Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Moving Day

"You OK?" Jimmy asks me laughing as I literally fall onto the couch beside him.

"Those damn friends of mine have been running me ragged for two whole weeks," I whine putting my head on Jimmy's shoulder.

"Aw poor CD. Do you still have enough energy to go somewhere?" Jimmy asks resting his head on mine.

"That depends. Where are we going?" I ask cuddling up to Jimmy.

"It's a surprise," Jimmy says smiling.

"If you carry me to the car I'll go to mother fucking Timbuktu with you," I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"So easy to please," Jimmy says laughing as he picks me up and totes me to the car. "You can't look," Jimmy says taking the head wrap I was wearing and pulling it over my eyes before pulling out of the parking lot.

"Jimmy! I can't see," I whine.

"You don't need too," Jimmy says laughing.

"But I don't like being blind," I whine again.

"Calm down. Just turn on the radio or something," Jimmy says laughing.

"Love, how the fuck am I supposed to do that?" I ask.

"Oh yeah that could be kinda hard," Jimmy says laughing.

"You should sing," I say smiling.

"Um.. no," Jimmy says laughing.

"Oh come on! I've sung in front of you before," I whine.

"Yes but you were drunk," Jimmy says laughing.

"So! You can actually sing," I whine.

"No I can't," Jimmy says slightly laughing.

"Don't even fucking start! You fucking sing back up for Avenged Sevenfold and lead for Pinkly Smooth. Come on," I whine.

"I don't want too," Jimmy says turning the radio on.

After about five minutes I turn the radio off with Jimmy laughing at me as I hit every wrong button imaginable. "You could have helped me out ya know," I say blushing once I finally got the right button.

"I'm sorry," Jimmy says still slightly laughing.

"Gah you suck. Sing pwease?" I whine.

"No," Jimmy says laughing at me.

"Stop laughing at me! Are we almost there?" I ask getting fidgety.

"Like five more minutes," Jimmy says turning the radio back on.

"Pantera," I screech as I being to sing along to Walk. "AHA!" I yell half way through the song.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jimmy asks laughing.

"A lot and you're singing," I say smiling like a three year old.

"Shut up," Jimmy says laughing as he stops the car.

"Are we there?" I ask trying to take of my head wrap.

"No! Don't take it off yet," Jimmy says grabbing my hands.

"Foine," I whine. I hear Jimmy get out of the car then a few seconds later my door's being open and I nearly fall out.

"Smooth babe," Jimmy says catching me.

"It's not my fault. You didn't tell me what you were doing," I whine.

"I'm sorry. Now come one," Jimmy says wrapping his arm around my waist leading me somewhere.

"Where are you taking me?" I whine.

"Just a couple more steps come on," Jimmy says leading me about ten more steps.

"You can look now," Jimmy says taking off my head wrap.

I blink my eyes a couple of times and let me eyes adjust to the light. Once my eyes had adjust I see a cute little three story gray house with a two door garage. "We're at a house?" I ask Jimmy confused.

"But it's not just a house. It's our house," Jimmy says smiling.

"What?" I ask looking at Jimmy.

"It's ours. It's my wedding present to you," Jimmy says smiling.

"That's fucking awesome," I say attacking Jimmy in a hug.

"You wanna see the inside?" Jimmy asks digging around for something in his pockets pulling out a key.

"Of fucking course," I say grabbing Jimmy's hand and running up to front door.

"So this is obviously the foyer," Jimmy says doing a Vanna White pose as we walk into the house.

"Love don't," I say laughing grabbing his hands.

"Fine spoil my fun," Jimmy pouts. "This is the living room and there's the dinning room," Jimmy says as we walk into a large partially empty room.

"Why is there stuff in here?" I ask looking around noticing a few chairs in the living room then stuff in the dinning room.

"I've been getting shit then gradually moving our stuff here," Jimmy says smiling.

"You've been stealing my stuff? Some fiance," I say rolling my eyes.

"You know you love me," Jimmy says smiling.

"Yeah I do. Now on with the tour," I say slightly pushing Jimmy into the next room.

Jimmy shows me around the rest of the house. It has three bedrooms upstairs along with two bathrooms. There's a basement with a bedroom, entertainment room, and a room that the guys will be able to practice in. It also has a two-car garage.

