Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Cemetery Drive

The next morning I wake up to somewhat blurry visions. "Gah! My contact moved," I whine rolling over.

"It's about time you got up," Jimmy says laughing making me jump.

"Don't fucking do that," I say sitting up.

"What the hell happened to you?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"I slept wit my makeup on remember," I say rubbing my eyes getting eyeliner all over my hands.

"Oh yeah. Are you just getting up?" Jimmy asks sitting on the bed with me.

"Yeah. Why?" I ask getting up and cracking my back.

"It's five in the afternoon," Jimmy says laughing.

"No fucking way," I say shocked as my eyes widen.

"Yeah. I've already been to the studio today," Jimmy says looking at me funny.

"Goth damn! Well I'm gonna go shower," I say walking into the bathroom. I go through my normal routine and get dressed in a long-sleeved black shirt with a spider dangling on a web on it and black cargo pants. I walk out into the kitchen and start a pot of coffee and hop on the counter. After about three minutes Jimmy walks into the room and stands in between my legs.

"What do you wanna do tonight?" Jimmy asks resting his head against my chest.

"I was actually thinking about getting some more piercings. Will you go to hold my hand?" I ask in a little kid's voice.

"Sure babe. What are you gonna get pierced?" Jimmy asks as I shove him out of the way to get my beloved coffee.

"I was thinking my tongue and my right tragus," I say sipping on my coffee.

"Your right say what?" Jimmy asks with a confused look.

"My right tragus. The flap right here in front of your ear canal," I say laughing pointing to it.

"Oh! OK I so knew that," Jimmy says taking a sip if my coffee.

"Sure ya did love. So are you ready to go? I really wanna get these done," I say bouncing around.

"CD baby. Don't do that. It's scary," Jimmy says holding my shoulders making me stop.

"Sorry. Can we go now? I wanna get this done so bad," I say smiling.

"Sure. Come on," Jimmy says wrapping his arm around me as we walk towards the door.

"You ready," Jimmy asks as we walk into the tattoo shop where they also do piercings

"As I'll ever be," I say playing with my lip ring.

"Can I help you?" the girl behind the counter asks as we walk up.

"Yeah. I want my tongue and right tragus pierced," I say still playing with my lip ring.

"Alright come on back," she says smiling.

I grab Jimmy's hand and follow her to the back of the shop where she tells me to sit in a chair in the middle of the room.

"What do you want done first?" she asks getting all the needed equipment.

"The tragus in my right ear. I just want a captive hoop," I say moving my hair away from my right ear.

"Alright," she says.

The tragus was no big thing at all but the tongue I am definitely somewhat afraid of.

"Are you ready for the tongue?" the girl asks.

"I guess," I say nervously smiling as Jimmy grabs my hand.

"OK what do you want?" she asks showing me several tongue rings. I pick out a barbell with a skull and crossbones on it. "Alright. Stick you tongue out please," she says getting the clamp ready. I stick my tongue out as my grip on Jimmy's hand tightens. Jimmy laughs at me but he still squeezes my hand back. "Alright. Take a deep breath and when I tell you let it out," she says putting the needle up to my tongue.

I go to say OK but end up saying, "Oday."

"And out," she says as I breath out and she jams the needle through my tongue. I make a funny whimpering noise and get an even tighter grip on Jimmy's hand. The girl waits a few seconds then quickly replaces the needle with the tongue ring that I had picked out before. "There ya go," she says throwing everything away.

I move my tongue around and taste the familiar metallic taste of blood. The girl walks out to the front as I stay still playing with the tongue ring. "So was it all the bad?" Jimmy asks.

"Not really. It hurts like a bitch but I won't be able to talk for fucking ever," I say laughing then wincing because I hit my tongue funny.

"You ready to go?" Jimmy asks laughing at the faces I'm making.

"Ure," I say noticing my tongues already starting to swell. So we get up and I pay for my piercings and we head back home.

"So what do you wanna do?" Jimmy asks opening the door once we're home.

"I want ice or my unge," I say walking towards the living room making Jimmy laugh.

