says gasping really loud.

"What the hell are you doing?" Matt asks laughing sitting by GG.

"Noting I'm being a angel," GG says trying to look innocent.

"If you're an angel then I hate JD," I say smiling as I sip my coffee.

"Whatever you're talking about must not be true," Brian says walking into the room.

"Morning love," Megan says as Brian sits down beside her kissing her on the forehead.

"We're talking about GG being an angel and no it's not true, so back to what we were discussing. What are we going to do today?" I ask.

"I don't know," Megan and GG say at the same time.

"Noice loves. Well I'm gonna go shower while y'all think about that," I say getting up.

"Yesh please do," Megan says laughing.

"Go fuck Brian," I say walking towards the stairs.

"Maybe I will," Megan yells as I open the basement door. I shake my head laughing and walk into my room.

I grab random clothes and go into my bathroom. Halfway through my shower my shower door is yanked open making me scream. I turn around and see Jimmy standing there looking me up and down with a dumb grin on his face. "Why the fuck did you do that?" I ask as I continue to rinse shampoo out of my hair.

"Because you didn't wait for me," Jimmy says pouting.

"I'm sowwy love. You can join me now," I say with a smirk. Jimmy returns the smirk and within seconds is in the shower with me.

After our shower I go through my routine and go to get dressed. "What the fuck?" I say looking at my clothes.

"What?" Jimmy asks messing with his hair.

"I picked out a fucking skirt," I say holding it up and making a funny face.

"You would look hot in that," Jimmy says smiling.

"But it's a skirt ew! I'm getting pants," I say as I go to walk out of the bathroom.

"Come on. Wear it please," Jimmy says grabbing my arm.

"You just want me to wear it because it's short as fuck," I say looking at Jimmy.

"And you'll look hot in it," Jimmy says pulling me to him and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"But it's a skirt," I whine.

"Pwease?" Jimmy asks giving me puppy dog eyes.

"No," I say shaking my head.

"Pwease babe," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Arg! I fucking hate you," I say as I put my head on Jimmy's chest.

"And why is that?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"Because you can get me to wear a skirt," I say smiling. I run and grab some footless tights and get dressed in a strapless black corset, black miniskirt, star footless tights, lace fingerless gloves, and heel mary-janes with a pirate skull on them.

"Well are you happy?" I ask Jimmy showing him my outfit.

"Wow! Very! See I told you you'd look hot in that," Jimmy says smiling.

"All guys think with their dicks," I say as I roll my eyes.

"You would too if you had one," Jimmy says as he walks over to me.

"I beg to differ," I say giggling as I throw my arms around his neck.

"You're like as tall as me in those," Jimmy says laughing wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well now you won't slip a disk bending down to kiss me," I say giggling.

"How come you only giggle around me?" Jimmy asks.

"I don't know," I say shrugging as I giggle again.

"See?" Jimmy asks.

"I only giggle around guys I like," I say as I kiss Jimmy.

"Then I like when you giggle," Jimmy says kissing me.

"You were right. I don't have to bend over so far to kiss you anymore," Jimmy says laughing.

"Told ya," I say as I grab Jimmy's hand lacing my fingers with his and walking upstairs.

We get upstairs to see everyone in the living room watching TV. "Holy fuck CD! You're almost as tall as Jimmy in those damn things," Megan says pointing at my shoes.

"Tall freak of nature," GG says shaking her head.

"Hey! It's not my fault y'all are lawn gnomes," I say as Jimmy and I sit on the couch.

"We figured out what we're gonna do today," Brian says as I cuddle into the couch.

"What's that?" Jimmy asks throwing his arm around me.

"We're going to the mall," Matt says.

"The mall?" I ask looking at them all like they're on crack.

"Yesh the mall. I didn't stutter did I?" Matt says.

"That's the best y'all could come up with while I was taking my long ass shower?" I ask laughing.

"Um yeah," Megan says looking at me funny.

