Status: Finished

Waking The Fallen

Death Threat and an Old Friend

Beep Beep Beep Damn it! There's no fucking way its already 10: 30. No it' s not I'm just having a bad dream.

"For fuck's sake," Jimmy says as he leans over me and turns off my alarm clock.

"No," I whine shoving my face into my pillow.

"What? Would you rather have that thing blaring for another ten minutes?" Jimmy asks laying back down.

"No. But that means it really is 10:30. And that means I have to get my lazy ass up so I can go to work," I say rolling over and rubbing my eyes.

"Then hush and go get ready and let me sleep," Jimmy says pushing me out of the bed.

"Mother fucking A! Don't do that this early in the morning it's so not fucking cool," I whine as I walk into my bathroom. I shower, throw in my contacts, brush my teeth, throw in random earrings, and blow-dry my hair. Then I get dressed in my if only I had a heart shirt along with a pair of tripp pants.

"Lucky bastard you get to sleep," I say to Jimmy as I pass my bed to get to Oggie's tank. I pick Oggie up and walk upstairs with him because it's only eleven and I've got about thirty minuets to kill. I walk into the kitchen and see that GG, Megan, Johnny, Matt and Bri are up. I pour me some coffee and walk into the living room. "Hey y'all," I say as I sit near Megan on the couch.

"Hey.. Oh my fucking god! Get that god damn thing away from me right now!" Megan yells inching further away from me.

"Fucken A Megan calm down. Oggie's like seven inches long and he's wrapped around my hand. I promise I won't let him go," I say shaking my head at how scared Megan is of my little Oggie.

"So that's Oggie hum?" Matt asks looking at Oggie.

"Yep this is my baby," I say petting Oggie on the head.

"Can I hold him? I wanna hold him," GG says jumping up and down acting like a little kid.

"I don't care," I say as I hand Oggie to GG.

"He doesn't feel like I though he would," GG says making a funny face.

"How the hell did you think he would feel?" I ask laughing.

"Well ya know slimy and shit," GG says letting Oggie climb up her arm a little.

"Hey it's 11:30 we should get going," Megan says looking at the clock.

"Ok. GG give me my baby and I'll put him up," I say as I take Oggie from GG. I quickly knock Megan down and wait for Oggie to flick his tongue so he can give her a kiss.

"Ahh! Get it the fuck off! CD! Get the fuck away from me!" Megan screams.

I jump up and haul ass downstairs trying to avoid Megan who's chasing me down the steps. I run into my room and slam and lock the door behind me. "Shhhh sleepy time," Jimmy says throwing the covers over his head.

"Sorry love but.." I say as I was cut off.

"Christina open this fucking door," Megan yells pounding on my door.

"Shhh! It's Jimmy's sleepy time," I say giggling as I walk over to Oggie's tank and put him up.

"Well, wake his ass up and tell him to let me in," Megan says trying to open my door.

"I'm already awake thanks to you," Jimmy says sitting up.

"Oh my goth! Jimmy, love you have a severe scary as fuck case of bed head," I say giggling.

"Well I don't really give a fuck," Jimmy says yawning.

"Aww. Go back to sleep. I'm going to work. Bye," I say as I kiss Jimmy and walk towards my door.

"OK. Bye," Jimmy says laying back down.

I walk upstairs and don't see GG or Megan. "Where did my hoes go?" I ask the guys looking around.

"They already left. Oh and Megan said she was gonna kick you ass," Brian says laughing.

"Well, thanks for the warning love. Well I'm off to earn me some moola. Byez boys," I say as I walk outside. When I was walking towards me car I felt a sudden weight on my back and fell backwards. "What the mother fucken hell?" I ask getting up.

"That was supposed to get you back for what you did to me with Oggie," Megan says getting up.

"Wow love you really need to work harder on your comebacks," I say laughing climbing into my viper.

"Hey homie gg what's today's schedule like," I ask GG as she looks at the appointment book once we get to the shop.

"Well you and Megan have a lot of people and I have like enough," GG say laughing.

"Oh joy tons of people I don't really wanna see," I say sarcastically excited.

"Eh it's better than sitting on my ass all day," Megan says going to her station.

"That's true," I say setting my shit up for my first appointment or victim depending upon the person.

I had just finished this guys sleeve when my phone starts to ring. I look around for it and after throwing shit everywhere I find it under a stencil. I look at the caller id and it says unknown number. "Ello?" I ask

"CD! It's me!" A similar voice screams.

