Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Wait... Will I What?

It's been about three months that I've been here in Huntington Beach. I haven't seen GG and Megan except for when we went up to get Oggie and I'm really starting to miss my girls. Gah! I've been alone for fucking ever! Jimmy's never home. I'm always alone; the only fucking visitor I get is Daniel. It's just fucking sad that I'm hanging out with a five year old that isn't even mine all day. He's practically my best friend now. Gah! This is sooo fucked up.

"Hey babe. I'm gonna go now. I'll be back home around nine OK," Jimmy says kissing me and walking towards the door.

"Wait! Why nine? Why so late?" I ask Jimmy jumping up off of the couch following him.

"Because I have to. I'm sorry I'm leaving you alone so long babe I really am. Now I gotta go. Bye," Jimmy says going out the door.

"I love you," I yell to him from the door.

"You too babe," he says going down the stairs.

What's with him? If I didn't know better I'd swear he was cheating on me. He's been like this for a while now. Maybe I'll feel better after a shower. I'm callen somebody after it. I can't take this anymore. I walk back inside and walk into our bedroom. I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. After my shower I go through my mourning routine and get dressed in a jack shirt, tight black pants, and my jackass chucks. I pick my phone up and fling myself down on the bed and call Megan.

"Ello my love! I've missed you!" Megan squeals.

"I've missed you too," I squeal back.

"So what's up love?" Megan asks.

"I think Jimmy might be cheating on me," I say biting my lip.

"What? Love I'm sure it's just your imagination," Megan says trying to reassure me.

"It's just he's always gone lately and whenever I say I love you he doesn't say it back. I just I don't know," I say biting my lip so hard I taste blood.

"Aw. I'm sorry love. I'm sure its nothing big. Shit love I've got to go my appointment's here but hold on I'll get GG for you," Megan says as I hear shuffling in the background.

"OK," I sigh.

"CD!" I hear GG scream.

"That's me. Hey love what's up?" I ask with a slight smile.

"Not much. You?" GG asks.

"Same other than the fact that I think Jimmy's cheating on me," I say licking my lips.

"I'm sure you're over exaggerating," GG says obviously rolling her eyes.

"I don't know. I'm gonna go for a walk to clear my mind," I say rubbing my forehead.

"Mkay. Luvb ya! Byez," GG chirps.

"Luvb ya! Byez." I hang up and grab a hoody and my mp3 player. I slip my hoody on and put my mp3 player in my pocket, walk outside and walk towards the park that Daniel and I always go to. Once I get there I sit down in one of the swings and slowly start to sway. I bet he is cheating on me. I mean he can do so much better than me. I mean he's funny, caring, hot as fuck, sweet. Gah! Why did I even get my hopes up and go out with him? I should have known better. It always ends up like this. For fuck's sake I would hope by now I would have learned. I'm such an idiot!

I get out my mp3 player and listen to Hurt's Everything Falls Apart. I fix it so the song's on repeat and get up and start walking again. This time around I end up at the beach. I walk around avoiding the sun to the best of my abilities and I find a nice shady area away from everyone. I sit down in the sand and hunt through my mp3 player for a new song because I've gotten sick of Everything Fall's Apart. I go through until the song Tonightless catches my eye. I play that song and bring my knees up to my chest resting my head on top of them. I stay like this for a couple of hours before I decide I probably should start heading home.

When I get home it's already seven. Damn I really did stay out for fucking ever. Now what to do to kill time before nine? I guess I could watch another movie. I swear I've seen more movies this month then any other period in my life. I'm so glad that I brought some of my own movies. Maybe watching Nightmare Before Christmas will make me feel better; it usually does. Goth knows I can't feel any worse. I find my DVD and pop it into the DVD player and curl up on the couch and start the movie.

I get up and take the movie out after it's over then I quickly glance at the clock that tells me it's 9:07. He's late again; like always. As I think this the front doorknob slowly starts to twist open and a very fidgety Jimmy walks through it. "Ello love," I say weakly smiling.

"H-h-hey. Um... can I talk to you for a second?" he asks looking at me funny.

"Sure love," I say returning the look.

"Um sit down," Jimmy says rubbing the back of his neck as my stomach does a flip making me feel like I'm on a roller coaster as I slowly sit down.

"Um Christina.."

Oh shit! He called me Christina not good.

"I need to tell you something," Jimmy says not looking at me.

"W-w-w-what is it?" I ask licking my lips about a million times. Great here it comes. "I've been seeing some skank on the side and I've fallen madly in love with her and I'm dumping you for her." Gah I can't take this.

"Well ya see. I haven't been too honest with you lately," Jimmy says.

"Really?" I ask as my eyes start to tear up.

"Yeah… Are you crying?" Jimmy asks finally looking up at me.

"No," I say looking down at my hands as I fiddle with my fingers.

"Baby don't cry. It's nothing bad. I swear," Jimmy says lifting my head up then passionately kissing me.

