Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

The Psychotic Brother

Jimmy's POV

About thirty minutes into the drive to Berkley CD fell asleep with her head against the window; that was about four hours ago. I can't fucking believe in a month she's gonna be my wife. Then in eight month's we'll have a kid. So much for the carefree first year of marriage, but she's defiantly worth it. I hope Jade doesn't kill me when we tell him. As I'm driving the car starts to make a funny noise so I pull over just in time for the car to stall out.

"Fuck," I yell seeing CD stir in her sleep. I try to start the car again with no luck what so fucking ever. "Damn piece of shit," I say hitting the steering wheel.

"What's wrong?" CD asks yawning.

"It' s nothing just go back to sleep," I say smiling at her.

"Are you sure?" she asks trying to keep her eyes open.

"I'm positive baby. Just go back to sleep," I say kissing the top of her head.

"Mkay," she says cuddling up to her seat closing her eyes.

I pop the hood and get out of the car to see if I can figure out what the fuck is wrong with the damn thing. After checking everything imaginable and coming up empty handed I go to try and start the car again waking CD up again with all the cussing I do when it doesn't work.

"Still no luck?" she asks sitting up.

"No," I say hitting the steering wheel.

"Just a guess but what about the antifreeze?" she asks.

"What?" I say looking at her.

"Last time my car was being a fag it was because I ran outta antifreeze," she says shrugging.

I sigh but decide to humor her and get out of the car and check the anti-freeze to see the real problem. Something had come loose so I tightened it and climbed back into the car. I try again and it fires right up.

"Was I right?" CD asks amazed.

"Not quite but if you hadn't said that I wouldn't have found what was loose," I say smiling pulling back onto the road.

Normal POV

"How much longer till we get there?" I ask stretching.

"About two hours," Jimmy says thinking.

"I slept that long? Damn," I say amazed making Jimmy laugh.

"Are you nervous about telling my family?" I ask Jimmy.

"Definitely. I mean you have two brothers; I don't wanna be attacked," Jimmy says making a funny face.

"OK good," I say sighing.

"Good?" Jimmy asks like I'm on crack.

"Yeah. Now I know I'm not the only one that's afraid," I say looking out my window.

"Well at least you don't have to do it alone," Jimmy says smiling.

"True," I say as I begin to zone out.

"Um... Jimmy?" I ask once I stop zoning out.

"Yeah babe?" he asks glancing at me.

"This is gonna sound weird I know but do you mind stopping by the cemetery my dad's buried in? It's on our way to Jades," I say playing with my tongue ring.

"Sure baby. No problem. You just gotta tell me when we get close to it because we're already in Berkley," Jimmy says putting the brights on.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"Well, you looked like you where thinking hard about something so I didn't bug you," Jimmy explains.

"Oh well the cemetery's just a few minutes up the road," I say yawning.


"You want me to come with you?" Jimmy asks turning the car off once we're at the cemetery.

"If you don't mind and promise not to make fun of me for talking to a headstone," I say getting out of the car.

"I'd never make fun of you for that. Sides it's your dad our talking to not the headstone," Jimmy says putting his arm around me.

"You're the best," I say leaning into Jimmy as we walk towards Daddy's grave.

"I'm just trying to be as good as you deserve," Jimmy says kissing me making me blush. "I love how I can do that," Jimmy says touching my cheek where I'm blushing.

"Shut up," I say laughing.

"Why are you always so mean to me?" Jimmy whines.

"Oh you have yet to see mean Mister Sullivan," I say poking Jimmy's stomach.

"Is that so soon to be Mrs. Sullivan?" Jimmy asks kissing my neck.

"Jimmy! We're in a cemetery," I say giggling.

"So? I though you of all people would like it," Jimmy says as he stops.

"Well... I kinda do but considering the fact that we are now in front of my father's grave it feels like we're doing it in front of him and it's not right," I say sitting down in front of the tombstone. "Hey Daddy," I say looking at the tombstone. "Well it's only a month till the big day. And I have some news for ya. You're gonna be a grandpa. I found out I'm pregnant today. Jimmy and I are on our way to tell Jade and Smith now. I just hope Jade doesn't freak out and kill Jimmy or anything. He's always been so damn overprotective of me. Well it's kinda cool so I'm gonna get going. I just thought I'd tell you that. Love you. Bye Daddy," I say getting up and kissing my hand then pressing it against the cold tombstone.

"You sure you're ready to leave?" Jimmy asks putting his arm around my waist.

"Yeah. I just wanted him to know. Side's its getting cold," I say leaning into Jimmy.

"Alright. So we're going to Jade's?" Jimmy asks as we walk back towards the car.

"Yeah he said Smith would be there when we get there," I say nearly tripping over a tree root.

