Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Terrifying Lunch and Drunken Nights

The next morning I wake up in Jimmy's arms cold. As I remember last night I smile to myself and stretch. I look over at my clock that tells me it's only 8:30; I groan and try to quietly get out of bed. "Don't go," Jimmy says tightening his grip on me.

"Love I'm just getting clothes; I'm cold," I say as I try to get up but fail.

"You promise to come back?" Jimmy asks.

"Yesh love," I say laughing.

"OK," Jimmy says letting go of me.

"Do you want boxers?" I ask Jimmy as I grab clothes.

"Mhum," Jimmy says.

I laugh and throw a pair of boxers at Jimmy as I get changed into a black spaghetti strap top and boxers. As soon as I get changed I crawl back into bed and snuggle back into the sheets as Jimmy kisses me on the forehead. "I love you," I say as I close my eyes.

"Love you too," Jimmy says as he wraps his arm around me. I slowly drift off to sleep listening to the beating of Jimmy's heart.

I slowly open my eyes blinking a few times. Thank fuck I let no light get in here. It can't burn my fucking eyes out when I wake up! I look over to my clock to see that it is now 12:37. I go to sit up but my back's really stiff and doesn't want to move. Arg! I need to crack my back. So bad! I get out of bed and try to crack my back by doing a back bend and only manage to fuck my back up even more. Fan-fucking-tastic! Where's Pippy when I need her or Jade? She kicks ass at this shit and at least Jade can do it. Oh! Jimmy can do it! "Jimmy? Jimmy? Love wake up," I say as I lightly shake Jimmy.

"Um," Jimmy mumbles.

"Baby wake up. I need you to crack my back," I say in the most pitiful voice I can.

"You want me to what?" Jimmy asks sitting up.

"I need you to crack my back. It's really stiff and I can't move," I say as I rest my head on Jimmy's shoulder.

"How do I crack it?" Jimmy asks rubbing his eyes.

"You put me on your back and shake me," I say trying to crack my back but failing.

"OK. Stand up. I guess," Jimmy more asks than says. I stand up and walk right up to Jimmy and turn around linking my arms with his.

"OK? Now what?" Jimmy asks.

"You pull me on your back and shimmy me up and then back down it," I say as I lean into Jimmy.

Jimmy lifts me up and asks, "Ready?" I shake my head yes and he throws me up on his back and shakes me but I don't hear or feel a single fucking pop.

"Ah! You no pop it," I whine as my feet touch the ground again.

"I'm sorry. Now shower time?" Jimmy says smiling as he grabs my hand and starts walking towards the bathroom.

"No! I gotta crack my back. I'll be back in a sec," I say walking away.

"I'll come with you I want food," Jimmy says following me upstairs.

I walk upstairs and hear Megan talking in the kitchen. "I'm guessing she's not talking to herself so to the kitchen away," I say laughing but walking very slowly because now I can't even move my back. I walk in the kitchen to see Megan and Brian eating bagels. "Brian!" I yell as I walk over to him.

"Yes," Brian says as he slightly jumps.

"I love you will you please crack my back?" I beg.

"Let me guess you can't get it to go?" Megan asks laughing.

"Fuck off! I can barley move. Brian please?" I beg.

"OK. What do I have to do?" he asks.

"Basically shimmy me up and down your back," I say walking up to him.

"Alright," Brian says as he links his arms with mine. He puts me up on his back and throws me up a little and instantly I hear and feel a cracking in my back and all of the pressure being released.

"Oh my fucking god bring! I freaken love you!" I say as I kiss him on the cheek.

"What the hell are you doing?" Megan and Jimmy ask at the same time.

"Sorry loves but that felt so good," I say twisting my back around.

"Sides you know I love my scrawny little Jimmy," I say giggling as I wrap my arms around Jimmy and kiss him.

"I'm not scrawny," Jimmy pouts after I pull away.

"Well I love you either way. Now about that shower," I ask smirking.

"Ew! Shut the fuck up and go shower you dirty whore," Megan says throwing a bagel at my head.

"Thanks and we will. Later," Jimmy says stuffing the bagel in his mouth and picking me up and running downstairs.

