Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Early Wake Up Call and Killer Jellyfish

I wake up to someone jumping on my bed. "Fuck off!" I yell but it's muffled because my face is buried in my pillow.

"Is that anyway to talk to your big brother?" The person asks.

"Yesh," I say as I sit up and look at Jade.

"Damn you're a bitch," Jade says shaking his head while laughing.

"I know. I get it from you," I say laughing as I look at my clock. It reads 9:30. What the hell? Why am I up at 9:30? "Why the hell did you wake me up at 9:30?" I ask Jade in a beyond pissed off voice.

"Because I can," he says shrugging. I look at him and roll my eyes then smack him on the arm.

"Who was in your room when I came in here?" Jade asks going into nosy big brother mode.

"Why should I tell you?" I ask him raising my eyebrows.

"Because I'm your big brother and every boyfriend you have has to go through me first," Jade says sticking his chest out making me laugh.

"Jade, love, he's not my boyfriend. I mean I think he's cute but I don't know," I say sighing.

"Well if he ever does become your boyfriend and he hurts you I'll kill him," Jade says with a totally straight face.

"Aw, thanks Jade," I say hugging him.

"Anytime Stina," Jade says ruffling my hair.

"You know I'd kick anyone else's ass for saying or doing that right?" I ask Jade looking up at him.

"Yep but I'm special like that," he say doing this weird pose thing.

"Well I need to shower," I say standing up.

"Yes you do," Jade says laughing as I shove him out the door.

I do my normal morning then get dressed in my newest AFI shirt with my skinny black jeans and my batman beanie. After that I went upstairs and saw that the only people that are also up up are Jimmy, Megan, GG and myself. Jade kept looking at Jimmy weird while Jimmy had this, what the fuck look on his face.

"Jade play nice," I say making everyone look at me.

"Hey! That's so wrong my face is on your boob," Jade says with a grossed out look on his face.

"What are you doing looking at my boob?" I ask Jade slightly freaked out.

"I wasn't," Jade says really quickly.

"Whatever," I say as I sit beside Jimmy at the table.

"Why did you sit beside him? Are you two going out?" Jade asks me.

"What? No we're just friends," I say turning a million shades of red.

"Well that's really convincing Stina. Either you two are dating or you like him," Jade says pointing to Jimmy.

"Shut up!," I say through gritted teeth.

"Aw! You do like him Stina," Jade coos.

"Jade shut up!" I yell getting even redder.

"Well I'm gonna go now. Bye," Jade says as he kisses my forehead.

"Bye ya ass," I yell to him as he leaves.

"I swear we are not related by blood. I'm adopted," I tell Jimmy making him laugh.

"I think it's nice how he shows that he's worried about you," Jimmy says.

"Yeah but he's overly worried. I'm a big girl I can take care of myself," I whine as I rest my head on Jimmy's shoulder, "I'm so tired."

"Then go back to sleep," Jimmy says laughing.

"I can't. I'm too awake now," I say whining. I look around and don't see GG or Megan anymore.

"Where did they go?" I ask Jimmy looking around.

"I don't know," he says shrugging making my head fall off of his shoulder.

"Jimmy! I was comfortable," I whine.

"Oh well," he says laughing.

"Meanie," I say pouting.

"Yep," Jimmy says laughing, "What does CD stand for?"

"It stands for Christina Death. My real name is Christina and since I like The 69 Eyes so much everyone started calling me that after they hear their song Christina Death. But GG and Megan have been calling me that forever," I say laughing.

"Cool Christina Death. It has a morbid ring to it," Jimmy says laughing.

"Yesh well I am morbid," I say laughing.

"Do you want to do something?" Jimmy asks me.

"Sure. Um let's play air hockey! No one has ever beaten me in a air hockey game before," I say smiling.

"Well get ready to loose for the first time," Jimmy says getting up.

When Jimmy and I go through the living room to get to the stairs we see GG and Matt and Megan and Brian sitting in the couches talking. "They ditched me to be with guys don't I feel so loved," I say laughing.

"Yeah? Well you're with the coolest guy so don't worry about it," Jimmy says laughing.

"Sure you are love. You ready to loose?" I ask Jimmy tossing him the puck and one of the paddle thingies.

"Yes! I win again," I yell as I do my happy /victory dance a couple hours later.

"Come on I so let you win," Jimmy says laughing at my dance.

"No you didn't! I so whipped your ass at that game," I say smiling.

"Sure you did. Sure. I so let you win," Jimmy says smiling.