"I'll go get you some ice for your unge baby," Jimmy says walking towards the kitchen. I sit down right as the door bursts open.

"Ello love," Megan and GG say sitting down by me.

"How the fuck did you et in here?" I ask looking at them funny.

"Why the fuck are you talking so fucking funny?" Megan asks looking at me weird.

"She got her tongue pierced tonight," Jimmy says handing me a cup of ice.

"Oh OK. Well we just wanted to tell you tomorrow we're looking for a place to have the wedding so y'all think about it tonight," GG says as she and Megan get up.

"Otay. Byez Luvb ou," I say as they walk towards the door.

"Luvb you too," they both say walking out of the door.

"So where to you want the wedding to be?" Jimmy asks sitting down beside me.

"In a cemery," I say sucking on a piece of ice.

"A cemetery?" Jimmy asks laughing at me.

"Yep and stop laughen at me," I say trying hard to enunciate my words.

"Fine. I'm sorry I'll stop and a cemetery? I thought you were joken about that," Jimmy says looking at me funny.

"Nope. Always have," I say. Thank the god and fucking goddess!! The swelling's fucking going down. I love ice!

"That's cool. So how are we going to get married?" Jimmy asks as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I was guessing we would get the license earlier that day and actually get married in the courthouse but do our vowels and the I do part at the cemetery that night," I say shrugging.

"Sounds good to me," Jimmy says kissing my forehead. "Have you decided who your inviting yet?" Jimmy asks messing with my bangs.

"Si. I gotta tell Pippy, Jade, Smith, Daddy the boys, Krista and Dani," I say counting off of my fingers.

"Wait you're going to invite your dad but not your mom?" Jimmy asks looking at me funny.

"Yep. Why?" I ask looking up at him.

"That's just kinda weird," he says shrugging.

"Well I'm kinda weird," I say laughing.

"No comment," Jimmy says shaking his head.

"Ouch! If I had a heart it would bleed right now," I say holding my chest.

"You realize you're holding your boob right?" Jimmy asks.

"Only you would point that out," I say rolling my eyes.

"That's because I'm the only one allowed to look at your boobs," Jimmy says smiling.

"Idiot," I say laughing as I shake my head.

"Your point being?" Jimmy asks smiling.

"That you're weird. Duh!" I say laughing. "Jimmy my loverly?" I ask in the cutest voice possible.

"What do you want?" he asks laughing.

"Can you get me some JD pwease?" I ask batting my eyelashes.

"Won't that burn?" Jimmy asks looking at me funny.

"There's only one way to find out. Pwease?" I ask sticking my bottom lip out.

"Alright. But if it burn like a bitch don't complain," Jimmy says laughing as he walks into the kitchen.

"I won't I pwomise," I say in a little kid's voice. A few seconds later Jimmy walks back in handing me my beloved JD sitting down next to me. "I luvb you baby," I say kissing him on the cheek before taking a quick swig of JD. A few seconds after a very strong burning sensation started in my mouth making me contort my face.

"Does it burn?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"Not at all," I say trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably. "Here. Just.. Just take it back," I say handing Jimmy the JD bottle.

"That's it we're all gonna die! You're giving up a bottle of JD," he says laughing setting the bottle down on the coffee table.

"Shut up," I say fanning my tongue hoping the burning will stop. As I'm doing this my phone rings.

"What the fucking hell do you want?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Well isn't that some way to talk to your favorite older brother?" Jade asks.

"Smith?" I ask knowing it will piss him off.

"Very funny Christina," Jade says with sarcasm dripping off of every word.

"Jade I luvb you! Now why are you calling?" I ask biting my lip.

"Well you see this little birdie told me you were now engaged and weren't gonna tell me," he begins.

"Let me fucking guess. This little birdies name is GG isn't is?" I ask getting slightly pissed.

"Isn't it always?" he asks laughing

"Yesh it is. Now is that why you're calling me?" I ask already board with the conversation.

"Pretty much. Why weren't you gonna tell me?" he asks sounding agitated.

"Because I have the right of the fifth amendment," I giggle.

"So you don't want us to know? Why?" he begins to question.

