Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Studio and the Park

"So my love, what are we going to do now?" I ask Jimmy as he's opening the door.

"I don't what do you wanna do?" he asks.

"Can we go grocery shopping now pwease? I mean love you have no fucking food," I say laughing.

"OK. Let me grab me keys," Jimmy says getting his keys.

"No! Wait! I need make-up," I say as I go to run to the bedroom.

"Baby you look fine come on," Jimmy says grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the apartment.

"I don't look fine! Without makeup I look fucking anemic; well, more than usual.I need makeup! I'm not me without it," I whine going down the steps.

"CD I swear on your hotness you look fine," Jimmy says as he pulls me over to his car.

"Fine," I say huffing as I get into the car.

"Told you," Jimmy says kissing me and shutting my door.

"So to the grocery store?" he asks.

"Si. To the grocery store away," I say doing a batman pose.

"I love you but sometimes you scare me babe," Jimmy says pulling out of the driveway.

"Food kitty," I yell as we pull up to it

"What the fuck?" Jimmy asks looking at me like I'm on crack.

"Sorry. But Pippy and me have this thing about Food Lion. We freak every time we see one. Stupid I know but it's me so what do you expect?" I ask Jimmy smiling.

"Just wow," Jimmy says as he gets out of the car.

"Hey! Wait I need to put my shirt on," I say throwing on my shirt and running after Jimmy.

"Why did you do that?" Jimmy asks whining as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Because I don't want to look like a fucking slut and have weird random guys looken at me," I say as we walk towards the store.

"But I wanted to look at you," Jimmy whines as we walk into the store.

"What kind of food do you want?" Jimmy asks as I climb into cart.

"Just go down all the isles," I say laughing.

"Alright," Jimmy says pushing me down the first isle. All the isles later and half a cart of food and the rest and my arms full of booze we decide we've got enough food. So we pay for it and throw it all in the car and head back home.

"Baby I love you and all but if you don't hurry up I'm gonna take my arm that's fallen off and beat you with it," Jimmy says from behind me.

"Sorry love," I say as I finally get the door open. Jimmy runs past me and into the kitchen dropping all of the bags onto the kitchen table.

"That's why I told you to let me help you or take two trips," I say laughing leaning against the counter.

"Well, I'll know better next time," Jimmy says rubbing his arm making me laugh.

"Are you making fun of me?" Jimmy asks standing in front of me putting his hands on my hips.

"You know it," I say smiling.

"What am I going to do with you?" Jimmy asks kissing me.

"Punish me?" I ask with a smirk.

"That can defiantly be arranged," Jimmy says in between kissing my neck.

"Really?" I ask smiling.

"Really," Jimmy says as he kisses me as he starts walking towards the bedroom. Once we get there Jimmy lays me on the bed and then the clothes start flying.

"Well that was fun," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Very," I say smiling.

"You wanna take a shower?" Jimmy asks me smiling.

"Sure but what time is it love?" I ask sitting up.

"It's around twelve," Jimmy says looking at the clock by the bed.

"Mkay. Do you have to record tomorrow, well, today?" I ask giggling.

"Yeah. I don't have to go in till around ten and you can come if you want to," he says sitting up.

"Yay! Now about that shower," I say getting up and running to the bathroom with Jimmy running after me. After our shower I get dressed in a cami pj set.

"So when will we have to leave?" I ask as I cuddle into Jimmy and the covers.

"Around nine thirty," Jimmy says wrapping his arm around me.

"OK. Did you set the alarm clock?" I ask trying to keep my eyes open.

"Yeah. I set it for eight," Jimmy says moving around.

"Stop. You're disturbing my body alignment," I whine.

"What?" Jimmy asks.

"Nursing class junior year. Just don't ask," I say laughing.

"OK, Night," Jimmy says kissing my head.

"Night," I say kissing his chest and slowly drifting off to sleep.

