Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

New Tattoo and Company


About fifty seconds after CD and Megan wonder off into the back I hear the bell go off and look up to see Johnny and the rest of his band standing in the doorway looking around. “Hey! What are y’all doing here?” I ask as I hug Johnny.

“We were near by on tour and have a little break so we decided to stop by and see my big sissy,” Johnny says as the rest of the boys nod their head.

“Aw! You do love me bro,” I say laughing as CD runs up front without her shirt on.

“GG check out my new tat,” CD says smiling until she looks up and sees the guys standing there.

Normal POV

Once I look up and see the five guys staring at me and GG laughing her ass off I turn a million shades of red and hauls ass to the back so Megan can bandage me up and I can cover up. When Megan and I come back out; it’s just my luck that the five guys are still there. Fan-fucking-tastic! As I look the guys over it registers that they look vaguely familiar; and I know Megan knew them because she had this dazed and confused look on her face.

”Oh yeah; introductions sorry loves,” GG says smiling. “CD, Megan this is my bro Johnny, Matt, Jimmy, Brian, and Zacky,” GG says pointing out each guy. “And boys meet CD and Megan the best chicks ever,” GG says smiling as she comes over in-between Megan and I while putting her arms on our shoulders.

“GG I know who Avenged Sevenfold is,” Megan says as if it were stupid to think otherwise; which, it was because she’s only ever so slightly obsessed with them.

”So that’s why y’all look so familiar,” I say more to myself than to anyone else.

“Yep, nice tattoo by the way,” the slightly pudgier one with his septum pierced who was introduced as Zacky says making me blush.

”Aw! Look at CD! She’s bushing,” Megan says pinching my cheeks.

“Shut up! Stupid little Lawn Gnome Sadistic Bitch,” I say smacking her hand away from my cheek.

“Your friends are just as weird as you are GG,” Jimmy says.

Hot damn he’s kinda cute, OK so scratch cute he's kinda hot.

“If only you knew the half of it,” GG says rolling her eyes as she gets her things together. “We’re gonna head over to the house,” she says gesturing to herself and the five guys.

“Me too. I don’t wanna be here any longer than I have to ever though I came in late because some people didn’t wake me up this morning,” I say laughing as I grab my purse and dig my keys out of it.

“Me too,” Megan says making GG and I look at each other and smile evilly.

“Not locking up!” GG and I yell at the same time touching our noses making the guys laugh while looking at us oddly and Megan groans.

“I hate you so much,” Megan says as she grabs the keys to the shop along with her stuff while mumbling under her breath.

“Luvb ya too love. See ya at home,” I say smiling before maneuvering my way through the guys to the door and out to my car where I throw my shit in the backseat and blast Papa Roach on the way home.

When I get home I walk into the living room and see Krista and Dani watching Mindfreak. “Yay!,” I squeal as I jump on the couch in-between them.

“He’s hot as hell,” GG says sitting beside me. “Oh yeah. Krista, Dani this is my brother Johnny, and Matt, Jimmy, Brian and Zacky. Boys this is Krista and Dani,” GG says waving her arms around on the couch.

“By the way guys make yourselves at home. Kitchen’s that way if you want something to drink or eat and the bathroom is the third door on the left,” I say pointing towards the kitchen and the hall the bathroom is located in.

“Just stay away from her JD because I don’t want any murders going down in my house please,” Megan says as she walks through the door, joining us girls in the living room and the guys all wonder into the kitchen.

“GG your brother is really hot,” Dani says looking over at GG.

“Ew! Gross! I don’t wanna hear that shit! Sides Matt is the hot one in the band,” GG says smiling.

“Aw! GG has a crush! But you’re blind it’s Zacky,” Krista says nodding her head.

“He’s fat! It’s Brian. While we’re on the subject who do you think the hot one is CD?” Megan asks making all the girls stare at me.

“I think the tall one is. Jimmy right? Yeah Jimmy,” I say nodding making all the girls laugh as the boys wander back into the room with food.

“What are we doing tonight?” Matt asks no one in particular as the boys look at us oddly.

“Drinking,” I yell.

“Clubing,” GG yells at the same time as I do.

“No both,” Megan yells after us making the three of us crack up laughing while everyone else just stares at us like we’ve just snorted two lines of crack a piece.

“So which are we doing?” Jimmy asks looking confused out of his mind.

“We’re going to a club. Girls you know what that means,” Megan says smiling.

“We get to dress smexy,” all the other girls say making me groan.

“CD shut up and go make yourself look hot,” GG says rolling her eyes.

“But by the time I do that the sun will be coming up and there will be no point in it,” I say before Megan walks by and drags me downstairs and throws me into my room on her way to hers. What a whore! I quickly shower and blow-dry my hair straight before getting dressed in a black lacy pinstripe corset with matching skirt, black fishnets, and boots before throwing on random jewelry and redoing my makeup.

“About damn time,” Dani says rolling her eyes while laughing once I walk into the living room.

“Bite me bitch,” I say sitting on the couch between GG and Jimmy.

“OK. So Megan, CD and I will drive,” GG begins to say making me zone out while looking at a fly on the wall.

“What?” I ask slightly disorientated a few minutes later when someone’s starts to lightly shake me.

“You planning on take us to that club anytime soon? Everyone else left me here to snap you outta it,” Jimmy explains reading the confused look on my face.