"Jimmy! Put me down," I say giggling as he runs to my room. Not two seconds later was I thrown on my bed and look up to see Jimmy smiling at me. "Ouch! Be careful. I'm very fragile," I say trying to keep a straight face.

"You didn't say that last night," Jimmy says making me blush. "Are you blushing?" he asks.

"No," I say as I bury my face in the covers.

"Aw! Christina's blushing," Jimmy singsongs as he jumps on the bed.

"Fuck off," I say burying myself further into the covers.

"No. We need to take a shower," Jimmy says poking me.

"No! Stop it," I say like Stuart from Mad TV as I bust out laughing.

"What the fuck?" he asks confused.

"Mad TV? Stuart?" I ask Jimmy like he's an idiot.

"Yeah. Whatever. Now come on," he says picking me up and dragging me into the bathroom again.

"What are we doing today?" I ask Jimmy ask I look through my dresser trying to figure out what to wear.

"I don't know. Hang out I guess," he says hugging me from behind.

"Hanging out is gay," I pout looking through my draws for a certain shirt.

"Fine then, we'll think of something to do later," Jimmy says kissing my neck.

"No! Bad Jimmy," I say as I turn around and slightly smack his nose.

"What the fuck was that for and do you think I'm a fucking dog?" Jimmy asks moving his nose around funny.

"You were trying to start something and you might be a dog I don't know for sure," I say as I try not to laugh.

"Ouch," Jimmy says grabbing his chest. I roll my eyes and get dressed in a black long sleeve shirt with the shoulder cut out and a bat skeleton on it and my pinstriped jeans.

"No make up?" Jimmy asks looking at me funny.

"What am I so ugly that I need it that bad?" I ask looking at myself in the mirror.

"No. It's just weird seeing you without makeup babe," Jimmy says laughing.

"So you say. So what are we doing?" I ask sitting on my dresser.

"Something," Jimmy more asks than says.

"You're helpful," I say laughing heading towards my door.

"Where are you going?" Jimmy asks whining.

"I'm goen to Jade's because it's boring as fuck here," I say grabbing my purse.

"I wanna come. Can I come?" Jimmy asks like a little kid.

"Sure love," I say laughing.

"Yay! I gets to go," he says as he jumps around like a little kid on a pixie stix high.

"That fucking scares me," I say looking at him wide-eyed.

"Sorry babe," he says as he stops.

"Tis fine. I'm gonna call Jade," I start to say but am cut off by my phone ringing. "Talk to me," I say flipping open my phone without looking at the caller I.D.

"That's what I'm doing," the other person says laughing.

"Holy fuck this is creepy! I was just about to all you!" I say slightly freaked out.

"Yeah it is. Well Mom wants all of us to come over today," Jade explains.

"But I don't wanna! I don't like her," I whine.

"It's Mom!" Jade practically yells.

"Your point being?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"You're a bitch," Jade says laughing.

"And you're a dumb fuck if you're just figuring that out," I say rolling my eyes.

"Jessica Christina," Jade squeaks out.

"For fuck's sake fine! We'll be there in a bit," I huff.

"We?" Jade asks.

"Yes we. I'm bringing Jimmy," I say rolling my eyes.

"His funeral. See ya," Jade says before hanging up.

"Well we now have plans love," I tell Jimmy as I walk over to my mirror and put some makeup on.

"What are they?" Jimmy asks.

"You get to meet my family. If you want," I say looking at him through the mirror.

"Sure why not? They can't be that bad," he says shrugging.

"Oh how you are mistaken," I say shaking my head grabbing my purse again. "Ready?"

"Yeah," Jimmy says shrugging.

"I'm gonna go tell someone we're leaving," I say as I start up the steps.

"OK. I'll meet you outside," Jimmy says walking towards the game room.

I walk upstairs to see Megan and Brian curled up on the couch watching Corpse Bride. "Aw! Y'all look so cute," I say making fake gagging noises.

"You fucking know it," Megan says still watching the movie.

"Well me and Jimmy are goen to Momma and Daddy's, so see ya," I say waving.