I hear an annoying beep the next morning and roll over smashing the alarm clock. "Jimmy. Jimmy? Love wake up. Babe come on," I say shaking Jimmy. Fine if you won't wake up normal I'll wake you up my way. This is gonna be fun. I straddle Jimmy and start rubbing up and down his chest. Jimmy starts to smile as I say, "Baby wake up." Still nothing other than the smiling. Hum. Now I'll be very evil. I start to kiss and suck on Jimmy's neck. Within second's Jimmy's grabbing my ass. I work my way up to Jimmy's ear and whisper, "It's time to get up." I smile to myself and get up off of Jimmy and walk towards the bathroom.

"That's so fucked up," Jimmy says walking into the bathroom a few minutes later as I'm brushing my teeth.

"I'm fucked up," I say smiling after spitting out my toothpaste.

"Still, never do that again," Jimmy says looking at me evilly.

"Aw. You're not mad are you?" I ask Jimmy; he just glares at me while brushing his teeth. "Fine be all bleh," I say as I pop in my contacts and walk out of the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and slightly jump at the sight. "Good goth damn! I need makeup," I say pulling on my eye. I grab my eyeliner and do thick black on the bottom and bright red on the top with the cat eye effect. "Better," I say laughing. I brush my hair and take my pjs off and get dressed in a gray beanie, black vampire hoody, gray jack shirt, gray pants and my skater shoes.

"You almost ready?" Jimmy asks walking into the room ready to go.

"Yeah I just have to get my purse and phone," I say smiling.

"OK," Jimmy says walking out of the room.

Great! Now he's mad at me because of what I did. Gah! I just fucking give up on people. I grab my purse and phone putting it in my pocket and walk out into the kitchen. "Are you sure you want me to go?" I ask Jimmy.

"Yeah. Why?" he asks looking at me funny.

"Well you're mad about the whole wake up thing and I didn't know if you wanted me around all day," I say smiling weakly.

"I'm not mad, well OK a little but, I'm just not awake yet," Jimmy says rubbing his eyes.

"Oh. OK well, I'm ready whenever," I say playing with my lip ring.

"OK. Let's go," Jimmy says throwing his arm around my shoulder leading me outside to his car.

We walk into a room at the studio with the boys and a couple people I don't know. "Took ya long enough," Matt says looking at Jimmy.

"Sorry. I didn't get up until someone took it upon herself to wake me up in a evil way," Jimmy says looking at me.

"I love you," I say smiling innocently.

"Oh great here they go again," Brian says shaking his head.

"Aw! Does poor Synnie Poo miss my Sadistic Bitch?" I ask pinching his cheeks.

"Very much so," he says pouting.

"You get to see her this weekend. So cheer up kiddo," I say laughing.

"But that's so fucking far away," he continues to pout.

"OK fuckers down to busyness," Jimmy says as we sit down on a couch.

"Well since you're oh so eager to get started you can go first," Matt says laughing as my phone starts to ring and it's Christina Death.

"Which fucking whore are you and how the fuck may I help you?" I ask flipping open my phone without looking at the ID.

"Tis I you're loverly Sadistic Bitch. What the fuck is up?" Megan says laughing

"Sadistic Bitch YAY! How..." As I was going to ask her a question Brian practically attacks me for my phone. He gets it away from me and runs off with it talking to Megan. "Phone go bye bye," I say pouting.

"That was interesting," Johnny says looking at the door funny.

"I don't think I've ever been attacked for my phone before. So tis a new one and now I see why him and Sadistic Bitch are together," I say shaking my head.

"And why is that?" Zacky, asks.

"Well, you see Crack Hoe, I mean Zacky, they're both very special apparently," I say laughing.

"I'm not on fucking crack," Zacky yells.

"Then why the fuck do you look like you do?" I ask with a straight face.

"I fucking hate you," Zacky says stomping to the other side of the room as Jimmy comes and sits by me.

"CD what the fuck did you do?" Jimmy asks.

"Who me?" I ask giving him my best innocent look.

"That look only proves to me you've done something. Now what was it?" Jimmy asks.

"All I did was call Zacky a crack hoe and he said he wasn't and I asked why he looks like he does then," I say smiling sweetly.

"Sweetheart we need to work on your people and playing nice skills some," Jimmy says laughing.

"But I don't wanna. I like me being a bitch," I say pouting.

"But you can't always be one," Jimmy says laughing.

"So?" I ask.

"Guys come on we all need to do this one," Matt says from the door.