“Damn ADD. But yeah let’s get going,” I say laughing making him smile. He really has a cute smile. No! Bad Stina! Sweet goth I’m talking to myself. “But yeah let’s get going,” I say leading Jimmy out to my black viper.

Once we finally arrive at The Raven we look around for everyone until I spot Krista and clap making Jimmy look down at me oddly. “Sorry; but they got the vamp layer,” I say jumping up and down.

“The what?” Jimmy asks still looking for everyone.

“The vamp layer is the darkest spot in a place. Here it’s in the back left corner where they all are see?” I ask pointing to them.

“Right,” he says looking at me oddly.

“Yeah; I’m weird I know. And fuck me while running we have to go through all the idiots on the dance floor to get there,” I whine watching all the thriving bodies that lay between us and the table were the others are sitting at.

”Not a problem,” Jimmy says before grabbing my wrist and leading me through the dance floor to the table where I sit beside Megan and he sits down beside me.

“About time. I was beginning to think you had died or something,” Megan says laughing at me.

“No such luck. I seriously am in need for some strong liquor,” I whine tapping my black and red tipped painted nails on the table.

“Well, you’re just in luck lover,” GG says smiling shoving a bottle filled with amber bliss my way.

“You got me JD you are seriously the love of my life and I am not even kidding,” I say before grabbing a empty shot glass and downing several shots back to back.

“You really are a JD whore,” Dani says laughing as everyone watches me.

“Damn straight and very proud of it,” I say before taking two more shots.

“And that’s your best friend,” Matt says to GG laughing.

“Oi! No one but me can make fun of my CD,” GG says poking Matt in the chest.

“Aw! GG luvbs me,” I say hugging her from across the table.

“What the hell is luvb?” Zacky asks making GG, Megan and I look at him like he’s retarded.

“Luvb means love; only it’s better,” Megan explains before finishing her Mt. Dew and rum.

“Well, that was fascinating. Now I wanna dance. Zacky come dance with me,” Krista says before grabbing him off to the dance floor.

I need more booze. “Hey y’all. Imma go get some more JD. Anyone want something to drink?” I ask climbing over Jimmy so I can stand up.

“I’ll take a beer,” Jimmy says smiling.

“M’tay! I’ll be right back,” I say before shoving my way through people to get to the bar. “Where the hell did everyone else go?” I ask Jimmy when I get back noticing we’re the only ones left.

“Dancing. What? You afraid to be alone with me?” he asks as I hand him his beer.

“Nope; takes more than you to do that. Twas simply wondering,” I say sitting down beside him as I begin to drink my JD.

“You wanna dance?” Jimmy asks once both of us are done with our drinks.

“I don’t dance,” I say laughing only to have him drag me off to the dance floor anyways.

“I thought you said you couldn’t dance,” Jimmy yells over the music a bit later.

“I can’t; I’m so tired. Let’s go sit back down,” I yell over “Guilty” that was blaring over the speakers of the club.

“I agree,” Jimmy yells back before taking my hand and leading me through the sweaty, swaying bodies and back over to the table where it’s obvious all the girls had clicked with the guys they had said were hot earlier.

“Hey! You two ready to head out? We’ve been waiting for y’all for a while,” GG explains as she diverts her attention from Matt to us.

“Yeah no problem. Same ridding situations?” I ask grabbing my shit.

“Yep, move it out fuckers,” GG yells standing up and heading towards the door.

“To the car. Away!” I hell as I do my Batman pose before grabbing Jimmy’s hand and dragging him out to my car.

”Who’s sleeping where?” the boys ask GG once we get home and everyone inside.

“Well, the girls have the guest room. We have three couches and a recliner but that’s only four,” GG says thinking.

“Someone can sleep in my daybed I really don’t care,” I suggest yawning.

“I call a couch,” Zacky says laying on the one in the living room.

“Since I’m the midget of the group I’ll take the recliner,” Johnny offers making us giggle.

“I’m getting a couch too,” Matt and Brian both say at the same time making me look at them oddly as I grab blankets and pillows for them before shoving one of each at each guy.

“Aw! That leaves Jimmy sleeping with CD,” GG says smiling.

“Go pass out somewhere already! He’s sleeping in my room not my bed. Boys left without a place up here follow me please,” I say yawning before I lead the boys downstairs and shove Matt and Brian into the game room to fight over which couch they get and have Jimmy follow me to my room.

“OK; daybed’s there, bathroom’s there. Ignore the mess and if you need anything just.. wake me up I guess,” I tell Jimmy as I look around for my pjs. Then I go into the bathroom and change before brushing my teeth and walking back out into my room to see Jimmy sitting on the daybed in nothing but boxers. Can you say wow? OK, don’t make it obvious that I’m staring. I’m snapped out of my thought when I hear Jimmy laughing making me blush. “Um yeah.. I’m gonna go to sleep now,” I say climbing into my queen sized bed with black satin sheets and a Nightmare Before Christmas comforter.

“OK. Thanks for letting me stay down here and good night CD,” Jimmy says as he lays down.

“No problem. Night,” I say as I half drift off to sleep and half pass out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Anyone mind telling me what they think? This is the first story I did on quizilla as TeenageDthGrl and I'm somewhat re-writting it as I transfer it over here.