"Smooth babe. And why do both of them have to be there? I mean it's bad enough I have to tell your two brothers that I got you pregnant," Jimmy whines.

"At least you have Smith there. He'll make sure Jade doesn't beat the shit out of you. Besides Jade's not all that bad; he's just overprotective," I say as we reach the car.

"OK we're here now all we have to do is go in and tell them," I say after seeing Smith's car beside ours at Jade's.

"Why do I suddenly feel sick?" Jimmy asks.

"You'll be fine after all; I'm the preggers one. Now come on," I say getting out of the car. Jimmy grabs our stuff then follows me to the front door. I knock and within ten seconds Jade is opening the door. "Where do we put our stuff?" I ask Jade as Jimmy and I walk in.

"The guest bedroom upstairs," Jade says walking into the living room.

After Jimmy and I had put our shit in the room we walk downstairs and into the living room where Smith and Jade are sitting.

"So what's the big news?" Smith asks as Jimmy and I sit on the couch.

"Well you see," I say as I lace my fingers with Jimmy's.

"We see what?" Jade asks being his normal impatient self.

"I'm preggers," I say smiling.

"Congrats," Smith says smiling throwing a chip at me.

"Is this my present or something?" I ask laughing as I eat the chip.

"Yeah it is. Dude Jade are you OK?" Smith asks looking at a very pale Jade.

"Good goth damn you're paler than me," I say laughing.

"I cant fucking believe you're pregnant," Jade says as he turns red.

"And why the fuck is that?" I ask.

"You're not even married yet," Jade yells.

"We're getting married in a fucking month," I yell standing up.

"Well you're not married now so that makes the kid a bastard," Jade yells also standing up.

"Fucking watch it," Jimmy says standing up in between Jade and I.

"Look buddy you're not in the best position to tell me shit," Jade tells Jimmy taking a step closer to him. I quickly glance over to Smith who gets the idea and jumps up and stands behind Jade.

"You're not gonna fucking talk about my kid or to Christina like that," Jimmy says back. Jade pulls his arm back like he was going to hit Jimmy when Smith grabs him and drags him out of the room.

"Sorry about that," I say as we hear a very loud noise come from down the hall.

"It's not your fault and what the fuck was that?" Jimmy asks.

"It was Jade; most likely punching a hole in the wall," I say shrugging.

"Damn," Jimmy says looking towards the doorway.

"Meh. We all have bad tempers. Mine's worse than his so don't think of doing anything that will piss me off," I say smiling sweetly.

"Yeah defiantly won't do that," Jimmy says laughing as Smith walks back into the room.

"You guys want to crash at my place tonight?" Smith asks laughing.

"If you don't mid," I say smiling sweetly.

"The innocent bit stopped working a long ass time ago Chrissy but come on grab your shit and let's go," Smith says laughing.

"Thanks. Love you," I say kissing Smith on the cheek going up to get our stuff.

"I just wanna say sorry again love. I had no idea he would react like that," I say to Jimmy as we lug our stuff into Smith's guest bedroom.

"Baby don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault," Jimmy says throwing his bag down.

"I know but I just.. Maybe I shoulda have told him by myself," I say sitting down on the bed.

"Christina it's not your fault. Besides I rather him do that with me than you," Jimmy says sitting beside me.

"Brothers other than Smith suck," I say crawling into Jimmy's lap.

"I'm sorry baby," Jimmy says kissing the top of my head.

"It's not your fault Jade's a bi-polar dick. Do you mind if we just stay in here and watch a movie or something?" I ask Jimmy putting my head on his shoulder.

"No. Why are you so cuddly today?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"Because I luvb you," I say snuggling closer to Jimmy.

"So you don't luvb me on other days?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"No I mean yeah I do just gah! I guess it's the whole being pregnant thing," I say sighing.

"Oh OK. Well what movie do you want to watch?" Jimmy asks.

"The Omen old school. I know Smith has it because I gave it to him. I'll go get it," I say getting up and heading towards the living room.

I walk back into the room with the movie and pop it into the DVD player. As the DVD loads I sit on the bed beside Jimmy. "When do you want to leave tomorrow?" Jimmy asks as I put my head on his shoulder.

"Whenever we get up. I want to get home and make an appointment with the doctor to make sure I am pregnant," I say as Jimmy leans back taking me with him.

"Mkay," Jimmy says as I yawn.

"I'm gonna go change really quick because I'm going to fall asleep during this," I say getting up changing into my mermaid pjs.

After I get changed I see Jimmy laying in bed under the covers. "Now I know I'll fall asleep watching this," I say climbing into bed cuddling up to Jimmy.

"Don't feel bad I probably will too," Jimmy says laughing as he starts to movie. Sure as hell around an hour into the movie I fall fast asleep.

