Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Bachelorette Party

"I can't fucking believe we're getting married in two days," I tell Jimmy giggling as I slowly wake up.

"I know it's gonna be great. But I won't see you at all tomorrow," Jimmy says pouting.

"I know! It's not fair. I'm just not allowed to see you on the wedding day. I can see you the day before the wedding," I whine cuddling up to Jimmy.

"I know. They're gay. I don't like them," Jimmy says laughing.

"Well sometime Brian and Zacky make me wonder if they really are gay," I say laughing.

"That's fucking great," Jimmy says laughing so hard he falls off of the bed bringing me with him.

"Ouch! My boob got smashed," I whine rolling over onto my back.

"Aw I'm sorry," Jimmy says kissing my chest making me giggle.

"That was all a ploy to do that," I whine sitting up.

"Yes it was. I have been caught whatever shall I do?" Jimmy asks flailing about making me laugh.

"Well you could take a shower with your fiance," I say smiling.

"I think I shall," Jimmy says picking me up and running towards the bathroom.

After our shower I go through my normal mourning routine and get dressed in a Maiden shirt, tripps and A7X tongue ring. "So what are we going to do love?" I ask Jimmy as I plop myself down on the couch with my coffee.

"I say we lock the doors and turn off all the lights and stay down here and watch movies," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Um. I like this idea. Especially the part where it looks like we're not home," I say smiling as I kiss Jimmy back.

"You.. know.. if.. we.. keep.. doing.. this.. we'll.. never.. get.. to.. the.. watching.. movies.. part," Jimmy says in-between kisses.

"I agree," I say giggling.

"I loved all the movies we watch tonight," I say giggling like mad as I get redressed in a pair of Jimmy's boxers and a red wife beater later on that night.

"So did I they were amazing," Jimmy says laughing as he crawls into bed.

"I'm gonna miss you tomorrow," I pout getting into bed.

"I know. I'm gonna miss you too," Jimmy says kissing my head.

"I hate my friends. I don't wanna leave my Jimmy Poo," I say laughing.

"And I don't want to leave my Christina Poo," Jimmy says laughing as his kisses my neck.

"Jimmy," I whine.

"What ie," Jimmy says in the same tone.

"I'm too tired to do it again," I whine using Jimmy as a pillow.

"Not even one more time?" Jimmy whines.

"No! I'm already preggers. Leave me be," I whine.

"You're no fun," Jimmy pouts.

"Well I'm sorry. Now shut up! I wanna sleep," I say laughing.

"So demanding," Jimmy says laughing.

"You know you like being my bitch," I say trying not to laugh but failing horrible.

"With that said I'm going to sleep," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Mkay. Night love," I say kissing his chest.

"Night baby," Jimmy says kissing my head and wrapping his arm around me.

Early the next morning I feel myself slowly rocking back and forth back and forth. What the fucking hell is going on? I open my eyes and look up to see Brian carrying me.

What the fucking hell?" I start screaming.

"No! sh! Be quite and calm the fuck down," Brian says putting his hand over my mouth.

"Where the fuck are you taking me?" I ask him as we go through the front door.

"To my place," Matt says making me jump.

"Where the fuck did you come from?" I ask.

"Well, you see when a daddy and a mommy love each other very much," Matt says laughing.

"Very fucking funny. How the hell did y'all in?" I ask as Brian puts me in the car.

"That's where I come in," Johnny says smiling as I'm shoved over closer to him by Matt.

"Ha ha! They could only trust you to drive," I say pointing at Zacky.

"Shut up," Zacky says as he pulls out of my driveway.

"Hey ya go. Now we're off to wake up Jimmy," Brian says laughing evilly as he sets me down in Matt's living room where Megan, GG, Krista, and Dani were sitting.

"You know there is this nifty little invention called a cell phone that, had you called it, I would have gladly answered it and come over here," I say glaring at the girls.

"Well this was more fun," Megan says smiling.

"Whatever. GG can I take a shower and have some clothes?" I ask considering haven't showered since yesterday and I'm cold as fucking hell.

"Sure love come on," GG says leading me to the bathroom and handing me clothes.

I thank her then take a shower. After my shower I go through my normal routine. I keep my body jewelry in and then get dressed in a Jack shirt with some black pants both being a bit baggy and short on me.

