Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen


In the past two months the girls have been coming down a lot and I've been going to their place a lot and the boys are still working on their new CD. When we're together Jimmy and I have been practically connected at the hip. Considering I still have six months left until the wedding I've gotten a fuck load already planned. Well really all I have to plan is what everyone's wearing and where it is. Jimmy and I have decided that it's just gonna be us, close friends, and maybe family; I don't really want family but eh. And that's what has happened in the last two months. I lead an exciting life don't I?

I was sleeping with my head on Jimmy's chest when the bed started going up and down. "Jimmy what the fuck is that?" I ask snuggling up closer to him.

"I would fucking know how?" Jimmy mumbles.

"Because you're magical," I say laughing.

"Get the fuck up," I hear GG and Megan say at the same time.

"Fucking stop! How'd you get in here and when are you leaving?" I say yawning.

"OK, the guys had a key, and now I guess," GG says shrugging hopping off the bed followed by Megan.

"Give us an hour," I say waving them off. Right before they leave the room they soak us with water guns

"I guess we have to get up since we're fucking wet," Jimmy says sitting up.

"Yesh because they are fuckers. What time is it love?" I say rubbing my eyes.

"It's seven," Jimmy says getting up pulling me up with him.

"Wanna go finish what they oh so kindly started?" I ask Jimmy trying to get water out of my clothes.

"Yep," Jimmy says throwing me over his shoulder and walking into the bathroom. Where we take a long shower. I end up getting dressed in A shirt that says "My attitude is none of your f&@#ing Bussiness", tight black pants, a pair of ripped up vans, and a belly ring that says "Fuck off".

As I'm putting my makeup on with Jimmy hugging me from behind someone starts banging on the door. "Hurry the fuck up," Matt says.

"We're coming so fuck off," Jimmy says smiling kissing my neck.

"Seriously come on," Matt says still knocking on the door more.

"Calm it down a notch Scotty," I say laughing putting on my eyeliner.

"What?" Matt asks confused.

"Go away!" I yell while laughing.

"Foine," Matt says leaving.

Once I'm done with my makeup Jimmy and I walk out into the living room to see all of the boys and Megan and GG sitting down talking. "The shirt is oh so fitting CD," Megan says laughing while reading my shirt.

"Thanks love," I say laughing.

"What the fuck are you doing in our apartment?" Jimmy asks sitting down pulling me in his lap.

"Well us girls are taking our loverly CD dress shopping," GG says laughing.

"Alright. What are you gonna do today baby?" I ask Jimmy putting my forehead on his.

"Go with you if you don't care," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Mkay," I say smiling.

"You two sicken me," Zacky says sticking his tongue out sitting beside us.

"Put that back I don't know what kind of diseases are on it," I say scooting closer to Jimmy.

"Har har. Not fucking funny," Zacky says pouting.

"Krista loves you so calm down," I say smiling.

"So girls y'all OK with Jimmy coming?" I ask.

"Yep! In fact we should make all of em come," Megan says smiling looking at Brian.

"No fucking way," Brian says looking at her funny.

"Come on! Jimmy's going," Megan says pouting.

"So?" Brian asks.

"So you should come," Megan says pouting more.

"You too," GG says looking at Matt.

"I'm not gonna win so sure," Matt says shaking his head.

"He's going. Come on," Megan says sticking out her lower lip.

"Fine. But Zacky and Johnny have to come too," Brian says looking at the laughing.

"OK so everyone's going. When are we leaving?" I ask.

"Now," Megan and GG say getting up dragging me with them.

"Jimmy help," I say grabbing onto his arm.

"OK girls the only one dragging my fiance shall be me," Jimmy says getting up wrapping his arm around me.

"What the fuck ever. Come one everyone," Megan says dragging Brian out of the door followed by GG and Matt then Zacky, Johnny, Jimmy and me. "Alright into the SUV everyone," Megan says once we get to Brian's hummer.

"How the fuck are we all going to get in there? There's eight of us and it only sits five?" I ask Megan looking at her like she's Cracky I mean Zacky.

"Not my problem. I'm sitting in the front with Brian," Megan says getting in shotgun seat.

"What the fuck ever. Jimmy love I'm sitting in your lap," I say leaning into Jimmy.

"And me in yours," GG says kissing Matt.

"So that leaves one seat for me and Johnny," Zacky says.

"No that leaves on seat for me. Your ass is getting in the back," Johnny says climbing into the hummer.

"Ha ha. You gotta sit in the back," I say laughing as Jimmy climbs in after Johnny pulling me in with him.Once Matt and GG get in and Zacky gets in the back we're off to go dress shopping.

