Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Hangover and a Horrorthon

I wake up with the hangover from hell the next morning and feel like Cradle of Filth is having a mini-concert inside my head. Fuck! How much did I drink last night? Gah! I’m glad I don’t get sick when I get a hangover. Thank the God and Goddess it’s Saturday and I’m off because I seriously couldn’t handle the public right now. I get up and stumble my way into my bathroom and, due to my lack of coordination and motivation at the moment, decide to throw on my black “emo” glasses and leave my contacts alone.

When I stumble my way back into my room I look over to my nightstand table at my clock that reads 2:15 p.m. I feel my stomach rumble begging for it’s morning cup of coffee and decide to stumble my way up the stairs. After nearly falling a couple of times I finally make it upstairs and into the kitchen to see the girls sitting around eating lunch. I slightly curse them for being able to eat and grab my Jack Skellington coffee cup and head over to the coffee pot.

“Morning sunshine,” GG screams into my ear as she follows me around the kitchen.

“Fuck off,” I grunt as I pour my coffee. “Wait! You have any Aleve?” I ask turning to look at her nearly begging her with my eyes.

“Of course I do. Holy piss! You have you’re glasses on,” GG says looking at me wide-eyed.

“Good job. Want a cookie? I decided to say fuck you to my contacts because it feels like Cradle of Filth is having a concert inside of my head. Now give me my Aleve,” I whine as I hold my head and drink my coffee.

“No need to be a smart ass and here ya go love,” GG says handing me the two Aleve I’ve been begging for as I sit down between Megan and Dani at the table.

“Hey CD want a nice yummy, greasy cheeseburger?” Megan asks shoving one under my nose.

“Since when the hell do I eat animal flesh and or breakfast?” I ask Megan sending her a glare that could literally kill someone.

“Wow! You’re such a morning, well, afternoon person aren’t you love?” Krista asks laughing.

“I’m a complete and total bitch until I’ve had at least two cups of coffee,” I say looking at her over my coffee mug.

“At least the poor girl isn’t in denial,” Megan says shaking her head while laughing as I get up to get my second cup of coffee before chugging it.

“Mkay girlies! Time to discuss the guys,” Megan says whipping her mouth with the back of her hand.

“Well, it’s so obvious who we all like,” GG says grinning like a madwoman making me roll my eyes.

“We’re official,” Krista and Dani say at the same time making them look at each other with a slightly freaked out expression.

“Syn and I just really like each other,” Megan says giggling making GG and I look at her oddly.

“Same with me and Matt; we’re taking it slow. What about you and Jimmy?” GG asks staring a whole into my head.

“What do you mean me and Jimmy? There is no me and Jimmy. I mean I think he's cute yeah but there isn't anything there,” I say sipping my third cup of coffee.

“Come on CD! It’s kinda obvious he likes you,” Megan says shoving me.

“If you say so. Imma go show because I reek of booze and that’s gross so see y’all later,” I say before pushing myself up off the table and make my way downstairs.

Once I’m downstairs I pass the game room where I notice all the boys are doing something in. Jimmy, Johnny and Brian are playing one of out many video games while Matt and Zacky are playing air hockey making my head feel like it’s going to split open.

“For fuck’s sakes! Please stop,” I whine to Matt and Zacky as I pass the doorway, only making them play even louder.

Assholes! My head! I swear after my shower I’ll kill them both; with very, very bloody and slow deaths. Damn I’m violent when I have a hangover. When I make it to my room I decide to jump into the shower and take a very long, nice, hot shower. After my lovely shower I throw in my contacts, blow dry my hair, put random earrings in and decide to be a little bold with my make-up. I do my right eye with a thick red line on the top and a thick black line on the bottom and my left with a thick black line on top and the red on the bottom. And quickly get dressed in a GIR shirt, black fitting pants, green skater shoes and throw on a GIR necklace and wristband. Once I’m done I decide to head back upstairs since the concert in my head has died down and I don’t feel like I’m going to snap and attack the next living thing I see.

“Damn woman! Did you use all of the hot water?” Krista asks laughing as I walk into the room.

"I tried to but I think there may still be some left for you whores,” I say looking around th room for a seat.

“Holy shit! Look at all the GIR stuff,” Megan yells while pointing at me as I walk close to her making me jump nearly three feet in the air.

