Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon


"The Dark Lord is growing impaitent Draco," Snape hissed at me in the dark corridor of the dungeon. "You must complete the task."

"I know very well what will happen if I don't complete my task, Snape." I snapped back. I knew very well that the Dark Lord was cruel and would show no mercy. "It is almost done. I've repaied all of the major problems, I just need it to transport things."

"You need to focus Draco." He sighed, "Now lets get to class. You've made me late." Snape hissed turning on his heels and took off down the hall. I took a deep breath steadying myself before quickly following after him.

We walked into the room Snape shuting all the windows and I took my seat. I don't talk to Pansy when she asked me where I had been. She was a good friend, very clingy, but a good firend. If nothing else she helped me keep up appearences.

I had to get it finished, and I needed to get it finished fast. The Dark Lord wouldn't wait much longer, and the other task was still looming over head. I've been paraniod since the train and it gets worse everytime I have class with Saint Potter.

Like now. I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. Someone was looking at me. I had grown used to it. But this was different. This wasn't just anyone. This was him. The chosen one. Saint Potter.

He stares at me more then the others do now. He stares at me a lot now. At first I thought it was because the incidnt on the train. Now I'm not so sure. He gets this look in his eye; one I've seen in a lot of the girls eyes here. Lust. With a hint of confusion. I would never had expected to see that in his eyes. But honestly, I kind of liked it.
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Vixen typed it for Aliyah!! Word for effin word. Sooooo. Blah.