Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon


"What do you think of Malfoy?" I found myself asking Hermione one day.

"He's a insufferable cockroach," she answered without looking up. "He's been surprisingly quiet this year, some are saying he even quit Quittich."

That wasn't exactly what I wanted to know, but that will do. "Yeah, I guess. Distant to everyone really, hadn't gotten in one row with us. You think he's still with Parkison?"

"I'm not sure, nor so I care what or whom Draco does in his spare time." Hermione muttered looking up at me with her eyes narrowed. "What's brought all this on Harry?"

How gorgeous he his. I let out a shaky, nervous laugh. "Nothing, 'Mione. Just thinking he's up to something. He usually is."

"Right." she agreed, letting my obvious lie slide. Just then Snape came thundering into the class, shutting all the windows with a flick of his wand as he came. "I still can't believe they're letting him teach Defense Against the Dark Arts this year."

I nodded, not really paying attention. I was too focused on the golden haired boy who slid into the seat on the other side of the room.

You like him, you like him! You really, really like him!

Oh lord not you again. Can't you just go away?

Nope, seeing as I'm your conscience and part of you, you're stuck with me.

Well then shut up, and for your information, I am not in no way infatuated with Draco Malfoy.

You are more to him than you are to Ginny. All she does is annoy you and cling, you never were into attachment...

What's wrong with Ginny? Ginny's...nice. And besides Draco's a death eater, and he tried to kill me since we were first years,

That doesn't mean he isn't hot.

There is nothing hot about the way his fringe falls into his face when he moves, or his lean muscular body, and definitely not the way his pale blue eyes fixate on something when he concentrates. Nothing appealing about that at all.

You're impossible.

I shook my head and looked once more at the Slytherin.

Oh shit, I'm infatuated with Draco Malfoy.
♠ ♠ ♠
the beginning... not always going to be this short.

