Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Boat Rides

I wake up and stretch. I feel around for Jimmy but come up empty handed. I open my eyes to see that I'm alone. Fuck. Jimmy's recording shit today. GAH! I don't wanna be all by myself my first day in this place. For all I fucking know the next door neighbor could be some crazy fucking rapist that chops his victims up and feeds em to his fish when he's done. I get up and go into the bathroom and go through my morning routine and get dressed in a misfits top, belt, fingerless gloves, hat and shoes with black jeans. I walk into the kitchen and find that Jimmy actually has a coffee pot. I start to look around and start to tare up the kitchen. Goth damn I know this boy HAS to coffee! If he's dating me then he HAS to have coffee! I finally give the fuck up. GAH! There has to be some sort of caffeine in this damn place. I look up to see a note on the fridge:
Hey Baby,
I don't have any coffee sorry. I know how much you love that stuff. If you really want to you can go buy some. There's a store about a block down. Just turn left when you leave the building and you can't miss it. Or you can go to Starbucks instead of turning left turn right. I left a key for you on the table so you don't have to worry about getting locked out. Sorry I couldn't be home for your first day here. I'll call you when I get a chance.
Love ya,

"Aw he's so sweet," I say out loud. I decide that I'll just go to Starbucks and wait to go to the store with Jimmy later because with my luck I would do something stupid. I grab the extra key Jimmy left for me and throw it in my purse and run down the three flights of stairs; not a good idea for someone with bum knees. Fuck! Mental note don't do that again! I turn right now right? I think. Ah fuck it. If I'm wrong I'll just turn back around. As soon as I start to walk down the sidewalk my phone rings. It's playing Let's Fuck by Dope so I know it's Jimmy. I let it play for a few seconds. "Let's fuck. Let's do it again. Let's do it wherever we want. Let's fuck," I sing along with the lyrics as an old lady walks by.

"You should be ashamed of yourself young lady," she says glaring at me.

"Let's fuck," I yell laughing before I answer my phone. "Ello love," I say laughing as I pick up the phone.

"Hey. I didn't wake you up did I?" Jimmy asks as I hear the guys outside.

"No. Why?" I ask trying to find Starbucks.

"You just took a while to answer your phone," Jimmy responds.

"I was scaring an old lady. So what's up?" I ask laughing.

"Not much. I won't get home till around seven tonight," he says in a disappointed voice.

"Mkay. What time is it now?" I ask since I don't have a watch.

"It's around twelve."

"Aw! I'm gonna be Jimmyless for another seven hours," I pout.

"I'm sorry baby. I gotta go. Love you," Jimmy says the smile evident in his voice.

"Byez. Luvb you!" I say as I hang up and walk into Starbucks.

"How may I help you?" the preppy chick behind the counter asks.

"Can I have a tall black coffee?" I ask.

"Yeah. That'll be $4," she says smacking her gum.

I take my coffee and throw four bucks at the girl and walk back outside. I look down the road and see that's where the beach is. Maybe I can get Jimmy to take me there later. I take a sip of my coffee and head back to the apartment.

By the time I get back to the apartment I had finished my coffee so I throw it away in the trashcan outside of the building. I walked up the three flights of stairs and was digging around in my purse for the key when a little kid pops out of nowhere and yells, "RAWR!"

"Goth fucking damn," I say clutching my chest.

"Aw! You're not supposed to say that," he says shaking his finger at me.

"I'm sorry but you really scared me," I say laughing.

"I'm sowwy. I'm Daniel. Are you Jimmy's girlfriend?" he asks smiling sweetly.

"Yep. I'm Christina but you can call me CD," I say offering Daniel my hand. He looks at it for a second and then shakes it.

"I live right there," he says pointing across the way to the apartment with the door wide open.

"Neato! How old are you?" I ask.

"I'm five," he says smiling sweetly.

"Daniel! Come back inside," I hear a woman call from inside the apartment.

"I have to go. Bye. Tell Jimmy I say hi," he says darting away.

"OK. Byez," I say before he slams his door shut.

I finally find my key and unlock the door re-locking it once I'm inside. What the fuck am I gonna do until seven? Well this room is pretty fucking dark. I can have a horrorthon! Goth fucking damn! I am way to obsessed with those things. Oh well horrorthon it is! I look through Jimmy's DVDs and see they pretty much match up with mine minus the chick flicks of course. "I knew I loved you for a reason," I quietly say to myself. I pick out Hostel, Saw One and Two, Cabin fever, and The Shinning. I put Hostel in and let the DVD run through the previews as I go to the kitchen and look for food. Jimmy and me are defiantly going grocery shopping sometime soon. He has two days of food. Oh popcorn! I grab the popcorn and throw it in the microwave. I look through the fridge and find four Blue Moons in the back. "I love you Jimmy," I say out loud as I grab one of the beers. I get the popcorn once it's done and plop myself down on the couch after opening my beer. I hit the play button and let the horrorthon begin.

