Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

He's the Oggie Boogie Man

The next morning I wake up to someone yelling. I groan and go to roll over but someone's already there so I just bury my head under my pillow.

"Christina Leigh Puget! What the hell?" I hear who has to be Jade scream.

"Jade shut the fuck up! My head," I say as I sit up holding my head and look at my clock. 9:15 bloody hell why must he always do this!

"Christina what the fuck is going on?" Jade asks me looking pissed the fuck off.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask Jade looking at him like he is on crack.

"What the hell are you two doing?" he asks pointing to my bed. I look over and see Jimmy curled up under the covers on the other side of my bed.

"For fuck's sake all we did was literally sleep together," I say rolling my eyes and laying back down.

"Oh I'm sure," Jade says in his "fatherly" tone.

"Jade we didn't fuck OK? Last night I got home changed and passed out," I say getting pissed.

"Then why are you two sleeping together?" Jade asks still looking pissed off.

"Because we can. What do you care? Fuck you're acting like daddy," I say now pissed.

"Well sorry for giving a fuck Stina," Jade says as he leaves. I hear him stomp up and stop, I think talking to someone, and then storming out of the house.

I fall backwards on my bed and sigh. "Are you OK?" Jimmy ask me pulling back the covers.

"I guess. He just had no fucking right to come in here and scream at me like I'm some three year old," I say rolling over so I'm facing Jimmy.

"He's just trying to make sure you don't get hurt," Jimmy says smiling.

"I know it's just. Arg! I hate it when he does that," I say rolling over so my head is on Jimmy's chest.

"Oh well. What's done is done," Jimmy says running his fingers through my hair.

"That makes you sound old and that feels good," I say as I snuggle up to the covers keeping me head on Jimmy chest.

"Are you gonna go back to sleep?" Jimmy asks me moving a little.

"Yeah," I say already half asleep.

"OK. Night," Jimmy says kissing my forehead.

"Night," I say kissing his chest.

This time around I'm waken up by my alarm clock going off at 11. I slam what I hope to be my alarm clock and the noise stops. "Why the hell is your alarm clock set?" Jimmy asks rubbing his eyes.

"Work. But I " I say as GG and Megan bust into my room.

"CD go back to sleep we're not opening the shop today," both Megan and GG say at the same time.


"OK...." GG says as she and Megan run outta my room.

"I don't have to work; kick ass," I say as I do a happy dance.

"CD sweetheart, don't do that it's scary," Jimmy says laughing.

"Aw Jimmy that's mean," I say as I sit on my bed and pretend cry.

"Poor CD. It's OK," Jimmy says kissing me on the cheek.

"Oomph," I say as I move over away from Jimmy.

"Aw. I sowwy," Jimmy says kissing me.

"Wow. If that's how you say sorry I should pout more often," I say smiling.

"Yes but the I shall change my methods," Jimmy says laughing.

"Oh really?" I ask smiling.

"Really," Jimmy says.

"Damn well I'm gonna go shower. Later," I say as I kiss Jimmy and head for the bathroom. I shower, blow-dry my hair, throw in earring, and apply my make up before I get dressed in the closest clean clothes I could find.

I go upstairs and see everyone in the living room laughing at GG who's rapping, " I was once on a mission, on a cruise I was wishin, that my mom was in the kitchen, eatin chicken, finger lickin!"

"GG shut the fuck up! Can I have your attention please? Look at my kick ass Batman gear," I yell as I jump up on the coffee table and show off my shoes.

"Get off of the table," GG says swatting at me.

"Ah! Jimmy save me from GG," I say as I sit in Jimmy's lap and wrap his arms around me.

"I'll protect you babe," Jimmy says laughing.

"Yay! He's gonna protect me," I say laughing.

"Hey Megan, GG would y'all mind if I got a snake for a pet," I ask turning around so I'm just sitting in Jimmy's lap.

"I don't care," GG says sitting by Matt.

"No! I hate snakes. They scare the fuck outta me," Megan says jumping up and down.

"Wow Bri you got a special one there," I say laughing at Megan.

"Look I promise he'll always stay in the cage and I'll get one that stays little OK?" I ask Megan.

"Ah fine but if it comes near me I'll kill you," Megan says sighing.

"Yay! I luvb you Megan," I say hugging Megan.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You better," Megan says smiling.

"Hey babe?" I ask Jimmy.

"Yeah?" he asks back.

"Will you go with me to get a snake please?" I ask leaning back into him.

