Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Photo Opp and Awkwardness

I wake up and look around confused because I'm in my bed. What the fuck? How the hell did I get here? The last thing I remember was watching Invader Zim in the living room. I look over at my clock and the neon numbers tell me its 8:30. What! Why am I doomed to wake up early? I look around my room again and see that Jimmy hasn't gotten up yet. The way he's laying on the daybed makes me bust out laughing. He's lying on his stomach with one arm hanging off of the bed into the floor. He's longer than the bed so he has both legs sticking off of the corner of the bed. When I burst out laughing I make Jimmy jump and he ends up falling off of the bed. I stifle my laughing long enough to peep over my bed and ask, "Love are you OK?"

"Yeah. I'm just dandy. In fact I find the floor more comfortable than the bed," Jimmy says sitting up.

"Well aren't we Mr. Morning person?" I ask as I flop back down on my bed. My bed bounces and I look to the right of me and see Jimmy laying there smiling back at me. "Can I help you with something Mr. Sullivan?" I ask smiling.

"Well Miss Puget, you could let me sleep here a little bit longer because it's a pain in the ass to sleep in a bed that's shorter than you are," he says smiling and giving me puppy dog eyes.

"That's fine. I'm gonna go shower," I say sitting up.

"You're gonna leave me here all alone?" Jimmy whines much like a scared kid would to their mother.

"Yes that was the plan," I say laughing looking down at him.

"No, don't leave me," he says putting his head in my lap.

"But I'm awake now so I was gonna get up," I say trying to push his head out of my lap without having much luck.

"Please stay with me?" he asks looking up at me refusing to budge.

"No. Jimmy I need to get up and dressed," I say trying to get up failing again.

"Do you have anywhere you have to be?" he asks me with his head still in my lap.

"No, but..."

"Well, then stay here with me," Jimmy says giving me the most pathetic looking puppy dog eyes ever.

"Arg. Fine I'll stay. But this is my side try and take it from me and die," I say getting back under the covers and snuggling up into my body pillow.

"I'll be a good little drummer I promise," Jimmy says slipping under the covers beside me.

I feel a bright flash followed by several more. Then I hear voices and laughing. I go to roll over but something was holding me in place. There's another flash and more talking then something beside me moves. I open my eyes to see GG with a camera about three feet from my bed with Megan, Matt, and Zacky standing behind her. "Go away," I mumble as I turn around and come face to face with Jimmy. Another flash goes off with more giggling.

"Jimmy making them shut the hell up," I say as I bury my face into his chest.

"Guys fuck off," Jimmy grumbles before swatting at Zacky who has come over and started poking us.

"Arg! I'm fucking up OK? So fstop with the flashes they fucking hurt!" I yell as I sit up in bed.

"No need to be a bitch," Megan says still giggling.

"No need to be a bitch! You woke us up by taking pictures! I can so be a bitch," I say as Jimmy sits up beside me rubbing his head.

"What? I was just getting something to put on my holiday card to Jade," GG says smiling.

"Don't you even fucking think about it," I warn GG shaking my finger.

"What are you gonna do sick lover boy on me?" GG asks pointing to Jimmy.

"No I'll gut you like a fish myself," I say smiling.

"Well, after that bit of violence why don't we leave the love birds to wake up and get dressed," Matt says from his place at the door.

"But it's fun to piss CD off," GG whines.

"I will so lock your ass out next time your in your pjs," I warn GG smiling innocently.

"OK bye," GG says leaving followed by Megan and Zacky who is rubbing his arm where Jimmy punched him.

"Well I'm gonna go shower," I say as I kiss Jimmy and head towards the bathroom.

I shower, blow-dry my hair straight, throw in random earrings hoping they match but not caring, and lining my eyes in the usual thick eyeliner. Then I get dressed in my heartagram tank top, black capris and checkered skater shoes.

When I come out of the bathroom Jimmy isn't there anymore so I head upstairs. When I get to the tops of the stairs I hear a one-sided conversation going on in the living room. I walk in and see that GG's on the phone. "Who are you talking to?" I quietly ask.

"Jade," GG says putting her hand over the phone.,"Here he wants to talk to you."

I take the phone before covering it with my hand and asking, "You didn't tell him about you finding me and Jimmy asleep together did you?"

"No. I'm gonna show him a picture tonight," GG says smiling.

"No you fucking aren't," I yell.

Then I hear, "Ello? Stina are you there?" coming from the phone.

"Yes I'm here Jade sorry about that," I somewhat laugh.

"It's OK. Well me and the boys were going out tonight and we wanted to know if you, GG, and Megan wanted to come," Jade explains.

"Um. Sure but ya see. Remember when you meet Jimmy?" I ask chewing on my lip.


