‹ Prequel: In These Arms
Status: almost done, so depressing to write.

I and Love and You

lock the door

It’s morning, I think. Time is meaningless now, although I’m guessing it is morning since the phone is ringing and it is more than likely my mother calling again. She only calls before work, when my father—who has given up on me and suggests my mother do the same—isn’t home to tell her to stop calling.

My mother is the only one who still hopes, why, I’ve no idea.

The annoying robot voice ends, telling the caller that “Liam is away from the phone, please leave a message” and the machine beeps loudly signalling the caller to talk.

“Hi Liam, it’s mom, again. I was wondering if you’d like to go out for lunch with me today, or any day. I’m always free, sweetheart. I’d like to talk to you; I know you’re there, Liam. Don’t ignore me. I’ve scheduled an appointment for a doctor. You know, just a psychiatrist... I’ve asked him to come to your house this afternoon around three p.m. Bye, sweetheart!” The machine beeps again and I blink. A psychiatrist?

The best thing to do is call the damned doctor and tell him I’m busy. Yes, I’ll do that.

Maybe not.

The best thing to do is lock the door and see if they dare come in.
♠ ♠ ♠
pretty buildings - people in planes