Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen


It's four months later and now everyone knows about the wedding. Sine the night Jade called I have pretty much been avoiding my family because they're all pissed that I didn't call them to tell them that Jimmy proposed. They're pissed because they think that I don't want them at the wedding because I was "hiding it". Right now I'm back in Berkley with GG and Megan; I've been here for about two weeks with no Jimmy. I'm staying with them for a little while so they can help me get all of the remaining plans done because if I don't get help I'm gonna have a fucking melt down. I mean I love Jimmy to death but guys are no fucking help in planning a wedding. His response to everything has been, "Whatever makes you happy." Thanks to that I'm getting real help form GG and Megan. They helped me call the owners of the cemetery we found a while back and that is now the official site of my wedding.

"Guys I can't do this part till I find out if Jade and all them are coming," I say throwing my seating chart banging my head on the table.

"Love calm down. You still have two months to do it," GG says picking up the piece of paper.

"I know. It's just fucking annoying having them all bleh on me. I mean I'm used to Momma doing it but everyone else is just fucking weird," I say taking a swig of JD.

"Why don't you just go talk to them?" Megan asks twirling a pen in-between her fingers.

"I guess I could go talk to Smith and Jade. I'll be back in a bit I guess. If I'm not back by ten come get me because Jade's probably killed me. Well maybe Smith but more likely Jade. I'm going to Smith's first so yeah it'll be Jade that kills me. Byez," I say getting up grabbing my purse and putting on my shades. I climb into my car and pop in my Pinkly Smooth CD and smile to myself as Jimmy's voice fills my car and start the trip to Smith's.

I pull into the parking lot of Smith's apartment complex and, ironically, end up parking beside Smith's car. I laugh to myself as I get out of the car. This is fucked up. I'm nervous as fuck to go talk to Jade but Smith I'm just like what the fuck ever. Gah I need a CAT scan. I climb the seemingly billions of stairs before I get to Smith's door. Once I've made sure I'm not suffering from a major heart attack I knock on the door. After a few seconds I heard walking then tripping behind the door making me laugh. About a millisecond later Smith opened the door and ended up tripping over something else.

"Love are you OK?" I ask laughing.

"Of course I am. Now how may I help you Chrissy?" Smith asks letting me in.

"I just wanted to come by and see you. And um... has Jade talk to you in a while?" I ask sitting down on the couch.

"What about the whole you getting married thing?" Smith asks.

"Yeah about that," I say looking at my feet.

"Don't sweat it kiddo. I figured you'd tell us when you're ready," Smith says sitting down beside me.

"Gah you rock," I say hugging Smith.

"I know, I know. You might want to go talk to Jade though. He was pretty pissed about it all," Smith says hugging me back.

"I know. I probably should do that now so I'm not there at night and he doesn't kill me," I say laughing slightly.

"Good luck with that Chrissy. Maybe you should take my bat just in case," Smith says laughing.

"I'm good; I've got my bare hands. But thanks. I'll come tomorrow if I'm still alive," I say laughing as I leave. Oh great! Now I get to go see Jade. Gah I don't wanna but I gotta. This sucks monkey nuts!

I pull into Jade's driveway to see his car parked and the TV in the living room on through the window. It's now or never I guess. I just hope he's not all pissed off. I mean it's not that big of a deal. I mean I was gonna tell him... just not then. It's not like I was ignoring him or anything. Why does he have to take everything so fucking personal? So much fucking drama in everyone's fucking lives. I take a deep breath and walk up to the front door. I play with my lip ring for a few minutes before I finally get the courage to knock on the door. A few minutes after I knock I hear footsteps coming and Jade opens the door.

"Hey," I quietly say smiling.

"What do you want Christina?" Jade asks coldly staring at me.

"What no Stina?" I ask with a small laugh to have Jade simply continue to stare at me. "Can I come in?" I ask with hopeful eyes. Jade doesn't say anything but steps back and opens the door wider. I slightly smile and walk into the house as Jade slams the door behind me. He walks toward the living room and I quietly follow him.

"So what do you want?" Jade asks sitting in the recliner as I sit on the couch.

"I just wanted to patch things up with everyone," I say looking at my feet.

"Took you long enough don't you think?" Jade asks. I squirm a little on the couch because I can feel him staring at me waiting for me to look up at him.

"I know. I should have come sooner; I admit it. I've just been so busy planning the wedding," I say looking up at him.

"Oh yeah the wedding," Jade says looking out the window.

"You know I was going to tell you right? I was just gonna wait till I could explain it right. I swear I was going to tell you though," I say looking at Jade.

"Yeah. Well Christina going to tell and telling are two totally different things aren't they?" Jade asks looking at me.

"But Jade."

"But nothing. I mean how can you not tell us? You know that's a big thing for us too. I mean you're my baby sister. I just thought that you'd tell me about the biggest thing to ever happen to you," Jade says staring right at me.

"I'm sorry," I say looking back down at my feet.

"Well sorry doesn't cut it Christina," Jade says looking away. I sigh getting up and walk towards the hallway.

"You know Jade. You're invited. That is, if you still want to come," I say turning and leaving.

I slowly walk back to my car replaying the conversation over in my head. The most fucking important day of my fucking life and my oldest brother won't even fucking be there. How fucked up is that? Too much fucking drama! I slowly get into my car. When I turn my engine on my stereo starts and within seconds of hearing Jimmy's voice I start calming down.

"Gah! Why can't you be here?" I ask out loud as I pull out of Jade's drive way and head home.

When I pull into the driveway at the house I notice a car. Who the fuck is here now? I just wanna go down to my room and be alone. Is that seriously to much for a fucking girl to ask for? When I walk inside I see GG sitting in the living room watching Haggard. "Who the fuck is here?" I ask taking off my shoes.

"Oh, one of Megan's friends. No one you know," GG says shrugging.

"Whatever. I'm goen down to my room to cool off," I say throwing my shoes into the corner.

"Take it things with Jade didn't go too well," GG says over her shoulder.

"I would have gotten more compassion from a fucking tombstone then him," I say walking downstairs.

I walk into my room and turn my stereo on to have Dope trickle throughout my room. I take my hoody off throwing it on the ground and start to walk towards Oggie's tank. I turn around and see Jimmy sitting on my bed looking up at me. "Jimmy!" I squeal as I jump in his lap wrapping my arms around him knocking him over.

"Hey baby," he says laughing.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask resting my head on his chest.

"Just coming down to see you. I mean I've been CD deprived for two whole weeks," Jimmy says nuzzling is nose in my hair.

"Aw! That's so fucking sweet love," I say smiling.

"I missed you," Jimmy says kissing me.

"I missed you too," I say smiling kissing him back, which lead to making out, which leads to other things.