Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Dinner, Show, and a Relationship?

Once we get to the movies we all look at the movies playing and try to decide which movie we're all going to go see. "We should go see Pirates of the Caribbean Two: Dead Man's Chest," Megan says looking at the list of movies.

"Hell yes! I mean come on Johnny Depp who's already hot in dreads and this much eyeliner. Come on how can you get any better than that?" I ask pointing to my eyes.

"I so agree my lover," GG says.

"OK so we all agree on Pirates of the Caribbean two?" Matt asks everyone. Everyone says some form of yes and we go to buy our tickets.

So we all pay for our tickets. And everyone goes to get their snacks. Matt, Brian and Jimmy offered to get GG, Megan, and me snacks so we tell them what we want and we stand off to the side and talk. "So CD what's up with you and Jimmy now?" Megan asks me as we sit on a bench.

"Well, I don't really know I mean we admitted to liking each other but that's about it," I say biting my lip wishing the subject would change, "So what's up with you and Brian?"

"Well we're going on a date tomorrow night," Megan says giggling.

"So are me and Matt," GG says sitting by me.

"Aw so y'all are officially boyfriend and girlfriend?" I ask Megan and GG.

"Yep," GG says smiling.

"Yesh that sexy mofo is my boyfriend," Megan says making us all bust out laughing. We were laughing so loud we made the guys and Krista and Dani look at us.

"What yo be looken at fo?" GG asks in a gansta voice making us all laugh even more.

"Oh my goth that scares me," I say as Jimmy walks over.

"Here ya go CD," he says handing me my Mt. Dew and buttered popcorn.

"Ahh you give me Mt. Dew thanky," I say as I jump up and give him a peck on the cheek.

After we all got snacks we gave the guy our tickets and went into theater two where Pirates of the Caribbean Two is playing. Once we get into the theater we find out that we're the only ones there. "Oh oh Jimmy come on. Vampire layer's open. We have to get it before they do," I say as I grab Jimmy by the wrist, juggle my popcorn and drink and run up the stairs to the vampire layer a.k.a. the last row of seats.

"CD calm down no one else is anywhere near the vampire layer," Jimmy says trying not to fall down as I drag him up the steps.

"Oh OK," I say as I stop running and end up making Jimmy run smack dab into me. I stumble a little and end up dropping my popcorn.

"Jimmy you made me drop my popcorn," I whine looking at it lying all over the floor.

"OK you made me make you drop your popcorn," Jimmy says as we climb more stairs.

"But my popcorn," I whine as I plop down into my seat.

"I'll share my popcorn with you OK," Jimmy says as he sits in the seat beside me.

"OK. I guess," I say as I reach for his popcorn.

"Ewwyou don't have any butter," I say throwing popcorn at Jimmy.

"That shits gross," Jimmy says laughing throwing the popcorn back at me.

"You did not just say butter popcorn is gross," I say, well kinda yell, at Jimmy.

"Will you shut the hell up!" Dani yells from a few rows up.

"Fine there's no need to be a bitch about it," I say laughing.

"Dude! That was fucking awesome," GG says as we all walk out of the movie theater.

"No fucking shit captain state the obvious," I say laughing.

"Aw Brain, CD said fucking and shit," Megan says in a little kid voice.

"So did you Megan," Syn says laughing at her special-ness.

"Oh yeah," Megan says laughing.

"Wow I have "special" friends," I say using air quotes around special.

"But your special too love and that's why you love us," GG says hugging me.

Once we get out to the parking lot I randomly say, "I'm hungry."

"Me to," Matt says rubbing his stomach.

"OK then let's go somewhere to eat before we head home," Krista suggests. Everyone agrees in some form.

"OK where are we gonna go?" I ask sitting in my car keeping my door open.

"I wanna go to Pizza Hut," Zacky yells.

"Wow. Bring it down a notch Scotty," I say in a Dr. Evil voice making Megan and GG laugh their asses off and everyone else laugh at them.

"OK same driving situation as before," GG yells getting into her car. Jimmy climbs in and I shut my door then we were off to Pizza Hut.

Once we get to Pizza Hut they seat us they put us in the huge booth in the. The seating order was Johnny, Dani, Krista, Zacky, Brian, Megan, me, Jimmy, GG, and Matt. When the waitress came we all ordered our drinks and a ton of bread sticks. About ten minutes later the waitress came with all of our drinks and bread sticks.

"Hey you whore! Hand me a bread stick," I say to GG laughing.

"What did you just call me hoe?" GG asks looking at me wide-eyes.

"I called you a whore, ya whore," I say with a straight face.

"Bring it on hoe," GG says making odd hand gestures.

"Oh it's been broughted," I say leaning over Jimmy. The next thing I know GG has thrown bread stick sauce on my face. At first I was like what the fuck. Then it hit me GG threw fucking sauce on me.

"Why did you throw mother fucking sauce on me?" I ask GG wiping my face off.

"Because I thought it would be funny and it was," GG says grinning.

"Oh. OK," I say smiling with an innocent face. As I'm smiling I slowly move my hand and grab one of the sauce cups without GG seeing me. I lean across Jimmy and throw all of the sauce on GG's face. I sit back right in my seat and start laughing my ass off. GG goes to get me back and threw a bread stick but she misses and hits Megan.

"What the hell GG!" Megan practically screams.

"Dude calm down. I'm sorry I was trying to hit CD not you love," GG says smiling.

"Well ya know what GG? I don't mean this either," Megan says as she throws another thing of sauce on GG.

"You dirty whore," GG says as she whips sauce off of her face.

"Jess she just burned you," Johnny says laughing. While Johnny is laughing Matt picks up a bread stick and chunks it at Johnny's head.