"So when are we moving in?" I ask Jimmy as we walk back towards the car.

"Well since tomorrow's Saturday Brian, Matt, Megan and GG said they'd help us do it tomorrow," Jimmy says shrugging.

"Live move in move in or just our shit?" I ask getting into the car.

"Well, I was thinking move in move in but if you don't.."

"Mkay. I was just wondering," I say smiling.

"Want to go get something to eat? I know a great Italian place," Jimmy says as he starts the car.

"Sure I'm hungry. All I've had today is a kiwi," I say laughing.

"Why didn't you eat something else?" Jimmy asks in a funny voice.

"Because I wasn't hungry till now. Why?" I ask.

"Just wondering and you need to be feeding my kid," Jimmy says shrugging.

"So what have you and the girls gotten done for the wedding?" Jimmy asks as we wait for our food at a Mom and Pop's Italian joint.

"Well, you know I have the dress and shit. We have the place, sent all the invitations out a while ago and gotten all the response thingies back, basically everything sides the minister guy," I say thinking.

"Anybody important not coming?" Jimmy asks.

"Well one person but it's no big deal," I say shaking my head.

"Who's that?" Jimmy asks.

"Really it's no big deal," I say playing with my ring.

"Well it kinda obviously is. Who is it?" Jimmy asks grabbing my hands.

"Mom," I mumble.

"Who?" Jimmy asks with a confused look on his face.

"My mom," I say a little louder still not looking up.

"I'm sorry Christina," Jimmy says rubbing the top of my hands with his thumbs.

"Not you're fault my mom's a bitch," I say shrugging as the food comes. The rest of dinner we just talk about random stuff then head back to the apartment.

"Jimmy did you leave the light on?" I ask once we get back to the apartment.

"No why?" he asks looking for his keys.

"Lights coming from under the door," I say pointing to the light.

"Maybe I did," Jimmy says shrugging opening the door. We walk in to see the whole crew sitting in the living room watching TV.

"What the fuck guys?" I ask looking at the all like they're on crack.

"What? We can't pop in and visit?" Matt asks laughing.

"Not when we're not here," Jimmy says sitting down on the couch pulling me into his lap.

"In the house we don't tell them where the spare key is," I tell Jimmy who laughs while nodding.

"Well don't I feel loved," Johnny says fake pouting.

"Dani loves you," I say smiling.

"Damn straight I do," Dani says kissing Johnny, which quickly leads to making out.

"Not on our furniture," I whine.

"Um we're gonna go now," Johnny says as he and Dani run towards the door.

"What a hoe," Krista says laughing.

"And you have what room to talk? You and Zacky do nothing but make out and fuck," GG says laughing.

"But not in front of y'all," Krista says giggling.

"Ah! I have such fucked up friends," I say laughing.

"Like you're not fucked up?" Megan asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Shut the fuck up! Jimmy make her be nice," I say putting my head on Jimmy's chest.

"Megan play nice," Jimmy says before kissing me.

"Yay," I squeal smiling. The rest of the night we just talk about random ass shit.

"So we'll see ya tomorrow. What time are we gonna start?" Megan asks as she and Brian walk towards the door.

"Um twelve?" I more ask than say.

"How about ten? Then we know we'll get it done," Jimmy says stretching.

"Alright see ya," Matt says smiling as he and the rest leave.

"So it's our last night here," Jimmy says smiling.

"No really," I say giggling.

"I wonder what we could do the rest of the night," Jimmy says tapping his chin.

"I can think of one thing," I say smiling.

"I think we're thinking the same thing," Jimmy says smiling as he picks me up and carries me to the bedroom.

"Christina, sweetheart wake up," Jimmy says kissing my collarbone the next morning.

"Um?" I ask Jimmy rubbing my eyes.

"It's time to get up baby. I pack just about everything. All you have to do is shower and get dressed. Then we have to wait for everybody else," Jimmy says smiling.

"Will you take a shower with me?" I ask sitting up wrapping the sheet around me.

"That's why I haven't gotten dressed yet," Jimmy says laughing.

"I knew that," I say blushing as I look up to see Jimmy in his boxers.