"Then what are you going to tell me if it's not bad?" I ask looking at him as I play with my lip ring.

"CD... Christina... baby. Well here goes nothing," Jimmy says holding my hands with his.

"What?" I ask Jimmy about ready to break down and cry. Jimmy looks at me then gets down on one knee. Holy fucking shit! He's fucking proposing to me! Oh my goth!

"Baby I know we haven't been going out all that long but Christina Puget will you marry me?" Jimmy asks fiddling inside of his pockets pulling out a beautiful diamond ring with garnets surrounding it and diamonds on the band.

I stare at him in shock for a few seconds before my brain finally kicks in and shouts fucking answer him! "Of fucking course I will," I say crashing my lips onto his.

"Seriously?" Jimmy asks smiling like the cheshire cat.

"Seriously," I say smiling just as big back. Jimmy fumbles for a minute then sighs.

"What finger does this go on again?" he asks with a slight laugh.

"This one love," I say giggling extending my left ring finger. He slips on the ring and I just stare at it.

"I love you," Jimmy says picking me up, placing me in his lap and kissing me.

"I love you too," I say as I snuggle into him. "I'm such an idiot," I mumble to myself.

"Why do you say that?" Jimmy asks kissing my head.

"You weren't supposed to hear me and no reason," I say shaking my head.

"Come on. Tell me," he whines kissing my neck.

"Foine. I thought... I thought you were cheating on me. I mean you've been all fidgety and just it's stupid I know so forget it," I say looking down at my hands.

"You thought I was cheating on you?" Jimmy asks in a funny high-pitched voice.

"Like I said it was stupid. Anyways," I say fiddling with my fingers.

"Baby I would never cheat on you. Never! I swear," Jimmy says lifting my head up making me look at him.

"I know that's why I said it was stupid. Just forget about it," I say shaking my head.

"I was acting the way I was because I was so fucking nervous and didn't know how to ask you," Jimmy says making me look at him.

"Aw. I'm fucking retarded for thinking you would cheat on me. I know," I say blushing. "I wanna call Megan and GG to tell them the good news but I don't wanna leave you or get up," I say pouting.

"Here. Just use my cell," Jimmy says handing me his phone.

"Yay! I love you," I say smiling as I kiss Jimmy and start dialing Megan's and GG's house phone.

"Ello?" Megan asks.

"Ello love. Is GG there too?" I ask trying to hold my voice down.

"Yeah why?" Megan asks in an odd tone.

"Put me on speaker phone," I demand.

"OK? " Megan more asks than says followed by a buzz.

"GG you there too love?" I ask biting my lip.

"Yesh now what you be wanten foo?" she asks in her gansta voice.

"Well I have some big news about me and Jimmy, " I say giggling.

"Are you fucking giggling? I'm officially fucking scared," Megan says laughing.

"But I have a reason to giggle it's great," I say smiling

"That being?" GG asks.

"Me and Jimmy are now engaged," I squeal.

"'No fucking way!" they both scream.

"Yesh fucking way!" I squeal back.

"We're so coming down there now," they both say at the same time.

"OK my louverlies," I say smiling.

"Well we'll let ya get back to your man. Luvb ya! Byez," they both say.

"Mkay. Luvb y'all! Byez," I say hanging up. "Well the important people to me know it now," I say kissing Jimmy as I hand his phone back.

"What about Jade and the rest of your family?" Jimmy asks pulling me even closer to him.

"What about em?" I ask Jimmy.

"Well it's kinda a big thing to them you know," Jimmy says leaning his head on mine.

"Well I'll tell them um... sometime I guess," I say trailing off.

"That.. sounded.. convincing," Jimmy says in-between kissing my neck.

"I don't wanna tell them. If I tell them then that means that I'll have to invite momma to the wedding. And I don't want to," I say pouting.

"Why don't you want her at the wedding?" Jimmy asks kissing my neck again.

"Your going to lead somewhere and because she doesn't understand where and when I want to get married," I say holding back a moan.

"Where and when do you want to get married?" Jimmy asks smiling.

"Halloween night in a cemetery," I say smiling.

"Halloween sounds cool," Jimmy says going back to kissing my neck.

"Yep. What do you say to going to bed?" I ask Jimmy with a smirk.

"I.. say.. that's.. a.. good.. idea," Jimmy says kissing my neck some more. I smile at Jimmy then get up and walk towards the bedroom with Jimmy close behind.

I wake up the next morning to Jimmy kissing me. "Morning babe," Jimmy says smiling.

"Morning," I say smiling thinking about last night.

"Are y'all recording today?" I ask Jimmy rolling over so I can see him.

"Nope. It would be just you and me but I think there may be some people coming today that you may want to see," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Ew! Morning breath gross," I say laughing as I playfully push Jimmy's face away.