"That's sad," Jimmy says laughing.

"I concur," I say giggling.

"What?" GG asks looking totally lost.

"Agree love agree," I say laughing.

"So knew that guys," GG says laughing.

"Sure you did love," I say laughing.

"You guys ready to go?" Jimmy asks.

"Damn straight," I say laughing.

"Mkay let's go," GG says getting up. I grab my purse and walk out to GG's hummer with everyone else.

"To Hot Topic away," I say as I do a Batman pose and grab Jimmy by the hand and run to Hot Topic once we're at the mall.

"What the hell was that?" Jimmy asks as he comes crashing into me as I stop dead in my tracks.

"I luvb Hot Topic," I say shrugging.

"I'm afraid," Jimmy says trying to walk away from me.

"My boyfriend's afraid of me," I say pouting.

"Yes, very," Jimmy says over his shoulder.

"Foine. I guess I'll get a new boyfriend," I say walking over to my friend Les that works there.

"Yeah right," I hear Jimmy says behind me.

I tap Les on the shoulder and put my hands behind my back rocking back and forth on my feet waiting for him to turn around. "May I help you?" Les asks turning around.

"You could start with a hug," I say smiling holding my arms out.

"Christina!" Les says as he picks me up and spins me around.

"How have you been love?" I ask giggling.

"Good. Bored as fuck working here but good. How have you been?" Les asks.

"Good. I've got a boyfriend now," I say blushing.

"Aw! My heartless Stina's all grown up," Les says as he pretends to cry putting his head on my shoulder.

"Talking about boyfriends how is John?" I ask as Les picks his head up and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"He's great like always. We've been together for three years now," Les says.

"Damn! Three years? How come gay guys can have better boyfriends than me?" I ask pouting.

"I don't know. So what's your boyfriend like?" Les asks.

"He's so sweet! His name's Jimmy, he's really tall. Tons of tats and piercings like all my boyfriends. He's in a band," I say giggling.

"Nice pick love," Les says as we walk further into the store.

Jimmy's Pov

CD had just said, "Foine. I guess I'll get a new boyfriend," and walked off towards some guy. She taps him on the shoulder and she waits for him to turn around fidgeting with her fingers behind her back. What the fuck is she doing? The guy turns around and yells, "Christina," and picks her up and spins her around. They talk to themselves for a while and then he wraps his arm around her and walks further into the store with her. I walk behind them and after about five minutes have finally had enough. I walk up to CD and say, "Come on we need to go." I grab her hand and pull her outside of the store.


"What the fuck Jimmy?" I ask as I rip my hand out of Jimmy's grasp.

"What? I want food," Jimmy says shrugging as he walks ahead of me.

"So you're just gonna walk away?" I ask.

"Away from what?" Jimmy asks as he stops walking and turns around.

"From me," I say as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

"You did it to me in there," Jimmy says pointing towards Hot Topic.

"I was talking to a friend," I say waving my arms around.

"OK? Well I'm going to the food court whether you are or not," Jimmy says walking away.

"Oh my goth! Jimmy come on he was a friend! A gay friend," I say as I watch Jimmy walk away. Jimmy simply shrugs and keeps walking away. What thehell? Fuck this! I'm callen somebody! I dig through my purse and call GG.

"Ello?" GG asks answering her phone.

"GG where are you?" I whine as I look around for her.

"Me, Matt, Megan and Brian are all at Spencer's. Why?" GG asks as I hear something in the background fall.

"Because Jimmy's being an ass." I answer as I begin my long walk towards the other end of the mall," I somewhat growl.

"I'm sorry love," GG says laughing.

"Not your fault. Look just stay there and I'll meet up with y'all. OK?" I ask biting my lip.

"Alright love. Bye," GG says still laughing.

"Byez," I say as I hang up and walk across the mall to Spencer's to see GG, Megan, Brian and Matt all standing outside of it. "Hey guys," I say as I walk up to them.

"Hey love. What's going on?" Megan asks.