I ended up watching the movies in the order that I had picked them and am now watching The Shinning. Now it's about seven and I'm at the part where his wife finds his novel and Johnny's slowly creeping up behind her. I'm waiting for her to figure out Johnny's behind her when I feel someone grab my shoulder. I scream bloody murder and jump off the couch and start running to the other side of the room. The rooms pitch black and I have no clue where anything is so I end up tripping over something and falling on my ass.

I hear laughing as someone goes to turn the lights on. "Sorry Christina. I just wanted to tell you I'm home," Jimmy says in between laughing.

I blush about seventy different shades of red and look at the floor as I slowly get up. "It's OK. I should have know better," I say blushing even more if humanly possible.

"Aw! You're embarrassed. Don't worry baby I woulda done the same thing," Jimmy says hugging me.

"I'm such a pussy," I say as I bury my head in his chest.

"Don't worry. It won't leave this room. Sides all the Misfits stuff makes up for it" he says kissing my head.

"What are we doing tonight?" I ask as we sit on the couch.

"What do you want to do? It's only fair you pick since I left you alone your first day here," Jimmy says wrapping his arm around me.

"Well sometime I wanna go to the beach and you need groceries," I say laughing.

"Well we don't have to record tomorrow they're gonna mess with what we did today so we were talking about going to the beach and show you around. And let's get groceries later. I don't wanna deal with people now," Jimmy says picking me up so he can lay down on the couch with me.

"Mkay and wait! I have to see Zacky shirtless? I don't wanna go blind," I say whining.

"Make him wear a shirt then. And can you put in another movie?" Jimmy asks.

"Sure what about Troy?" I ask picking up the movie.

"That's fine," Jimmy says shrugging. I pop the DVD in and get back on the couch with Jimmy. Jimmy starts the DVD as I cuddle up to him. I end up falling asleep after Achilles' men raid the temple.

The next morning I wake up and blink a couple of times. I'm in the living room and the menu of Troy is playing on the TV. I roll over to see Jimmy peacefully sleeping. I smile to myself as I go to get up.

Jimmy wraps his arms tighter around me and mumbles, "Where are you going?"

"I was going to take a shower," I say rolling over so I'm facing him.

"Why we're going to be outside all day," Jimmy says opening is eyes.

"But I haven't showered since yesterday," I say pouting.

"Neither have I," Jimmy says kissing me pulling on my lower lip.

"So? We can take a shower together," I say smiling.

"Okay," Jimmy says smiling. So we get up and go take a shower. Once we're done I throw my hair up in a clip and get dressed in a black bikini with a black tank top and board shorts with flip-flops.

"I though you were gonna wear a bikini," Jimmy pouts.

"I am wearing a bikini," I say laughing.

"Nu uh," he says like a little kid.

"Uh huh," I say taking my shirt off.

"I say you should stay like this," Jimmy says as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"How about this? If you keep your shirt off I'll keep mine off unless I get cold," I say smiling.

"Works for me," he says kissing my shoulder as the doorbell rings.

"I'm starting to hate them," I say putting my head on Jimmy's shoulder.

"Me too but come one before they get the extra key," Jimmy says as I grab my sunglasses and stuff my wallet in my pants. He grabs my hand lacing his fingers with mine and leads me to the door.

Jimmy goes to open the door and gets hit right in the head. "What the fuck?" Jimmy asks bringing his free hand up to his forehead as we all laugh.

"Sorry. I meant to knock on the door," Brian says shrugging.

"Stupid fucker," Jimmy mumbles rubbing his forehead.

"Aw! Poor baby," I say as I stand on my tippy toes and kiss his forehead. "Better?" I ask looking up at him.

"Yep," he says smiling.

"Now that I'm ready to puke are you two ready to go?" Matt asks tapping his foot as the door behind him opens and Daniel and another younger boy come running out of it followed by their mother.

"That's the lady I was talking about," Daniel says to the other little boy.

"Ello Daniel," I say waving.

"Hi CD," he says blushing.

"Oh! Daniel's got a girlfriend," the other one says running away.

"No I don't," Daniel says running after him.

"Sorry about those two," Daniel's mom says.

"Oh it's fine," I say smiling as she walks away.

"How do you already know Daniel?" Jimmy asks looking at me weird.

"I met him yesterday. Why?" I ask.

"I've known him his whole life and he's still shy around me," Jimmy says shrugging.