The next morning Jimmy and I wake up around six thanks to my puking. I call the operator and get the doctors number from them and luckily they have a open appointment at four. Jimmy and I get ready, tell Smith goodbye and all that shit and head back home.

"Gah I have no fucking clue what they're going to do to me," I say biting my nails once we're at my doctor's appointment.

"Baby calm down. I'm sure it won't be that bad," Jimmy says squeezing my hand that has permanently fixed itself in his.

"I guess," I say as the door opens.

"Hello I'm Dr. Callis. Miss Puget," Dr. Callis begins.

"Christina please," I say loathing being called Miss Puget.

"Ah yes Christina all I'll be doing today is a blood test to see if you are in fact pregnant because you seem to have all the symptoms thereof," the Doctor says looking up at me.

"What kinda of blood test?" I ask as I quit biting my nails.

"Just a simple prick on your finger will give us an efficient amount of blood to determine whether or not you're pregnant," the doctor explains.

"How long will it be till we know if she is?" Jimmy asks.

"Only a few moments," Dr. Callis says.

"Now Christina may I have one of your pointer fingers?" Dr Callis asks after getting a small needle and a blood testing strip. I sigh and give the doctor my left hand. He takes it and pricks my finger, slightly squeezing it, and places the blood on the blood-testing strip. "Now I'll be back in ten minutes with your result," he says as he scurries out of the room.

"See baby? It wasn't that bad," Jimmy says laughing at me as I lick the excess blood away.

"I'm a vampire what do you expect?" I ask as I continue to lick blood off of my finger.

"Don't do that it's gross," Jimmy says taking my hand holding it in his.

"Foine," I say pouting.

"Christina look. If you're not pregnant by some chance I don't want you to be disappointed OK," Jimmy says squeezing my hands.

"I won't. You know at first I was so afraid of telling you that I thought I was pregnant it isn't even funny," I say playing with our hands.

"Why?" Jimmy asks.

"I just was afraid of how you where going to take it. I didn't know if you would be happy or get mad and not want it or what," I say looking down.

"Baby," Jimmy starts but is interrupted by Dr. Callis walking in.

"Well Miss Puget and Mr. Sullivan," Dr. Callis says looking at something in my chart.

"Yes?" both Jimmy and I ask at the same time.

"Congratulations you are going to be parents. Now Miss Puget have you ever been pregnant before?" Dr. Callis asks.

"No sir," I say shaking my head.

"No alcohol and remember whatever you eat goes to the baby first."

"OK," I say nodding.

"I'd like to see you at the end of the month. Then I should be able to tell you how many you have," Dr. Callis says smiling.

"How many? Like twins or something?" Jimmy asks.

"Exactly," the doctor responds.

"Thank you Doctor," I say as I get up.

"You're welcome. Just make your appointment on the way out," Doctor Callis says opening the door for us.

"Jimmy?" I ask sitting down once we're home.

"Yeah CD," Jimmy says sitting down beside me putting his arm around me.

"Do you want more than one kid?" I ask propping my feet up on the rest of the couch.

"Ideally only one but I'd take sextuplets if you have em," Jimmy says laughing.

"Don't fucking say that! You'll jinx me," I say smacking Jimmy lightly on the stomach.

"You don't want six babies at once?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"Preferably not! I'm already going to be a bloated cow with one. I'm hungry. You want anything to eat?" I ask getting up.

"You and not going to be a bloated cow; you're going to be the beautiful women carrying my kid. Please? I'll have whatever you're having," Jimmy says smiling.

"OK," I say heading to the kitchen to make some kind of pasta.

Jimmy's POV

As soon as I'm sure CD's in the kitchen I pull out my cell and call Brian's house.

"Hello?" Brian asks answering the phone.


"Jimmy. What's up?" he asks

"Not much. Um... is Megan there? I have a favor to ask of her," I say praying that she is

"Yeah she's talking to GG hold on a second," Brian says as I hear some noise in the background growing.

"OK." A few seconds of silence pass then I hear the phone being picked up elsewhere and put on speaker phone.

"Yesh Jimmah?" Megan asks.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" I ask.

"Jimmah. Now what can I do for you?" she asks laughing.

"I was wondering if you and GG could keep CD busy for a couple of days," I say smiling.

"Sure but why?" both she and Megan ask at the same time.

"Creepy. And because I'm gonna look for a house. I want it to be my wedding gift to her so I don't want her to know anything about it," I explain.

"Sure love don't worry about it. We'll have her so busy with wedding shit she won't be able to think about what you're doing," GG says laughing evilly.

"OK thanks. Bye," I say laughing.

"Byez," they both say at the same time then hang up.