"At Hot Topic Jimmy said I'm afraid of you so I said I'll get a new boyfriend then and I walked off to talk to Les. And I talked to Les and he got pissy and dragged me out of Hot Topic. I was like what the fuck. He said he was gonna eat so he left me and I called GG," I say really fast.

"That sucks," GG says looking at me.

"Very much so," I say fucking with my hair.

"So you wanna go see if he's at the food court still?" Megan asks.

"What the fuck ever," I say as I shrug my shoulders.

Our mini-mob walks to the food court where I see Jimmy standing in line at Subways. "Go talk to him," GG says pushing me towards him.

"What if I don't want to?" I ask whining.

"We don't care. Now go," Megan says pushing me.

"Um... um... What time is it?" I ask trying to stall.

"It's six. Why?" Matt asks.

"Just stalling," I say smiling.

"Go," GG and Megan say as they shove me so hard I literally bump into Jimmy.

"Sorry,"' I say looking at my feet.

"It's OK. Um you want something?" Jimmy asks pointing towards the counter.

"No I'm good," I say as I cross my arms.

"I guess you're here because you were forced to be?" Jimmy asks.

"Pretty much," I say making circles on the floor with the tips of one of my shoes.

"Oh. OK. You don't have to stay with me if you don't want to," Jimmy says looking at me. I nod my head and walk outside and sit on the bench closest to the parking lot that GG was parked in.

What the fuck! It's eight hurry the fuck up people! It's been two fucking hours! As soon as I had finished that though everyone walks out of the mall and towards me. "About damn time! What the fuck were you people doing?" I ask standing up.

"Shit, now shut up and get in the back," GG says laughing as we walk towards the hummer.

"Whatever," I say as I go to get in the hummer. I go to get in the very back but am cut off by Brian jumping in the seat that you move to get into the back. "What the fuck? Move," I tell Brian as I cross my arms.

"No," Brian says smiling.

"Ah! Whatever," I say as I stomp over to the other side of the car. I go to get in but notice that there aren't any seats left.

"Where the fuck am I supposed to sit?" I ask putting my hands on my hips.

"In Jimmy's lap. Duh," Megan says as she leans up.

"Why don't you sit in Brian's lap?" I ask Megan.

"Because I'm comfy how I am now," Megan says smiling like an idiot.

"Some fucking friends," I mutter as I get in the car and sit in Jimmy's lap.

As soon as GG turns off the car at the house I hop out and walk towards the door. I unlock the door and go down to my room and throw my purse into a random corner in the room as someone's knocking on my door. "Yeah?" I ask taking my shoes off.

"Christina can I come in?" Jimmy asks.

"Yeah?" I more ask than say as I take off my jewelry.

"Um.. about earlier. Is what you said true?" Jimmy asks rubbing the back of his neck.

"What the fucking hell are you talking about?" I ask confused in pissed off tone.

"When you said that guy was a gay friend?" Jimmy asks looking at me.

"Yeah," I say as I stand up and take off my tights and gloves.

"Oh. OK. Well I'm sorry about earlier I was just pissed because I thought you were flirting with him," Jimmy says looking at his feet.

"It's OK love. You just need to stop being so fucking jealous," I say rolling my eyes.

"So I'm forgiven?" Jimmy asks.

"I suppose," I say walking over to Jimmy.

"So basically if I stop being a jealous fuck we won't fight?" Jimmy asks wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Pretty much," I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Um.... I can deal with that," Jimmy says leaning down and kissing me.

One thing lead to another and now we're both just lying here catching out breath when Jimmy rolls over and says "I love you," kissing my forehead.

"I love you too," I say smiling.

"Make-up sex rocks," Jimmy randomly says making me giggle.

"Yesh it does love," I say pushing my hair offa my forehead. Jimmy pulls the covers tighter around us as I lay my head on his chest. Jimmy wraps his arm around my waist and with in minutes I'm fast asleep.