"Because I know it annoys you. I luvb you Jadeikins! Byez," I ask before hanging up.

"What was that about?" Jimmy asks as I turn off my phone.

"GG told Jade you popped the question and he was about to get all bleh so I hung up on his ass," I say smiling sweetly.

"OK? That's um... interesting?" Jimmy more asks than says.

"Well it's me what do you expect?" I ask yawning.

"True. Are you tired?" Jimmy asks laughing at me.

"Yeah. What time is it?" I ask putting my head on his shoulder.

"One thirty," Jimmy says checking his watch.

"Damn! How did it get so fucking late so fucking early?" I ask yawning again.

"That made no sense babe. You wanna go to bed?" Jimmy asks running his fingers through my head.

"Yeah," I say getting up. "Goth! I don't wanna go out looking for places tomorrow," I whine changing into my pjs.

"Then don't go," Jimmy says laughing at my childish behavior.

"But I have to," I whine.

"And why is that?" Jimmy asks stripping down to his boxers.

"Because Megan and GG will drag me around if they have to," I whine flopping down on the bed.

"Then you should go," Jimmy says laughing lying down beside me.

"That defeats the purpose of me bitching," I say rolling over laying my head on his chest.

"Well good luck with that babe," Jimmy says laughing.

"Bastard you get to record while I'm terrorized, "I say laughing as I slowly fall asleep.

"Baby? CD you need to get up," I hear Jimmy say as she lightly shakes me the next morning.

"Why?" I ask slowly opening my eyes.

"Because you have an hour before you're kidnapped and sides I want you to take a shower with me," Jimmy says picking me up.

"Gah! That requires me waking up," I whine snuggling into Jimmy.

"Oh well. I suggest you do it quickly," Jimmy says walking into the bathroom putting me down.

"Gah! Foine," I whine as I start the shower. After our shower I get dressed in a hoody, AFI tank top and sweats. I finish my morning routine and walk out into the bedroom to see Jimmy putting on a hoody. "Are you leaving me?" I ask pouting.

"Yeah, but your captors will be here soon," Jimmy says walking over to me.

"I can't believe you're gonna leave little 'ol helpless me with them all damn day," I say pouting putting my arms around his neck.

"I have to. I have to go record more shit," Jimmy says putting his hands on my hips pulling me into him.

"Why?" I ask standing up on my tiptoes kissing Jimmy.

"Because that's my job," Jimmy says kissing me again. I go to kiss Jimmy back but the doorbell rings.

"Gah! That would be my kidnappers," I say resting my head on Jimmy's chest.

"Then you better go before they tear down the door," Jimmy says laughing.

"You have to come to the door with me," I say walking away pulling Jimmy with me.

"Like I have a choice," Jimmy says laughing following me.

As I walk towards the door the girls start beating it to death. "Calm the fucking fuck down! I need fucking new friends," I whine making Jimmy laugh. I open the door and get ripped away from Jimmy. "Bye love! I love you," I yell to Jimmy as I'm being pulled down the stairs.

"Love you too. Have fun babe," Jimmy yells back laughing.

"So where are y'all dragen me today?" I ask as I'm thrown into a car.

"Were looking at cemeteries," Megan and GG say at the same time.

"That's fucked up and cool," I say doing a happy dance in the back seat.

"And we're the fucked up ones," Megan says laughing.

"Holy fucking shit," I gasp as I walk through the gates of a cemetery four hours and way to many dead people later.

"What?" GG asks.

"This place. It's fucking perfect," I say twirling around in the open area.

"Yay! We foundeded a place," GG says laughing.

"No we think we found a perfect place. Jimmy's gotta look at it and we've gotta talk to the owners to make sure they'll let us have it here," I say pulling out my phone.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Megan asks looking at me like I'm on crack.

"What the fuck do you thing? Calling Jimmy to tell him to come here," I say looking at her like she's grown another head.

"No! We'll go to him," Megan says shutting my phone putting it back in my pocket.

"What the fucking hell?" I ask looking at her funny.

"We can go see our men," she says giggling.

"Brian makes you giggle. That scares me," I say walking closer to GG.