"Johnny you got burned," Zacky says laughing. The next thing any of us knew there was food flying everywhere. After about ten minutes the manager told us we had to leave so we all piled back into our cars.

"That was so much fun," I say to Jimmy as we pull out of Pizza Hut.

"Yeah it was, but damn when you and GG started and you leaned across me I though y'all were going to end up fighting," Jimmy says shaking his head.

"What? GG and me fight? Love we were just playing," I say laughing.

"That's how you play?" Jimmy asks looking at me like I'm on crack.

"Yeah love. That's exactly what I just said," I say with the same look on my face.

"Damn I would hate to see the two of you fighting then," Jimmy says looking out of the window.

"Ya know. Now that I think about it I don't think that me and GG or me and Megan have ever gotten in a fight," I say as I turn into the driveway. "Home sweet home," I say laughing as I park the car.

"I had a lot of fun tonight even if we go kicked out of Pizza Hut," Jimmy says as we're walking towards the house.

"Me two," I say as I unlock the door.

"Hey CD?" Jimmy asks.

"Yeah? " I ask as I turn around. When I had turned all the way around Jimmy leans down and kisses me. After he pulls away I smile and ask, "What was it that you wanted?"

"Oh nothing," he says as we walk into the house.

"Really now?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Really," he says smiling and sitting down on the couch.

"Well, in that case I'm going to go shower. I'll be back in a few," I say as I walk downstairs.

I shower and remove all the sauce from my skin and hair. After my shower I blow-dry my hair and throw it up in a messy bun. Then I get changed into my jack and sally tank top with matching undies and throw on a pair of black shorts. Once I'm all done I heard people in the game room so I decide to go in there. When I get there I see GG, Megan, Matt and Brian are playing pool. GG and Matt are solids and Megan and Brian are stripes. And by the looks of it Megan and Brian are kicking serious ass. Krista and Dani are playing air hockey. And Jimmy, Johnny and Zacky are playing video game. I walk over to the couch and sit beside Jimmy.

"Aw! Look who CD is sitting beside," Megan says in a baby voice.

"Shut up or I'll beat the hell out of you with the cue ball," I say keeping a straight face. Megan has a shear look of terror cross her face and then she goes back to her game of pool. As I sit here and watch the boys play I hear my phone ringing so I get up and walk into my room and answer it.

"Ello?" I ask answering my phone without looking at the number.

"Hey Stina," Jades voice says on the other line..

"Hey Jade. What's up?" I ask flopping down on my bed.

"Not to much just wanted to check up on my baby sister," Jade says trying not to laugh.

"Aw. You do love me," I say laughing as I absent-minded twirl a piece of my hair.

"I have to love you Stina. If I didn't love you who else would?" Jade asks laughing.

"Funny Jade. Your so hilarious aren't you?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"What can I say? I do try," Jade says, the smile on his face evident in his voice.

"Jade I love you but you're a idiot," I say wishing both my brothers were as smart as Smith.

"Yes, but I'm your idiot," he says in a little kid's voice.

"Yes unfortunately you are because if not then I'd have no reason to love you," I say as a smirk plays across my face.

"Ouch Stina that hurt," Jade pouts.

"Aw. I'm sorry. But so did you waking me up at 9:30 this god damn morning," I remind him in a harsh tone.

"Bitch, bitch, bitch. Just kidding. Well I have to go," Jade says as I hear Davey in the background.

"OK I'll talk to you later love ya," I say smiling.

"Love you too. Bye," Jade says before hanging up.

Once I hang up with Jade I go back in the game room but no one's there. I hear voices upstairs so I go up and find everyone watching tv. I walk into the living room and go to sit beside Jimmy. On my way to the couch Zacky says, "You have a skull on your ass."

"Why are you looking at my ass?" I turn around and ask him with a confused face.

"Yeah why are you looking at her ass?" Krista asks Zacky.

"Well, it was right there why not look at it?" Zacky asks looking from Krista to me.

"Because your girlfriend is sitting right beside you. That's why you don't look at it," I say rolling my eyes as I sit beside Jimmy.

"Well, your boyfriend didn't say anything so I figured it would be OK," Zacky says in his own defense.

"Just because I don't tell you not to look at her ass doesn't mean you can," Jimmy says as if we had this conversation everyday.

"So now you're my boyfriend?" I ask looking at Jimmy with a confused face.

"Well... um not if you don't want me to be," Jimmy says turning a couple of shades red.

"I never said no did I?" I ask Jimmy smiling.

"Well... um no... but.. um," Jimmy stammers for a moment.

"Jimmy, love, calm down," I say putting my hand on his arm.

"You didn't say no but you didn't say yes either," Jimmy calmly says before I lean over and give him a peck on the cheek.

"Does that answer your question?" I ask Jimmy smiling.

Jimmy thought for a minute and then says, "Nope. I'm still not too sure." So I lean over again and give him a peck on the lips.

"Does that?" I ask him grinning.

"Well almost but not quite," he says smiling. So I lean in and give him a real kiss on the lips.

"How about now?" I ask him smiling.

"That was a no right?" he asks with a straight face.

"Jerk," I say laughing as I hit him with a throw pillow off of the couch.

"Abuse!" Jimmy yelps smiling.

"Aw; poor baby did I hurt you?" I ask in a baby voice.

"Yes you did you hurt me right here," Jimmy says pointing to his forehead.

"Aw; here let me fix it," I say as I give him a peck on his forehead.

"All better," he says smiling.

"I'm getting sleepy," I say as I put my head on Jimmy's shoulder.

"Do you think you can make through the rest of this Invader Zim?" Jimmy asks me putting his head on mine.

"Yeah I think," I say yawning. I keep watching Invader Zim and get sleepier by the minute. The last thing I remember was Gir talking about seeing a squirrel.