Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon


I don't know what I was thinking, sending Draco that letter. I know what I'm thinking now, and that's that I am a badgering idiot. The letter didn't say much, just to meet me in the astronomy tower at midnight. But now I don't know what to do, let alone what to say to him if he does bother to show. Worst of all I think Hermione knows somethings up.

"You're positive nothing is bothering you Harry? You've been acting weird all week." Hermione asked tentatively as we walked to the great hall.

I promise, I'm fine." I said sitting next to Ginny. "Hey Gin, pass me the salt?" I asked her smiling.

"Of course Harry." She answered with a smile almost too enthusiastic. Don't get me wrong, Ginny was lovely. I just don't fancy her the way she did me. I began to eat and talk with my friends, forgetting my impulsive letter, till Hedwig made an appearance.

The snowy owl swooped through the great hall, elegantly as always, her broad wings eventually stopping at the Slytherin table. I nervously watched as Draco untied the note from her leg and she flew away without a second glance.

"Harry, what is Hedwig doing at the Slytherin table?" Hermione asked inquisitively. Everyone looked over and I silently cursed my self, only to have Ron save my arse again.

"Bloody hell 'Mione." He said, which seemed like it was becoming his catch phrase. "I'm pretty sure Hedwig isn't the only snowy owl in the world, no offense mate." He said the last part at me.

"Yeah, nothing to worry about." I said smiling nervously. Hermione, I could tell, didn't believe the lie but let it go; her brown eyes narrowing once more at the Slytherin table.


I knew what I was going to do. In potions, I'd just slip the letter from Draco's robes. I just need help. "Hey Neville." I whispered.

He looked up surprised a bit that I was talking to him, "Yeah Harry?"

"Malfoy found a letter that isn't his, he didn't do it on purpose, but I need it back." I said quickly. Neville raised an eye brow but shrugged all the less.

"I suppose I could be a distraction."

The goo Neville had concocted worked marvelously, maybe a bit too well. It had created some green glop that began to pour over the cauldron and take on a mind of it's own. It began to move along the table top when Professor Slughorn yelled, "Stay calm students! I'll get it under control."

Malfoy, had been too busy avoiding it, that he didn't notice me slip by him, or at least I think he didn't. I quickly seized the parchment in my hand and fixed everything to the way it was and went back over to where everyone was. Neville looked at me briefly and I nodded in res ponce. He tried not to smile as Slughorn yelled at him for his 'mistake'.


By the time we had returned to the common room, the letter felt as if it were burning a whole in my pocket. "I'll be down in a minute, I just need to go set my books in the room." I said to Ron and he nodded in re ponce before resuming conversation with Dean Thomas once more.

I walked away at a normal pace at first, but then began to sprint up the stairs. I threw down my books and collapsed on my bed, laying on my back, just staring off into space. I took a deep breath of relief. There was nothing to worry about, the letter was safely back in my possession. Pulling the letter from my pocket, I ran my hand over to see the seal had been broken.

Draco had already read it. Can I just pray he won't show?
♠ ♠ ♠
eh, that's all to say about this chapter I guess.