"Good luck and byez," Megan says still looking at the TV.

I start my car and look over to Jimmy. "Are you sure you wanna go? My family is fucking weird," I say licking my lips.

"Aw your nervous. I'm sure and I'll be fine," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Ok," I say as I nervously laugh and start the hour ride to the house I grew up in.

I pull into the driveway and turn the key off looking at Jimmy nervously. "Look love, my dad's way to overprotective, Mom hates me and all of my boyfriends, and my bros, as you know, are well weird," I tell Jimmy as I nervously laugh.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad," Jimmy says getting out of the car. I sit there and take a deep breath.

Come on Christina you can do this. It won't be that bad and if Mom gets to herself-ish ]than I an just leave.[/I[

"You coming?" Jimmy asks as he opens my door.

"Yeah," I say smiling as I get out of the car.

Jimmy grabs my hand and laces my fingers with his as we walk up the sidewalk onto the porch. "Now or never," I say as I smile up to Jimmy and open the door. "Guys we're here!" I yell as I open the door.

"In here," I hear Daddy yell from the den.

I smile as I let go of Jimmy's hand and run to the den to see Daddy just like the little daddy's girl I am. "Daddy!" I yell as I jump into his recliner with him, hugging him.

"Yellow my little vampire," Daddy says kissing my forehead.

"I can't believe you're still doing that as old as you are," Mom says from across the room.

"Well you should because I obviously still do," I say as Jimmy walks into the room.

"Jimmy I want you to meet: Daddy, Smith, Momma, and you already know Jade," I say standing beside Jimmy pointing to my family members. "Everyone this is my boyfriend, Jimmy," I say as I wrap my arm around him.

"Hey," Jimmy quietly says. Smith and Jade nod their head, Momma smiles and Daddy stands up and walks towards us.

"Nice to meet you, but if you hurt her I'll kill you," Daddy says shaking Jimmy's hand and looking at me.

My mouth drops open as my eyes become as wide as saucers making Smith and Jade laugh. "I can't believe he said that. Shut up you two idiots," I snap as Jimmy and I sit down on the love seat together.

"So what do you do? Jimmy was it," Mom asks.

"I'm the drummer in a band?" Jimmy says smiling.

"A band hum?" Mom asks.

"Yeah; we're Avenged Sevenfold maybe you've hear of us," Jimmy says smiling.

"I don't follow the things you all consider music now a days," Momma says crossing her legs. I let out a frustrated sigh and roll my eyes.

"Why don't you get lunch started Susan?" Daddy asks.

"Fine," Mom says getting up and walking out of the room.

"Thanks Daddy," I say smiling.

"No problem. Now show the boy around," Daddy says turning the TV to the NFL network.

I walk out of the den with Jimmy and into the hallway. "OK across the way here is the kitchen," I say pointing to the door across from us. "And there is the dining room on the right and the living room, on the left, bathroom and the back room is a game room and a study all in one," I say laughing.

"That's a fucked up combination," Jimmy says making a funny face.

"Well we're a fucked up family now come on," I say dragging Jimmy up the stairs. "OK. First door on the right is my room, left is Jade's, second doors: right's Smith's left's guest, next bathroom, guest and them Mom and Daddy's and that closet looking thingy leads to the attic," I say pointing to the end of the hall.

"Can we go in your room?" Jimmy asks.

"Sure love," I say as I open the door to my old room and smile seeing it the exact same as the day I left it. I run and jump on my bed in the corner and look up and laugh.

"What's so funny?" Jimmy asks.

"Look at my ceiling," I say laughing.

"Holy fuck! How many pictures are up there?" Jimmy asks.

"Not sure but just about every picture me and a friend have ever taken together is up there," I say scanning the pictures.

"This is just like your room now except there's more knickknacky crap," Jimmy says looking around.

"Hey! That knickknacky crap has sentimental value," I shriek sitting up.

"OK, OK. I believe you," Jimmy says putting his hands up.

"Chrissy! Get your ass down here now! Lunch's ready," Smith yell sup the stairs.

"Alright! Be right there," I yell back.

