‹ Prequel: In These Arms
Status: almost done, so depressing to write.

I and Love and You

***ing psycho

Oh, so what if a crazy-doctor comes in to ‘examine me’. She’ll probably just shoot me up with some drugs and move on to her next ‘patient’.

I sit on the couch in the living room, staring my old easel down. An old wooden box sits beside it, looking very rustic and haunted. Haunted?

I remember when I used to paint. God, it feels like such a long time ago now. How long has it been? Oh, yes. Two months. Two fucking months.

Ooh, that’s good. Anger. That’s good, Liam! That’s brilliant! You’re starting to feel again!

I am a fucking lunatic.

Maybe it’s good that a doctor’s coming to see me.
♠ ♠ ♠
the scientist - coldplay
no no, the scientist (ACOUSTIC) - coldplay.

look it up kids.