"Holy fuck Pippy is that you?" I ask laughing

"No, it's the Easter Bunny. Hell yes. It's the one and only Pippy."

"Goth I'm such and Idiota!" I yell giggling

"What?" she asks laughing.

"How the fuck are you doing?" I ask laughing at our inside joke.

"I'm good. Guess where I am," Pippy demands.

"Umm.... Finnyland? Like we always swore we'd go there and track down hot ass Finnish rock stars?" I ask.

"Sadly no. I'm in some hickass town called Berkeley out in Cali. Ever heard of it?" she asks with a smile evident in her voice.

"Berkeley? Umm no sorry," I say laughing.

"Well do you mind if I stay with you while I'm here?" she asks.

"You better stay with me bitch. My nonexistent heart would bleed if you didn't," I say laughing.

"God you still doing tha but after all these years?" she asks laughing.

"Hey its only been... seven years that I've used it. That's not long," I say laughing.

"Ummm yeah in tree years."

"Tree years? What the fuck?" I ask giggling.

"Shut up! Can you come get me from the airport?" she asks.

"Umm yeah. I think," I say laughing.

"Ok? So yes?" she asks confused.

"Yeah. I'll call you if I can't," I explain.

"OK bye CD."

"Byez Pippy."

I hang up with Pippy and look for Megan and GG who both have a brake right now. What a cowinkey dink. "Hey guys I need to go pick up a friend from the airport. Do yall mind closing up?" I ask as I sit down in a spiny chair.

"Who are you picking up?" GG asks.

"No one you know. So is that a yesh?" I ask with hopeful eyes.

"It's a yesh from me," GG says getting up for her next appointment.

"Are you done for the day?" Megan asks me staring off into space.

"Yeppers," I say smiling.

"Then it's fine by me."

"Ok thanks girls. I'll see ya at home," I say as I leave.

"Bye hoe," Megan and GG say at the same time.

I walk into the airport and look at the arrivals board. I see that the plane from Richmond's shit went to luggage pickup 4G. Of fucking course 4G is all the way on the other side of the god damn airport. When I finally get there I see Pippy with her back turned to me. "Holy Emo Batman Joska," I scream as I tackle her to the floor.

"For rizzle up in da hizzle like mad ickey dogizzle," Pippy says busting out laughing.

"Goth! I haven't seen you in a while," I say helping Pippy up.

"I know! I had to fly my ass all the way to the other end of the country just to see you," Pippy says getting her crap. I grab some of her stuff and carry it to the car.

"Well I hate to break it to ya but your ass is gonna be sleeping on a couch. Is that ok?" I ask as I put Pippy's luggage in the trunk.

"Yeah that's fine. But I though you lived in a big ass house with two other chicks?" Pippy asks getting in.

"I do, but I already have seven extra people in my house," I say getting in the car.

"Seven? Johnny Christ," Pippy says laughen.

"Well Dani and Krista and all of our boyfriends are there too," I say as I pull outta the parking lot.

"You have a boyfriend huh? What happened to my little I give up on love Christina?" Pippy asks rising her eyebrow.

"She meet Jimmy," I say smiling.

"Jimmy hum? I wonder if he'll pass the little sister test?" Pippy asks.

"He should. Now how about you? Do you have a boyfriend?" I ask.

"No. My last boyfriend was to fucking clingy so I decided we should just be friends," Pippy says laughing.

"Noice love. Ummm I think I know someone you could go out with," I say smiling.

"Really? Who?" Pippy asks smiling.

"You'll just have to wait and see now won't you," I say laughing. The rest of the car ride Pippy and me just catch up and talk about the good old days.

"Well this is home sweet home," I say as I help Pippy bring all of her stuff into the house. "Follow me. You can put your crap in my room," I say as I lead Pippy to my room.

"CD unlike you I have stuff not crap," Pippy says laughing.

"Whatever. Go find a rabie bird," I say putting her stuff in my room.

"Bite me, "Pippy says laughing.

"Where?" I ask walking closer.

"Shit that still creeps me out," Pippy says backing away.

"By the way cute snake. He kinda reminds me of Monty," Pippy says looking at Oggie.

"Yeah. That's why I got him. Damn I miss Monty. He was a good snake," I say shaking my head.

"How did he dye again?" Pippy asks.

"Jade ran over him with the lawn mower in the house," I say laughing.

"Oh yeah. Jade was always terrified of him," Pippy says laughing.