“What is wrong with you?” I ask Megan looking at her like she’s on crack.

“The list goes on and on and I don’t feel like listing it all right about now,” Megan says sending a cheesy smile my way.

“Whatever. Dude! Do I seriously have to sit on the floor?” I whine flailing about.

“Hey, dumb ass. Turn around,” GG says laughing making me turn around and see an empty seat between her and Jimmy.

“Totally saw that and don’t even think about saying otherwise,” I warn GG as I shove my finger in her face when I sit down beside her.

“Are we going to do anything today?” I mean it’s already four,” Dani says looking over at the clock.

“Oi! We should have a horrorthan,” I suggest jumping around in my seat.

“Sounds good to me,” Brian says shrugging.

“Yay! Someone likes my idea,” I say laughing.

“Yeah for once,” Megan says laughing making me pick up Jimmy’s empty plastic cup and attempt to chunk it at her but end up hitting Brian in the head.

“Opps; Sorry Brian I was trying to hit Megan not you,” I say laughing nervously while waiting for his reaction.

“Well, in that case, your aim seriously sucks,” Brian says laughing as he throws the cup back at me.

“Ya know if I had a heart or a soul they would be absolutely crushed right abut now,” I say as I over dramatically put my hand over my heart making everyone laugh.

“CD I know you have a heart because if you didn’t then you wouldn’t have a crush,” GG sing songs in an annoyingly cute voice making me blush.

“Shut up! You know I have no such thing,” I bark glaring at GG much like I had Megan earlier today.

“Aw! Look! She’s getting all red, thereby proving GG’s point,” Megan chimes in.

“I swear; I’ll gut you like a fish,” I say as I turn more red.

“Because we haven’t heard that one a billion times before,” GG says rolling her eyes making me jab her in the side.

“OK, let’s get on with the horror movies,” Johnny says trying to get the three of us back on focus.

“Aye, aye Captain!” I say getting up as I salute Johnny before running over to the DVD section and popping in the first movie; The Omen old school edition.

After watching The Omen we watch Wrong Turn, and From Hell. After watching From Hell we decide to watch Sleepy Hallow.

“Wait a tick. Sleepy Hollow? Didn’t Tim Burton direct that?” I ask no one in particular.

“Yep. Another plus in it is Johnny Depp is so hot in it,” GG says nearly drooling all over herself.

“You mean Tim Burton, my favorite director, directed it and it has Johnny Depp in it and I’ve never seen it? How did this happen?” I ask slightly amazed.

“Yeah, yeah, blah, blah can we just put the movie in please?” Krista says chucking the DVD case at Megan’s head making us all laugh.

When Ichabod Crane and the boy are in the woods I begin to get that feeling in my stomach that signals I’m about to jump and, unconsciously, scoot a bit closer to Jimmy who doesn’t seem to mind. I really begin to get a bit freaked out when you hear the music and singing coming from the house in the hill and shutter when the woman begins to cut the cardinal’s feet off and mess with other random things. What the hell? Why is she chaining herself up? Then out of nowhere she pops up and begins to float around Ichabod with the chains holder her back while her face looks like a dead person’s and her eyes are sunken in.

This makes me slightly squeal and bury my face in Jimmy’s shoulder. Much to my surprise he doesn’t try to move me or even laugh at me; instead, he wraps his arm around me and pulls me a little closer; by doing this, much to my amusement, my head ends up on his chest.

“It’s safe to look now,” Jimmy whispers into my ear after a few seconds of silence from the movie.

“Sorry about that,” I say blushing as I look at my lap and play with the chipping paint on my fingernails.

“It’s fine,” he whispers back smiling as he readjusts his arm so it’s wrapped around me and my head’s resting on his shoulder for the rest of the movie until we break for food.

“I refuse to cook. So anyone else wanna?” I ask only to have the room go silent. “OK then. What do y’all want to get? The girls will go get it,” I offer standing up and stretching.

“I want Micky Des,” Megan says like the little kid she is.

“That alright with everyone else?” GG asks to get some form of yes from everyone so the girls get straight what the guys want then head out to the car.

“CD! I totally say you cuddling up with Jimmy during Sleepy Hollow,” GG says smiling at me from the co-pilot’s seat.

“Me too!” Megan says looking at me through the rear view mirror making me laugh.