"Sure," Jimmy says putting his head on my shoulder.

"OK. Do you wanna go now that we're both comfy?" I ask laughing.

"If you want to babe," Jimmy says picking his head up.

"OK to the batmobile," I say as I do a Batman pose and walk outside making Jimmy laugh.

"OK so I guess we need to get a tank first right?" I ask Jimmy as he pushes me around in a cart once we get to Petco.

"Um sure," Jimmy says as he pushes me over to the tanks.

"I guess I should get a big one right?" I ask Jimmy looking blankly at the tanks in front of me.

"Yeah how about the twenty gallon one," Jimmy asks pointing to it.

"Perfect. Now could you please help me out of the cart babe?" I ask Jimmy smiling.

"Um... I don't know," Jimmy says thinking.

"I'll give you a reward," I say smiling.

"OK," Jimmy says as he quickly picky me up and pulls me out of the cart. "Reward time"

"Um..... how about.... this?" I ask as I kiss Jimmy slowly pulling away and then run over to the twenty gallon tanks when he goes to kiss me.

"Not cool," Jimmy pouts hugging me from behind.

"I know," I say smiling, "Will you help me get this into the cart babe?"

"Yep," Jimmy says as we grab the tank and put it in the cart. "OK so now crap to put in here?" Jimmy asks.

"Yep," I say as I start to push the cart with Jimmy close behind. So we go get all the accessories and crap and lights, feeder rats and other stuff. "Do you think we should go set this up before I actually buy the snake?" I ask Jimmy looking at my full cart.

"Yeah and you can just get a little carrying case to carry him home in," Jimmy says looking at the full cart, "Will all this fit in your car babe?"

"I hope the hell so," I say laughing as I check out.

After I check out we take all the stuff I just bought out to the car and after about fifteen minutes get everything in there. We go home and Jimmy helps me drag everything downstairs. "Thanks love," I say giving Jimmy a kiss.

"No problem babe," he says smiling.

"Now will you help me set it up because some of this stuff my arms aren't long enough," I say to Jimmy while batting my eyelashes.

"Will I get a reward like last time?" Jimmy asks smiling.

"Maybe," I say putting my arms behind my back and giggling.

"OK what goes where?" Jimmy asks as he looks at everything in my floor. So after about two hours we finally got the tank put up. It took so long because we got um...distracted a few times. "OK so now we're gonna go get your snake right?" Jimmy asks me while we're going to the car.

"Yeppers," I say smiling.

"OK so what kind of snake do you want CD?" Jimmy asks me looking at several lizards in tanks at Reptile world.

"Well. I was thinken about a corn snake," I say looking for them.

"Over there babe," Jimmy says as he grabs me by the wrist and drags me over to the corn snakes.

"Oh look at that one he's so cute," I say pointing to the snake I want.

"Do you want that one?" Jimmy asks pointing to the same one.

"Yeppers, that's the one. Could you get him for me please?" I ask the guy behind the counter.

"Sure. Here ya go," he says handing me the snake.

"Aw, he's so cute," I say petting his head.

"What are you gonna name him?" Jimmy asks petting him too.

"How about...... Oggie? Like Oggie Boggie from Nightmare Before Christmas," I say looking at Jimmy.

"That sounds awesome," Jimmy says smiling.

"Um do you have a carrier I could buy too?" I ask the guy behind the counter.

"Yep be right back with it," he says walking away.

"Now I have a baby to spoil," I say making Jimmy laugh.

"Hey! Don't make fun of me. I'll train Oggie to bite you," I say laughing.

"Yeah right," Jimmy says going to pet Oggie but he hisses at him.

"Ha! Told you," I say sticking my tongue out.

"Here you go miss," the guy says coming back out with the carrier.

"Thanks," I say as I set Oggie in it and pay the guy for Oggie and the carrier. "Jimmy will you drive home so I can play with Oggie?" I ask as we walk outside.

"Sure love," Jimmy says laughing.

"Thanks," I say as I kiss him and hand him the keys to my viper.

When we get home I go down to my room and put Oggie in his cage and walk back upstairs. "Where's your snake?" Matt asks as I sit beside Jimmy.

"I went ahead and put him up since I know Megan hates snakes, but aw he's so cute," I say in a baby voice.

"Ew! Cute? I don't think so," Megan says shuttering.

"Megan shut up! I could have gotten a fucking boa that grows to like seven feet and can crush you like a bug," I say laughing making Megan shutter more.