Jimmy laughs then follows me to the bathroom. We shower then I go through my normal morning routine and get dressed in Tool shirt, tight black pants and my HIM adios. As soon as I'm dressed someone's knocking on the door.

"Baby will you get that? I'm gonna grab something to eat," I tell Jimmy smiling.

"Sure love. There's still some yogurt in the fridge. I figured you'd want something to eat," Jimmy says kissing me as the doorbell rings again.

"I should probably go get that," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Probably," I say laughing as I kiss him back.

"Don't fucking worry about us! Brian got the spare key," Megan yells bursting open the door.

"Sorry love we were busy," I say giggling as Jimmy and I walk towards the kitchen.

"She's giggling so I don't wanna know," Megan says shaking her head as I grab my yogurt.

"So where do we begin?" Matt asks.

"I figured we could do the actual moving since I don't want CD hurting herself," Jimmy says hugging me from behind patting my stomach.

"Aw that's so sweet," I say smiling as I turn around kissing Jimmy.

"OK break it the fuck up you two," Megan says sitting on the counter.

"Foine," I say laughing pushing Jimmy away eating my yogurt.

"So what's the new house look like?" GG asks as us girls watch the boys tote everything out of the apartment.

"It's fucking awesome! You'll see it later," I say smiling as I throw my yogurt away. The girls and I all grab a box and head downstairs and out to the three cars we're putting everything in.

"What are you doing?" Jimmy asks taking the box from me.

"Helping?" I more ask than say.

"Aren't you supposed to not lift stuff," Jimmy asks slightly freaking out.

"That's not till later you dumb fuck," Brian says smacking Jimmy upside the head.

"Shut the hell up," Jimmy says smacking Brian upside the head.

"Hey! Don't abuse my boy toy," Megan says kissing Brian's head where Jimmy just smacked him.

"Now my love's play nice," I say laughing.

"Well to the new house away," GG says laughing getting into her hummer that was loaded full of shit.

"I think my arms are gonna fall off," Matt whines nine long hours later.

"You? You? You have fucking muscles unlike these damn noodles I have," I say trying to flail my arms around but giving up after it starts hurting.

"Moving blows," Jimmy says falling down on the couch after bringing in the last and final box.

"Yep. But now you two have to unpack. So ha ha! We're leaving before you can wrangle us into helping with that too. Brian carry me," Megan whines.

Brian rolls his eyes and picks Megan up muttering, "Bye."

"He's so fucking whipped," Matt says laughing.

"Matt car carry me," GG nearly barks.

"Sure baby," Matt says carrying her out making me laugh so hard I start to cry.

"Are you OK?" Jimmy asks looking at me funny.

"Yeah. It's just so fucking funny," I say laughing so hard I fall off the couch.

"You haven't been drinking have you?" Jimmy asks concerned.

"Of fucking course not! I can't drink because of the baby," I say rubbing my stomach.

"I know just making sure. The only time you usually laugh that hard is when you're drunk," Jimmy says helping me up pulling me into his lap.

"I can't fucking believe we have our own house," I say after a few minutes of silence.

"I know. It's really weird," Jimmy says running his fingers through my hair.

"That's making me more tired then I already am," I say yawning.

"Do you want to put anything away tonight or just call it a night?" Jimmy asks as I snuggle into his chest.

"If you want to do anything I suggest we get started before I'm entirely worthless," I say while laughing.

"Wanna just unpack our clothes and shit for the bed so we don't have to sleep on the couch?" Jimmy asks sitting up some more bringing me with him.

Jimmy helps me off of the couch because I'm so tired my body practically refuses to get up on it's own and we head downstairs.

"Why do I have this many clothes?" I whine after about two hours.

"I don't know baby but I think I found the comforter and shit," Jimmy says pulling everything out and putting it on the bed.

"Do you mind if we just sleep Jimmy?" I ask lying down on the bed once Jimmy's made it.

"No but go change," Jimmy says laughing.

"No," I whine stripping down to my bra and thong.

"Never mind. I like you better like that," Jimmy says laughing as he strips down to his boxers.

"Shut up and get down here," I say laughing as I pull him down onto the bed. "Night my love," I say as I cuddle up to Jimmy using him as a pillow.

"Night baby," Jimmy says kissing my forehead as I swiftly drift off to sleep.