“What are they talking about?” Dani asks me while she and Krista look around at everyone with confused faces.

“Well, you know that part in the woods with the creepy chick in the hill house thingy?” I ask watching Dani and Krista nod their head yes.

“Ok. So when that chick jumps up and is floating about and shit I kinda freaked so I buried my head in Jimmy’s chest and he wrapped his arm around me,” I say looking out the window, hoping it would hide the red tint that has made its way to my cheeks.

“And they stayed like that for the rest of the movie,” GG sing-songs before honking the horn making Megan smack her upside the head.

“See; I told you he likes you,” Megan says laughing.

“Whatever," I say shrugging as we pill into McDonald's.

“Alright girls. Y’all know what your boys want?” GG asks as we all climb out of the car and begin to make our way into the fast-food joint.

“I know what Jimmy wanted but I don’t have a “boy” as you call it,” I say using air quotes making GG roll her eyes while Dani and Krista giggle at me.

“Whatever woman! And yesh we know so let’s get this food; I’m fucking starving,” Megan says rolling her eyes before shoving me through the door.

Since I’m first to order I figure I might as well get a small McFlurry to eat while the other girls are ordering. Of course I get the child ordered from Sped-is-Us and when she pulls my McFlurry off the machine and hands it to me without taking my spoon off.

“What am I doing? What am I doing?” she asks spinning around once she managed to make it halfway back to the machine.

“You where getting my spoon,” I say rolling my eyes. What the fuck! Why do I always get the people who can try out for the Special Olympics to wait on me? After my little incident someone else takes the register for the other girls, who all get their orders filled without a problem. “You lucky little whores! How come I’m the one that had to suffer through her and none of y’all did? That’s not fair,” I whine on my way back to the car.

“We’re back,” I yell throughout the house once we get back home. I walk into the kitchen to see all of the guys standing around before I see a big muscular blur fly by me.

“What took y’all so long?” Matt asks as he attacks GG for his food.

“Eat much?” Dani asks looking at Matt disgusted making the rest of us laugh.

“Shut up,” Matt says with a mouthful of half chewed cow hide, some of it spraying everywhere.

“That’s just lovely,” I say crinkling my nose up. “Oh, and we’re late because I, as fucking always, got the person with an IQ of about, oh I’d say a negative eight, to wait on me,” I say handing Jimmy his food .

“What happened? You’ve intrigued me,” Brian says smiling.

Once we spill to the guys what happened we all end up laughing and we eat we all decide The Ring movies will be the next on our list. When we were watching the Ring a few scene, such as when they find Amber in the closet with hunks of her skin missing, make me jump but the Ring Two is a much jumpier film.

When watching the ambulance scene in the Rink 2 when Rachel starts to look at the body bag I snuggle into Jimmy a little bit knowing good and damn well what comes next. When Samara’s arm reaches up and touches Rachel’s from the body bag I still jump a little making Jimmy laughing.

“It’s not funny!” I harshly whisper looking, somewhat glaring, up at Jimmy.

“Yeah it is. You jumped even though you knew it was coming,” he whispers back while smiling and trying not to laugh.

“And how did you know I knew if was coming smart guy?” I ask, still whispering so as to not piss off everyone else as I raise my eyebrow.

“Because you got closer to me,” he whispers back while still smiling.

“Oh,” I all I manage to get out before I’m cut off by a somewhat pissed Zacky.

“Will you two just shut the fuck up?” Zacky snaps.

“Sorry, Jesus,” Jimmy and I both say at the same time making us laugh, which only gets us more glares.

After the Ring 2 was over it’s already three in the morning so we all decide it’s time to go to bed with the same sleeping arrangements as before except now Johnny and Dani and Krista and Zacky are sharing rooms.

“If you want to you can sleep on one of the couches since the boys aren’t there,” I tell Jimmy on the way downstairs to my room.

“Nah; I’m fine sleeping in your room, that is unless you don’t want me there. It’s OK with you isn’t it?” he asks sending a glance my way.

“Oh yeah; it’s fine with me I was just making sure you wouldn’t rather sleep on a couch upstairs,” I say slightly stuttering as we reach my room.

“Night,” I tell Jimmy once I’m ready for bed and slipping in-between my covers.

“Night CD,” Jimmy says back before I pass out.