"Well the rest of his band, Dani, and Krista are here to. Do y'all mind if they come?" I ask stretching.

"I don't know let me ask," Jade says as I hear mumbling.

"OK," I say sitting down.

"The guys said they don't care," Jade answers a few minutes later.

"OK. Did y'all have a place in mind?" I ask highly doubting it.

"Well we were thinking about hitting up club Spider. Is that OK?" Jade asks.

"Sure. That's fine. So what time do you want us to met you there?"

"We were thinking eight. That way we get to drink longer," Jade says laughing.

"Ok see ya then Jade," I say smiling.

"OK bye Stina love you," Jade says mumbling.

"Love you too bye," I say before hanging up.

After I got off of the phone with Jade I walk into the kitchen and don't see any one. I walk through the dinning room and still no one, and then I hear something outside. I walk out onto the patio and see everyone there. "Why do we have to be in the sun?" I whine as I sit in a chair beside Jimmy and block the sun with my hand.

"Well ya know love there are these nifty things called sunglasses," Krista says laughing.

"No shit. But hey that's a good idea. I'll be right back," I say as I run to my room and grab my sunglasses and run back outside.

"Guy's we're going to club Spider tonight with Jade and the boys," I say as I sit back in my chair.

"Who are Jade and the boys?" Syn asks with a confused face.

"Oh that's right only Jimmy meet Jade sorry. My brother Jade and the other guys in his band," I say laughing at my own stupidity.

"Jade Puget's your brother?" Zacky asks wide-eyed.

"Very good do you want a treat for getting that one right?" I ask laughing.

"No! So that mean's we're meeting up with AFI right?" Zacky asks.

"Johnny fucking Christ. Yes that means we're meeting AFI at the club. That's the only band my brother's in," I say annoyed.

"Oh cool," Zacky says smiling. I just shake my head.

"So when are we meeting them?" Johnny asks.

"Oh yeah. My brain is shot. GG shut up! We're meeting them there at eight so we can "drink longer" as Jade says," I say grabbing a vault zero from the cooler we had outside.

"How long does it take to get there because it's twelve now and I want to have plenty of time to get ready," Krista says looking at the clock on the side of the house.

"Oh um.. I think it's about half an hour away. Isn't that right GG?" I ask GG taking a sip of my beloved vault.

"That sounds about right to me," GG says as she looks of into space thinking.

"So we have about seven hours to kill," I say adding up the time in my head.

"CD we have eight hours," Jimmy says laughing.

"You have eight hours. I have seven. It takes me an hour to get prettyful," I say fluffing up my hair batting my eyelashes.

"You're already are prettyful," Jimmy says as he leans over and kisses me on the cheek.

"Aw; look how cute they are," Megan says pointing to us.

"Oh go watch Chad wave at you," I say laughing.

"Ouch love that hurt," Megan says laughing.

"Aw Sadistic Bitch you know I still luvb you," I say as I walk over to her and sit in her lap hugging her.

"Yes and I luvb you too. Now get outta my lap," Megan says pushing me out of her lap and onto the patio.

"My ass. That fucking hurt Megan," I say standing up and rubbing my ass as I walk back to my chair.

"Well get Jimmy to kiss it for you and make it all better," Dani says laughing. I simply flip her the bird and start talking to GG who's sitting close to me. We all just bullshit for the rest of the afternoon not really doing anything worthy of noting.

I finally decide to get ready for the club and look forever for an outfit that I really liked and ended up wearing my red plaid corset with a matching mini ballerina skirt, fishnets and my Mary-Jane heels.

I walk upstairs and see that Dani and Krista aren't ready. "Yes," I yell jumping up and down in a circle.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Megan asks me looking at me like I have finally lost what little bit of sanity I had left.

"For once I'm not the last one ready," I say as I calm down and sit beside Jimmy.

"Yeah for once," GG says smiling.

"Shut up! Stop picking on me," I whine.

"But it's so damn easy," Megan says laughing.

"You're gonna make me cry," I say pouting and sniffling.

"Oh please. I thought you didn't have a heart," Dani says as she and Krista walk into the living room.

"I don't. So who's ready to go?" I ask standing up.

"Everyone. Do you guys just wanna stick with the way we seem to be driving?" GG asks everyone and no one objects.

"OK to club spider," I say as I do my Batman pose and try and run to the car failing miserably.

"God damn shoes! Jimmy love will you drive?" I ask holding my keys out to Jimmy.

"Sure babe," he says smiling taking the keys from me. I climb into the co-pilot seat as he gets in the driver's seat and we're of to club spider.