"Yep. Well time to introduce you to everyone. Come on," I say as I lead Pippy to the living room where everyone was.

Once we get there Pippy stays close to me because her shy side is kicking in. I lead her to the front of the room unnoticed by everyone else who are involved in their own conversations. "Ok people. Shut the fuck up and look this way," I say getting everyone's attention. "This here is Jessica, or Pippy but to you Jessica, my bestest friend in the whole wide world," I say shoving Pippy in front of me as everyone says some form of hey.

"Hey," Pippy says really quiet and blushing.

"Ok Pippy. That's GG and Megan, they're the ones who live with me. They're special like us," I say laughing. "That's Matt beside GG and Brian or Syn beside Megan," I say pointing to the boys. "That's Krista and Zacky, and that's Dani and Johnny," I say pointing at them. "And that little hottie over there is Jimmy," I say smiling.

"Oh so that's Jimmy hum?" Pippy asks looking at me funny.

"Yesh that's Jimmy," I say confused.

"Ok, just maken sure," Pippy says grinning.

"Don't do the whole twenty questions thingy please?" I ask Pippy giving her puppy dog eyes.

"But that's so much fun," she pouts.

"So that's how you perfected all those begging moves," GG says laughing.

"Yep it is. We practiced on each other. Wow! That sounded wrong," I say as I go sit by Jimmy with Pippy following close behind.

"Yeah it did CD. And Jessica we won't bite only CD does that," Megan says laughing.

"Trust me I know she bites. When we were growing up you couldn't say bite me around her because she would literally bite you," Pippy says laughing.

"Shut up," I whine.

"Aww she still does that," Pippy says laughing.

"Shut up squishy cheeks," I say sticking my tongue out.

"What are we gonna do tonight?" Jimmy randomly asks.

"Why don't we go to a club since Jessica's here?" GG says.

"Damn you'll use any excuse to party," I say laughing.

"Damn straight," GG says trying to hold back laughter.

"I'm kinda tired to go clubben guys," Pippy says leaning back on the couch.

"Well, what do you wanna do?" I ask Pippy.

"Umm. Oh! I know! Why don't we play our favorite game CD," Pippy says smiling.

"Don't even fucking think about it," I growl.

"Quarters!" Pippy yells.

"Yes! I like how she thinks," Matt says.

"No! I don't wanna play quarters," I whine.

"That's just because you suck," Pippy says laughing.

"Exactly," I whine.

"Come on CD," GG says.

"No," I say crossing my arms.

"Please babe," Jimmy says resting his head on my shoulder.

"Arg! Are we opening tomorrow?" I ask Megan.

"Nope," she says smiling.

"Fuck! Fine. This is all your fault," I say pointing at Pippy.

"Me?" she asks pointing to herself smiling innocently.

"Fuck yesh you," I say pissed.

"Ok to the kitchen to play quarters with apple pucker," Megan says walking into the kitchen.

"Ohh apple pucker? Maybe this wont be to bad," I think out loud as Pippy, Jimmy and I walk to the kitchen.

"No apple pucker and vodka," GG says smiling.

"Fuck," I yell as I sit down.

"Ok CD first," Pippy says smiling putting the cup on the table after we had gotten all the quarters we could find. I bounce the quarter and its about three millimeters off.

"Fuck! What am I drinking?" I ask Pippy.

"Vodka" Pippy screams into my ear.

"How did I know you were gonna say that?" I ask looking evilly at her.

"I don't know," Pippy says smiling.

"Wow guys I'm so drunk," I say giggling like an idiot after I've been through five bottles of Vodka.

"Yesh you are CD maybe we should stop since she's shitfaced and the rest of us are at least buzzed," Pippy says smiling.

"Ok," everyone says.

"Hey where am I sleeping?" Pippy asks me.

"On the couch," I say giving her blankets and a pillow.

"Take your pick. Night," I say as I stumble downstairs.

"Night CD," Pippy says laughing at me. When I get downstairs I go to my bathroom and change into a black tank top with black booty shorts.When I come out of the bathroom Jimmy's already passed out on the bed. I stumble into bed and pass out the second my head hits the pillow.
♠ ♠ ♠
name: Jessica Walker aka Pippy.
age: 23
hair: a little past the shoulders a purppley red
body:5'6 117
percings: ears and belly, eyebrow (curved barbell) button
other: sweetest girl ever but every blond. she's shy at first but warms up really quick. And she's been bffs w/ CD since they were 13.