Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

More Good News

I hear a loud crash and jolt upright. I look around to see that I'm in my bed. I get up and stretch to see that I'm still in the same clothes as yesterday. I slowly make my way towards the kitchen where the sound came from. I walk into the kitchen to see Jimmy and a fuck load of shit in the floor.

"Love what did you do?" I ask yawning.

"I went to get something out of the drawer and it fucking fell out and everything fucking fell out of it," Jimmy says throwing stuff back into the drawer.

"That sucks. I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be right back," I say yawning again and heading back towards our room.

I walk into the bathroom and go through my morning routine. After my shower I get dressed in a pinstriped shirt with holes and safety pins in it, tripps, and my Jackass chucks. After I get dressed I walk into the living room to see Jimmy sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"What are you watching?" I ask sitting down beside him.

"The remake of When a Stranger Calls," Jimmy says not taking his eyes off of the screen.

"Is it any good?" I ask cuddling up to Jimmy.

"I haven't seen it yet," Jimmy says putting his arm around me.

"Why didn't they show what was in the room?" I whine after hearing all the screaming and seeing the police come out with bags of what I assume are body parts.

"Because it would be to gory for people who aren't as fucked up in the head as we are," Jimmy says laughing.

"We'll they're pussies and I wanna know what it was," I whine.

"You'll get to see it when it happens to Jill so be quiet," Jimmy says putting his pointer finger over my lips. I pout and stick my lips out making Jimmy laugh and move his finger.

"The original was so much fucking better," I say stretching once the movies over.

"Yeah. But you did jump," Jimmy points out.

"No I didn't," I say looking at Jimmy weird.

"CD you practically jumped into my lap when Rosa popped up," Jimmy says laughing.

"Shut the fuck up," I say playfully pushing him away.

"So what are we going to do now?" I ask a few minutes later.

"Jimmy ello? I asked what are we going to do today," I say after a few minutes of Jimmy not answering. "Jimmy what are you doing?" I whine.

"I'm shut up," Jimmy says trying not to smile.

"Smart ass," I say laughing.

"Babe my ass isn't smart but my head is," Jimmy says making me laugh so hard that I fall off of the couch.

"Wow CD no sugar or booze for you," Jimmy says helping me up.

"But that's all the good things," I whine sitting back down on the couch.

"Fine you can have booze but no sugar," Jimmy says laughing.

"Mkay but seriously what are we doing?" I ask.

"We're going drinking with everyone in an hour," Jimmy says smiling at me.

"What! Gah I have to change. I'll be back," I say trying to get off of the couch.

"No. Why do you have to change?" Jimmy asks pulling me back down into his lap.

"Because we're going drinking," I say as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

"But you already look hot," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Jimmy it's not nice to lie," I say giving him a peck on the cheek getting up walking towards our bedroom.

Once in the bedroom I walk over to the closet grab my clothes and get dressed in a corset with the ace of spades on the bottom corner of it, black dress pants, and black heels. Now I decide to redo my makeup. I quickly wash my face and then I put on a small amount of foundation. Next I do thick black eyeliner on my top and bottom lids with the cat eye effect and then do red around all of that. Then I put on blood red lip-gloss and smile at myself in the mirror as someone knocks on the door.

A few second later I hear Jimmy yell, "CD are you ready?"

"Yeah be there in a sec love," I yell back.

I make sure my bangs don't look like shit then walk out into the living room to see all the boys and their girl's. "Dani! Krista! Loves what the fuck are y'all doing here?" I ask hugging them both.

"Well Johnny asks me to move in with him," Dani says smiling from ear to ear.

"Halla! One more chika to hang out with," I say smiling.

"CD one you cannot talk like that! Also Zacky asked me to move in with him too," Krista says smiling.

"And you said yes? Wow love. Are you OK?" I ask laughing making Krista smack the fuck out of me.

"Ouch," I whine rubbing my arm where Krista had just smacked me.

"Aw my poor CD," Jimmy says in a kiddy voice.

"I have a boo-boo," I say back in a kiddy voice.

"Do you want me to kiss it and make it all better?" Jimmy asks smiling.

"Yesh but it hurts here too," I say smirking and pointing to my lips.

"OK we're leaving now," Megan says grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the apartment followed by everyone else.

"Love you can let go now. I'll be a good little CD I pwomise," I say laughing as Megan pulls me towards the steps.

"Do you promise not to attack Jimmah if I do?" Megan asks.

"I can't promise that he's a smexi beast and what the fuck did you call him?" I ask looking at Megan funny.

"I called him Jimmah tis his new name, we go over this every time i say it" Megan says laughing.

"Jimmy save me from the crazy lady," I say standing behind Jimmy.

"Can we go fucking drinking now?" GG whines making us all laugh.

"I agree. I need booze," I say getting into someone's car pulling Jimmy in behind me.

"Yay! Booze," GG squeals getting into the back with us and Matt.

"This isn't gonna work," I whine being crushed into Jimmy.

"If you can move to get in my lap and then you'll be able to breath," Jimmy says trying to detach himself from the side of the car. Once Jimmy got seated normally I crawl over and into his lap putting my head on the window. "Better?" Jimmy asks putting his head on my shoulder.

"Yep," I say smiling.

"That was the most fucked up ride of my entire life," I tell Jimmy once we get to the bar.

"Yeah and Dani and Johnny and Krista and Zacky practically fucking in the backseat didn't help at all," Jimmy says shuttering.