After about half an hour we stop outside of a shop. "Where the fuck are we?" I ask getting out of the car.

"Disneyland… a dress shop dipshit," Megan says laughing.

"Mommy! Sissy's being a bitch," I whine.

"Girls play nice. Megan don't call CD a dipshit and CD don't call Megan a bitch," GG says as we walk into the store.

"Ah so much white and bright colors," I yelp hiding my face in Jimmy's chest.

"Shut up and come on." Megan says dragging me over to the darker dresses.

"No fucking white! So just grab a bunch I like?" I ask looking at the beautiful dresses in front of me.

"Pretty much," GG says grabbing a few.

"Mkay," I say smiling. Once the three of us had as many dresses as we could hold I got thrown into a dressing room along with all of the dresses. "Jimmy baby come in here. I um need someone to help me zip the dresses," I say smirking from behind the door of my dressing room.

"I'd be glad to help," Jimmy says smiling.

"No; you cant be fucking we are in public," Megan says laughing.

"Please you'll have Brian in there with you when we look for your dress," I say laughing.

"You better be glad I luvb you and will wear a dress for you," Megan says laughing.

"I know. Luvb you too. To the first dress away," I say laughing doing at Batman pose shutting the dressing room door.

"I think I finally found one I like," I say looking at myself in the mirror two hours about 70 dresses later.

"That one looks great," Jimmy says looking me up and down.

"Really?" I ask smiling.

"Yep now go show GG and Megan before they pull you out of here," Jimmy says opening the door for me. I walk outside and look around and see everyone in random chairs.

"So what do y'all think?" I ask twirling around.

"If you don't buy that I'm gonna kill you," GG says with a straight face.

"That's only slightly creepy," I say laughing.

"You look fucking awesome," Megan says smiling

"Thanks love. I'm definitely getting this one. Now on to y'all's dresses," I say smiling.

"What! What is this dress you speak of?" Megan squeaks out.

"You're my fucking brides maids! You're wearing a dress if I have to put you in one. And if it comes to that the dress shall be pink," I say smiling.

"Be right back guys. GG and me are gonna go look for dresses," Megan says getting up pulling GG with her walking off to the special occasion section of the store making us all laugh.

"Well boys I'll be right back but I gotta fucking get outta this damn thing," I say laughing going back into the dressing room.

After I get changed Jimmy and I come out to see the guys laughing and Zacky missing. "What the fuck have y'all done to Cracky?" I ask trying not to laugh.

"We dared... him to... wear," Brian says laughing before he completely losses it.

"A...fucking... dress," Johnny says causing us all to bust out laughing.

"And he's fucking doing it! We told him well pay em," Matt says laughing.

"See my love? More proof Zacky is in fact on crack," I say as Jimmy sits down pulling me into his lap.

"Yeah but Zacky's just special," Jimmy says laughing.

"Ah! I'm so getting a picture of this," I say pulling out my phone and getting the camera ready.

"You guys better really fucking pay me," Zacky says coming out dressed in a strapless white dress with a shear over layer that is long-sleeved. I quickly take a picture before I end up falling out of Jimmy's lap because I'm laughing so hard. "Where's my fucking money?" Zacky asks putting his hands on his hips making me laugh harder.

"We're not paying you," Brian says laughing so hard he's crying.

"Zacky, love, what the fuck are you doing?" GG asks as she and Megan come back.

"Zacky's gone cross dresser," Megan says laughing before disappearing into a dressing room.

"They told me they'd pay me and the fuckers won't," Zacky says as some older lady walks over.

"Excuse me sir. I'm going to have to ask you to take that off and leave please," she calmly says.

"Fine! Ruin my wedding day woman," Zacky says walking back into a dressing room.

"I'm leaving now," Megan says looking at where Zacky was standing funny walking into her dressing room.

After I stop crying and laughing so that I can actually breath again I get back into Jimmy's lap and start a text message. "What are you doing?" Jimmy asks looking over my shoulder.

"Nothing," I sing.

"Based on that it's nothing good," Jimmy says laughing.

"When am I ever good? My ass is always evil," I say looking at Jimmy weird.

"But I like you evil; you're more fun that way," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Hold on! I gotta send this to Krista," I say laughing.

"What are you sending her?" Matt asks sitting down beside Jimmy and me.

"The picture of Zacky in his loverly dress. I swear our little boy is all grown up," I say fake crying.

"Wow... just.... wow CD," Brian says shaking his head.

"Leave me be foo," I say laughing as I hit send on my phone.

After about half an hour Megan and GG had found the dress they like. "Do you wanna see em CD?" Megan asks peeking through her door.