"I'm not saving you. I'm freaked the fuck out too," GG says laughing.

"Oh goth! OK let's go I guess," I say as I take a quick picture of the place to show Jimmy and climb back into the car.

As we walk up to the door of the studio Megan and GG start arguing over who should go in first. I roll my eyes and go to walk in but instead the door opens and smacks me right in the fucking face. "What the fucking fuck? My nose used to be there," I say rubbing my now bleeding nose.

"Sorry," Johnny says moving my hand so he can see my nose. "I seriously didn't see you there," he says pushing my nose a little making me flinch.

"Who didn't you see?" Jimmy asks coming to the door.

"Me," I say smacking Johnny's hand away.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Jimmy asks looking at my nose.

"He hit me with the fucking door," I say rubbing the blood off on my hoody.

"That's gross. Come one let's get this cleaned up," Jimmy says putting his arm around me and leading me to the bathroom. As we walk in I heard the guys whistling and yelling behind us making me laugh. Jimmy picks me up and sets me on the counter. "What are you doing here anyways?" he asks wetting a paper towel.

"I was gonna call you to tell you I think I found the place for the wedding when Tweedle LD and Tweedle Dumbfuck out there decided to come tell you so they can see their boyfriends," I say laughing.

"They care so much don't they?" Jimmy asks laughing as he wipes away the blood making me jump back.

"More than you! That fucking hurts," I say covering my nose.

"It'll hurt worse later when the bloods nothing but a fucking huge scab," Jimmy says moving my hand and wiping off the rest of the blood.

"Gah! Are you done?" I ask patting my tender nose.

"Yep. Now should we go back to the idiots?" Jimmy asks grinning.

"Yesh because they'll think we're doing something that we're not," I say smiling as I get up and walk out of the bathroom with Jimmy following me. When we get back into the room Megan and Brian where permanently connected at the lips and GG and Matt where making cutesy faces at each other. "Gah y'all sicken me," I say making a weird face. Megan flips me off not separating for Brian in order to bitch me out.

"So what is this stop you where speaking of?" Jimmy asks as I sit on his lap.

"Oh! I think we found the perfect place! I got a picy of it. Hold one," I say digging out my camera and finding the pic. "See?" I ask shoving the camera in Jimmy's face with a picture of the graveyard on the screen.

"That look's great babe," Jimmy says kissing my cheek.

"I figured we could do it near the gate because it's a fuck loads away from the road," I say resting my head on Jimmy's chest.

"Cool. Do you wanna show me when we leave here?" Jimmy asks messing with my hair.

"Sure. Fucking stop," I whine smacking his hand away.

"Sorry. I think we're pretty much done here because they're all head over heels for each other so wanna go now?" Jimmy says nodding towards Brian and Megan.

"Sure. Are you sure the boys won't get mad?" I ask standing up.

"If they do oh well," Jimmy says laughing wrapping his arm around me.

"To the car away," I say laughing doing a Batman pose.

"So what do you think?" I ask Jimmy as I twirl around inside of the cemetery.

"I like it. There's plenty of room so we won't be stepping on the dead which is a good thing," Jimmy says looking around.

"Yep," I say as I continue to twirl around and end up tripping over a headstone.

"You're just accident-prone today aren't you?" Jimmy asks laughing as he helps me up.

"No! The big evil zombie was gonna eat me if you hadn't rescued me," I say clinging onto Jimmy trying not to laugh.

"Wow love are you drunk?" Jimmy asks pulling me away looking me in the eye.

"Only on our love," I say giggling.

"OK. We're gonna go home and put you to bed," Jimmy says laughing as we start walking towards the car.

When we get home I decide I'm tired as fuck and I wanna sleep. "Baby I'm gonna go to bed," I say kissing Jimmy and going to walk away.

"What?" Jimmy asks grabbing my arm spinning me back into him.

"I'm so tired. I'm gonna go to sleep. I love you," I say standing on my tip toes kissing Jimmy.

"Alright. Night and I love you too," he says kissing me again.

I smile to myself and go get changed into one of Jimmy's shirts with a pair of shorts before turning some HIM on and crawling into the bed to get some sleep.