"Wow thanks babe," Jimmy says laughing as he gets up and walks towards the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" I ask whining.

"To take a shower," he says in the same tone as I did.

"And you're going to leave me here all by my lonesome?" I ask using my best puppy dog eyes.

"I was but how can I do that to such a cute face," Jimmy says squishing my face together.

"Stop it," I say swatting his hand away as I get up and walk into the bathroom. After our shower I go through my morning routine. Hummm. I think I'm gonna dress slutty just to annoy Jimmy. Ah I'm such a bitch it's not even funny. I end up getting dressed in a black zip up shirt that only covers my breast, fishnet armwarmers, mini-bondage skirt, diamond fishnet tights with black pumps and a grumpy bar belly ring.

"Why are you wearing that?" Jimmy asks me as I walk into the kitchen.

"I don't know what you're talking about baby," I say smiling as I sit down on the counter.

"You're in a slutty outfit," Jimmy says pulling on one of the straps of my skirt.

"Foine! I'll go change into something else," I say going to get up.

"No! Sit! I like this," Jimmy says putting me back on the counter.

"Baby I luvb you," I say kissing Jimmy.

"I luvb you too. Now what do you want?" Jimmy asks kissing me and resting his forehead on mine.

"Can you pwease get me some coffee?" I ask kissing him.

"Alright. By the way I forgot to ask you; do you like your ring?" Jimmy asks as he grabs a cup.

"I love it! It's fucking beautiful," I say smiling as I look at the ring on my finger.

"I'm glad baby," Jimmy says kissing me as he hands me my coffee.

"So what the fuck are we doing today?" I randomly ask.

"Well there's two people I bet you want to see somewhere," Jimmy says smiling.

"And who are they?" I ask smiling back.

"You'll just have to see. Now come one," Jimmy says throwing me over his shoulder and walking towards the door.

"Jimmy put me the fuck down!" I yell hitting his back.

"And why is that?" he asks carrying me through the door.

"Because everyone can see my fucking ass," I say trying to keep my shirt in place.

"But you have a nice ass so you're OK," Jimmy says laughing as he starts walking down the steps.

"OK love if you put me down I swear I won't run. So pwease put me down," I say laughing.

"Alright," Jimmy says putting me down and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"You know in that outfit I can see your Murderdolls tattoo really good," Jimmy says grinning from ear to ear.

"Stop looking at my boobs you perv," I say laughing.

"But they're right there," Jimmy says pouting as we reach his car.

"Gah! All guys are such fucking pervs," I say laughing as I get into his car.

"But I'm you're perv," Jimmy says laughing as he gets into his car.

"Damn straight you are," I say laughing as Jimmy starts going wherever we're going.

"Where the fucking hell are we," I ask confused looking around once we had pulled into a random driveway.

"We're at Syn's now come on," Jimmy says pulling me out of the car.

"Slow it down a notch Scotty," I say laughing as I'm dragged to the door. Jimmy simply opens the door and walks in. "Shouldn't we knock?" I ask looking around.

"I never do," Jimmy says shrugging.

The next thing I know someone is yelling my name and I'm tackled to the ground. "Can't fucking breath," I gasp out.

"Sorry love but we've fucking missed you," someone says helping me up.

"Megan," I scream hugging her.

"What about me?" I hear someone beside me say.

"GG," I yell hugging her.

"I've fucking missed you guys," I say smiling.

"We missed you too. Now let me see the damn ring," GG says grabbing my hand shoving the ring in her face.

"Jesus! Manners woman," I say laughing.

"Sorry. It's awesome," GG says giving me control of my hand again.

"I wanna see," Megan whines.

"Here," I say showing it to her.

"So perdy," Megan says moving my hand so the ring gleams.

"Hey where'd Jimmy go?" I ask looking around.

"In here babe. You want a beer?" he asks popping his head around the corner.

"Pwease," I ask like a little kid.

"OK," he says disappearing again.

"So do you have a date in mind?" GG asks.

"I want to get hitched Halloween night in a cemetery," I say as we walk into what I'm guessing is the living room.

"Cool! Creepy but cool," Megan says laughing.

"Yeah but it's eight months away. Do you think that's an OK engagement?" I ask.

"Sounds about right to me," GG says thinking.

"Maky. It's gonna be so awesome," I say smiling.

"What is?" Jimmy asks walking into the room sitting down by me handing me my beer.

"Getting married on Halloween," I say smiling as Matt and Brian walk into the room.

"You asked her last night and she's already planning the wedding," Brian says laughing as he sits down by Megan.

"Shut the fuck up," I say sipping my beer.

"Hey! Be nice to my man whore," Megan says laughing.

"Um.. I'll do whatever the fuck I want," I say like Cartman as I burst out laughing.

The rest of the day we all just hang out and shoot the shit. The girls and me think of things we could do to celebrate later and actually start to plan parts of the wedding and the guys make fun of us for doing it.