"The true me hath finally arrived," I say sitting on the couch beside Megan.

"Nice love," Megan says laughing.

"So how does it feel knowing tomorrow you're going to be Mrs. James Owen Sullivan?" Krista asks.

"I love it. I mean ah! I'm fucking getting married tomorrow," I say smiling like an idiot.

"And it's Halloween. Yay," GG says making us all laugh.

"Megan come tomorrow are you gonna be OK?" I ask.

"Yeah. I guess I mean as soon as I let go of Brian I can cling to GG," Megan says slightly smiling.

"Ah I luvb you! You'll suffer to be in a cemetery for me," I squeal hugging Megan.

"So girls what are we gonna do for my fucking bachelorette party?" I ask sitting back.

"Well we were thinking about watching horror flicks till around seven then we're going to a club. Yesh, we know you can't drink but hey we can still party. We'll even stay sober for ya," Dani says smiling.

"Or at least try to," Megan add laughing.

"Well if something does happen you have a DD," I say laughing.

"True dat home dawg! So since you are the bride to be you get to pick out the first movie," GG says smiling.

"Mkay I say The Shinning," I say squealing as I pick the movie up and put it in the DVD player.

"OK bitches let's go get hot," Megan says getting up five movies later so it's seven.

"Mkay! GG can I borrow more clothes? And before you say it yesh, I know I'm a whore," I say laughing.

"Sure come on," GG says leading me to her closet.

I look around and eventually get dressed in a black corset, miniskirt, fishnets and pinstriped heels. I reapply my makeup then walk into the living room to see everyone else is already ready.

"Sorry girls. I'm a slow ass mofo I know," I say laughing.

"That you are. Now let us away to the club Batman," GG says linking her arm with mine.

"Aye aye Robin," I say giggling as we skip yes skip out of the apartment and too the car.

"Hey CD come on we're gonna get booze then scope the place out," the girls say as they lead me over to the bar at the club where guess who we see.

"Jimmy!" I squeal as I run over to him jumping on him.

"Hey baby. You look fucking great " Jimmy says kissing me.

"Thanks," I say blushing.

"You retards said you were going to a strip club so it would be safe for us to come here," Megan says glaring at the boys.

"We were but we decided to come here. Besides now we can have bachelorette and bachelor combination party," Brian says wrapping his arm around Megan's waist.

"You guys suck but come on," Dani says smiling as she pulls Johnny onto the dance floor. Soon prey much everyone other than Jimmy and I follow them onto the dance floor.

"What did they do to you to wake you up?" I ask Jimmy as we sit down at a table.

"Well, since they love me oh so much they decided to throw water on me and yell wake the fuck up," Jimmy says fake smiling.

"Aw! My poor baby! That's better than me though," I say laughing.

"I highly doubt it. How did they wake you up?" Jimmy asks.

"They didn't. I woke up to someone carrying me and I saw unfamiliar tattoos and I freaked the hell out," I say laughing.

"That's my girl," Jimmy says laughing.

"Yes. The fact that they totally left us is slightly sad," I say laughing.

"I know. But I like this party better than the one they had planned for me," Jimmy says smiling.

"Aw! Jimmy that's so fucking sweet," I say kissing him.

"Oh! Marilyn Manson! Come on love! Dance with me," I say getting up pulling on Jimmy's hand.

"Alright, just let me get up," Jimmy says laughing as he gets up and leads me out onto the dance floor.

We stay there till about four when GG and Matt come over and tell us that we're leaving and that the guys are going to our house and I'm going back to GG's apartment.

"I'm gonna miss you," I say kissing Jimmy.

"I'm gonna miss you too. But guess what," Jimmy says putting his forehead on mine.

"What?" I ask laughing.

"We're getting married tomorrow," Jimmy says kissing me.

"I know," I say giggling as I kiss Jimmy again.

"OK love birds break it the pulls me away and Brian does the same with Jimmy.

"I love you," Jimmy says smiling as Brian drags him away.

"Love you too," I yell back as Megan pulls me towards the door.

Once we get to GG's its around four thirty and the wedding starts around sevenish at night so we all decide to go to sleep. Even though it takes me forever to fall asleep because I'm so fucking excited.