"Sure not that I really care what y'all are in so long as it's a dress," I say laughing. Both GG and Megan come out it fucking awesome purple dress. "Y! We all have the same color dresses," I say waving my arms around like the dumbfuck that I am.

"Wow.. love," Megan says shaking her head.

"Shut the fuck up! Wow! Brian told me that earlier. Creepy! Now change so we can go eat! I'm fucking hungry," I say leaning against Jimmy.

"You can't eat yet," GG says smiling walking away.

"Fucking explain," I yell.

"We have to get your shoes," GG says laughing.

"I hate shoe shopping," I say groaning.

"I know! That's why we're doing it," GG says laughing.

"So come one," Megan says as she and GG pick me up and drag me to another section of the store.

"Try these on," Megan says throwing a box at me. I go to catch it but seeing as how I'm zoning the box hits me right upside the head making everyone laugh at me.

"Baby are you OK?" Jimmy asks picking the box up handing it to me.

"I think I may be more special now," I say rubbing my head.

"CD I don't think that's possible love," GG says laughing.

"Oh go sit in the car with Zacky," I say putting the goth forsaken shoes on.

"Fuck this I have the perfect pair to wear with this dress! Now can we please eat?" I whine.

"Nope! We still have to get jewelry," Megan and GG say smiling.

"OK but I get to pick this place," I say smiling.

"Alright. To the car Batman?" GG asks.

"Of fucking course Robin," I say doing at Batman pose.

"But first I have to pay for all this shit," I say laughing as I drag Jimmy who has all my shit to the register.

"Welcome to The Witch's Nitch," I say smiling doing a Vanna White pose.

"Nice babe. Looks witchy," Jimmy says looking around as we walk in.

"Well love it is a Wiccan store," I say laughing.

"Your point being?" Zacky asks confused.

"Wiccans are witches you idiot," I say shaking my head.

"Oh. So you're a witch?" Zacky asks.

"Fuck yesh! And damn proud," I say laughing looking at jewelry. We spend a total of thirty minutes in the store. "So to eat?" I ask Megan and GG.

"To eat," they say at the same time making us three laugh.

"Food," I yell running up to the counter at Chick fil a dragging Jimmy with me.

"A salad with no chicken with a Dr. Pepper and hurry it up bitch," I tell the girl behind the counter.

"CD! Sorry about her she hasn't had her meds today," Jimmy says patting my head.

"Stupid son of a bitch," I mumble as Jimmy orders.

"What was that baby?" Jimmy asks.

"Nothing love," I say smiling.

"CD! Get your ass over here," Megan yells from a table with GG.

"So fucking polite," I say laughing as I sit down.

"So! What else do we have to do for the wedding?" GG asks.

"Quite frankly right now I don't give a flying fuck. Nothing else today," I say resting my head on the table.

"You can't be tired now babe. Your much needed food is here now," Jimmy says sitting down beside me.

"Yay," I yell shooting my head up grabbing my food from Jimmy.

"I think I'm gonna be afraid of her when she's pregnant," Jimmy says looking at me funny.

"Why is that?" Brian asks sitting down by Megan with there food.

"Because she already has scary enough mood swings," Jimmy says laughing.

"So fucking funny," I say with a sarcastic smile. So we all eat and all that good shit and head home.

"Thanks for torturing me all fucking day," I say getting out grabbing all the shit I bought when they drop us off.

"No problem love. Wait till the actual wedding," Megan says laughing evilly as Brian pulls away.

"Jimmy I fucking love you," I say leaning on him.

"You want me to carry you don't you?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"Please. I'll love you unconditionally for all eternity. In this life and all of the ones to come," I say kissing his neck.

"In that case yes," he says laughing as he picks me up bridal style.

"I'm so fucking tired," I say snuggling into him.

"I'm sorry," Jimmy says as he starts up the stairs.

"Baby you have to unlock the door," Jimmy says trying to hand me the key and hold me up all at once.

"Mkay," I say taking the key from him opening the door. Jimmy carries me into the bedroom and sets me down on the bed. I slowly get up and trudge to the closet. I put all of my shit in there and then flop myself back down on the bed.

"Baby are you OK?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"So tired," I say curling up into a ball.

"Then go to bed," Jimmy says laughing.

"Good idea," I say taking my pants and bra off leaving me in my shirt and thong.

"You aren't taking your make up off or your contacts out?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"No. Contacts won't hurt to stay in over night and I don't fucking care about my makeup" I say crawling under the covers.

"Well night babe, "Jimmy says kissing me and walking to the door.

"Night," I mumble before drifting off to sleep.