"I'll be back babe," Jimmy says kissing my forehead.

"CD catch," Brian says throwing me my phone as the boys leave the room. I pull out my mp3 player and listen to White Zombie as I lie down on the couch and wait for the boys to return.

"Babe do you wanna go home; you look bored outta your mind," Jimmy says once he gets my attention about three hours later.

"You don't mind do you?" I ask him.

"No. If you're bored I'll take you home," Jimmy says smiling.

"Thanks love," I say smiling.

"Alright let me just go let the fuckers know I'll be right back," Jimmy says walking out of the room. I get all of my shit together and throw my hair up because my bangs are annoying the fuck outta me.

"You ready?" Jimmy asks laughing as I flip out over one piece of bang that refuses to go up.

"Yeah. Sorry," I say laughing as we walk out to the car.

As soon as I get home and settled on the couch there's a small knocking on the door. GAH!!! I can't fucking sit down for two fucking seconds without someone trying to fuck it up. I get up and look through the door's peep hole and don't see anyone but the knocking continues. I open the door and look down to see Daniel standing there. "Ello love. You need something?" I ask smiling.

"I was wondering if you would take me to the park because mommy said she's to busy to," he says looking at his feet.

"It is OK with your momma?" I ask.

"Yep," he says nodding his head.

"OK. Go tell her we're going while I get a hoody," I say going back inside.

"You ready?" I ask as I lock and shut the door making sure I have the key.

"Yep! Come on," Daniel says grabbing my hand and walking down the steps.

"Do you know where we're going?" I ask laughing.

"Yeah. Come on! It's right up here," Daniel says as he walks faster.

"See there it is," he says pointing to a park. He lets go of my hand and runs over to the swings and starts to swing.

I laugh quietly to myself as I walk over to the swings and sit down beside him. "How old are you CD?" Daniel asks looking at the sky.

"I'm 23," I say as I start to swing.

"That's old," Daniel says making a cute face.

"Yes it is but I'm not as old as Jimmy," I say giving up on swinging.

"How old id he?" Daniel asks.

"He's 25," I say making a funny face.

"That's ancient" Daniel says in a high voice.

"Yeah it is," I say laughing.

"What do you do?" he asks looking at me.

"I give people tattoos," I say twisting the swing around and around on it's chain.

"Do you have any tattoos like Jimmy does?" he asks looking at my arms.

"Yep. I like this one," I say pulling up my sleeve and showing him my ankh one.

"That's cool! Can I touch it?" he asks.

"Sure," I say laughing.

He gets off of his swing and walks over to me. He looks at the tattoo for a couple of seconds and then slowly reaches out. He hovers his hand over it for a few seconds and then slowly touches it. "Hey! It's not wet," he says looking at his fingers.

"Nope. This one's been dry for a long time," I say laughing. He looks at the tattoo a few more minutes before running over to the monkey bars.

We headed home when it started to get dark and we're just getting to our floor. "Thanks for taking me CD," Daniel says hugging my waist.

"No problem love. I had fun," I say hugging him back.

"Bye," he says opening his door.

"Bye," I say smiling. I dig through my purse and pull out my key as Daniel shuts his door. I find my key and open the door to see Jimmy sitting in the living room.

"Hey. How long have you been home?" I ask Jimmy as I drop my purse and take off my shoes.

"About twenty minutes. Where were you?" he asks as I sit down beside him.

"Daniel and I were at the park," I say leaning back against the couch.

"You went to the park?" Jimmy asks looking at me funny.

"Yesh the park. Why?" I ask.

"Well considering you went out in direct sunlight and I don't know I just don't see you as a kid person," Jimmy says shrugging.

"Well he's so damn cute I just couldn't say no," I tell Jimmy making him laugh.

"He is? Is he?" Jimmy asks.

"Yep. He's so cute I may even dump you for him," I say laughing.

"Ha Ha very funny," Jimmy says sarcastically.

"Aw come on love. You know no five year old could ever replace you," I say laughing.

"Well aren't I loved," Jimmy says turning on the TV.

"You better fucking believe you are," I say kissing Jimmy and resting my head on his shoulder as we start to watch Beetlejuice.