"That's because you scare the poor kid," Zacky says laughing.

"Like your crack hoe looken ass can say shit," I say as Jimmy and I start to walk down the stairs.

Zacky mumbles all the way down the steps and when we reach the bottom he says something about me being a bitch.

"Zacky, love," I say turning around and putting my hand on his shoulder. "If you're just figuring out that I'm a bitch you're a little slow," I say patting his cheek making the guys laugh.

Zacky mumbles some more before Jimmy says, "Dude! Just shut the fuck up already," as we climb into Brian's SUV.

"What are we doing?" I ask leaning against Jimmy.

"We're ridding in a car," Johnny says laughing.

"Ha-fucking-larious Johnny! I mean what are we going to do?" I ask.

"You'll find out," he says smiling.

"Aw you look like a little kid when you do that," I say pinching his cheeks.

"Jimmy! Make her stop," Johnny says smacking my hands away.

"We're here anyways," Brian says parking.

I get out and notice that we're at a marina. "Why are we here?" I ask linking my arm with Jimmy's.

"We're going on a boat ride," Jimmy says smiling as we walk towards the docks.

"A what?" I ask as I stop in my tracks.

"A boat ride," Jimmy says looking down at me.

"No way in hell," I say crossing my arms.

"Why not?" Matt asks.

"I don't do boat rides," I say shaking my head.

"Why?" Jimmy asks.

"I don't know. I just don't like them," I say playing with my lip ring.

"Come on pwease," Jimmy says.

"No," I say shaking my head.

"We're all gonna be with you it's not like you'll fall overboard," Brian says leaning against the railing of the dock.

"I don't wanna," I say shaking my head.

"Screw this," Jimmy says as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Jimmy, put me the fuck down!" I scream banging on his back as he runs with me down the dock.

"Nope," he says laughing.

"Matt help me," I plead seeing he's behind us.

"Nope," he says smiling.

"You fucking suck," I say as I continue to thrash about.

"No I get sucked," he says smiling.

"Ew! Gross! I didn't wanna know that," I say making a discussed face.

"Someone! Anyone! Help me?" I plead as Jimmy continues running making them all laugh at me.

"For fuck's shake Jimmy stop running my hip is ramming into your shoulder," I say as my hip comes crashing down on his shoulder.

"Sorry babe. We're here anyways," he says jumping onto a boat and then putting me down.

I go to get the fuck offa the boat but Jimmy grabs me around the waist and holds me tight to him. "Fuck. Jimmy let me go," I whine trying to get out of his grasp.

"Nope," he says kissing my head. The rest of the guys get on and Matt starts the boat up.

"Jimmy seriously! Let me the fuck go!" I yell desperately trying to get off of the goth forsaken boat before it was too late.

"I think she may kill you trying to get off of here," Brian says laughing.

"I don't think she'll go that far but kick his ass yes," Johnny says laughing.

Once Matt had gotten out of the dock and was starting to actually pick up speed Jimmy decides to let go of me. "No! Don't let me go," I say as I cling to him.

"It's not that bad," he says wrapping his arms around me.

"I hate boats," I say into his chest.

"I'm sorry babe. If we sit down will it help?" he says rubbing my back.

"I don't know," I say shrugging.

"Well let's try it," Jimmy says walking over to a bench seat sitting down and putting me in his lap. I scoot closer to him and lay my head on his chest as he wraps an arm around me. "Better?" he asks rubbing my back.

"A little," I say smiling.

After about fifteen minutes Matt stops the boat and all the guys stand up. "What are y'all doen?" I ask as I shakily stand up with Jimmy's help.

"Going swimming. There's this little cover up here," Jimmy says as he helps me walk around.

"So we're swimming?" I ask.

"Yeah," Jimmy says laughing.

"Leave me alone! I've been traumatized therefore I can be stupid," I say as I take off my board shorts.

"Whatever you say love," Jimmy say as he picks me up and throws me overboard right before jumping in.

"Don't do that," I whine splashing him once he comes up.

Many water wars and beers and about four hours later we all decide its time to head home. "So I have to get back on this thing?" I ask standing on the ladder of the boat.

"Yes," Jimmy says grabbing my ass and shoving me up the ladder.

"That wasn't nice," I say pouting.

"Who said I was nice?" Jimmy asks as he slowly leans in. Before Jimmy reaches my lips someone starts the boat up making me cling to him for dear life as the boat moves foreword.

The whole was back to the marina I spent clinging to Jimmy until he got up and left me to go into the cabin for more beer in which case I clung to the closest person who happened to be Brian. Once we get to the harbor we all pile into Brian's SUV and Brian drops Jimmy and me off at Jimmy's apartment.