"Brian make her stop," Megan pouts leaning on Brian's shoulder.

"Jimmy tell your girlfriend to be nice to my girlfriend," Brian whines laughing at the same time.

"CD leave poor Megan alone," Jimmy says laughing wrapping his arm around me.

"But she was making fun of my Oggie," I say as I cross my arms like a four year old.

"Oggie? What the fuck is Oggie?" Johnny asks walking into the room.

"Oggie is my baby corn snake. Megan's making fun of him by calling him ugly," I say pouting.

"I didn't call him ugly I called him ew," Megan corrects me.

"Whatever, you dissed my baby," I say laughing.

"Idiots," GG says shaking her head.

"But we're your idiots GG," Megan and I say at the same time busting out laughing making everyone look at us really weird.

"I'm board," I say putting my head on Jimmy's shoulder later that night.

"Do y'all wanna watch a movie?" GG asks.

"I just wanna do. Something," I say laughing.

"Well, that little outburst was nice love," Jimmy says laughing.

"Don't make fun of me," I whine.

"What do y'all wanna watch?" GG asks.

"Phantom of the Opera," I say smiling.

"Well no one else wants to so fuck off," GG says laughing.

"Damn bitch! That was cold," I say laughing.

"Um let's see a good movie," I say thinking out loud.

"How about Dracula," Jimmy says looking at the DVDs beside us.

"Oh oh yesh! I luvb that movie. Yay for vampires," I say waving my arms around.

"It's a good thing we're on the love seat babe," Jimmy says laughing.

"Why do you say that?" I ask Jimmy looking at him confused.

"Because if anyone had been sitting by you, you woulda knocked the fuck outta them," Jimmy says laughing.

"Oh," I say blushing.

All of a sudden I hear Freeze by Hourcast and I start to look for my phone. "Shit where the hell is it," I say looking around the room.

"CD," Jimmy says tapping me on the shoulder.

"Yeah?" I ask turning around.

"Your pocket's lighting up babe," Jimmy says laughing.

"Oh yeah," I say blushing. I walk out room and answer my phone, "Ello."

"Hey Stina," Jade chirps.

"Oh. Hey Jade," I say smiling.

"Look about this morning.."

"You were a total dick," I finish for him.

"Well yeah that and I'm sorry," Jade says pouting.

"And?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"And I shouldn't have flipped out like I did. I mean you're 23 and I treated you like you were four," Jade mumbles.

"And you fucking woke me up when I had a god damn hangover," I nearly scream.

"Oh shit I did?" Jade asks.

"Yeah ya did. Why else would I say that?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Well I'm really sorry. Especially about pulling out the whole name thing. I know mom only did that to you when she was super pissed."

"It's OK Jade. Just don't fucking do it again because I'll kill you," I say laughing,

"OK. I promise I wont do it again. So are we good now?" Jade asks.

"Yep. We're good."

"OK well I gotta go. Love ya sis."

"Love you too Jade. Bye," I say before hanging up the phone.

I walk back in and sit back down to watch the movie that was already playing. "Who was that?" Jimmy whispers.

"It was Jade. He was apologizing for being such an ass earlier this morning," I whisper back. The rest of the long ass movie I just sat their with my head on Jimmy's chest and his arm around me.

After the movie it was two in the morning. "GG, Megan are we gonna work tomorrow?" I ask yawning.

"Unfortunately, yes," GG says stretching.

"What time are we gonna open?" I ask yawning again.

"Around twelve," Megan says.

"OK well I'm gonna go to bed," I say standing up.

"Me too," Jimmy says getting up.

"Oh. Megan you better shut your door tonight so you don't hear anything," GG says as I walk by. I smack her on the head and then go downstairs.

I get changed into an a7x top and misfits pants and go and pick up Oggie. "How is my baby doing? Do you like you're new home? Well mommy has to go to sleep," I say as I kiss Oggie's head and place him back in his tank. After wards I crawl into bed.

"CD do you mind if I sleep with you again?" Jimmy asks me sitting on my bed.

"Not at all love," I say scooting over. Jimmy slips in and wraps his arm around me.

"By the way nice top," Jimmy says smiling.

"Thanks love. I thought you might like it," I say giggling. "Well, goodnight love," I say snuggling my pillow.

"Night," Jimmy says kissing my shoulder. I slowly drift off to a peaceful night's sleep with Jimmy's arm wrapped tight around me.