"Oh goth don't bring it up," I say ordering a JD and quickly chugging it.

"I want some," Jimmy says taking my second glass from me downing it.

"Goth fucking damn it! Haven't you fucking learned not to take my fucking booze the fuck away from me?" I ask looking at Jimmy like he's a idiot.

"But you love me so I can take you're fucking booze the fuck away from you," Jimmy says kissing me.

"This time only. Next time I can and fucking will gut you like a fucking fish," I say smiling sweetly downing another JD.

"So sweet. Now I know why I picked you," Jimmy says sarcastically.

"Well don't I feel loved," I say pouting.

"Aw poor little CD," Jimmy says laughing.

I stick my tongue out at him and go to put it back into my mouth but it's stuck. Seeing as how I'm a rocket scientist I have somehow managed to get my tongue ring caught on my lip ring. I try to shaking it loose by moving my tongue around but of course it doesn't fucking work.

"What the fuck are you fucking doing?" Jimmy asks looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"My tongue ring is stuck to my lip ring," I say or attempt to say.

"How the fuck do you manage to do these things?" Jimmy asks putting his hand under my chin and moving my head so he can see it.

"Because I'm mother fucking special ed," I say still trying to get my tongue free.

"You're going to have to take it out," Jimmy says tilting my head towards the light.

"Fine," I say untwisting the ball at the end of my tongue ring and slowly taking it out whimpering.

"It still hurt to do that?" Jimmy asks watching me putting the tongue ring back.

"Only when I take it in or out or if I hit it a certain way and yummy blood," I say smiling.

"CD you are defiantly one of a kind," Jimmy says laughing.

"But that just makes me so much cooler," I say laughing.

"Most defiantly," Jimmy says ordering us a bottle of Vodka.

"Hey you two if you can separate long enough to get out to the car we're leaving," Matt tells Jimmy and me three hours and multiple booze bottles later.

"Alright. Come one babe," Jimmy says standing up.

"Maky," I say trying to stand up and failing miserably giggling like mad.

"Fucking hell! She's giggling! How fucking much did she drink?" Megan asks.

"I only had dis many bottle of Vodka and JD and no not together in a category by themselves," I say giggling like mad holding up five fingers.

"Just get her to the car," Megan say shaking her head and walking away.

After Jimmy tries to get me to stand upright for about ten minutes he gets frustrated and simply throws me over his shoulder and carries me out to the car. "I see you finally go the drunken queen here," GG says giggling.

"Hey! You're drunk too," I say looking at GG weird.

"And how do you know this?" GG asks getting closer to my face.

"Well I got a stronger buzz from your breath and you're giggling like me and I'm shitfaced," I say giggling a little at the end.

"Yeah well, well you have shinny teeth," GG yells.

"Well duhr! I have shinny teeth. See there's this nifty little thing that I do it's called brush them. So blip bam boom! I have shinny teeth as you say," I say with a completely straight face and then giggle to no end once I'm finished.

"Will you shut the fuck up?" Matt asks.

"Fonie but you could be nice about it ya know," I say crossing my arms leaning back on Jimmy.

Once we get to our apartment complex Jimmy and I climb out of the car and make our way to the steps. "Can you make it up them by yourself?" Jimmy asks pulling out his key.

"Yeoppers," I say giggling.

"Alright. To the apartment," Jimmy says as he starts to climb the stairs.

I start to go up them clinging for dear life onto the railing. I do pretty damn good till I get about twenty steps up then it all goes to hell. I loose my balance and I go down, down, tumbling down the steps landing right on my face bouncing on the pavement once with a pretty little scrap on my face and entire arm which sobers me up pretty fucking fast.

"Are you OK?" Jimmy asks helping me up.

"Ouch. It burns," I say holding my left arm and the left side of my face.

"Let me see," Jimmy says moving my hand and what he thought was lightly touching my cheek.

"Gah! That fucking hurts! I've never been sobered up this fucking quickly," I say smacking his hand away.

"I would hope not I mean babe you fucking bounced on the damn sidewalk," Jimmy says slightly laughing.

"It's not fucking funny," I say pouting.

"Of course not. Now let's get you cleaned up," Jimmy says grabbing my un-fucked up hand and helping me up the steps.

Once we get upstairs and in the apartment Jimmy takes me into the bathroom and sits me down on the counter. He rummages around in the cabinet underneath of the sink for a few minutes before pulling out a bottle of rubbing alcohol. He goes to put it on my arm before I flip the fuck out and smack his hand away.

"What the hell was that for?" Jimmy asks looking at me funny.

"Do you have any fucking clue how fucking bad that would have burned?" I ask him.

"Yeah," he says with the same look on his face.

"And you were still gonna use it?" I ask shocked.

"It's good for it," Jimmy says trying to put it on again.

"Either get the hydrogen peroxide or get the fuck away from me," I say shrinking back against the wall.

"Fine," Jimmy sighs before digging through the cabinets again; this time pulling out hydrogen peroxide.

I smile and hand him my arm, which he wipes off, puts Neosporin on it and then bandages it up. He does the same thing with my face before putting everything away.

"Thanks love," I say giving him a peck on the cheek them jumping off of the counter top. I quickly get changed into a spaghetti strapped top and my Jack pants then I quickly climb in bed before I have a chance to pass out in the middle of the floor and the second my head hits the pillow I'm out like a fucking light