We all walk into the club once we get there and look around for Jade and the boys. We look around for about ten minutes with on fucking luck what-so-ever. "For fuck shake. Jade shouldn't be this hard to spot with that goddamn skunk thing he has going on," I whine to Jimmy as we all look for Jade and the boys.

"Goddamn skunk thing huh," Jade says right behind me making me jump three feet.

"Yes that damn blond chunk here," I say lightly hitting Jade on the top of the head. "Hey!" I say as I hug the rest of the guys.

We all go to a private booth in the back of the club and sit down. "OK introduction time. Boys you remember GG and Megan right?" I ask.

"Yeah," they all answer in monotone.

"Ok well this is: Jimmy, Dani, Johnny, Matt, Krista, Zacky, and last but not least Brian or Syn. That was a mouth full," I say laughing. "Peoples! This is Davey, Hunter, Adam, and my idiotic brother Jade," I say as I point to the boys.

"Stina stop making fun of me," Jade whines.

"Stina?" Jimmy asks me.

"Yes Stina; he's always called me that and although I don't like it it's a fuck load better than Chrissy which is what he calls me if he can't call me Stina, " I say as I sit down in-between Jimmy and Jade.

"Hey CD you want anything to drink? I'm gonna go get some rum," Megan says grinning from ear to ear.

"Fuck yes bitch! Bring my sweet ass back some of my beloved JD pwease?" I ask as Megan nods and walks away. After a few minutes of talking Megan comes back with my JD. "Yay! I luvb you my Sadistic Bitch," I say taking a sip.

After a few minutes Matt and GG, Dani and Johnny, Syn and Megan, and Krista and Johnny were out dancing. Davey, Hunter and Adam were off either at the bar or chasing poor girls. Jimmy went to get a beer and me another JD leaving me and Jade alone.

"So what's up with you two?" Jade asks me looking at me funny.

"We're going out now," I say with a smile.

"Oh really?" Jade asks me with a funny looking face.

"Yes really. And Jade please be nice to him. I really like Jimmy," I tell Jade looking at him with pleading eyes.

"I'm nice to all of your boyfriends," Jade says making me choke on my drink.

"Jade you are not. You always pull them aside and threaten them. You tell them if they hurt me you'll kill them," I say looking at Jade like he was on crack.

"But that's my job. I'm your big brother I'm supposed to scare your boyfriends," Jade says smiling.

"Well, you do a little bit too good of a job," I say as Jimmy comes back with the drinks.

"Thanks love," I say smiling as he hands me my JD.

"Your welcome," Jimmy says as he sits down beside me. After an extremely awkward silence I ask Jimmy if he wants to dance.

"I thought you didn't dance," Jimmy says with a smile.

"Shut up and come on," I say smiling as I pull Jimmy up and drag him out to the dance floor.

After a few songs a slow song came on and it just happened to be "Thought the Glass" by Stone Sour one of my favorite songs. I wrap my arms around Jimmy's neck as he puts his hands on my waist. He pulls me closer as the song goes on so that I'm resting my head on his shoulder and we just go back and forth with the beat of the song. And I enjoy every second of it.

After a good number of songs and a lot of JD later Jimmy and I went to sit back down and saw all the AFI boys sitting there talking to some chicks. "Hey biotch! Were are my people?" I ask Jade as I sit down.

At first Jade just looks at me very scared then he says, "I would know why?"

"Because you have been here longer than me," I say as if it were the most obvious thing on earth.

"Well I don't know Stina sorry," Jade says rolling his eyes.

"Um. CD your phone's ringing," Jimmy says pointing to my bag that's slowly moving across the table.

"Oh it is," I say laughing as I look through my purse. "Ello?"

"Hey," GG says.

"Where are you?" I ask confused.

"I tired to call earlier but you wouldn't answer. We looked for y'all but couldn't find you. We already left. I mean CD its three," GG explains

"[b[Holy piss! I didn't know it was that late. We'll be there in a little while OK?" I somewhat slur.

"OK bye love."

"Bye lover," I say smiling. "They already left and it's already three do you mind if we head back?" I ask Jimmy.

"No that's fine. I was about to ask if you wanted to leave," Jimmy says laughing.

"OK bye guys," I say as I hug the boys bye. As I hug Jade I whisper, "Thanks for being nice to him."

Jade whispers back, "Any time Stina," before letting me go.

"Jimmy baby. Would you drive because I'm kinda drunk?" I say as I stumble to the car.

"Yes. I'm driving," Jimmy says as he helps me into the car. On the way home I was in and out of consciousness.

Once we got home Jimmy helped me into the house and down to my room. Once I was in my room I stumbled around my room and grabbed my evil monkey shirt and boxers to sleep in and the last thing I remember is falling onto my bed and passing out on top of the covers.