"Chrissy?" Jimmy asks.

"Don't ask or get any ideas. We're probably gonna go after lunch mkay?" I ask Jimmy.

"That's fine but why?" he asks.

"I just can't stand being around Momma the only reason I still come here is because of Daddy," I say as I get up off of my bed.

"So are you ready for the real torture?" I ask Jimmy as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"You're worth it all," Jimmy says kissing my head making me blush. "I'm on a role today with making you do that," Jimmy says laughing as he pokes my cheek.

"Shut up," I say laughing as I push him away and start down the steps.

We walk into the dinning room to see the two seats left are in between Daddy and Smith. I quickly sit by Daddy before Jimmy can fall victim to his weirdness. Lunch goes creepily well and Momma decides it's time for desert. As Momma passes out the pie Jimmy keeps poking me. I roll my eyes and go to throw my roll at him but he ducks and I hit Smith square in the face. "Jessica Christina Puget! What in the name of God are you doing throwing food at MY table?" Momma yells.

"Calm down! I was just playing," I say laughing.

"Well so am I," Smith says throwing his pie at me. I duck just in time for it to go and hit Daddy square in the face. Well all stop what we're doing and watch as Daddy slowly bursts out laughing. Then it all goes to hell. To make an unbelievable long story short, let's just say me and mom get in a huge fight I get pissed and storm out and Jimmy and I go home.

Once we get home Jimmy and I walk into the living room to see Megan and Brian laid out on a couch and GG and Matt sitting on a love seat watching The Grudge. "I love this movie. I don't know why it's not even all that good," I say as I kick off my shoes and Jimmy and I sit on the other couch. I lean against Jimmy and put my legs up on the couch as he wraps his arm around my waist. "How long have y'all been watching this?" I ask.

"Not very," GG says peaking through her eyes watching the girl go into the attic.

"OK," I say as I start to get really into the movie.

We're at the part of the movie where you see the old sitter without her jaw. "Gah! I hate this part," I say as I scoot as close to Jimmy as possible and make him wrap his arm around me tighter.

Jimmy laughs and asks, "Why?"

"I don't know I just do. It's gross beyond all belief," I say shuttering looking at Jimmy. I hear the cracking of her neck and look up while holding my hand in front of my eyes so that I can still see through the fingers. The camera slowly pans around to her face and then you see her; no jaw and tongue hanging down for a mile. I shriek and bury my face in Jimmy's chest. I hear Megan and GG make some noise as well followed by all of the guy's laughter. "It's not funny! I hate that part," I whine looking back to the screen. Jimmy laughs but still pulls me closer to him.

"So what now?" I randomly ask once the movie's over.

"We were just gonna hang out," Matt says shrugging.

"What the fucking fuck is with fucking guys and hanging out today?" I ask.

"What?" Brian asks.

"Never mind. Girlies y'all wanna go visit Davey and Pippy?" I ask Megan and GG.

"Sure," they say shrugging.

"To Davey's. Away!" I say as I do my Batman pose and run to my car. Being the klutz that I am I fail to stop in time and run smack fucking dab into my car. "Goth damn it," I say rubbing my arm.

"Smooth love," GG says laughing.

"Shut up and get in the car," I say as I get in and start me car.

I run up Davey's steps and knock on the door. About three seconds the door opens to show Pippy standing there. "Pippy," I scream as I jump on her.

"Ello loves," Pippy says laughing after recovering from my freak the fuck out. "So what's up ladies?" she asks.

"Not too much just wanted to hang out," I say laughing.

"Wanna drink?" Pippy asks.

"Give me my JD whore," I say laughing.

"Be nice," Pippy says giving me JD and pulling out other liquor.

"Oh where is Davey?" I ask.

"Out with your brother," Pippy says sitting down.

"Poor guy," I say as we start to drink while talking.

We've been at Pippy's for what seemed like forever and drank more liquor than anyone should. GG and Megan were out and Pippy and I were up talking. "Don't you hate tops?" I ask.

"What the fuck are" Pippy says before passing out.

Girl can't handle liquor. After thinking this the room goes fuzzy and slowly fades to black.