"No! I won fair and square," I pout sitting down on the couch crossing my arms over my chest.

"Aw don't pout about it," Jimmy says sitting down beside me.

"I'm not pouting. You're just lying," I say sticking out my bottom lip a little.

"Fine you won that game and all the others fair and square," Jimmy says sighing while shaking his head.

"Yay! I told you," I say laughing.

"Wow CD your special," Jimmy says smiling.

"Damn straight. But that's why I'm loved," I say laughing.

"Yes it is," Jimmy says smiling.

"Do you wanna do something else?" I ask Jimmy.

"Yeah I'm kinda board," Jimmy answers looking around the room.

"How about we go swimming? I'll go tell the others," I say getting up.

"OK sounds good to me," Jimmy says getting up as well.

I head upstairs to find everyone else sitting in the living room. "There you are," Krista says smiling.

"Where's Jimmy?" Matt asks.

"He's still downstairs," I say sitting by GG.

"Oh! What were you two doing?" Megan asks giggling.

"Nothing! We were just playing air hockey," I say smiling. "Well, we're going swimming do y'all wanna join us?" I ask looking around.

"Hellz to the yeah," GG says getting up.

"Well, I'm gonna go change, later," I say as I go back downstairs. I get into my room and pick out my black bikini and put on my black and red board shorts before running back upstairs. "Are y'all ready to go swimming?" I ask everyone as I walking into the living room.

"Yes we were waiting on you," Dani says laughing.

"Leave me alone it was hard as fuck to get this thing tied," I say pointing to my top.

"I'm sure I know some one who would have done it for you," Zacky says looking at Jimmy who blushes.

"Zacky leave him alone. And I'm sure if it weren't for Krista you would have jumped at the chance," I say sitting by Jimmy.

"Ok lets go to the beach," GG says standing up and walking out the door.

"Bitch I just sat down," I say getting up.

"Tough shit bitch," GG says laughing as we all begin the fifteen-minute walk down to the beach.

When we get there we put all of our stuff up and make sure it can't get wet and then we begin to wade our way into the water.

"Goth I hate this time of the year. Watch out for Jellyfish because they're fucking everywhere," Megan says looking in the water. Right after she says this Brian pokes her in the side making her jump about three feet.

"That was so not funny," Megan says laughing.

"And yet you're laughing," I say laughing at Megan.

"Shut up," she barks glaring at me

We stay in the relatively shallow water for a while then we stay in water up to my chest for about an hour and then we started to go further out. After about three feet we stopped because Megan and Dani would have drowned otherwise.

"Hey anyone wanna have a chicken fight against me and Matt?" GG asks.

"Oh me and Johnny will," Dani says splashing around.

So GG gets on Matt's shoulders while Dani gets on Johnny's. Somehow I got roped into being the ref of this match. "OK on three go. Ready? One. Two Three," I yell.

After three Matt and Johnny charged towards each other and GG and Dani tried to throw each other in the water. After about three minutes GG shoved Dani around her stomach and she and Johnny fell backwards into the water. I walk over to GG and Matt and take one of their arms in each hand and say," The winners," as I raise their arms up into the air.

"Any other challengers?" Matt asks everyone.

"Hell yes," Zacky says laughing. So now it's Matt and GG versus Zacky and Krista. Matt and GG won this round really quick because Matt tripped Zacky about 40 seconds into their round.

"Yay! We win again," GG says as she waves her arms around in the air above her head.

"But now you're gonna loose," Megan says as she gets onto Brian's shoulders.

"Bring it," GG says laughing as she get onto Matt's shoulders.

"Why do I have to ref again," I whine after they choose me.

"Because you're Matt and my good luck charm," GG say laughing.

"Arg! OK on three go. Ready? One. Two Three," I yell. It took awhile but eventually Megan pushed GG so hard that not only GG went under but so did Matt.

"Yay! We are the best," Megan says sitting on Brian's shoulders.

"You don't know that ya whore," I say laughing.

"Oh really? And why is that?" Megan asks.

"Because you haven't gone against everyone because Jimmy and I aren't playing" I say smiling.

"Well come on then," Megan says.

"No I don't want to," Jimmy says shaking his head.

"Oh come on please?" I ask swimming closer to him.


" Pretty please?" I ask again batting my eyelashes getting even closer.


"Pwease?" I ask pulling out the puppy dog eyes about a foot away.


"Pwease for me?" I ask with the puppy dog eyes and pouty lips about three inches away from Jimmy.

"Fine. We'll play. Climb onto my shoulders," Jimmy says as he helps me up onto his shoulders.

