Status: Already have 1oo things to say. Stay tuned

A Diary of Sorts

Chapter Three

It seems like I have a trust problem. It took me until now to realize it. All these people, in my short life, have let me down. My parents broke up, my mom cheated and then she left me. What’s worse than a mother leaving her daughter behind? I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully forgive her for that. I haven’t told her how I feel, but I know she can read it on my face. Every single time I look at her. I just wonder why she couldn’t read what was on my face in seventh grade. When I couldn’t eat, because when I looked in the mirror all I saw was a chubby, ugly girl. When I couldn’t sleep because I knew that my mom cheated on my dad at night. My mom is one of the biggest reasons why I am this way.