GG was the ref for this one. "OK on three. One. Two tree," GG yells.

And like that Megan and I are going at one another. After about five minutes of pushing and pulling and other tactics I get Jimmy to help me out a little. When I go to push Megan, Jimmy is going to try and trip up Brian so we could win. Our plan goes off without a hitch. I shoved Megan at exactly the same time that Jimmy tried to trip Brian. After we had been pronounced the winners Jimmy let me down.

We were talking about how much fun we had playing chicken when it happens; Jimmy kisses me, its quick but its nice. It's just a little peck on the lips but, somehow, more than that. It doesn't last long but it feels great. It made me feel like a cage of butterflies had been let go in my stomach. Jimmy's looking at me waiting for me to say something and GG ruins the mood and asks, "CD what the hell are you so happy about?"

"Oh nothing," I say smiling like an idiot.

"Okay," GG says looking at me weird and turning away.

When I was sure GG wasn't going to say anything else I stand on my tiptoes and kiss Jimmy back. When I look up at him he had the same expression I had a few minutes ago. "I guess they're right. We do like each other," I say giggling.

"Yeah, maybe they were," Jimmy says smiling.

"Hey guys!" Brain yells.

"What?" Jimmy asks looking over my head.

"We're going further out ya coming? God you two were zoned out," Brian says shaking his head.

"So? What's new about CD zoning out?" Megan asks laughing.

"Shut up! Like you have any room to talk about me zoning the hell out Megan," I shout to her laughing sarcastically.

"Shut up and come out," Megan says laughing.

"Fine!," I say as Jimmy and I swim over to were everyone else is.

"What where you two doing?" GG asks Jimmy and me looking at us funny.

"Nothing, We weren't doing anything. Right Jimmy?" I ask smiling.

"Nope we weren't doing anything," Jimmy says smiling.

We were swimming a little further out and I was swimming backwards when I felt it. A jellyfish had wrapped itself around my arm and stung the fuck out of me "Fucken A!" I yell.

"What's wrong?" nearly everyone asks me at the same time.

"Ouch... arm... jellyfish... stings," I say in between gasps because the salt water gushing into the sting hurt hurt.

"Come here," Jimmy says as he helps me back to the shore.

"Come here. I'm going to put sand on it OK? It's gonna sting but it will help and its better than getting pissed on," Meagan says coating my arm in sand that stung more than the salt water. "Now go wash it off."

So I walk back to the water and look to make sure they're no jellyfish before I stick my arm in the water. "Guys maybe we should head home because more jellyfish are starting to pop up," Dani says looking back into the water. Everyone agreed and we headed back home.

On the way home my feet started hurting and I have four blisters forming. "Arg! I don't wanna walk. Stupid flip-flops," I whine.

"Tough shit," Dani says laughing.

"Jimmy will you pwease give me a piggy back ride home?" I ask Jimmy giving him puppy dog eyes and holding my arm.

"Sure hop on," Jimmy says stopping so I can jump on his back.

"Yay! Thank you Jimmy," I say as I hop on his back and wrap my legs around him.

When we get home Jimmy takes me to the bathroom and sits me on the sink counter. "What are you doing?" I ask him as he looks in the cabinets.

"I'm going to put rubbing alcohol on that sting it will help and then if you have something like coco butter put that on there. It will stop the stinging," Jimmy says pulling out the rubbing alcohol bottle.

"Is that gonna sting?" I ask holding my arm and looking at the rubbing alcohol.

"Yeah a little but it will help I promise," Jimmy says as he takes my arm and puts it over the sink. As he pour the rubbing alcohol onto my arm I try to jerk away because it stings like hell but he holds on a little tighter. "There all done," Jimmy says smiling, "Now go and but some lotion on that."

"Yes Dr. Sullivan," I say laughing as I walk out of the bathroom.

"Did lover boy get you all fixed up?" GG asks me as I come into the living room.

"Yes he did. Thanks for caring," I say laughing.

"Hey lets go to a movie," Krista says once everyone is in the living room. We all agreed and take showers. I do my shower routine and got dressed in a skull beanie because I refuse to do anything with my hair, a HIM hoody and shirt with black capris and my misfits slip on shoes.

Once I come up into the living room and everyone is ready we all piled into the cars. In GG's car it was her Matt and Johnny and Dani. In Megan's car it was her, Brian, Zacky, and Krista. Then it was Jimmy and me in my viper. "To the movies away," I say to Jimmy as I pull out of the driveway.